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Unified Diff: LayoutTests/platform/mac/virtual/stable/fast/multicol/column-rules-stacking-expected.txt

Issue 1152423003: Enable RegionBasedColumns runtime flag for stable. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 7 months ago
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Index: LayoutTests/platform/mac/virtual/stable/fast/multicol/column-rules-stacking-expected.txt
diff --git a/LayoutTests/platform/mac/virtual/stable/fast/multicol/column-rules-stacking-expected.txt b/LayoutTests/platform/mac/virtual/stable/fast/multicol/column-rules-stacking-expected.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c34d5b8af544e763e608d14d13a6c8537b6970a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/LayoutTests/platform/mac/virtual/stable/fast/multicol/column-rules-stacking-expected.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
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- text run at (35,1085) width 195: "Etiam lacus ligula, placerat ut,"
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- text run at (35,1499) width 182: "non nisi ornare facilisis. Sed"
- text run at (35,1517) width 216: "placerat, est non posuere posuere,"
- text run at (35,1535) width 188: "purus sem dignissim libero, a"
- text run at (35,1553) width 191: "viverra tellus dolor vel lorem."
- text run at (35,1571) width 174: "Cras augue. Etiam ultricies"
- text run at (35,1589) width 214: "consequat odio. Mauris ac libero."
- text run at (35,1607) width 173: "Etiam posuere, libero vitae"
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- text run at (35,1643) width 205: "imperdiet magna, vel cursus elit"
- text run at (35,1661) width 214: "felis non mauris. Donec orci erat,"
- text run at (35,1679) width 194: "porta id, dignissim ut, posuere"
- text run at (35,1697) width 159: "dictum, leo. Suspendisse"
- text run at (35,1715) width 162: "scelerisque egestas nulla."

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