(Empty) | |
| 1 <!DOCTYPE html> |
| 2 <script src="../../../resources/js-test.js"></script> |
| 3 <body> |
| 4 <script> |
| 5 description("This tests the constructor for the ClipboardEvent DOM class."); |
| 6 |
| 7 //No Initializer is passed |
| 8 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType').bubbles", "false"); |
| 9 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType').cancelable", "false"); |
| 10 |
| 11 // bubbles is passed. |
| 12 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: false }).bubbles", "false")
; |
| 13 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true }).bubbles", "true"); |
| 14 |
| 15 // cancelable is passed. |
| 16 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { cancelable: false }).cancelable", "f
alse"); |
| 17 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { cancelable: true }).cancelable", "tr
ue"); |
| 18 |
| 19 //text data is passed |
| 20 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('cut', { data: 'hellodata', dataType:
'text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "hellodata"); |
| 21 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: 'hellodata', dataType:
'text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "hellodata"); |
| 22 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('paste', { data: 'hellodata', dataType
: 'text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "hellodata"); |
| 23 |
| 24 //url data is passed |
| 25 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('cut', { data: 'http://www.google.com/
', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData('url')", "http://www.google.com/"); |
| 26 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: 'http://www.google.com
/', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData('url')", "http://www.google.com/"); |
| 27 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('paste', { data: 'http://www.google.co
m/', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData('url')", "http://www.google.com/")
; |
| 28 |
| 29 //html data is passed |
| 30 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('cut', { data: '<em>Markup</em>', data
Type: 'html' }).clipboardData.getData('html')", "<em>Markup</em>"); |
| 31 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: '<em>Markup</em>', dat
aType: 'html' }).clipboardData.getData('html')", "<em>Markup</em>"); |
| 32 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('paste', { data: '<em>Markup</em>', da
taType: 'html' }).clipboardData.getData('html')", "<em>Markup</em>"); |
| 33 |
| 34 //no dataType is passed |
| 35 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: '<em>Markup</em>'}).cl
ipboardData.getData('html')", ""); |
| 36 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: '<em>Markup</em>'}).cl
ipboardData.getData('html')", ""); |
| 37 |
| 38 // Non-strings. |
| 39 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: undefined, dataType: '
text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", ""); |
| 40 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: null, dataType: 'text'
}).clipboardData.getData('text')", "null"); |
| 41 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: false, dataType: 'text
' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "false"); |
| 42 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: true, dataType: 'text'
}).clipboardData.getData('text')", "true"); |
| 43 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: 12345, dataType: 'text
' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "12345"); |
| 44 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: 18446744073709551615,
dataType: 'text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "18446744073709552000"); |
| 45 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: NaN, dataType: 'text'
}).clipboardData.getData('text')", "NaN"); |
| 46 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: [], dataType: 'text' }
).clipboardData.getData('text')", ""); |
| 47 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { data: [1, 2, 3], dataType: '
text' }).clipboardData.getData('text')", "1,2,3"); |
| 48 |
| 49 // All initializers are passed. |
| 50 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, dat
a: 'http://www.google.com/', dataType: 'url' }).bubbles", "true"); |
| 51 shouldBe("new ClipboardEvent('eventType', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, dat
a: 'http://www.google.com/', dataType: 'url' }).cancelable", "true"); |
| 52 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('copy', { bubbles: true, cancelable: t
rue, data: 'http://www.google.com/', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData('u
rl')", "http://www.google.com/"); |
| 53 |
| 54 //invalid eventType |
| 55 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent('invalid', { bubbles: true, cancelable
: true, data: 'http://www.google.com/', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData
('url')", ""); |
| 56 //no eventType specified |
| 57 shouldBeEqualToString("new ClipboardEvent({ bubbles: true, cancelable: true, dat
a: 'http://www.google.com/', dataType: 'url' }).clipboardData.getData('url')", "
"); |
| 58 </script> |
| 59 </body> |