diff --git a/ b/
index 8468772cf978f41bdc275cdbf935e781b260e203..e7af09e3d670deafef4756a827f715e0c5585903 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ import gerrit_util
import rietveld
from third_party import upload
+import auth
+from third_party import httplib2
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta # pylint: disable=F0401
except ImportError:
@@ -99,10 +102,6 @@ gerrit_instances = [
'url': '',
'shorturl': '',
- {
- 'host': '',
- 'port': 29418,
- },
google_code_projects = [
@@ -132,36 +131,6 @@ google_code_projects = [
-# Uses ClientLogin to authenticate the user for Google Code issue trackers.
-def get_auth_token(email):
- # KeyringCreds will use the system keyring on the first try, and prompt for
- # a password on the next ones.
- creds = upload.KeyringCreds('', '', email)
- for _ in xrange(3):
- email, password = creds.GetUserCredentials()
- url = ''
- data = urllib.urlencode({
- 'Email': email,
- 'Passwd': password,
- 'service': 'code',
- 'source': 'chrome-my-activity',
- 'accountType': 'GOOGLE',
- })
- req = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers={'Accept': 'text/plain'})
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- response_body =
- response_dict = dict(x.split('=')
- for x in response_body.split('\n') if x)
- return response_dict['Auth']
- except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
- print e
- print 'Unable to authenticate to'
- print 'Some issues may be missing.'
- return None
def username(email):
"""Keeps the username of an email address."""
return email and email.split('@', 1)[0]
@@ -230,31 +199,12 @@ class MyActivity(object):
# Check the codereview cookie jar to determine which Rietveld instances to
# authenticate to.
def check_cookies(self):
- cookie_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.codereview_upload_cookies')
- if not os.path.exists(cookie_file):
- print 'No Rietveld cookie file found.'
- cookie_jar = []
- else:
- cookie_jar = cookielib.MozillaCookieJar(cookie_file)
- try:
- cookie_jar.load()
- print 'Found cookie file: %s' % cookie_file
- except (cookielib.LoadError, IOError):
- print 'Error loading Rietveld cookie file: %s' % cookie_file
- cookie_jar = []
filtered_instances = []
def has_cookie(instance):
- for cookie in cookie_jar:
- if == 'SACSID' and cookie.domain == instance['url']:
- return True
- if self.options.auth:
- return get_yes_or_no('No cookie found for %s. Authorize for this '
- 'instance? (may require application-specific '
- 'password)' % instance['url'])
- filtered_instances.append(instance)
- return False
+ auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(self.options)
+ a = auth.get_authenticator_for_host(instance['url'], auth_config)
+ return a.has_cached_credentials()
for instance in rietveld_instances:
instance['auth'] = has_cookie(instance)
@@ -461,107 +411,51 @@ class MyActivity(object):
return ret
- def google_code_issue_search(self, instance):
- time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%T'
- # See
- # q=<owner> does a full text search for <owner>
- # This will accept the issue if owner is the owner or in the cc list. Might
- # have some false positives, though.
- # Don't filter normally on modified_before because it can filter out things
- # that were modified in the time period and then modified again after it.
- gcode_url = ('' %
- instance['name'])
- gcode_data = urllib.urlencode({
- 'alt': 'json',
- 'max-results': '100000',
- 'q': '%s' % self.user,
- 'published-max': self.modified_before.strftime(time_format),
- 'updated-min': self.modified_after.strftime(time_format),
- })
- opener = urllib2.build_opener()
- if self.google_code_auth_token:
- opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' %
- self.google_code_auth_token)]
- gcode_json = None
- try:
- gcode_get = + '?' + gcode_data)
- gcode_json = json.load(gcode_get)
- gcode_get.close()
- except urllib2.HTTPError, _:
- print 'Unable to access ' + instance['name'] + ' issue tracker.'
- if not gcode_json or 'entry' not in gcode_json['feed']:
- return []
- issues = gcode_json['feed']['entry']
- issues = map(partial(self.process_google_code_issue, instance), issues)
- issues = filter(self.filter_issue, issues)
- issues = sorted(issues, key=lambda i: i['modified'], reverse=True)
- return issues
- def process_google_code_issue(self, project, issue):
- ret = {}
- ret['created'] = datetime_from_google_code(issue['published']['$t'])
- ret['modified'] = datetime_from_google_code(issue['updated']['$t'])
- ret['owner'] = ''
- if 'issues$owner' in issue:
- ret['owner'] = issue['issues$owner']['issues$username']['$t']
- ret['author'] = issue['author'][0]['name']['$t']
- if 'shorturl' in project:
- issue_id = issue['id']['$t']
- issue_id = issue_id[issue_id.rfind('/') + 1:]
- ret['url'] = 'http://%s/%d' % (project['shorturl'], int(issue_id))
- else:
- issue_url = issue['link'][1]
- if issue_url['rel'] != 'alternate':
- raise RuntimeError
- ret['url'] = issue_url['href']
- ret['header'] = issue['title']['$t']
- ret['replies'] = self.get_google_code_issue_replies(issue)
- return ret
- def get_google_code_issue_replies(self, issue):
- """Get all the comments on the issue."""
- replies_url = issue['link'][0]
- if replies_url['rel'] != 'replies':
- raise RuntimeError
- replies_data = urllib.urlencode({
- 'alt': 'json',
- 'fields': 'entry(published,author,content)',
+ def project_hosting_issue_search(self, instance):
+ auth_config = auth.extract_auth_config_from_options(self.options)
+ authenticator = auth.get_authenticator_for_host(
+ "", auth_config)
+ http = authenticator.authorize(httplib2.Http())
+ url = "" % (
+ instance["name"])
+ epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
+ user_str = '' % self.user
+ query_data = urllib.urlencode({
+ 'maxResults': 10000,
+ 'q': user_str,
+ 'publishedMax': '%d' % (self.modified_before - epoch).total_seconds(),
+ 'updatedMin': '%d' % (self.modified_after - epoch).total_seconds(),
- opener = urllib2.build_opener()
- opener.addheaders = [('Authorization', 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' %
- self.google_code_auth_token)]
- try:
- replies_get =['href'] + '?' + replies_data)
- except urllib2.HTTPError, _:
+ url = url + '?' + query_data
+ _, body = http.request(url)
+ content = json.loads(body)
+ if not content:
+ print "Unable to parse %s response from projecthosting." % (
+ instance["name"])
return []
- replies_json = json.load(replies_get)
- replies_get.close()
- return self.process_google_code_issue_replies(replies_json)
+ issues = []
+ if 'items' in content:
+ items = content['items']
+ for item in items:
+ issue = {
+ "header": item["title"],
+ "created": item["published"],
+ "modified": item["updated"],
+ "author": item["author"]["name"],
+ "url": "" % (
+ instance["name"], item["id"]),
+ "comments": []
+ }
+ if 'owner' in item:
+ issue['owner'] = item['owner']['name']
+ else:
+ issue['owner'] = 'None'
+ if issue['owner'] == user_str or issue['author'] == user_str:
+ issues.append(issue)
- @staticmethod
- def process_google_code_issue_replies(replies):
- if 'entry' not in replies['feed']:
- return []
- ret = []
- for entry in replies['feed']['entry']:
- e = {}
- e['created'] = datetime_from_google_code(entry['published']['$t'])
- e['content'] = entry['content']['$t']
- e['author'] = entry['author'][0]['name']['$t']
- ret.append(e)
- return ret
+ return issues
def print_heading(self, heading):
@@ -648,10 +542,6 @@ class MyActivity(object):
# required.
- def auth_for_issues(self):
- self.google_code_auth_token = (
- get_auth_token(self.options.local_user + ''))
def get_changes(self):
for instance in rietveld_instances:
self.changes += self.rietveld_search(instance, owner=self.user)
@@ -682,7 +572,7 @@ class MyActivity(object):
def get_issues(self):
for project in google_code_projects:
- self.issues += self.google_code_issue_search(project)
+ self.issues += self.project_hosting_issue_search(project)
def print_issues(self):
if self.issues:
@@ -841,17 +731,18 @@ def main():
- if options.issues:
- my_activity.auth_for_issues()
print 'Looking up activity.....'
- if options.changes:
- my_activity.get_changes()
- if
- my_activity.get_reviews()
- if options.issues:
- my_activity.get_issues()
+ try:
+ if options.changes:
+ my_activity.get_changes()
+ if
+ my_activity.get_reviews()
+ if options.issues:
+ my_activity.get_issues()
+ except auth.AuthenticationError as e:
+ print "auth.AuthenticationError: %s" % e
print '\n\n\n'