1 Test that setting and getting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows works
as expected | 1 Test that setting and getting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows works
as expected |
2 | 2 |
3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". | 3 On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE
". |
4 | 4 |
5 | 5 |
6 Test getting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows set through CSS | 6 Test getting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows set through CSS |
7 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-te
mplate-columns') is "(first) 10px" | 7 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-te
mplate-columns') is "[first] 10px" |
8 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-te
mplate-rows') is "(first) 15px" | 8 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-te
mplate-rows') is "[first] 15px" |
9 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-
template-columns') is "53% (last)" | 9 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-
template-columns') is "53% [last]" |
10 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-
template-rows') is "27% (last)" | 10 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-
template-rows') is "27% [last]" |
11 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithAutoElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-tem
plate-columns') is "(first) auto" | 11 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithAutoElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-tem
plate-columns') is "[first] auto" |
12 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithAutoElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-tem
plate-rows') is "auto (last)" | 12 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithAutoElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-tem
plate-rows') is "auto [last]" |
13 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithMinMax, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template
-columns') is "(first) minmax(10%, 15px)" | 13 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithMinMax, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template
-columns') is "[first] minmax(10%, 15px)" |
14 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithMinMax, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template
-rows') is "minmax(20px, 50%) (last)" | 14 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithMinMax, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template
-rows') is "minmax(20px, 50%) [last]" |
15 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedMultiple, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-columns') is "(first nav) 10px (last)" | 15 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedMultiple, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-columns') is "[first nav] 10px [last]" |
16 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedMultiple, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-rows') is "(first nav) 15px (last)" | 16 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithFixedMultiple, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-rows') is "[first nav] 15px [last]" |
17 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentageSameStringMultipleTimes, '').getP
ropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is "(first nav) 10% (nav) 15% (last)" | 17 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentageSameStringMultipleTimes, '').getP
ropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is "[first nav] 10% [nav] 15% [last]" |
18 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentageSameStringMultipleTimes, '').getP
ropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "(first nav2) 25% (nav2) 75% (last)" | 18 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithPercentageSameStringMultipleTimes, '').getP
ropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "[first nav2] 25% [nav2] 75% [last]" |
19 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithRepeatElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-columns') is "(first) 10px (nav nav2) 50% (nav nav2) 50%" | 19 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithRepeatElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-columns') is "[first] 10px [nav nav2] 50% [nav nav2] 50%" |
20 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithRepeatElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-rows') is "100px (nav nav2) 25% (nav nav2) 25% (last)" | 20 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithRepeatElement, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-rows') is "100px [nav nav2] 25% [nav nav2] 25% [last]" |
21 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithEmptyParentheses, '').getPropertyValue('gri
d-template-columns') is "10px" | 21 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithEmptyBrackets, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-columns') is "10px" |
22 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithEmptyParentheses, '').getPropertyValue('gri
d-template-rows') is "20px 50px" | 22 PASS window.getComputedStyle(gridWithEmptyBrackets, '').getPropertyValue('grid-t
emplate-rows') is "20px 50px" |
23 | 23 |
24 Test getting and setting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows through JS | 24 Test getting and setting grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows through JS |
25 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) 18px" | 25 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] 18px" |
26 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) 18px" | 26 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] 18px" |
27 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "66
px (last)" | 27 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "66
px [last]" |
28 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "66px (last)" | 28 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "66px [last]" |
29 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) 55%" | 29 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] 55%" |
30 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) 55%" | 30 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] 55%" |
31 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "40
% (last)" | 31 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "40
% [last]" |
32 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "40% (last)" | 32 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "40% [last]" |
33 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) auto" | 33 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] auto" |
34 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) auto" | 34 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] auto" |
35 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "au
to (last)" | 35 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "au
to [last]" |
36 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "auto (last)" | 36 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "auto [last]" |
37 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) min-content" | 37 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] min-content" |
38 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) min-content" | 38 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] min-content" |
39 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
n-content (last)" | 39 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
n-content [last]" |
40 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "min-content (last)" | 40 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "min-content [last]" |
41 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) max-content" | 41 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] max-content" |
42 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) max-content" | 42 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] max-content" |
43 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "ma
x-content (last)" | 43 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "ma
x-content [last]" |
44 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "max-content (last)" | 44 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "max-content [last]" |
45 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) minmax(55%, 45px)" | 45 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] minmax(55%, 45px)" |
46 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) minmax(55%, 45px)" | 46 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] minmax(55%, 45px)" |
47 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(30px, 40%) (last)" | 47 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(30px, 40%) [last]" |
48 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(30px, 40%) (last)" | 48 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(30px, 40%) [last]" |
49 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) minmax(220px, max-content)" | 49 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] minmax(220px, max-content)" |
50 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) minmax(22em, max-content)" | 50 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] minmax(22em, max-content)" |
51 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(max-content, 50px) (last)" | 51 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(max-content, 50px) [last]" |
52 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(max-content, 5em) (last)" | 52 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(max-content, 5em) [last]" |
53 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) minmax(220px, min-content)" | 53 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] minmax(220px, min-content)" |
54 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) minmax(22em, min-content)" | 54 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] minmax(22em, min-content)" |
55 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(min-content, 50px) (last)" | 55 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(min-content, 50px) [last]" |
56 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(min-content, 5em) (last)" | 56 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(min-content, 5em) [last]" |
57 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first) minmax(min-content, max-content)" | 57 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first] minmax(min-content, max-content)" |
58 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first) minmax(min-content, max-conte
nt)" | 58 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first] minmax(min-content, max-conte
nt)" |
59 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(max-content, min-content) (last)" | 59 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "mi
nmax(max-content, min-content) [last]" |
60 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(max-content, min-content) (last)" | 60 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "minmax(max-content, min-content) [last]" |
61 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first nav) minmax(min-content, max-content) (last)" | 61 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first nav] minmax(min-content, max-content) [last]" |
62 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first nav) minmax(min-content, max-c
ontent) (last)" | 62 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first nav] minmax(min-content, max-c
ontent) [last]" |
63 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "(f
irst nav) minmax(max-content, min-content) (last)" | 63 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "[f
irst nav] minmax(max-content, min-content) [last]" |
64 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "(first nav) minmax(max-content, min-cont
ent) (last)" | 64 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "[first nav] minmax(max-content, min-cont
ent) [last]" |
65 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(first nav) minmax(min-content, max-content) (nav) auto (last)" | 65 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[first nav] minmax(min-content, max-content) [nav] auto [last]" |
66 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(first nav) minmax(min-content, max-c
ontent) (nav) auto (last)" | 66 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[first nav] minmax(min-content, max-c
ontent) [nav] auto [last]" |
67 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "(f
irst nav2) minmax(max-content, min-content) (nav2) minmax(10px, 15px) (last)" | 67 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "[f
irst nav2] minmax(max-content, min-content) [nav2] minmax(10px, 15px) [last]" |
68 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "(first nav2) minmax(max-content, min-con
tent) (nav2) minmax(10px, 15px) (last)" | 68 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "[first nav2] minmax(max-content, min-con
tent) [nav2] minmax(10px, 15px) [last]" |
69 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"(foo bar) auto (foo) auto (bar)" | 69 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"[foo bar] auto [foo] auto [bar]" |
70 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "(foo bar) auto (foo) auto (bar)" | 70 PASS element.style.gridTemplateColumns is "[foo bar] auto [foo] auto [bar]" |
71 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "(f
oo bar) auto (foo) auto (bar)" | 71 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "[f
oo bar] auto [foo] auto [bar]" |
72 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "(foo bar) auto (foo) auto (bar)" | 72 PASS element.style.gridTemplateRows is "[foo bar] auto [foo] auto [bar]" |
73 | 73 |
74 Test getting and setting invalid grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows th
rough JS | 74 Test getting and setting invalid grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows th
rough JS |
75 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"none" | 75 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"none" |
76 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "no
ne" | 76 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "no
ne" |
77 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"none" | 77 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-columns') is
"none" |
78 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "no
ne" | 78 PASS getComputedStyle(element, '').getPropertyValue('grid-template-rows') is "no
ne" |
79 PASS successfullyParsed is true | 79 PASS successfullyParsed is true |
80 | 80 |
82 | 82 |