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Unified Diff: build/android/

Issue 11801016: [Android] Break GTest emulator launching into a separate function. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: rebase Created 7 years, 11 months ago
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Index: build/android/
diff --git a/build/android/ b/build/android/
index 0cbe4c946c5c9a30a86528446acec25f7b506500..1c4fb55b18bfee4f6330b997cfd85552e55ddf94 100755
--- a/build/android/
+++ b/build/android/
@@ -4,311 +4,28 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Provides an interface to start and stop Android emulator.
+"""Script to launch Android emulators.
Assumes system environment ANDROID_NDK_ROOT has been set.
- Emulator: The class provides the methods to launch/shutdown the emulator with
- the android virtual device named 'avd_armeabi' .
-import logging
-import os
-import signal
-import subprocess
+import optparse
import sys
-import time
-from pylib import android_commands
-from pylib import cmd_helper
-# is under ../../third_party/android_testrunner/
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), '..',
- '..', 'third_party', 'android_testrunner'))
-import adb_interface
-import errors
-import run_command
-class EmulatorLaunchException(Exception):
- """Emulator failed to launch."""
- pass
-def _KillAllEmulators():
- """Kill all running emulators that look like ones we started.
- There are odd 'sticky' cases where there can be no emulator process
- running but a device slot is taken. A little bot trouble and and
- we're out of room forever.
- """
- emulators = android_commands.GetEmulators()
- if not emulators:
- return
- for emu_name in emulators:
- cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(['adb', '-s', emu_name, 'emu', 'kill'])
-'Emulator killing is async; give a few seconds for all to die.')
- for i in range(5):
- if not android_commands.GetEmulators():
- return
- time.sleep(1)
-def DeleteAllTempAVDs():
- """Delete all temporary AVDs which are created for tests.
- If the test exits abnormally and some temporary AVDs created when testing may
- be left in the system. Clean these AVDs.
- """
- avds = android_commands.GetAVDs()
- if not avds:
- return
- for avd_name in avds:
- if 'run_tests_avd' in avd_name:
- cmd = ['android', '-s', 'delete', 'avd', '--name', avd_name]
- cmd_helper.GetCmdOutput(cmd)
-'Delete AVD %s' % avd_name)
-class PortPool(object):
- """Pool for emulator port starting position that changes over time."""
- _port_min = 5554
- _port_max = 5585
- _port_current_index = 0
- @classmethod
- def port_range(cls):
- """Return a range of valid ports for emulator use.
- The port must be an even number between 5554 and 5584. Sometimes
- a killed emulator "hangs on" to a port long enough to prevent
- relaunch. This is especially true on slow machines (like a bot).
- Cycling through a port start position helps make us resilient."""
- ports = range(cls._port_min, cls._port_max, 2)
- n = cls._port_current_index
- cls._port_current_index = (n + 1) % len(ports)
- return ports[n:] + ports[:n]
-def _GetAvailablePort():
- """Returns an available TCP port for the console."""
- used_ports = []
- emulators = android_commands.GetEmulators()
- for emulator in emulators:
- used_ports.append(emulator.split('-')[1])
- for port in PortPool.port_range():
- if str(port) not in used_ports:
- return port
-class Emulator(object):
- """Provides the methods to lanuch/shutdown the emulator.
- The emulator has the android virtual device named 'avd_armeabi'.
- The emulator could use any even TCP port between 5554 and 5584 for the
- console communication, and this port will be part of the device name like
- 'emulator-5554'. Assume it is always True, as the device name is the id of
- emulator managed in this class.
- Attributes:
- emulator: Path of Android's emulator tool.
- popen: Popen object of the running emulator process.
- device: Device name of this emulator.
- """
- # Signals we listen for to kill the emulator on
- _SIGNALS = (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP)
- # Time to wait for an emulator launch, in seconds. This includes
- # the time to launch the emulator and a wait-for-device command.
- # Timeout interval of wait-for-device command before bouncing to a a
- # process life check.
- # Time to wait for a "wait for boot complete" (property set on device).
- def __init__(self, new_avd_name):
- """Init an Emulator.
- Args:
- nwe_avd_name: If set, will create a new temporary AVD.
- """
- try:
- android_sdk_root = os.environ['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT']
- except KeyError:
- logging.critical('The ANDROID_SDK_ROOT must be set to run the test on '
- 'emulator.')
- raise
- self.emulator = os.path.join(android_sdk_root, 'tools', 'emulator')
- = os.path.join(android_sdk_root, 'tools', 'android')
- self.popen = None
- self.device = None
- self.default_avd = True
- self.abi = 'armeabi-v7a'
- self.avd = 'avd_armeabi'
- if 'x86' in os.environ.get('TARGET_PRODUCT', ''):
- self.abi = 'x86'
- self.avd = 'avd_x86'
- if new_avd_name:
- self.default_avd = False
- self.avd = self._CreateAVD(new_avd_name)
- def _DeviceName(self):
- """Return our device name."""
- port = _GetAvailablePort()
- return ('emulator-%d' % port, port)
- def _CreateAVD(self, avd_name):
- """Creates an AVD with the given name.
- Return avd_name.
- """
- avd_command = [
- '--silent',
- 'create', 'avd',
- '--name', avd_name,
- '--abi', self.abi,
- '--target', 'android-16',
- '-c', '128M',
- '--force',
- ]
- avd_process = subprocess.Popen(args=avd_command,
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- avd_process.stdin.write('no\n')
- avd_process.wait()
-'Create AVD command: %s', ' '.join(avd_command))
- return avd_name
- def _DeleteAVD(self):
- """Delete the AVD of this emulator."""
- avd_command = [
- '--silent',
- 'delete',
- 'avd',
- '--name', self.avd,
- ]
- avd_process = subprocess.Popen(args=avd_command,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-'Delete AVD command: %s', ' '.join(avd_command))
- avd_process.wait()
- def Launch(self, kill_all_emulators):
- """Launches the emulator asynchronously. Call ConfirmLaunch() to ensure the
- emulator is ready for use.
- If fails, an exception will be raised.
- """
- if kill_all_emulators:
- _KillAllEmulators() # just to be sure
- self._AggressiveImageCleanup()
- (self.device, port) = self._DeviceName()
- emulator_command = [
- self.emulator,
- # Speed up emulator launch by 40%. Really.
- '-no-boot-anim',
- # The default /data size is 64M.
- # That's not enough for 8 unit test bundles and their data.
- '-partition-size', '512',
- # Enable GPU by default.
- '-gpu', 'on',
- # Use a familiar name and port.
- '-avd', self.avd,
- '-port', str(port)]
- emulator_command.extend([
- # Wipe the data. We've seen cases where an emulator
- # gets 'stuck' if we don't do this (every thousand runs or
- # so).
- '-wipe-data',
- ])
-'Emulator launch command: %s', ' '.join(emulator_command))
- self.popen = subprocess.Popen(args=emulator_command,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- self._InstallKillHandler()
- def _AggressiveImageCleanup(self):
- """Aggressive cleanup of emulator images.
- Experimentally it looks like our current emulator use on the bot
- leaves image files around in /tmp/android-$USER. If a "random"
- name gets reused, we choke with a 'File exists' error.
- TODO(jrg): is there a less hacky way to accomplish the same goal?
- """
-'Aggressive Image Cleanup')
- emulator_imagedir = '/tmp/android-%s' % os.environ['USER']
- if not os.path.exists(emulator_imagedir):
- return
- for image in os.listdir(emulator_imagedir):
- full_name = os.path.join(emulator_imagedir, image)
- if 'emulator' in full_name:
-'Deleting emulator image %s', full_name)
- os.unlink(full_name)
- def ConfirmLaunch(self, wait_for_boot=False):
- """Confirm the emulator launched properly.
- Loop on a wait-for-device with a very small timeout. On each
- timeout, check the emulator process is still alive.
- After confirming a wait-for-device can be successful, make sure
- it returns the right answer.
- """
- seconds_waited = 0
- number_of_waits = 2 # Make sure we can wfd twice
- adb_cmd = "adb -s %s %s" % (self.device, 'wait-for-device')
- while seconds_waited < self._LAUNCH_TIMEOUT:
- try:
- run_command.RunCommand(adb_cmd,
- timeout_time=self._WAITFORDEVICE_TIMEOUT,
- retry_count=1)
- number_of_waits -= 1
- if not number_of_waits:
- break
- except errors.WaitForResponseTimedOutError as e:
- seconds_waited += self._WAITFORDEVICE_TIMEOUT
- adb_cmd = "adb -s %s %s" % (self.device, 'kill-server')
- run_command.RunCommand(adb_cmd)
- self.popen.poll()
- if self.popen.returncode != None:
- raise EmulatorLaunchException('EMULATOR DIED')
- if seconds_waited >= self._LAUNCH_TIMEOUT:
- raise EmulatorLaunchException('TIMEOUT with wait-for-device')
-'Seconds waited on wait-for-device: %d', seconds_waited)
- if wait_for_boot:
- # Now that we checked for obvious problems, wait for a boot complete.
- # Waiting for the package manager is sometimes problematic.
- a = android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device)
- a.WaitForSystemBootCompleted(self._WAITFORBOOT_TIMEOUT)
- def Shutdown(self):
- """Shuts down the process started by launch."""
- if not self.default_avd:
- self._DeleteAVD()
- if self.popen:
- self.popen.poll()
- if self.popen.returncode == None:
- self.popen.kill()
- self.popen = None
- def _ShutdownOnSignal(self, signum, frame):
- logging.critical('emulator _ShutdownOnSignal')
- for sig in self._SIGNALS:
- signal.signal(sig, signal.SIG_DFL)
- self.Shutdown()
- raise KeyboardInterrupt # print a stack
+from pylib.utils import emulator
- def _InstallKillHandler(self):
- """Install a handler to kill the emulator when we exit unexpectedly."""
- for sig in self._SIGNALS:
- signal.signal(sig, self._ShutdownOnSignal)
def main(argv):
- Emulator(None, True).Launch(True)
+ option_parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+ option_parser.add_option('-n', '--num', dest='emulator_count',
+ help='Number of emulators to launch.',
+ type='int',
+ default=1)
+ option_parser.add_option('-w', '--wait', dest='wait_for_boot',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='If set, wait for the emulators to boot.')
+ options, args = option_parser.parse_args(argv)
+ emulator.LaunchEmulators(options.emulator_count, options.wait_for_boot)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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