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Side by Side Diff: components/webui_generator/resources/webui-view.js

Issue 1181703008: Removed webui_generator and new OOBE UI placeholder. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Removed empty line. Created 5 years, 6 months ago
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1 // Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 Polymer('webui-view', (function() {
6 /** @const */ var CALLBACK_CONTEXT_CHANGED = 'contextChanged';
7 /** @const */ var CALLBACK_READY = 'ready';
9 return {
10 /** @const */
11 CALLBACK_EVENT_FIRED: 'eventFired',
13 /**
14 * Dictionary of context observers that are methods of |this| bound to
15 * |this|.
16 */
17 contextObservers_: null,
19 /**
20 * Full path to the element in views hierarchy.
21 */
22 path_: null,
24 /**
25 * Whether DOM is ready.
26 */
27 domReady_: false,
29 /**
30 * Context used for sharing data with native backend.
31 */
32 context: null,
34 /**
35 * Internal storage of |this.context|.
36 * |C| bound to the native part of the context, that means that all the
37 * changes in the native part appear in |C| automatically. Reverse is not
38 * true, you should use:
39 * this.context.set(...);
40 * this.context.commitContextChanges();
41 * to send updates to the native part.
42 */
43 C: null,
45 ready: function() {
46 this.context = new wug.Context;
47 this.C = this.context.storage_;
48 this.contextObservers_ = {};
49 },
51 /**
52 * One of element's lifecycle methods.
53 */
54 domReady: function() {
55 var id = this.getAttribute('wugid');
56 if (!id) {
57 console.error('"wugid" attribute is missing.');
58 return;
59 }
60 if (id == 'WUG_ROOT')
61 this.setPath_('WUG_ROOT');
62 this.domReady_ = true;
63 if (this.path_)
64 this.init_();
65 },
67 setPath_: function(path) {
68 this.path_ = path;
69 if (this.domReady_)
70 this.init_();
71 },
73 init_: function() {
74 this.initContext_();
75 this.initChildren_();
76 window[this.path_ + '$contextChanged'] =
77 this.onContextChanged_.bind(this);
78 this.initialize();
79 this.send(CALLBACK_READY);
80 },
82 fireEvent: function(_, _, source) {
83 this.send(this.CALLBACK_EVENT_FIRED, source.getAttribute('event'));
84 },
86 i18n: function(args) {
87 if (!(args instanceof Array))
88 args = [args];
89 args[0] = this.getType() + '$' + args[0];
90 return loadTimeData.getStringF.apply(loadTimeData, args);
91 },
93 /**
94 * Sends message to Chrome, adding needed prefix to message name. All
95 * arguments after |messageName| are packed into message parameters list.
96 *
97 * @param {string} messageName Name of message without a prefix.
98 * @param {...*} varArgs parameters for message.
99 * @private
100 */
101 send: function(messageName, varArgs) {
102 if (arguments.length == 0)
103 throw Error('Message name is not provided.');
104 var fullMessageName = this.path_ + '$' + messageName;
105 var payload =, 1);
106 chrome.send(fullMessageName, payload);
107 },
109 /**
110 * Starts observation of property with |key| of the context attached to
111 * current screen. In contrast with "wug.Context.addObserver" this method
112 * can automatically detect if observer is method of |this| and make
113 * all needed actions to make it work correctly. So there is no need in
114 * binding method to |this| before adding it. For example, if |this| has
115 * a method |onKeyChanged_|, you can do:
116 *
117 * this.addContextObserver('key', this.onKeyChanged_);
118 * ...
119 * this.removeContextObserver('key', this.onKeyChanged_);
120 *
121 * instead of:
122 *
123 * this.keyObserver_ = this.onKeyChanged_.bind(this);
124 * this.addContextObserver('key', this.keyObserver_);
125 * ...
126 * this.removeContextObserver('key', this.keyObserver_);
127 *
128 * @private
129 */
130 addContextObserver: function(key, observer) {
131 var realObserver = observer;
132 var propertyName = this.getPropertyNameOf_(observer);
133 if (propertyName) {
134 if (!this.contextObservers_.hasOwnProperty(propertyName))
135 this.contextObservers_[propertyName] = observer.bind(this);
136 realObserver = this.contextObservers_[propertyName];
137 }
138 this.context.addObserver(key, realObserver);
139 },
141 /**
142 * Removes |observer| from the list of context observers. Observer could be
143 * a method of |this| (see comment to |addContextObserver|).
144 * @private
145 */
146 removeContextObserver: function(observer) {
147 var realObserver = observer;
148 var propertyName = this.getPropertyNameOf_(observer);
149 if (propertyName) {
150 if (!this.contextObservers_.hasOwnProperty(propertyName))
151 return;
152 realObserver = this.contextObservers_[propertyName];
153 delete this.contextObservers_[propertyName];
154 }
155 this.context.removeObserver(realObserver);
156 },
158 /**
159 * Sends recent context changes to C++ handler.
160 * @private
161 */
162 commitContextChanges: function() {
163 if (!this.context.hasChanges())
164 return;
165 this.send(CALLBACK_CONTEXT_CHANGED, this.context.getChangesAndReset());
166 },
168 /**
169 * Called when context changed on C++ side.
170 */
171 onContextChanged_: function(diff) {
172 var changedKeys = this.context.applyChanges(diff);
173 this.contextChanged(changedKeys);
174 },
176 /**
177 * If |value| is the value of some property of |this| returns property's
178 * name. Otherwise returns empty string.
179 * @private
180 */
181 getPropertyNameOf_: function(value) {
182 for (var key in this)
183 if (this[key] === value)
184 return key;
185 return '';
186 }
187 };
188 })());
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