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Side by Side Diff: build/toolchain/android/

Issue 117863003: Work on GN toolchain definitions and build (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: merge Created 6 years, 12 months ago
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1 # Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 # found in the LICENSE file.
5 import("../clang.gni")
6 import("../goma.gni")
7 import("../gcc_toolchain.gni")
9 # Get the location of the Android tools in our tree.
10 android_ndk_root =
11 rebase_path("//third_party/android_tools/ndk", ".", "")
12 android_sdk_root =
13 rebase_path("//third_party/android_tools/sdk", ".", "")
15 # Get the Android version of the name of the build host's architecture.
16 if (build_cpu_arch == "x64") {
17 android_host_arch = "x86_64"
18 } else if (build_cpu_arch == "x86") {
19 android_host_arch = "x86"
20 } else {
21 assert(false, "Need Android toolchain support for your build OS.")
22 }
24 if (is_gyp) {
25 # Set the compilers for GYP to use. This logic is only relevant to GYP where
26 # there is "a" target compiler. In native GN builds, we have separate
27 # compilers for the toolchains below, any or all of which could be active in
28 # any given build.
29 if (is_clang) {
30 # Set the GYP header for all toolchains when running under Clang.
31 gyp_header = make_clang_global_settings
32 } else {
33 # Find the compiler for GYP for non-Clang Android.
34 if (cpu_arch == "x86") {
35 android_toolchain_arch = "x86-4.6"
36 } else if (cpu_arch == "arm") {
37 android_toolchain_arch = "arm-linux-androideabi-4.6"
38 } else {
39 assert(false, "Need Android toolchain support for your platform.")
40 }
42 android_toolchain =
43 "$android_ndk_root/toolchains/$android_toolchain_arch/prebuilt/$build_os-$ android_host_arch/bin"
45 # This script will find the compilers for the given Android toolchain
46 # directory.
47 # TODO(brettw) write this script which locates the Android compilers.
48 #android_compilers = exec_script("",
49 # [android_toolchain], "value")
50 android_compilers = ["gcc", "g++", "gcc", "g++"]
51 gyp_header =
52 "'make_global_settings': [" +
53 "['CC', '" + android_compilers[0] + "']," +
54 "['CXX', '" + android_compilers[1] + "']," +
55 "['', '" + android_compilers[2] + "']," +
56 "['', '" + android_compilers[3] + "']," +
57 "],"
58 }
60 if (use_goma) {
61 # There is a TODO(yyanagisawa) in common.gypi about the make generator not
62 # supporting CC_wrapper without CC. As a result, we must add a condition
63 # when on the generator when we're not explicitly setting the variables
64 # above (which happens when gyp_header is empty at this point).
65 #
66 # GYP will interpret the file once for each generator, so we have to write
67 # this condition into the GYP file since the user could have more than one
68 # generator set.
69 if (gyp_header == "") {
70 gyp_header +=
71 "'conditions':" +
72 "['\"<(GENERATOR)\"==\"ninja\"', {" +
73 make_goma_global_settings +
74 "}],"
75 } else {
76 gyp_header += make_goma_global_settings
77 }
78 }
79 }
81 gcc_toolchain("x86") {
82 prefix = "$android_ndk_root/toolchains/x86-4.6/prebuilt/$build_os-$android_hos t_arch/bin/i686-linux-android-"
83 cc = prefix + "gcc"
84 cxx = prefix + "g++"
85 ar = prefix + "ar"
86 ld = cxx
88 toolchain_cpu_arch = "x86"
89 toolchain_os = "android"
90 }
92 gcc_toolchain("arm") {
93 prefix = "$android_ndk_root/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/$bui ld_os-$android_host_arch/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-"
94 cc = prefix + "gcc"
95 cxx = prefix + "g++"
96 ar = prefix + "ar"
97 ld = cxx
99 toolchain_cpu_arch = "arm"
100 toolchain_os = "android"
101 }
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