Chromium Code Reviews

Unified Diff: chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/

Issue 11826048: Revert 176015 (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 11 months ago
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Index: chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/
--- chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/ (revision 176046)
+++ chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/ (working copy)
@@ -1,996 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/bookmarks_api.h"
-#include "base/bind.h"
-#include "base/file_path.h"
-#include "base/i18n/file_util_icu.h"
-#include "base/i18n/time_formatting.h"
-#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
-#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/path_service.h"
-#include "base/prefs/public/pref_service_base.h"
-#include "base/sha1.h"
-#include "base/stl_util.h"
-#include "base/string16.h"
-#include "base/string_number_conversions.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "base/time.h"
-#include "base/utf_string_conversions.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_codec.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_html_writer.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_factory.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_utils.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/bookmark_api_constants.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/api/bookmarks/bookmark_api_helpers.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/event_router.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_function_dispatcher.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_system.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_quota_service.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_data_types.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_host.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/ui/chrome_select_file_policy.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h"
-#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
-#include "chrome/common/extensions/api/bookmarks.h"
-#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
-#include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
-#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
-#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
-namespace extensions {
-namespace keys = bookmark_api_constants;
-namespace bookmarks = api::bookmarks;
-using base::TimeDelta;
-using bookmarks::BookmarkTreeNode;
-using content::BrowserThread;
-using content::WebContents;
-typedef QuotaLimitHeuristic::Bucket Bucket;
-typedef QuotaLimitHeuristic::Config Config;
-typedef QuotaLimitHeuristic::BucketList BucketList;
-typedef ExtensionsQuotaService::TimedLimit TimedLimit;
-typedef ExtensionsQuotaService::SustainedLimit SustainedLimit;
-typedef QuotaLimitHeuristic::BucketMapper BucketMapper;
-namespace {
-// Generates a default path (including a default filename) that will be
-// used for pre-populating the "Export Bookmarks" file chooser dialog box.
-FilePath GetDefaultFilepathForBookmarkExport() {
- base::Time time = base::Time::Now();
- // Concatenate a date stamp to the filename.
-#if defined(OS_POSIX)
- FilePath::StringType filename =
- base::TimeFormatShortDateNumeric(time));
-#elif defined(OS_WIN)
- FilePath::StringType filename =
- base::TimeFormatShortDateNumeric(time));
- file_util::ReplaceIllegalCharactersInPath(&filename, '_');
- FilePath default_path;
- PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_USER_DOCUMENTS, &default_path);
- return default_path.Append(filename);
-} // namespace
-void BookmarksFunction::Run() {
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- if (!model->IsLoaded()) {
- // Bookmarks are not ready yet. We'll wait.
- registrar_.Add(
- content::NotificationService::AllBrowserContextsAndSources());
- AddRef(); // Balanced in Observe().
- return;
- }
- bool success = RunImpl();
- if (success) {
- content::NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- content::Source<const Extension>(GetExtension()),
- content::Details<const BookmarksFunction>(this));
- }
- SendResponse(success);
-bool BookmarksFunction::GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(
- const std::string& id_string, int64* id) {
- if (base::StringToInt64(id_string, id))
- return true;
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIdError;
- return false;
-bool BookmarksFunction::EditBookmarksEnabled() {
- PrefServiceBase* prefs = PrefServiceBase::FromBrowserContext(profile_);
- if (prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kEditBookmarksEnabled))
- return true;
- error_ = keys::kEditBookmarksDisabled;
- return false;
-void BookmarksFunction::Observe(int type,
- const content::NotificationSource& source,
- const content::NotificationDetails& details) {
- Profile* source_profile = content::Source<Profile>(source).ptr();
- if (!source_profile || !source_profile->IsSameProfile(profile()))
- return;
- DCHECK(BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile())->IsLoaded());
- Run();
- Release(); // Balanced in Run().
-BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkEventRouter(BookmarkModel* model) : model_(model) {
- model_->AddObserver(this);
-BookmarkEventRouter::~BookmarkEventRouter() {
- if (model_) {
- model_->RemoveObserver(this);
- }
-void BookmarkEventRouter::DispatchEvent(
- Profile* profile,
- const char* event_name,
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> event_args) {
- if (extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)->event_router()) {
- extensions::ExtensionSystem::Get(profile)->event_router()->BroadcastEvent(
- make_scoped_ptr(new extensions::Event(event_name, event_args.Pass())));
- }
-void BookmarkEventRouter::Loaded(BookmarkModel* model, bool ids_reassigned) {
- // TODO(erikkay): Perhaps we should send this event down to the extension
- // so they know when it's safe to use the API?
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkModelBeingDeleted(BookmarkModel* model) {
- model_ = NULL;
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeMoved(BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* old_parent,
- int old_index,
- const BookmarkNode* new_parent,
- int new_index) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- const BookmarkNode* node = new_parent->GetChild(new_index);
- args->Append(new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(node->id())));
- DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue();
- object_args->SetString(keys::kParentIdKey,
- base::Int64ToString(new_parent->id()));
- object_args->SetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, new_index);
- object_args->SetString(keys::kOldParentIdKey,
- base::Int64ToString(old_parent->id()));
- object_args->SetInteger(keys::kOldIndexKey, old_index);
- args->Append(object_args);
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkMoved, args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* parent,
- int index) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- const BookmarkNode* node = parent->GetChild(index);
- args->Append(new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(node->id())));
- scoped_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> tree_node(
- bookmark_api_helpers::GetBookmarkTreeNode(node, false, false));
- args->Append(tree_node->ToValue().release());
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkCreated, args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* parent,
- int index,
- const BookmarkNode* node) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- args->Append(new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(node->id())));
- DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue();
- object_args->SetString(keys::kParentIdKey,
- base::Int64ToString(parent->id()));
- object_args->SetInteger(keys::kIndexKey, index);
- args->Append(object_args);
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkRemoved, args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* node) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- args->Append(new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(node->id())));
- // TODO(erikkay) The only three things that BookmarkModel sends this
- // notification for are title, url and favicon. Since we're currently
- // ignoring favicon and since the notification doesn't say which one anyway,
- // for now we only include title and url. The ideal thing would be to change
- // BookmarkModel to indicate what changed.
- DictionaryValue* object_args = new DictionaryValue();
- object_args->SetString(keys::kTitleKey, node->GetTitle());
- if (node->is_url())
- object_args->SetString(keys::kUrlKey, node->url().spec());
- args->Append(object_args);
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkChanged, args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeFaviconChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* node) {
- // TODO(erikkay) anything we should do here?
-void BookmarkEventRouter::BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(
- BookmarkModel* model,
- const BookmarkNode* node) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- args->Append(new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(node->id())));
- int childCount = node->child_count();
- ListValue* children = new ListValue();
- for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
- const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
- Value* child_id = new StringValue(base::Int64ToString(child->id()));
- children->Append(child_id);
- }
- DictionaryValue* reorder_info = new DictionaryValue();
- reorder_info->Set(keys::kChildIdsKey, children);
- args->Append(reorder_info);
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(), keys::kOnBookmarkChildrenReordered,
- args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::ExtensiveBookmarkChangesBeginning(
- BookmarkModel* model) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(),
- keys::kOnBookmarkImportBegan,
- args.Pass());
-void BookmarkEventRouter::ExtensiveBookmarkChangesEnded(BookmarkModel* model) {
- scoped_ptr<ListValue> args(new ListValue());
- DispatchEvent(model->profile(),
- keys::kOnBookmarkImportEnded,
- args.Pass());
-BookmarkAPI::BookmarkAPI(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile) {
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkCreated);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkRemoved);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkChanged);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkMoved);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkChildrenReordered);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkImportBegan);
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->RegisterObserver(
- this, keys::kOnBookmarkImportEnded);
-BookmarkAPI::~BookmarkAPI() {
-void BookmarkAPI::Shutdown() {
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->UnregisterObserver(this);
-void BookmarkAPI::OnListenerAdded(const EventListenerInfo& details) {
- bookmark_event_router_.reset(new BookmarkEventRouter(
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile_)));
- ExtensionSystem::Get(profile_)->event_router()->UnregisterObserver(this);
-bool BookmarksGetTreeFunction::RunImpl() {
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Get::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Get::Params::Create(*args_));
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > nodes;
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- if (params->id_or_id_list_type ==
- bookmarks::Get::Params::ID_OR_ID_LIST_ARRAY) {
- std::vector<std::string>* ids = params->id_or_id_list_array.get();
- size_t count = ids->size();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
- int64 id;
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(ids->at(i), &id))
- return false;
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- } else {
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(node, &nodes, false);
- }
- }
- } else {
- int64 id;
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(*params->id_or_id_list_string, &id))
- return false;
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(node, &nodes, false);
- }
- results_ = bookmarks::Get::Results::Create(nodes);
- return true;
-bool BookmarksGetChildrenFunction::RunImpl() {
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::GetChildren::Params> params(
- bookmarks::GetChildren::Params::Create(*args_));
- int64 id;
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(params->id, &id))
- return false;
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > nodes;
- const BookmarkNode* node =
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile())->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- int child_count = node->child_count();
- for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i) {
- const BookmarkNode* child = node->GetChild(i);
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(child, &nodes, false);
- }
- results_ = bookmarks::GetChildren::Results::Create(nodes);
- return true;
-bool BookmarksGetFunction::RunImpl() {
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::GetRecent::Params> params(
- bookmarks::GetRecent::Params::Create(*args_));
- if (params->number_of_items < 1)
- return false;
- std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes;
- bookmark_utils::GetMostRecentlyAddedEntries(
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile()),
- params->number_of_items,
- &nodes);
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > tree_nodes;
- std::vector<const BookmarkNode*>::iterator i = nodes.begin();
- for (; i != nodes.end(); ++i) {
- const BookmarkNode* node = *i;
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(node, &tree_nodes, false);
- }
- results_ = bookmarks::GetRecent::Results::Create(tree_nodes);
- return true;
-bool BookmarksGetSubTreeFunction::RunImpl() {
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > nodes;
- const BookmarkNode* node =
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile())->root_node();
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(node, &nodes, true);
- results_ = bookmarks::GetTree::Results::Create(nodes);
- return true;
-bool BookmarksGetRecentFunction::RunImpl() {
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::GetSubTree::Params> params(
- bookmarks::GetSubTree::Params::Create(*args_));
- int64 id;
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(params->id, &id))
- return false;
- const BookmarkNode* node =
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile())->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > nodes;
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(node, &nodes, true);
- results_ = bookmarks::GetSubTree::Results::Create(nodes);
- return true;
-bool BookmarksSearchFunction::RunImpl() {
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Search::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Search::Params::Create(*args_));
- PrefServiceBase* prefs = PrefServiceBase::FromBrowserContext(profile_);
- std::string lang = prefs->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages);
- std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes;
- bookmark_utils::GetBookmarksContainingText(
- BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile()),
- UTF8ToUTF16(params->query),
- std::numeric_limits<int>::max(),
- lang,
- &nodes);
- std::vector<linked_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> > tree_nodes;
- for (std::vector<const BookmarkNode*>::iterator node_iter = nodes.begin();
- node_iter != nodes.end(); ++node_iter) {
- bookmark_api_helpers::AddNode(*node_iter, &tree_nodes, false);
- }
- results_ = bookmarks::Search::Results::Create(tree_nodes);
- return true;
-// static
-bool BookmarksRemoveFunction::ExtractIds(const ListValue* args,
- std::list<int64>* ids,
- bool* invalid_id) {
- std::string id_string;
- if (!args->GetString(0, &id_string))
- return false;
- int64 id;
- if (base::StringToInt64(id_string, &id))
- ids->push_back(id);
- else
- *invalid_id = true;
- return true;
-bool BookmarksRemoveFunction::RunImpl() {
- if (!EditBookmarksEnabled())
- return false;
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Remove::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Remove::Params::Create(*args_));
- int64 id;
- if (!base::StringToInt64(params->id, &id)) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIdError;
- return false;
- }
- bool recursive = false;
- if (name() == BookmarksRemoveTreeFunction::function_name())
- recursive = true;
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- if (!bookmark_api_helpers::RemoveNode(model, id, recursive, &error_))
- return false;
- return true;
-bool BookmarksCreateFunction::RunImpl() {
- if (!EditBookmarksEnabled())
- return false;
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Create::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Create::Params::Create(*args_));
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- int64 parentId;
- if (!params->bookmark.parent_id.get()) {
- // Optional, default to "other bookmarks".
- parentId = model->other_node()->id();
- } else {
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(*params->bookmark.parent_id, &parentId))
- return false;
- }
- const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetNodeByID(parentId);
- if (!parent) {
- error_ = keys::kNoParentError;
- return false;
- }
- if (parent->is_root()) { // Can't create children of the root.
- error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError;
- return false;
- }
- int index;
- if (!params->bookmark.index.get()) { // Optional (defaults to end).
- index = parent->child_count();
- } else {
- index = *params->bookmark.index;
- if (index > parent->child_count() || index < 0) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIndexError;
- return false;
- }
- }
- string16 title; // Optional.
- if (params->bookmark.title.get())
- title = UTF8ToUTF16(*params->bookmark.title.get());
- std::string url_string; // Optional.
- if (params->bookmark.url.get())
- url_string = *params->bookmark.url.get();
- GURL url(url_string);
- if (!url_string.empty() && !url.is_valid()) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidUrlError;
- return false;
- }
- const BookmarkNode* node;
- if (url_string.length())
- node = model->AddURL(parent, index, title, url);
- else
- node = model->AddFolder(parent, index, title);
- DCHECK(node);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- scoped_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> ret(
- bookmark_api_helpers::GetBookmarkTreeNode(node, false, false));
- results_ = bookmarks::Create::Results::Create(*ret);
- return true;
-// static
-bool BookmarksMoveFunction::ExtractIds(const ListValue* args,
- std::list<int64>* ids,
- bool* invalid_id) {
- // For now, Move accepts ID parameters in the same way as an Update.
- return BookmarksUpdateFunction::ExtractIds(args, ids, invalid_id);
-bool BookmarksMoveFunction::RunImpl() {
- if (!EditBookmarksEnabled())
- return false;
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Move::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Move::Params::Create(*args_));
- int64 id;
- if (!base::StringToInt64(params->id, &id)) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIdError;
- return false;
- }
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- if (model->is_permanent_node(node)) {
- error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError;
- return false;
- }
- const BookmarkNode* parent = NULL;
- if (!params->destination.parent_id.get()) {
- // Optional, defaults to current parent.
- parent = node->parent();
- } else {
- int64 parentId;
- if (!GetBookmarkIdAsInt64(*params->destination.parent_id, &parentId))
- return false;
- parent = model->GetNodeByID(parentId);
- }
- if (!parent) {
- error_ = keys::kNoParentError;
- // TODO(erikkay) return an error message.
- return false;
- }
- if (parent == model->root_node()) {
- error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError;
- return false;
- }
- int index;
- if (params->destination.index.get()) { // Optional (defaults to end).
- index = *params->destination.index;
- if (index > parent->child_count() || index < 0) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIndexError;
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- index = parent->child_count();
- }
- model->Move(node, parent, index);
- scoped_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> tree_node(
- bookmark_api_helpers::GetBookmarkTreeNode(node, false, false));
- results_ = bookmarks::Move::Results::Create(*tree_node);
- return true;
-// static
-bool BookmarksUpdateFunction::ExtractIds(const ListValue* args,
- std::list<int64>* ids,
- bool* invalid_id) {
- // For now, Update accepts ID parameters in the same way as an Remove.
- return BookmarksRemoveFunction::ExtractIds(args, ids, invalid_id);
-bool BookmarksUpdateFunction::RunImpl() {
- if (!EditBookmarksEnabled())
- return false;
- scoped_ptr<bookmarks::Update::Params> params(
- bookmarks::Update::Params::Create(*args_));
- int64 id;
- if (!base::StringToInt64(params->id, &id)) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidIdError;
- return false;
- }
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile());
- // Optional but we need to distinguish non present from an empty title.
- string16 title;
- bool has_title = false;
- if (params->changes.title.get()) {
- title = UTF8ToUTF16(*params->changes.title);
- has_title = true;
- }
- // Optional.
- std::string url_string;
- if (params->changes.url.get())
- url_string = *params->changes.url;
- GURL url(url_string);
- if (!url_string.empty() && !url.is_valid()) {
- error_ = keys::kInvalidUrlError;
- return false;
- }
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(id);
- if (!node) {
- error_ = keys::kNoNodeError;
- return false;
- }
- if (model->is_permanent_node(node)) {
- error_ = keys::kModifySpecialError;
- return false;
- }
- if (has_title)
- model->SetTitle(node, title);
- if (!url.is_empty())
- model->SetURL(node, url);
- scoped_ptr<BookmarkTreeNode> tree_node(
- bookmark_api_helpers::GetBookmarkTreeNode(node, false, false));
- results_ = bookmarks::Update::Results::Create(*tree_node);
- return true;
-// Mapper superclass for BookmarkFunctions.
-template <typename BucketIdType>
-class BookmarkBucketMapper : public BucketMapper {
- public:
- virtual ~BookmarkBucketMapper() { STLDeleteValues(&buckets_); }
- protected:
- Bucket* GetBucket(const BucketIdType& id) {
- Bucket* b = buckets_[id];
- if (b == NULL) {
- b = new Bucket();
- buckets_[id] = b;
- }
- return b;
- }
- private:
- std::map<BucketIdType, Bucket*> buckets_;
-// Mapper for 'bookmarks.create'. Maps "same input to bookmarks.create" to a
-// unique bucket.
-class CreateBookmarkBucketMapper : public BookmarkBucketMapper<std::string> {
- public:
- explicit CreateBookmarkBucketMapper(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile) {}
- // TODO(tim): This should share code with BookmarksCreateFunction::RunImpl,
- // but I can't figure out a good way to do that with all the macros.
- virtual void GetBucketsForArgs(const ListValue* args, BucketList* buckets) {
- const DictionaryValue* json;
- if (!args->GetDictionary(0, &json))
- return;
- std::string parent_id;
- if (json->HasKey(keys::kParentIdKey)) {
- if (!json->GetString(keys::kParentIdKey, &parent_id))
- return;
- }
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
- int64 parent_id_int64;
- base::StringToInt64(parent_id, &parent_id_int64);
- const BookmarkNode* parent = model->GetNodeByID(parent_id_int64);
- if (!parent)
- return;
- std::string bucket_id = UTF16ToUTF8(parent->GetTitle());
- std::string title;
- json->GetString(keys::kTitleKey, &title);
- std::string url_string;
- json->GetString(keys::kUrlKey, &url_string);
- bucket_id += title;
- bucket_id += url_string;
- // 20 bytes (SHA1 hash length) is very likely less than most of the
- // |bucket_id| strings we construct here, so we hash it to save space.
- buckets->push_back(GetBucket(base::SHA1HashString(bucket_id)));
- }
- private:
- Profile* profile_;
-// Mapper for 'bookmarks.remove'.
-class RemoveBookmarksBucketMapper : public BookmarkBucketMapper<std::string> {
- public:
- explicit RemoveBookmarksBucketMapper(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile) {}
- virtual void GetBucketsForArgs(const ListValue* args, BucketList* buckets) {
- typedef std::list<int64> IdList;
- IdList ids;
- bool invalid_id = false;
- if (!BookmarksRemoveFunction::ExtractIds(args, &ids, &invalid_id) ||
- invalid_id) {
- return;
- }
- for (IdList::iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) {
- BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile_);
- const BookmarkNode* node = model->GetNodeByID(*it);
- if (!node || node->is_root())
- return;
- std::string bucket_id;
- bucket_id += UTF16ToUTF8(node->parent()->GetTitle());
- bucket_id += UTF16ToUTF8(node->GetTitle());
- bucket_id += node->url().spec();
- buckets->push_back(GetBucket(base::SHA1HashString(bucket_id)));
- }
- }
- private:
- Profile* profile_;
-// Mapper for any bookmark function accepting bookmark IDs as parameters, where
-// a distinct ID corresponds to a single item in terms of quota limiting. This
-// is inappropriate for bookmarks.remove, for example, since repeated removals
-// of the same item will actually have a different ID each time.
-template <class FunctionType>
-class BookmarkIdMapper : public BookmarkBucketMapper<int64> {
- public:
- typedef std::list<int64> IdList;
- virtual void GetBucketsForArgs(const ListValue* args, BucketList* buckets) {
- IdList ids;
- bool invalid_id = false;
- if (!FunctionType::ExtractIds(args, &ids, &invalid_id) || invalid_id)
- return;
- for (IdList::iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it)
- buckets->push_back(GetBucket(*it));
- }
-// Builds heuristics for all BookmarkFunctions using specialized BucketMappers.
-class BookmarksQuotaLimitFactory {
- public:
- // For id-based bookmark functions.
- template <class FunctionType>
- static void Build(QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) {
- BuildWithMappers(heuristics, new BookmarkIdMapper<FunctionType>(),
- new BookmarkIdMapper<FunctionType>());
- }
- // For bookmarks.create.
- static void BuildForCreate(QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics,
- Profile* profile) {
- BuildWithMappers(heuristics, new CreateBookmarkBucketMapper(profile),
- new CreateBookmarkBucketMapper(profile));
- }
- // For bookmarks.remove.
- static void BuildForRemove(QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics,
- Profile* profile) {
- BuildWithMappers(heuristics, new RemoveBookmarksBucketMapper(profile),
- new RemoveBookmarksBucketMapper(profile));
- }
- private:
- static void BuildWithMappers(QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics,
- BucketMapper* short_mapper, BucketMapper* long_mapper) {
- const Config kSustainedLimitConfig = {
- // See bookmarks.json for current value.
- TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1)
- };
- heuristics->push_back(new SustainedLimit(
- TimeDelta::FromMinutes(10),
- kSustainedLimitConfig,
- short_mapper,
- const Config kTimedLimitConfig = {
- // See bookmarks.json for current value.
- TimeDelta::FromHours(1)
- };
- heuristics->push_back(new TimedLimit(
- kTimedLimitConfig,
- long_mapper,
- }
-// And finally, building the individual heuristics for each function.
-void BookmarksRemoveFunction::GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
- QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const {
- BookmarksQuotaLimitFactory::BuildForRemove(heuristics, profile());
-void BookmarksMoveFunction::GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
- QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const {
- BookmarksQuotaLimitFactory::Build<BookmarksMoveFunction>(heuristics);
-void BookmarksUpdateFunction::GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
- QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const {
- BookmarksQuotaLimitFactory::Build<BookmarksUpdateFunction>(heuristics);
-void BookmarksCreateFunction::GetQuotaLimitHeuristics(
- QuotaLimitHeuristics* heuristics) const {
- BookmarksQuotaLimitFactory::BuildForCreate(heuristics, profile());
-BookmarksIOFunction::BookmarksIOFunction() {}
-BookmarksIOFunction::~BookmarksIOFunction() {
- // There may be pending file dialogs, we need to tell them that we've gone
- // away so they don't try and call back to us.
- if (select_file_dialog_.get())
- select_file_dialog_->ListenerDestroyed();
-void BookmarksIOFunction::SelectFile(ui::SelectFileDialog::Type type) {
- // GetDefaultFilepathForBookmarkExport() might have to touch the filesystem
- // (stat or access, for example), so this requires a thread with IO allowed.
- if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)) {
- BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&BookmarksIOFunction::SelectFile, this, type));
- return;
- }
- // Pre-populating the filename field in case this is a SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE
- // dialog. If not, there is no filename field in the dialog box.
- FilePath default_path;
- if (type == ui::SelectFileDialog::SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE)
- default_path = GetDefaultFilepathForBookmarkExport();
- else
- DCHECK(type == ui::SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE);
- // After getting the |default_path|, ask the UI to display the file dialog.
- BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
- base::Bind(&BookmarksIOFunction::ShowSelectFileDialog, this,
- type, default_path));
-void BookmarksIOFunction::ShowSelectFileDialog(ui::SelectFileDialog::Type type,
- const FilePath& default_path) {
- // Balanced in one of the three callbacks of SelectFileDialog:
- // either FileSelectionCanceled, MultiFilesSelected, or FileSelected
- AddRef();
- WebContents* web_contents = dispatcher()->delegate()->
- GetAssociatedWebContents();
- select_file_dialog_ = ui::SelectFileDialog::Create(
- this, new ChromeSelectFilePolicy(web_contents));
- ui::SelectFileDialog::FileTypeInfo file_type_info;
- file_type_info.extensions.resize(1);
- file_type_info.extensions[0].push_back(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("html"));
- // TODO(kinaba): Turn file_type_info.support_gdata
- // on for saving once Google Drive client on ChromeOS supports it.
- if (type == ui::SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE)
- file_type_info.support_gdata = true;
- // |web_contents| can be NULL (for background pages), which is fine. In such
- // a case if file-selection dialogs are forbidden by policy, we will not
- // show an InfoBar, which is better than letting one appear out of the blue.
- select_file_dialog_->SelectFile(type,
- string16(),
- default_path,
- &file_type_info,
- 0,
- NULL);
-void BookmarksIOFunction::FileSelectionCanceled(void* params) {
- Release(); // Balanced in BookmarksIOFunction::SelectFile()
-void BookmarksIOFunction::MultiFilesSelected(
- const std::vector<FilePath>& files, void* params) {
- Release(); // Balanced in BookmarsIOFunction::SelectFile()
- NOTREACHED() << "Should not be able to select multiple files";
-bool BookmarksImportFunction::RunImpl() {
- if (!EditBookmarksEnabled())
- return false;
- SelectFile(ui::SelectFileDialog::SELECT_OPEN_FILE);
- return true;
-void BookmarksImportFunction::FileSelected(const FilePath& path,
- int index,
- void* params) {
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
- // Android does not have support for the standard importers.
- // TODO(jgreenwald): remove ifdef once extensions are no longer built on
- // Android.
- scoped_refptr<ImporterHost> importer_host(new ImporterHost);
- importer::SourceProfile source_profile;
- source_profile.importer_type = importer::TYPE_BOOKMARKS_FILE;
- source_profile.source_path = path;
- importer_host->StartImportSettings(source_profile,
- profile(),
- importer::FAVORITES,
- new ProfileWriter(profile()),
- true);
- Release(); // Balanced in BookmarksIOFunction::SelectFile()
-bool BookmarksExportFunction::RunImpl() {
- SelectFile(ui::SelectFileDialog::SELECT_SAVEAS_FILE);
- return true;
-void BookmarksExportFunction::FileSelected(const FilePath& path,
- int index,
- void* params) {
-#if !defined(OS_ANDROID)
- // Android does not have support for the standard exporter.
- // TODO(jgreenwald): remove ifdef once extensions are no longer built on
- // Android.
- bookmark_html_writer::WriteBookmarks(profile(), path, NULL);
- Release(); // Balanced in BookmarksIOFunction::SelectFile()
-} // namespace extensions

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