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Unified Diff: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/dart/lib/src/event_stream.dart

Issue 1157573002: Revert "Update mojo sdk to rev 1dc8a9a5db73d3718d99917fadf31f5fb2ebad4f" (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/dart/lib/src/event_stream.dart
diff --git a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/dart/lib/src/event_stream.dart b/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/dart/lib/src/event_stream.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index febfc9d591d4e26336b219670d962c4f0176e03a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/mojo/src/mojo/public/dart/lib/src/event_stream.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-part of core;
-class MojoEventStream extends Stream<List<int>> {
- // The underlying Mojo handle.
- MojoHandle _handle;
- // Providing our own stream controller allows us to take custom actions when
- // listeners pause/resume/etc. their StreamSubscription.
- StreamController _controller;
- // The send port that we give to the handle watcher to notify us of handle
- // events.
- SendPort _sendPort;
- // The receive port on which we listen and receive events from the handle
- // watcher.
- ReceivePort _receivePort;
- // The signals on this handle that we're interested in.
- MojoHandleSignals _signals;
- // Whether listen has been called.
- bool _isListening;
- MojoEventStream(MojoHandle handle,
- [MojoHandleSignals signals = MojoHandleSignals.PEER_CLOSED_READABLE])
- : _handle = handle,
- _signals = signals,
- _isListening = false {
- MojoResult result = MojoHandle.register(this);
- if (!result.isOk) {
- throw "Failed to register the MojoHandle: $result.";
- }
- }
- Future close({bool immediate: false}) {
- if (_handle != null) {
- if (_isListening) {
- return _handleWatcherClose(immediate: immediate);
- } else {
- _localClose();
- return new Future.value(null);
- }
- }
- }
- StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List event),
- {Function onError, void onDone(), bool cancelOnError}) {
- if (_isListening) {
- throw "Listen has already been called: $_handle.";
- }
- _receivePort = new ReceivePort();
- _sendPort = _receivePort.sendPort;
- _controller = new StreamController(
- sync: true,
- onListen: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
- onCancel: _onSubscriptionStateChange,
- onPause: _onPauseStateChange,
- onResume: _onPauseStateChange);
- _controller.addStream(_receivePort).whenComplete(_controller.close);
- if (_signals != MojoHandleSignals.NONE) {
- var res = new MojoResult(
- MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle.h, _sendPort, _signals.value));
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- _isListening = true;
- return,
- onError: onError, onDone: onDone, cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
- }
- void enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals signals) {
- _signals = signals;
- if (_isListening) {
- var res = new MojoResult(
- MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle.h, _sendPort, signals.value));
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- }
- void enableReadEvents() =>
- enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.PEER_CLOSED_READABLE);
- void enableWriteEvents() => enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.WRITABLE);
- void enableAllEvents() => enableSignals(MojoHandleSignals.READWRITE);
- Future _handleWatcherClose({bool immediate: false}) {
- assert(_handle != null);
- assert(MojoHandle._removeUnclosedHandle(_handle));
- return MojoHandleWatcher.close(_handle.h, wait: !immediate).then((r) {
- if (_receivePort != null) {
- _receivePort.close();
- _receivePort = null;
- }
- return new MojoResult(r);
- });
- }
- void _localClose() {
- assert(_handle != null);
- _handle.close();
- _handle = null;
- if (_receivePort != null) {
- _receivePort.close();
- _receivePort = null;
- }
- }
- void _onSubscriptionStateChange() {
- if (!_controller.hasListener) {
- // No one is listening, close it immediately.
- close(immediate: true);
- }
- }
- void _onPauseStateChange() {
- if (_controller.isPaused) {
- var res = new MojoResult(MojoHandleWatcher.remove(_handle.h));
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- } else {
- var res = new MojoResult(
- MojoHandleWatcher.add(_handle.h, _sendPort, _signals.value));
- if (!res.isOk) {
- throw "MojoHandleWatcher add failed: $res";
- }
- }
- }
- bool get readyRead => _handle.readyRead;
- bool get readyWrite => _handle.readyWrite;
- String toString() => "$_handle";
-typedef void ErrorHandler();
-class MojoEventStreamListener {
- MojoMessagePipeEndpoint _endpoint;
- MojoEventStream _eventStream;
- bool _isOpen = false;
- bool _isInHandler = false;
- StreamSubscription subscription;
- ErrorHandler onError;
- MojoEventStreamListener.fromEndpoint(MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint)
- : _endpoint = endpoint,
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(endpoint.handle),
- _isOpen = false {
- listen();
- }
- MojoEventStreamListener.fromHandle(MojoHandle handle) {
- _endpoint = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(handle);
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- listen();
- }
- MojoEventStreamListener.unbound()
- : _endpoint = null,
- _eventStream = null,
- _isOpen = false;
- void bind(MojoMessagePipeEndpoint endpoint) {
- assert(!isBound);
- _endpoint = endpoint;
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(endpoint.handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- }
- void bindFromHandle(MojoHandle handle) {
- assert(!isBound);
- _endpoint = new MojoMessagePipeEndpoint(handle);
- _eventStream = new MojoEventStream(handle);
- _isOpen = false;
- }
- StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen() {
- assert(isBound && (subscription == null));
- _isOpen = true;
- subscription = _eventStream.listen((List<int> event) {
- if (!_isOpen) {
- // The actual close of the underlying stream happens asynchronously
- // after the call to close. However, we start to ignore incoming events
- // immediately.
- return;
- }
- var signalsWatched = new MojoHandleSignals(event[0]);
- var signalsReceived = new MojoHandleSignals(event[1]);
- _isInHandler = true;
- if (signalsReceived.isReadable) {
- assert(_eventStream.readyRead);
- handleRead();
- }
- if (signalsReceived.isWritable) {
- assert(_eventStream.readyWrite);
- handleWrite();
- }
- if (!signalsReceived.isPeerClosed) {
- _eventStream.enableSignals(signalsWatched);
- }
- _isInHandler = false;
- if (signalsReceived.isPeerClosed) {
- // immediate is true here because there is no need to wait to close
- // until outstanding messages are sent. The other side is gone.
- close(immediate: true).then((_) {
- if (onError != null) {
- onError();
- }
- });
- }
- }, onDone: close);
- return subscription;
- }
- Future close({bool immediate: false}) {
- var result;
- _isOpen = false;
- _endpoint = null;
- subscription = null;
- if (_eventStream != null) {
- result = _eventStream.close(immediate: immediate).then((_) {
- _eventStream = null;
- });
- }
- return result != null ? result : new Future.value(null);
- }
- void handleRead() {}
- void handleWrite() {}
- MojoMessagePipeEndpoint get endpoint => _endpoint;
- bool get isOpen => _isOpen;
- bool get isInHandler => _isInHandler;
- bool get isBound => _endpoint != null;
- String toString() => "MojoEventStreamListener("
- "isOpen: $isOpen, isBound: $isBound, endpoint: $_endpoint)";

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