| (Empty) |
1 #!/usr/bin/python | |
2 # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file | |
3 # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a | |
4 # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. | |
5 import re | |
6 | |
7 html_interface_renames = { | |
8 'CDATASection': 'CDataSection', | |
9 'DOMApplicationCache': 'ApplicationCache', | |
10 'DOMCoreException': 'DomException', | |
11 'DOMFileSystem': 'FileSystem', | |
12 'DOMFileSystemSync': 'FileSystemSync', | |
13 'DOMFormData': 'FormData', | |
14 'DOMURL': 'Url', | |
15 'DOMWindow': 'Window', | |
16 'HTMLDocument' : 'HtmlDocument', | |
17 'IDBAny': '_Any', # Suppressed, but needs to exist for Dartium. | |
18 'IDBFactory': 'IdbFactory', # Manual to avoid name conflicts. | |
19 'SVGDocument': 'SvgDocument', # Manual to avoid name conflicts. | |
20 'SVGElement': 'SvgElement', # Manual to avoid name conflicts. | |
21 'SVGException': 'SvgException', # Manual of avoid conflict with Exception. | |
22 'SVGSVGElement': 'SvgSvgElement', # Manual to avoid name conflicts. | |
23 'WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES': 'WebGLVertexArrayObject', | |
24 'WebKitAnimation': 'Animation', | |
25 'WebKitAnimationEvent': 'AnimationEvent', | |
26 'WebKitBlobBuilder': 'BlobBuilder', | |
27 'WebKitCSSKeyframeRule': 'CssKeyframeRule', | |
28 'WebKitCSSKeyframesRule': 'CssKeyframesRule', | |
29 'WebKitCSSMatrix': 'CssMatrix', | |
30 'WebKitCSSTransformValue': 'CssTransformValue', | |
31 'WebKitFlags': 'Flags', | |
32 'WebKitLoseContext': 'LoseContext', | |
33 'WebKitPoint': 'Point', | |
34 'WebKitTransitionEvent': 'TransitionEvent', | |
35 'XMLHttpRequest': 'HttpRequest', | |
36 'XMLHttpRequestException': 'HttpRequestException', | |
37 'XMLHttpRequestProgressEvent': 'HttpRequestProgressEvent', | |
38 'XMLHttpRequestUpload': 'HttpRequestUpload', | |
39 } | |
40 | |
41 # Members from the standard dom that should not be exposed publicly in dart:html | |
42 # but need to be exposed internally to implement dart:html on top of a standard | |
43 # browser. | |
44 _private_html_members = set([ | |
45 'CustomEvent.initCustomEvent', | |
46 'Document.createElement', | |
47 'Document.createElementNS', | |
48 'Document.createEvent', | |
49 'Document.createRange', | |
50 'Document.createTextNode', | |
51 'Document.createTouch', | |
52 'Document.createTouchList', | |
53 'Document.getElementById', | |
54 'Document.getElementsByClassName', | |
55 'Document.getElementsByName', | |
56 'Document.getElementsByTagName', | |
57 'Document.querySelector', | |
58 'Document.querySelectorAll', | |
59 | |
60 # Moved to HTMLDocument. | |
61 'Document.body', | |
62 'Document.caretRangeFromPoint', | |
63 'Document.elementFromPoint', | |
64 'Document.getCSSCanvasContext', | |
65 'Document.head', | |
66 'Document.lastModified', | |
67 'Document.preferredStylesheetSet', | |
68 'Document.referrer', | |
69 'Document.selectedStylesheetSet', | |
70 'Document.styleSheets', | |
71 'Document.title', | |
72 'Document.webkitCancelFullScreen', | |
73 'Document.webkitExitFullscreen', | |
74 'Document.webkitExitPointerLock', | |
75 'Document.webkitFullscreenElement', | |
76 'Document.webkitFullscreenEnabled', | |
77 'Document.webkitHidden', | |
78 'Document.webkitIsFullScreen', | |
79 'Document.webkitPointerLockElement', | |
80 'Document.webkitVisibilityState', | |
81 | |
82 'DocumentFragment.querySelector', | |
83 'DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll', | |
84 'Element.childElementCount', | |
85 'Element.children', | |
86 'Element.className', | |
87 'Element.firstElementChild', | |
88 'Element.getAttribute', | |
89 'Element.getAttributeNS', | |
90 'Element.getElementsByClassName', | |
91 'Element.getElementsByTagName', | |
92 'Element.hasAttribute', | |
93 'Element.hasAttributeNS', | |
94 'Element.lastElementChild', | |
95 'Element.querySelector', | |
96 'Element.querySelectorAll', | |
97 'Element.removeAttribute', | |
98 'Element.removeAttributeNS', | |
99 'Element.setAttribute', | |
100 'Element.setAttributeNS', | |
101 'ElementTraversal.childElementCount', | |
102 'ElementTraversal.firstElementChild', | |
103 'ElementTraversal.lastElementChild', | |
104 'Event.initEvent', | |
105 'UIEvent.initUIEvent', | |
106 'EventTarget.addEventListener', | |
107 'EventTarget.dispatchEvent', | |
108 'EventTarget.removeEventListener', | |
109 'KeyboardEvent.keyIdentifier', | |
110 'KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent', | |
111 'Window.getComputedStyle', | |
112 'MouseEvent.initMouseEvent', | |
113 'Node.appendChild', | |
114 'Node.attributes', | |
115 'Node.childNodes', | |
116 'Node.firstChild', | |
117 'Node.lastChild', | |
118 "Node.localName", | |
119 'Node.namespaceURI', | |
120 'Node.removeChild', | |
121 'Node.replaceChild', | |
122 'UIEvent.keyCode', | |
123 'UIEvent.charCode', | |
124 'ShadowRoot.getElementById', | |
125 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByClassName', | |
126 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByTagName', | |
127 'Storage.clear', | |
128 'Storage.getItem', | |
129 'Storage.key', | |
130 'Storage.length', | |
131 'Storage.removeItem', | |
132 'Storage.setItem', | |
133 'WheelEvent.wheelDeltaX', | |
134 'WheelEvent.wheelDeltaY', | |
135 ]) | |
136 | |
137 # Members from the standard dom that exist in the dart:html library with | |
138 # identical functionality but with cleaner names. | |
139 _renamed_html_members = { | |
140 'Document.createCDATASection': 'createCDataSection', | |
141 'Document.defaultView': 'window', | |
142 'Element.webkitMatchesSelector' : 'matchesSelector', | |
143 'Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded': 'scrollIntoView', | |
144 'Node.cloneNode': 'clone', | |
145 'Node.nextSibling': 'nextNode', | |
146 'Node.ownerDocument': 'document', | |
147 'Node.parentElement': 'parent', | |
148 'Node.previousSibling': 'previousNode', | |
149 'Node.textContent': 'text', | |
150 'SvgElement.className': '$dom_svgClassName', | |
151 'AnimatedString.className': '$dom_svgClassName', | |
152 'Stylable.className': '$dom_svgClassName', | |
153 'Url.createObjectURL': 'createObjectUrl', | |
154 'Url.revokeObjectURL': 'revokeObjectUrl', | |
155 } | |
156 | |
157 # Members and classes from the dom that should be removed completely from | |
158 # dart:html. These could be expressed in the IDL instead but expressing this | |
159 # as a simple table instead is more concise. | |
160 # Syntax is: ClassName.(get\.|set\.)?MemberName | |
161 # Using get: and set: is optional and should only be used when a getter needs | |
162 # to be suppressed but not the setter, etc. | |
163 # TODO(jacobr): cleanup and augment this list. | |
164 _removed_html_members = set([ | |
165 'NodeList.item', | |
166 "Attr.*", | |
167 # "BarProp.*", | |
168 # "BarInfo.*", | |
169 # "Blob.webkitSlice", | |
170 # "CDATASection.*", | |
171 # "Comment.*", | |
172 # "DOMImplementation.*", | |
173 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.clearShadow", | |
174 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImageFromRect", | |
175 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setAlpha", | |
176 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setCompositeOperation", | |
177 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setFillColor", | |
178 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setLineCap", | |
179 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setLineJoin", | |
180 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setLineWidth", | |
181 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setMiterLimit", | |
182 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setShadow", | |
183 "CanvasRenderingContext2D.setStrokeColor", | |
184 "DivElement.align", | |
185 'Document.applets', | |
186 "Document.get:forms", | |
187 # "Document.get:selectedStylesheetSet", | |
188 # "Document.set:selectedStylesheetSet", | |
189 # "Document.get:preferredStylesheetSet", | |
190 "Document.get:links", | |
191 "Document.set:domain", | |
192 "Document.createAttributeNS", | |
193 "Document.get:inputEncoding", | |
194 "Document.get:height", | |
195 "Document.get:width", | |
196 "Element.getElementsByTagNameNS", | |
197 "Document.get:compatMode", | |
198 'Document.images', | |
199 "Document.importNode", | |
200 "Document.evaluate", | |
201 "Document.get:images", | |
202 "Document.createExpression", | |
203 "Document.getOverrideStyle", | |
204 "Document.xmlStandalone", | |
205 "Document.createComment", | |
206 "Document.adoptNode", | |
207 "Document.get:characterSet", | |
208 "Document.createAttribute", | |
209 "Document.get:URL", | |
210 "Document.createEntityReference", | |
211 "Document.get:documentURI", | |
212 "Document.set:documentURI", | |
213 "Document.createNodeIterator", | |
214 "Document.createProcessingInstruction", | |
215 "Document.get:doctype", | |
216 "Document.createTreeWalker", | |
217 "Document.location", | |
218 "Document.createNSResolver", | |
219 "Document.get:xmlEncoding", | |
220 "Document.get:defaultCharset", | |
221 "Document.get:applets", | |
222 "Document.getSelection", | |
223 "Document.xmlVersion", | |
224 "Document.get:anchors", | |
225 "Document.getElementsByTagNameNS", | |
226 'Document.webkitCurrentFullScreenElement', | |
227 'Document.webkitFullScreenKeyboardInputAllowed', | |
228 "DocumentType.*", | |
229 "Element.setAttributeNode", | |
230 "Element.getAttributeNode", | |
231 "Element.removeAttributeNode", | |
232 "Element.setAttributeNodeNS", | |
233 "Element.getAttributeNodeNS", | |
234 "Event.srcElement", | |
235 "EventSource.URL", | |
236 "BodyElement.text", | |
237 "AnchorElement.text", | |
238 "OptionElement.text", | |
239 "ScriptElement.text", | |
240 "TitleElement.text", | |
241 # "EventSource.get:url", | |
242 # TODO(jacobr): should these be removed? | |
243 "Document.close", | |
244 "Document.hasFocus", | |
245 | |
246 "Document.vlinkColor", | |
247 "Document.captureEvents", | |
248 "Document.releaseEvents", | |
249 "Document.get:compatMode", | |
250 "Document.designMode", | |
251 "Document.dir", | |
252 "Document.all", | |
253 "Document.write", | |
254 "Document.fgColor", | |
255 "Document.bgColor", | |
256 "Document.get:plugins", | |
257 "Document.alinkColor", | |
258 "Document.get:embeds", | |
259 "Document.open", | |
260 "Document.clear", | |
261 "Document.get:scripts", | |
262 "Document.writeln", | |
263 "Document.linkColor", | |
264 "Element.get:itemRef", | |
265 "Element.outerText", | |
266 "Element.accessKey", | |
267 "Element.get:itemType", | |
268 "Element.innerText", | |
269 "Element.set:outerHTML", | |
270 "Element.itemScope", | |
271 "Element.itemValue", | |
272 "Element.itemId", | |
273 "Element.get:itemProp", | |
274 'Element.scrollIntoView', | |
275 'Element.get:classList', | |
276 "FormElement.get:elements", | |
277 "HTMLFrameElement.*", | |
278 "HTMLFrameSetElement.*", | |
279 "HtmlElement.version", | |
280 "HtmlElement.manifest", | |
281 'SelectElement.options', | |
282 'SelectElement.selectedOptions', | |
283 "Cursor.PREV", | |
284 "Cursor.PREV_NO_DUPLICATE", | |
285 "Cursor.NEXT", | |
286 "Cursor.NEXT_NO_DUPLICATE", | |
287 "Transaction.READ_ONLY", | |
288 "Transaction.READ_WRITE", | |
289 "Document.version", | |
290 "Document.manifest", | |
291 "HTMLIsIndexElement.*", | |
292 "MenuElement.compact", | |
293 "HTMLOptionsCollection.*", | |
294 "HTMLPropertiesCollection.*", | |
295 "SelectElement.remove", | |
296 "NamedNodeMap.*", | |
297 "Node.isEqualNode", | |
298 "Node.get:TEXT_NODE", | |
299 "Node.hasAttributes", | |
300 "Node.get:DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE", | |
302 "Node.lookupNamespaceURI", | |
303 "Node.get:ELEMENT_NODE", | |
304 "Node.get:DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE", | |
305 "Node.isDefaultNamespace", | |
306 "Node.compareDocumentPosition", | |
307 "Node.get:baseURI", | |
308 "Node.isSameNode", | |
310 "Node.get:DOCUMENT_NODE", | |
312 "Node.get:COMMENT_NODE", | |
313 "Node.get:ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE", | |
314 "Node.isSupported", | |
316 "Node.get:NOTATION_NODE", | |
317 "Node.normalize", | |
318 "Node.get:ATTRIBUTE_NODE", | |
319 "Node.get:ENTITY_NODE", | |
321 "Node.get:prefix", | |
322 "Node.set:prefix", | |
324 "Node.get:nodeValue", | |
325 "Node.set:nodeValue", | |
326 "Node.get:CDATA_SECTION_NODE", | |
327 "Node.get:nodeName", | |
328 "Node.lookupPrefix", | |
330 'ShadowRoot.getElementsByTagNameNS', | |
331 "Window.blur", | |
332 "Window.clientInformation", | |
333 "Window.get:frames", | |
334 "Window.get:length", | |
335 "Window.focus", | |
336 "Window.prompt", | |
337 "Window.webkitIndexedDB", | |
338 "Window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame", | |
339 "WheelEvent.wheelDelta", | |
340 "WorkerContext.webkitIndexedDB", | |
341 ]) | |
342 | |
343 class HtmlRenamer(object): | |
344 def __init__(self, database): | |
345 self._database = database | |
346 | |
347 def RenameInterface(self, interface): | |
348 if interface.id in html_interface_renames: | |
349 return html_interface_renames[interface.id] | |
350 elif interface.id.startswith('HTML'): | |
351 if any(interface.id in ['Element', 'Document'] | |
352 for interface in self._database.Hierarchy(interface)): | |
353 return interface.id[len('HTML'):] | |
354 return self.DartifyTypeName(interface.id) | |
355 | |
356 | |
357 def RenameMember(self, interface_name, member_node, member, member_prefix='', | |
358 dartify_name=True): | |
359 """ | |
360 Returns the name of the member in the HTML library or None if the member is | |
361 suppressed in the HTML library | |
362 """ | |
363 interface = self._database.GetInterface(interface_name) | |
364 | |
365 if self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix, _removed_html_members): | |
366 return None | |
367 | |
368 if 'CheckSecurityForNode' in member_node.ext_attrs: | |
369 return None | |
370 | |
371 name = self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix, | |
372 _renamed_html_members) | |
373 | |
374 target_name = _renamed_html_members[name] if name else member | |
375 if self._FindMatch(interface, member, member_prefix, _private_html_members): | |
376 if not target_name.startswith('$dom_'): # e.g. $dom_svgClassName | |
377 target_name = '$dom_' + target_name | |
378 | |
379 if dartify_name: | |
380 target_name = self._DartifyMemberName(target_name) | |
381 return target_name | |
382 | |
383 def _FindMatch(self, interface, member, member_prefix, candidates): | |
384 for interface in self._database.Hierarchy(interface): | |
385 html_interface_name = self.RenameInterface(interface) | |
386 member_name = html_interface_name + '.' + member | |
387 if member_name in candidates: | |
388 return member_name | |
389 member_name = html_interface_name + '.' + member_prefix + member | |
390 if member_name in candidates: | |
391 return member_name | |
392 | |
393 def GetLibraryName(self, interface): | |
394 if 'Conditional' in interface.ext_attrs: | |
395 if 'WEB_AUDIO' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']: | |
396 return 'web_audio' | |
397 if 'SVG' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']: | |
398 return 'svg' | |
399 if 'INDEXED_DATABASE' in interface.ext_attrs['Conditional']: | |
400 return 'indexed_db' | |
401 | |
402 return 'html' | |
403 | |
404 def DartifyTypeName(self, type_name): | |
405 """Converts a DOM name to a Dart-friendly class name. """ | |
406 | |
407 # Strip off any standard prefixes. | |
408 name = re.sub(r'^SVG', '', type_name) | |
409 name = re.sub(r'^IDB', '', name) | |
410 | |
411 return self._CamelCaseName(name) | |
412 | |
413 def _DartifyMemberName(self, member_name): | |
414 # Strip off any OpenGL ES suffixes. | |
415 name = re.sub(r'OES$', '', member_name) | |
416 return self._CamelCaseName(name) | |
417 | |
418 def _CamelCaseName(self, name): | |
419 | |
420 def toLower(match): | |
421 return match.group(1) + match.group(2).lower() + match.group(3) | |
422 | |
423 # We're looking for a sequence of letters which start with capital letter | |
424 # then a series of caps and finishes with either the end of the string or | |
425 # a capital letter. | |
426 # The [0-9] check is for names such as 2D or 3D | |
427 # The following test cases should match as: | |
428 # WebKitCSSFilterValue: WebKit(C)(SS)(F)ilterValue | |
429 # XPathNSResolver: (X)()(P)ath(N)(S)(R)esolver (no change) | |
430 # IFrameElement: (I)()(F)rameElement (no change) | |
431 return re.sub(r'([A-Z])([A-Z]{2,})([A-Z]|$)', toLower, name) | |