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Unified Diff: build/android/pylib/

Issue 11649008: Reorganize Android's test scripts into packages. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years, 11 months ago
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diff --git a/build/android/pylib/ b/build/android/pylib/
deleted file mode 100644
index d2cdfb09321051549eb1662c42f00bd8f796c9c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/build/android/pylib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Base class for Android Python-driven tests.
-This test case is intended to serve as the base class for any Python-driven
-tests. It is similar to the Python unitttest module in that the user's tests
-inherit from this case and add their tests in that case.
-When a PythonTestBase object is instantiated, its purpose is to run only one of
-its tests. The test runner gives it the name of the test the instance will
-run. The test runner calls SetUp with the Android device ID which the test will
-run against. The runner runs the test method itself, collecting the result,
-and calls TearDown.
-Tests can basically do whatever they want in the test methods, such as call
-Java tests using _RunJavaTests. Those methods have the advantage of massaging
-the Java test results into Python test results.
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-import android_commands
-import apk_info
-from run_java_tests import TestRunner
-from test_result import SingleTestResult, TestResults
-# aka the parent of
-BASE_ROOT = 'src' + os.sep
-class PythonTestBase(object):
- """Base class for Python-driven tests."""
- def __init__(self, test_name):
- # test_name must match one of the test methods defined on a subclass which
- # inherits from this class.
- # It's stored so we can do the attr lookup on demand, allowing this class
- # to be pickled, a requirement for the multiprocessing module.
- self.test_name = test_name
- class_name = self.__class__.__name__
- self.qualified_name = class_name + '.' + self.test_name
- def SetUp(self, options):
- self.options = options
- self.shard_index = self.options.shard_index
- self.device_id = self.options.device_id
- self.adb = android_commands.AndroidCommands(self.device_id)
- self.ports_to_forward = []
- def TearDown(self):
- pass
- def GetOutDir(self):
- return os.path.join(os.environ['CHROME_SRC'], 'out',
- self.options.build_type)
- def Run(self):
- logging.warning('Running Python-driven test: %s', self.test_name)
- return getattr(self, self.test_name)()
- def _RunJavaTest(self, fname, suite, test):
- """Runs a single Java test with a Java TestRunner.
- Args:
- fname: filename for the test (e.g. foo/bar/baz/tests/
- suite: name of the Java test suite (e.g. FooTest)
- test: name of the test method to run (e.g. testFooBar)
- Returns:
- TestResults object with a single test result.
- """
- test = self._ComposeFullTestName(fname, suite, test)
- apks = [apk_info.ApkInfo(self.options.test_apk_path,
- self.options.test_apk_jar_path)]
- java_test_runner = TestRunner(self.options, self.device_id, [test], False,
- self.shard_index,
- apks,
- self.ports_to_forward)
- return java_test_runner.Run()
- def _RunJavaTests(self, fname, tests):
- """Calls a list of tests and stops at the first test failure.
- This method iterates until either it encounters a non-passing test or it
- exhausts the list of tests. Then it returns the appropriate Python result.
- Args:
- fname: filename for the Python test
- tests: a list of Java test names which will be run
- Returns:
- A TestResults object containing a result for this Python test.
- """
- start_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000
- result = None
- for test in tests:
- # We're only running one test at a time, so this TestResults object will
- # hold only one result.
- suite, test_name = test.split('.')
- result = self._RunJavaTest(fname, suite, test_name)
- # A non-empty list means the test did not pass.
- if result.GetAllBroken():
- break
- duration_ms = int(time.time()) * 1000 - start_ms
- # Do something with result.
- return self._ProcessResults(result, start_ms, duration_ms)
- def _ProcessResults(self, result, start_ms, duration_ms):
- """Translates a Java test result into a Python result for this test.
- The TestRunner class that we use under the covers will return a test result
- for that specific Java test. However, to make reporting clearer, we have
- this method to abstract that detail and instead report that as a failure of
- this particular test case while still including the Java stack trace.
- Args:
- result: TestResults with a single Java test result
- start_ms: the time the test started
- duration_ms: the length of the test
- Returns:
- A TestResults object containing a result for this Python test.
- """
- test_results = TestResults()
- # If our test is in broken, then it crashed/failed.
- broken = result.GetAllBroken()
- if broken:
- # Since we have run only one test, take the first and only item.
- single_result = broken[0]
- log = single_result.log
- if not log:
- log = 'No logging information.'
- python_result = SingleTestResult(self.qualified_name, start_ms,
- duration_ms,
- log)
- # Figure out where the test belonged. There's probably a cleaner way of
- # doing this.
- if single_result in result.crashed:
- test_results.crashed = [python_result]
- elif single_result in result.failed:
- test_results.failed = [python_result]
- elif single_result in result.unknown:
- test_results.unknown = [python_result]
- else:
- python_result = SingleTestResult(self.qualified_name, start_ms,
- duration_ms)
- test_results.ok = [python_result]
- return test_results
- def _ComposeFullTestName(self, fname, suite, test):
- package_name = self._GetPackageName(fname)
- return package_name + '.' + suite + '#' + test
- def _GetPackageName(self, fname):
- """Extracts the package name from the test file path."""
- dirname = os.path.dirname(fname)
- package = dirname[dirname.rfind(BASE_ROOT) + len(BASE_ROOT):]
- return package.replace(os.sep, '.')
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