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Unified Diff: content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h

Issue 1167703002: Move test runner to a component (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: updates Created 5 years, 7 months ago
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Index: content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h
diff --git a/content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h b/content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8045f2802cf1ccb03b2a6f5e51c6991eee8092c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_frame_test_proxy.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/basictypes.h"
-#include "content/shell/renderer/test_runner/mock_screen_orientation_client.h"
-#include "content/shell/renderer/test_runner/test_interfaces.h"
-#include "content/shell/renderer/test_runner/test_runner.h"
-#include "content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_test_delegate.h"
-#include "content/shell/renderer/test_runner/web_test_proxy.h"
-#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
-namespace content {
-// Templetized wrapper around RenderFrameImpl objects, which implement
-// the WebFrameClient interface.
-template <class Base, typename P, typename R>
-class WebFrameTestProxy : public Base {
- public:
- WebFrameTestProxy(P p, R r) : Base(p, r), base_proxy_(NULL) {}
- virtual ~WebFrameTestProxy() {}
- void set_base_proxy(WebTestProxyBase* proxy) { base_proxy_ = proxy; }
- // WebFrameClient implementation.
- virtual blink::WebPlugin* createPlugin(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebPluginParams& params) {
- blink::WebPlugin* plugin = base_proxy_->CreatePlugin(frame, params);
- if (plugin)
- return plugin;
- return Base::createPlugin(frame, params);
- }
- virtual blink::WebScreenOrientationClient* webScreenOrientationClient() {
- return base_proxy_->GetScreenOrientationClientMock();
- }
- virtual void didAddMessageToConsole(const blink::WebConsoleMessage& message,
- const blink::WebString& source_name,
- unsigned source_line,
- const blink::WebString& stack_trace) {
- base_proxy_->DidAddMessageToConsole(message, source_name, source_line);
- Base::didAddMessageToConsole(
- message, source_name, source_line, stack_trace);
- }
- virtual bool canCreatePluginWithoutRenderer(
- const blink::WebString& mime_type) {
- using blink::WebString;
- WebString, suffix, ("-can-create-without-renderer"));
- return mime_type.utf8().find(suffix.utf8()) != std::string::npos;
- }
- virtual void loadURLExternally(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebURLRequest& request,
- blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy,
- const blink::WebString& suggested_name) {
- base_proxy_->LoadURLExternally(frame, request, policy, suggested_name);
- Base::loadURLExternally(frame, request, policy, suggested_name);
- }
- virtual void didStartProvisionalLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- double triggeringEventTime) {
- base_proxy_->DidStartProvisionalLoad(frame);
- Base::didStartProvisionalLoad(
- frame, triggeringEventTime);
- }
- virtual void didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
- base_proxy_->DidReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(frame);
- Base::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoad(frame);
- }
- virtual void didFailProvisionalLoad(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebURLError& error,
- blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) {
- // If the test finished, don't notify the embedder of the failed load,
- // as we already destroyed the document loader.
- if (base_proxy_->DidFailProvisionalLoad(frame, error, commit_type))
- return;
- Base::didFailProvisionalLoad(frame, error, commit_type);
- }
- virtual void didCommitProvisionalLoad(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebHistoryItem& item,
- blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) {
- base_proxy_->DidCommitProvisionalLoad(frame, item, commit_type);
- Base::didCommitProvisionalLoad(frame, item, commit_type);
- }
- virtual void didReceiveTitle(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebString& title,
- blink::WebTextDirection direction) {
- base_proxy_->DidReceiveTitle(frame, title, direction);
- Base::didReceiveTitle(frame, title, direction);
- }
- virtual void didChangeIcon(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- blink::WebIconURL::Type icon_type) {
- base_proxy_->DidChangeIcon(frame, icon_type);
- Base::didChangeIcon(frame, icon_type);
- }
- virtual void didFinishDocumentLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
- base_proxy_->DidFinishDocumentLoad(frame);
- Base::didFinishDocumentLoad(frame);
- }
- virtual void didHandleOnloadEvents(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
- base_proxy_->DidHandleOnloadEvents(frame);
- Base::didHandleOnloadEvents(frame);
- }
- virtual void didFailLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebURLError& error,
- blink::WebHistoryCommitType commit_type) {
- base_proxy_->DidFailLoad(frame, error, commit_type);
- Base::didFailLoad(frame, error, commit_type);
- }
- virtual void didFinishLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame) {
- Base::didFinishLoad(frame);
- base_proxy_->DidFinishLoad(frame);
- }
- virtual void didChangeSelection(bool is_selection_empty) {
- base_proxy_->DidChangeSelection(is_selection_empty);
- Base::didChangeSelection(is_selection_empty);
- }
- virtual blink::WebColorChooser* createColorChooser(
- blink::WebColorChooserClient* client,
- const blink::WebColor& initial_color,
- const blink::WebVector<blink::WebColorSuggestion>& suggestions) {
- return base_proxy_->CreateColorChooser(client, initial_color, suggestions);
- }
- virtual void runModalAlertDialog(const blink::WebString& message) {
- base_proxy_->delegate_->PrintMessage(std::string("ALERT: ") +
- message.utf8().data() + "\n");
- }
- virtual bool runModalConfirmDialog(const blink::WebString& message) {
- base_proxy_->delegate_->PrintMessage(std::string("CONFIRM: ") +
- message.utf8().data() + "\n");
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool runModalPromptDialog(const blink::WebString& message,
- const blink::WebString& default_value,
- blink::WebString*) {
- base_proxy_->delegate_->PrintMessage(
- std::string("PROMPT: ") + message.utf8().data() + ", default text: " +
- default_value.utf8().data() + "\n");
- return true;
- }
- virtual bool runModalBeforeUnloadDialog(bool is_reload,
- const blink::WebString& message) {
- base_proxy_->delegate_->PrintMessage(std::string("CONFIRM NAVIGATION: ") +
- message.utf8().data() + "\n");
- return !base_proxy_->test_interfaces_->GetTestRunner()
- ->shouldStayOnPageAfterHandlingBeforeUnload();
- }
- virtual void showContextMenu(
- const blink::WebContextMenuData& context_menu_data) {
- base_proxy_->ShowContextMenu(Base::GetWebFrame(),
- context_menu_data);
- Base::showContextMenu(context_menu_data);
- }
- virtual void didDetectXSS(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebURL& insecure_url,
- bool did_block_entire_page) {
- // This is not implemented in RenderFrameImpl, so need to explicitly call
- // into the base proxy.
- base_proxy_->DidDetectXSS(frame, insecure_url, did_block_entire_page);
- Base::didDetectXSS(frame, insecure_url, did_block_entire_page);
- }
- virtual void didDispatchPingLoader(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebURL& url) {
- // This is not implemented in RenderFrameImpl, so need to explicitly call
- // into the base proxy.
- base_proxy_->DidDispatchPingLoader(frame, url);
- Base::didDispatchPingLoader(frame, url);
- }
- virtual void willRequestResource(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- const blink::WebCachedURLRequest& request) {
- // This is not implemented in RenderFrameImpl, so need to explicitly call
- // into the base proxy.
- base_proxy_->WillRequestResource(frame, request);
- Base::willRequestResource(frame, request);
- }
- virtual void didCreateDataSource(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- blink::WebDataSource* ds) {
- Base::didCreateDataSource(frame, ds);
- }
- virtual void willSendRequest(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- unsigned identifier,
- blink::WebURLRequest& request,
- const blink::WebURLResponse& redirect_response) {
- Base::willSendRequest(frame, identifier, request, redirect_response);
- base_proxy_->WillSendRequest(frame, identifier, request, redirect_response);
- }
- virtual void didReceiveResponse(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- unsigned identifier,
- const blink::WebURLResponse& response) {
- base_proxy_->DidReceiveResponse(frame, identifier, response);
- Base::didReceiveResponse(frame, identifier, response);
- }
- virtual void didChangeResourcePriority(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- unsigned identifier,
- const blink::WebURLRequest::Priority& priority,
- int intra_priority_value) {
- // This is not implemented in RenderFrameImpl, so need to explicitly call
- // into the base proxy.
- base_proxy_->DidChangeResourcePriority(
- frame, identifier, priority, intra_priority_value);
- Base::didChangeResourcePriority(
- frame, identifier, priority, intra_priority_value);
- }
- virtual void didFinishResourceLoad(blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- unsigned identifier) {
- base_proxy_->DidFinishResourceLoad(frame, identifier);
- Base::didFinishResourceLoad(frame, identifier);
- }
- virtual blink::WebNavigationPolicy decidePolicyForNavigation(
- const blink::WebFrameClient::NavigationPolicyInfo& info) {
- blink::WebNavigationPolicy policy = base_proxy_->DecidePolicyForNavigation(
- info);
- if (policy == blink::WebNavigationPolicyIgnore)
- return policy;
- return Base::decidePolicyForNavigation(info);
- }
- virtual void willStartUsingPeerConnectionHandler(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* frame,
- blink::WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler* handler) {
- // RenderFrameImpl::willStartUsingPeerConnectionHandler can not be mocked.
- // See http://crbug/363285.
- }
- virtual blink::WebUserMediaClient* userMediaClient() {
- return base_proxy_->GetUserMediaClient();
- }
- virtual bool willCheckAndDispatchMessageEvent(
- blink::WebLocalFrame* source_frame,
- blink::WebFrame* target_frame,
- blink::WebSecurityOrigin target,
- blink::WebDOMMessageEvent event) {
- if (base_proxy_->WillCheckAndDispatchMessageEvent(
- source_frame, target_frame, target, event))
- return true;
- return Base::willCheckAndDispatchMessageEvent(
- source_frame, target_frame, target, event);
- }
- virtual void didStopLoading() {
- base_proxy_->DidStopLoading();
- Base::didStopLoading();
- }
- private:
- WebTestProxyBase* base_proxy_;
-} // namespace content
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