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Unified Diff: Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp

Issue 1164723004: Remove block continuation support. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 6 months ago
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Index: Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp b/Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp
index dbabb45d2be674711d78c4a6569a463401c31789..6eb9aa84d7964893a7de48547950c846332235df 100644
--- a/Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp
+++ b/Source/core/layout/LayoutBlock.cpp
@@ -325,16 +325,6 @@ void LayoutBlock::styleDidChange(StyleDifference diff, const ComputedStyle* oldS
const ComputedStyle& newStyle = styleRef();
- if (!isAnonymousBlock()) {
- // Ensure that all of our continuation blocks pick up the new style.
- for (LayoutBlock* currCont = blockElementContinuation(); currCont; currCont = currCont->blockElementContinuation()) {
- LayoutBoxModelObject* nextCont = currCont->continuation();
- currCont->setContinuation(0);
- currCont->setStyle(mutableStyle());
- currCont->setContinuation(nextCont);
- }
- }
if (TextAutosizer* textAutosizer = document().textAutosizer())
@@ -397,404 +387,7 @@ void LayoutBlock::invalidatePaintOfSubtreesIfNeeded(PaintInvalidationState& chil
-LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::continuationBefore(LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == this)
- return this;
- LayoutBlock* curr = toLayoutBlock(continuation());
- LayoutBlock* nextToLast = this;
- LayoutBlock* last = this;
- while (curr) {
- if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() == curr) {
- if (curr->firstChild() == beforeChild)
- return last;
- return curr;
- }
- nextToLast = last;
- last = curr;
- curr = toLayoutBlock(curr->continuation());
- }
- if (!beforeChild && !last->firstChild())
- return nextToLast;
- return last;
-void LayoutBlock::addChildToContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- LayoutBlock* flow = continuationBefore(beforeChild);
- LayoutBoxModelObject* beforeChildParent = 0;
- if (beforeChild) {
- beforeChildParent = toLayoutBoxModelObject(beforeChild->parent());
- // Don't attempt to insert into something that isn't a LayoutBlockFlow (block
- // container). While the DOM nodes of |beforeChild| and |newChild| are siblings, there may
- // be anonymous table wrapper objects around |beforeChild| on the layout side. Therefore,
- // find the nearest LayoutBlockFlow. If it turns out that the new layoutObject doesn't belong
- // inside the anonymous table, this will make sure that it's really put on the outside. If
- // it turns out that it does belong inside it, the normal child insertion machinery will
- // make sure it ends up there, and at the right place too. We cannot just guess that it's
- // going to be right under the parent of |beforeChild|.
- while (beforeChildParent && !beforeChildParent->isLayoutBlockFlow()) {
- ASSERT(!beforeChildParent->virtualContinuation());
- ASSERT(beforeChildParent->isAnonymous());
- RELEASE_ASSERT(beforeChildParent != this);
- beforeChildParent = toLayoutBoxModelObject(beforeChildParent->parent());
- }
- ASSERT(beforeChildParent);
- } else {
- LayoutBoxModelObject* cont = flow->continuation();
- if (cont)
- beforeChildParent = cont;
- else
- beforeChildParent = flow;
- }
- if (newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
- beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
- return;
- }
- // A continuation always consists of two potential candidates: a block or an anonymous
- // column span box holding column span children.
- bool childIsNormal = newChild->isInline() || !newChild->style()->columnSpan();
- bool bcpIsNormal = beforeChildParent->isInline() || !beforeChildParent->style()->columnSpan();
- bool flowIsNormal = flow->isInline() || !flow->style()->columnSpan();
- if (flow == beforeChildParent) {
- flow->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
- return;
- }
- // The goal here is to match up if we can, so that we can coalesce and create the
- // minimal # of continuations needed for the inline.
- if (childIsNormal == bcpIsNormal) {
- beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
- return;
- }
- if (flowIsNormal == childIsNormal) {
- flow->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, 0); // Just treat like an append.
- return;
- }
- beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
-void LayoutBlock::addChildToAnonymousColumnBlocks(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- ASSERT(!continuation()); // We don't yet support column spans that aren't immediate children of the multi-column block.
- // The goal is to locate a suitable box in which to place our child.
- LayoutBlock* beforeChildParent = 0;
- if (beforeChild) {
- LayoutObject* curr = beforeChild;
- while (curr && curr->parent() != this)
- curr = curr->parent();
- beforeChildParent = toLayoutBlock(curr);
- ASSERT(beforeChildParent);
- ASSERT(beforeChildParent->isAnonymousColumnsBlock() || beforeChildParent->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock());
- } else {
- beforeChildParent = toLayoutBlock(lastChild());
- }
- // If the new child is floating or positioned it can just go in that block.
- if (newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
- beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, beforeChild);
- return;
- }
- // See if the child can be placed in the box.
- bool newChildHasColumnSpan = newChild->style()->columnSpan() && !newChild->isInline();
- bool beforeChildParentHoldsColumnSpans = beforeChildParent->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock();
- if (newChildHasColumnSpan == beforeChildParentHoldsColumnSpans) {
- beforeChildParent->addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, beforeChild);
- return;
- }
- if (!beforeChild) {
- // Create a new block of the correct type.
- LayoutBlock* newBox = newChildHasColumnSpan ? createAnonymousColumnSpanBlock() : createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- children()->appendChildNode(this, newBox);
- newBox->addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, 0);
- return;
- }
- LayoutObject* immediateChild = beforeChild;
- bool isPreviousBlockViable = true;
- while (immediateChild->parent() != this) {
- if (isPreviousBlockViable)
- isPreviousBlockViable = !immediateChild->previousSibling();
- immediateChild = immediateChild->parent();
- }
- if (isPreviousBlockViable && immediateChild->previousSibling()) {
- toLayoutBlock(immediateChild->previousSibling())->addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, 0); // Treat like an append.
- return;
- }
- // Split our anonymous blocks.
- LayoutObject* newBeforeChild = splitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(beforeChild);
- // Create a new anonymous box of the appropriate type.
- LayoutBlock* newBox = newChildHasColumnSpan ? createAnonymousColumnSpanBlock() : createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- children()->insertChildNode(this, newBox, newBeforeChild);
- newBox->addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, 0);
- return;
-LayoutBlockFlow* LayoutBlock::containingColumnsBlock(bool allowAnonymousColumnBlock)
- LayoutBlock* firstChildIgnoringAnonymousWrappers = 0;
- for (LayoutObject* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
- if (!curr->isLayoutBlock() || curr->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() || curr->isTableCell() || curr->isDocumentElement() || curr->isLayoutView() || curr->hasOverflowClip()
- || curr->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable())
- return 0;
- // FIXME: LayoutObjects that do special management of their children (tables, buttons,
- // lists, flexboxes, etc.) breaks when the flow is split through them. Disabling
- // multi-column for them to avoid this problem.)
- if (!curr->isLayoutBlockFlow() || curr->isListItem())
- return 0;
- LayoutBlockFlow* currBlock = toLayoutBlockFlow(curr);
- if (!currBlock->createsAnonymousWrapper())
- firstChildIgnoringAnonymousWrappers = currBlock;
- if (currBlock->style()->specifiesColumns() && (allowAnonymousColumnBlock || !currBlock->isAnonymousColumnsBlock()))
- return toLayoutBlockFlow(firstChildIgnoringAnonymousWrappers);
- if (currBlock->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock())
- return 0;
- }
- return 0;
-LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::clone() const
- LayoutBlock* cloneBlock;
- if (isAnonymousBlock()) {
- cloneBlock = createAnonymousBlock();
- cloneBlock->setChildrenInline(childrenInline());
- } else {
- LayoutObject* cloneLayoutObject = toElement(node())->createLayoutObject(styleRef());
- cloneBlock = toLayoutBlock(cloneLayoutObject);
- cloneBlock->setStyle(mutableStyle());
- // This takes care of setting the right value of childrenInline in case
- // generated content is added to cloneBlock and 'this' does not have
- // generated content added yet.
- cloneBlock->setChildrenInline(cloneBlock->firstChild() ? cloneBlock->firstChild()->isInline() : childrenInline());
- }
- cloneBlock->setIsInsideFlowThread(isInsideFlowThread());
- return cloneBlock;
-void LayoutBlock::splitBlocks(LayoutBlock* fromBlock, LayoutBlock* toBlock,
- LayoutBlock* middleBlock,
- LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont)
- ASSERT(isDescendantOf(fromBlock));
- if (!beforeChild && isAfterContent(lastChild()))
- beforeChild = lastChild();
- Vector<LayoutBlock*> blocksToClone;
- for (LayoutObject* o = this; o != fromBlock; o = o->parent())
- blocksToClone.append(toLayoutBlock(o));
- // Create a new clone of the top-most block.
- LayoutBlock* topMostBlockToClone = blocksToClone.last();
- LayoutBlock* cloneBlock = topMostBlockToClone->clone();
- // Put |cloneBlock| as a child of |toBlock|.
- toBlock->children()->appendChildNode(toBlock, cloneBlock);
- // Now take all the children after |topMostBlockToClone| and remove them from the |fromBlock|
- // and put them in the |toBlock|.
- fromBlock->moveChildrenTo(toBlock, topMostBlockToClone->nextSibling(), nullptr, true);
- LayoutBlock* currentBlockParent = topMostBlockToClone;
- LayoutBlock* cloneBlockParent = cloneBlock;
- // Clone the blocks from top to down to ensure any new object will be added into a rooted tree.
- // Note that we have already cloned the top-most one, so the loop begins from size - 2.
- for (int i = static_cast<int>(blocksToClone.size()) - 2; i >= 0; --i) {
- // Hook the clone up as a continuation of |currentBlockParent|. Note we do encounter
- // anonymous blocks possibly as we walk down the block chain. When we split an
- // anonymous block, there's no need to do any continuation hookup, since we haven't
- // actually split a real element.
- if (!currentBlockParent->isAnonymousBlock()) {
- LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont = currentBlockParent->continuation();
- currentBlockParent->setContinuation(cloneBlock);
- cloneBlock->setContinuation(oldCont);
- }
- // Create a new clone.
- LayoutBlock* currentBlock = blocksToClone[i];
- cloneBlock = currentBlock->clone();
- // Insert the |cloneBlock| as the first child of |cloneBlockParent|.
- cloneBlockParent->addChildIgnoringContinuation(cloneBlock, nullptr);
- // Take all the children after |currentBlock| and remove them from the |currentBlockParent|
- // and put them to the end of the |cloneParent|.
- currentBlockParent->moveChildrenTo(cloneBlockParent, currentBlock->nextSibling(), nullptr, true);
- cloneBlockParent = cloneBlock;
- currentBlockParent = currentBlock;
- }
- // The last block to clone is |this|, and the current |cloneBlock| is cloned from |this|.
- ASSERT(this == blocksToClone.first());
- // Hook |cloneBlock| up as the continuation of the |middleBlock|.
- if (!isAnonymousBlock()) {
- cloneBlock->setContinuation(oldCont);
- middleBlock->setContinuation(cloneBlock);
- }
- // Now take all of the children from |beforeChild| to the end and remove
- // them from |this| and place them in the |cloneBlock|.
- moveChildrenTo(cloneBlock, beforeChild, nullptr, true);
-void LayoutBlock::splitFlow(LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBlock* newBlockBox,
- LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutBoxModelObject* oldCont)
- LayoutBlock* pre = 0;
- LayoutBlock* block = containingColumnsBlock();
- // Delete our line boxes before we do the inline split into continuations.
- block->deleteLineBoxTree();
- bool madeNewBeforeBlock = false;
- if (block->isAnonymousColumnsBlock()) {
- // We can reuse this block and make it the preBlock of the next continuation.
- pre = block;
- pre->removePositionedObjects(0);
- if (block->isLayoutBlockFlow())
- toLayoutBlockFlow(pre)->removeFloatingObjects();
- block = toLayoutBlock(block->parent());
- } else {
- // No anonymous block available for use. Make one.
- pre = block->createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- pre->setChildrenInline(false);
- madeNewBeforeBlock = true;
- }
- LayoutBlock* post = block->createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- post->setChildrenInline(false);
- LayoutObject* boxFirst = madeNewBeforeBlock ? block->firstChild() : pre->nextSibling();
- if (madeNewBeforeBlock)
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, pre, boxFirst);
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, newBlockBox, boxFirst);
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, post, boxFirst);
- block->setChildrenInline(false);
- if (madeNewBeforeBlock)
- block->moveChildrenTo(pre, boxFirst, 0, true);
- splitBlocks(pre, post, newBlockBox, beforeChild, oldCont);
- // We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
- // time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.
- newBlockBox->setChildrenInline(false);
- newBlockBox->addChild(newChild);
- // Always just do a full layout in order to ensure that line boxes (especially wrappers for images)
- // get deleted properly. Because objects moves from the pre block into the post block, we want to
- // make new line boxes instead of leaving the old line boxes around.
- pre->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
- block->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
- post->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
-void LayoutBlock::makeChildrenAnonymousColumnBlocks(LayoutObject* beforeChild, LayoutBlockFlow* newBlockBox, LayoutObject* newChild)
- LayoutBlockFlow* pre = 0;
- LayoutBlockFlow* post = 0;
- LayoutBlock* block = this; // Eventually block will not just be |this|, but will also be a block nested inside |this|. Assign to a variable
- // so that we don't have to patch all of the rest of the code later on.
- // Delete the block's line boxes before we do the split.
- block->deleteLineBoxTree();
- if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this)
- beforeChild = splitAnonymousBoxesAroundChild(beforeChild);
- if (beforeChild != firstChild()) {
- pre = block->createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- pre->setChildrenInline(block->childrenInline());
- }
- if (beforeChild) {
- post = block->createAnonymousColumnsBlock();
- post->setChildrenInline(block->childrenInline());
- }
- LayoutObject* boxFirst = block->firstChild();
- if (pre)
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, pre, boxFirst);
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, newBlockBox, boxFirst);
- if (post)
- block->children()->insertChildNode(block, post, boxFirst);
- block->setChildrenInline(false);
- // The pre/post blocks always have layers, so we know to always do a full insert/remove (so we pass true as the last argument).
- block->moveChildrenTo(pre, boxFirst, beforeChild, true);
- block->moveChildrenTo(post, beforeChild, 0, true);
- // We already know the newBlockBox isn't going to contain inline kids, so avoid wasting
- // time in makeChildrenNonInline by just setting this explicitly up front.
- newBlockBox->setChildrenInline(false);
- newBlockBox->addChild(newChild);
- // Always just do a full layout in order to ensure that line boxes (especially wrappers for images)
- // get deleted properly. Because objects moved from the pre block into the post block, we want to
- // make new line boxes instead of leaving the old line boxes around.
- if (pre)
- pre->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
- block->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
- if (post)
- post->setNeedsLayoutAndPrefWidthsRecalcAndFullPaintInvalidation(LayoutInvalidationReason::ColumnsChanged);
-LayoutBlockFlow* LayoutBlock::columnsBlockForSpanningElement(LayoutObject* newChild)
- // FIXME: This function is the gateway for the addition of column-span support. It will
- // be added to in three stages:
- // (1) Immediate children of a multi-column block can span.
- // (2) Nested block-level children with only block-level ancestors between them and the multi-column block can span.
- // (3) Nested children with block or inline ancestors between them and the multi-column block can span (this is when we
- // cross the streams and have to cope with both types of continuations mixed together).
- // This function currently supports (1) and (2).
- LayoutBlockFlow* columnsBlockAncestor = 0;
- if (!newChild->isText() && newChild->style()->columnSpan() && !newChild->isBeforeOrAfterContent()
- && !newChild->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !newChild->isInline() && !newChild->isTablePart()
- && !isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock()) {
- columnsBlockAncestor = containingColumnsBlock(false);
- if (columnsBlockAncestor) {
- // Make sure that none of the parent ancestors have a continuation.
- // If yes, we do not want split the block into continuations.
- LayoutObject* curr = this;
- while (curr && curr != columnsBlockAncestor) {
- if (curr->isLayoutBlock() && toLayoutBlock(curr)->continuation()) {
- columnsBlockAncestor = 0;
- break;
- }
- curr = curr->parent();
- }
- }
- }
- return columnsBlockAncestor;
-void LayoutBlock::addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
+void LayoutBlock::addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
if (beforeChild && beforeChild->parent() != this) {
LayoutObject* beforeChildContainer = beforeChild->parent();
@@ -881,18 +474,7 @@ void LayoutBlock::addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(LayoutObject* newChild,
void LayoutBlock::addChild(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- if (continuation() && !isAnonymousBlock())
- addChildToContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
- else
- addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
-void LayoutBlock::addChildIgnoringContinuation(LayoutObject* newChild, LayoutObject* beforeChild)
- if (!isAnonymousBlock() && firstChild() && (firstChild()->isAnonymousColumnsBlock() || firstChild()->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock()))
- addChildToAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, beforeChild);
- else
- addChildIgnoringAnonymousColumnBlocks(newChild, beforeChild);
+ addChildIgnoringContinuation(newChild, beforeChild);
static void getInlineRun(LayoutObject* start, LayoutObject* boundary,
@@ -1010,7 +592,7 @@ void LayoutBlock::removeLeftoverAnonymousBlock(LayoutBlock* child)
ASSERT(child->parent() == this);
- if (child->continuation() || (child->firstChild() && (child->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock() || child->isAnonymousColumnsBlock())))
+ if (child->continuation())
// Promote all the leftover anonymous block's children (to become children of this block
@@ -1045,12 +627,7 @@ static bool canMergeContiguousAnonymousBlocks(LayoutObject* oldChild, LayoutObje
|| (next && (next->isRubyRun() || next->isRubyBase())))
return false;
- if (!prev || !next)
- return true;
- // Make sure the types of the anonymous blocks match up.
- return prev->isAnonymousColumnsBlock() == next->isAnonymousColumnsBlock()
- && prev->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock() == next->isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock();
+ return true;
void LayoutBlock::removeAnonymousWrappersIfRequired()
@@ -1091,16 +668,7 @@ void LayoutBlock::collapseAnonymousBlockChild(LayoutBlock* parent, LayoutBlock*
LayoutObject* nextSibling = child->nextSibling();
parent->children()->removeChildNode(parent, child, child->hasLayer());
- // FIXME: Get rid of the temporary disabling of continuations. This is needed by the old
- // multicol implementation, because of buggy block continuation handling (which is hard and
- // rather pointless to fix at this point). Support for block continuations can be removed
- // together with the old multicol implementation.
- LayoutBoxModelObject* temporarilyInactiveContinuation = parent->continuation();
- if (temporarilyInactiveContinuation)
- parent->setContinuation(0);
child->moveAllChildrenTo(parent, nextSibling, child->hasLayer());
- if (temporarilyInactiveContinuation)
- parent->setContinuation(temporarilyInactiveContinuation);
// Explicitly delete the child's line box tree, or the special anonymous
// block handling in willBeDestroyed will cause problems.
@@ -1738,17 +1306,6 @@ LayoutInline* LayoutBlock::inlineElementContinuation() const
return continuation && continuation->isInline() ? toLayoutInline(continuation) : 0;
-LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::blockElementContinuation() const
- LayoutBoxModelObject* currentContinuation = continuation();
- if (!currentContinuation || currentContinuation->isInline())
- return 0;
- LayoutBlock* nextContinuation = toLayoutBlock(currentContinuation);
- if (nextContinuation->isAnonymousBlock())
- return nextContinuation->blockElementContinuation();
- return nextContinuation;
ContinuationOutlineTableMap* continuationOutlineTable()
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(ContinuationOutlineTableMap, table, ());
@@ -3055,10 +2612,6 @@ void LayoutBlock::computeSelfHitTestRects(Vector<LayoutRect>& rects, const Layou
LayoutBox* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(const LayoutObject* parent) const
- if (isAnonymousColumnsBlock())
- return createAnonymousColumnsWithParent(parent);
- if (isAnonymousColumnSpanBlock())
- return createAnonymousColumnSpanWithParent(parent);
return createAnonymousWithParentAndDisplay(parent, style()->display());
@@ -3209,28 +2762,6 @@ LayoutBlock* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousWithParentAndDisplay(const LayoutObject
return newBox;
-LayoutBlockFlow* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousColumnsWithParent(const LayoutObject* parent)
- RefPtr<ComputedStyle> newStyle = ComputedStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(parent->styleRef(), BLOCK);
- newStyle->inheritColumnPropertiesFrom(parent->styleRef());
- LayoutBlockFlow* newBox = LayoutBlockFlow::createAnonymous(&parent->document());
- parent->updateAnonymousChildStyle(*newBox, *newStyle);
- newBox->setStyle(newStyle.release());
- return newBox;
-LayoutBlockFlow* LayoutBlock::createAnonymousColumnSpanWithParent(const LayoutObject* parent)
- RefPtr<ComputedStyle> newStyle = ComputedStyle::createAnonymousStyleWithDisplay(parent->styleRef(), BLOCK);
- newStyle->setColumnSpan(ColumnSpanAll);
- LayoutBlockFlow* newBox = LayoutBlockFlow::createAnonymous(&parent->document());
- parent->updateAnonymousChildStyle(*newBox, *newStyle);
- newBox->setStyle(newStyle.release());
- return newBox;
static bool recalcNormalFlowChildOverflowIfNeeded(LayoutObject* layoutObject)
if (layoutObject->isOutOfFlowPositioned() || !layoutObject->needsOverflowRecalcAfterStyleChange())
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