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Unified Diff: gm/aaxfermodes.cpp

Issue 1124373002: Implement Porter Duff XP with a blend table (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Use resource provider instead of gpu for tests Created 5 years, 7 months ago
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Index: gm/aaxfermodes.cpp
diff --git a/gm/aaxfermodes.cpp b/gm/aaxfermodes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9970c4fd6d3fa26641d85698017e502e5c8e5795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gm/aaxfermodes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+ * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+ * found in the LICENSE file.
+ */
+#include "gm.h"
+#include "SkArithmeticMode.h"
+#include "SkShader.h"
+#include "SkXfermode.h"
+enum {
+ kXfermodeCount = SkXfermode::kLastMode + 2, // All xfermodes plus arithmetic mode.
+ kShapeSize = 22,
+ kShapeSpacing = 36,
+ kShapeTypeSpacing = 4 * kShapeSpacing / 3,
+ kPaintSpacing = 3 * kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kLabelSpacing = 3 * kShapeSize,
+ kMargin = kShapeSpacing / 2,
+ kXfermodeTypeSpacing = kLabelSpacing + 2 * kPaintSpacing + kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kTitleSpacing = 3 * kShapeSpacing / 4,
+ kSubtitleSpacing = 5 * kShapeSpacing / 8
+static const SkColor kBGColor = SkColorSetARGB(200, 210, 184, 135);
+static const SkColor kShapeColors[2] = {
+ SkColorSetARGB(130, 255, 0, 128), // input color unknown
+ SkColorSetARGB(255, 0, 255, 255) // input color opaque
+enum Shape {
+ kSquare_Shape,
+ kDiamond_Shape,
+ kOval_Shape,
+ kLast_Shape = kOval_Shape
+namespace skiagm {
+ * Verifies AA works properly on all Xfermodes, including arithmetic, with both opaque and unknown
+ * src colors.
+ */
+class AAXfermodesGM : public GM {
+ AAXfermodesGM() {}
+ SkString onShortName() override {
+ return SkString("aaxfermodes");
+ }
+ SkISize onISize() override {
+ return SkISize::Make(2 * kMargin + 2 * kXfermodeTypeSpacing -
+ (kXfermodeTypeSpacing - (kLabelSpacing + 2 * kPaintSpacing)),
+ 2 * kMargin + kTitleSpacing + kSubtitleSpacing +
+ (1 + SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode) * kShapeSpacing);
+ }
+ void onOnceBeforeDraw() override {
+ fLabelPaint.setAntiAlias(true);
+ sk_tool_utils::set_portable_typeface(&fLabelPaint);
+ fLabelPaint.setTextSize(5 * kShapeSize/8);
+ fLabelPaint.setSubpixelText(true);
+ static const SkScalar radius = -1.4f * kShapeSize/2;
+ SkPoint pts[4] = {
+ {-radius, 0},
+ {0, -1.33f * radius},
+ {radius, 0},
+ {0, 1.33f * radius}
+ };
+ fPath.moveTo(pts[0]);
+ fPath.quadTo(pts[1], pts[2]);
+ fPath.quadTo(pts[3], pts[0]);
+ }
+ void onDraw(SkCanvas* canvas) override {
+ sk_tool_utils::draw_checkerboard(canvas, 0xffffffff, 0xffc0c0c0, 10);
+ canvas->saveLayer(NULL, NULL);
+ canvas->drawColor(kBGColor, SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode);
+ canvas->translate(kMargin, kMargin);
+ SkPaint titlePaint(fLabelPaint);
+ titlePaint.setTextSize(9 * titlePaint.getTextSize() / 8);
+ titlePaint.setFakeBoldText(true);
+ titlePaint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kCenter_Align);
+ canvas->drawText("Porter Duff", sizeof("Porter Duff") - 1,
+ kLabelSpacing + 3 * kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kTitleSpacing / 2 + titlePaint.getTextSize() / 3, titlePaint);
+ canvas->drawText("Advanced", sizeof("Advanced") - 1,
+ kXfermodeTypeSpacing + kLabelSpacing + 3 * kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kTitleSpacing / 2 + titlePaint.getTextSize() / 3, titlePaint);
+ canvas->translate(0, kTitleSpacing);
+ for (size_t xfermodeSet = 0; xfermodeSet < 2; xfermodeSet++) {
+ size_t firstMode = (SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode + 1) * xfermodeSet;
+ canvas->save();
+ fLabelPaint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kCenter_Align);
+ canvas->drawText("Src Unknown", sizeof("Src Unknown") - 1,
+ kLabelSpacing + kShapeSpacing / 2 + kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kSubtitleSpacing / 2 + fLabelPaint.getTextSize() / 3, fLabelPaint);
+ canvas->drawText("Src Opaque", sizeof("Src Opaque") - 1,
+ kLabelSpacing + kShapeSpacing / 2 + kShapeTypeSpacing + kPaintSpacing,
+ kSubtitleSpacing / 2 + fLabelPaint.getTextSize() / 3, fLabelPaint);
+ canvas->translate(0, kSubtitleSpacing + kShapeSpacing/2);
+ for (size_t m = 0; m <= SkXfermode::kLastCoeffMode; m++) {
+ SkXfermode::Mode mode = static_cast<SkXfermode::Mode>(firstMode + m);
+ canvas->save();
+ this->drawModeName(canvas, mode);
+ canvas->translate(kLabelSpacing + kShapeSpacing/2, 0);
+ for (size_t colorIdx = 0; colorIdx < SK_ARRAY_COUNT(kShapeColors); colorIdx++) {
+ SkPaint paint;
+ this->setupShapePaint(canvas, kShapeColors[colorIdx], mode, &paint);
+ SkASSERT(colorIdx == 0 || 255 == paint.getAlpha());
+ canvas->save();
+ for (size_t shapeIdx = 0; shapeIdx <= kLast_Shape; shapeIdx++) {
+ this->drawShape(canvas, static_cast<Shape>(shapeIdx), paint, mode);
+ canvas->translate(kShapeTypeSpacing, 0);
+ }
+ canvas->restore();
+ canvas->translate(kPaintSpacing, 0);
+ }
+ canvas->restore();
+ canvas->translate(0, kShapeSpacing);
+ }
+ canvas->restore();
+ canvas->translate(kXfermodeTypeSpacing, 0);
+ }
+ canvas->restore();
+ }
+ void drawModeName(SkCanvas* canvas, SkXfermode::Mode mode) {
+ const char* modeName = mode <= SkXfermode::kLastMode ? SkXfermode::ModeName(mode)
+ : "Arithmetic";
+ fLabelPaint.setTextAlign(SkPaint::kRight_Align);
+ canvas->drawText(modeName, strlen(modeName), kLabelSpacing - kShapeSize / 4,
+ fLabelPaint.getTextSize() / 3, fLabelPaint);
+ }
+ void setupShapePaint(SkCanvas* canvas, GrColor color, SkXfermode::Mode mode, SkPaint* paint) {
+ paint->setColor(color);
+ if (mode == SkXfermode::kPlus_Mode) {
+ // Check for overflow, otherwise we might get confusing AA artifacts.
+ int maxSum = SkTMax(SkTMax(SkColorGetA(kBGColor) + SkColorGetA(color),
+ SkColorGetR(kBGColor) + SkColorGetR(color)),
+ SkTMax(SkColorGetG(kBGColor) + SkColorGetG(color),
+ SkColorGetB(kBGColor) + SkColorGetB(color)));
+ if (maxSum > 255) {
+ SkPaint dimPaint;
+ dimPaint.setAntiAlias(false);
+ dimPaint.setXfermode(SkXfermode::Create(SkXfermode::kDstIn_Mode));
+ if (255 != paint->getAlpha()) {
+ // Dim the src and dst colors.
+ dimPaint.setARGB(255 * 255 / maxSum, 0, 0, 0);
+ paint->setAlpha(255 * paint->getAlpha() / maxSum);
+ } else {
+ // Just clear the dst, we need to preserve the paint's opacity.
+ dimPaint.setARGB(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ canvas->drawRectCoords(-kShapeSpacing/2, -kShapeSpacing/2,
+ kShapeSpacing/2 + 2 * kShapeTypeSpacing,
+ kShapeSpacing/2, dimPaint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void drawShape(SkCanvas* canvas, Shape shape, const SkPaint& paint, SkXfermode::Mode mode) {
+ SkPaint shapePaint(paint);
+ shapePaint.setAntiAlias(kSquare_Shape != shape);
+ SkAutoTUnref<SkXfermode> xfermode;
+ if (mode <= SkXfermode::kLastMode) {
+ xfermode.reset(SkXfermode::Create(mode));
+ } else {
+ xfermode.reset(SkArithmeticMode::Create(+1.0f, +0.25f, -0.5f, +0.1f));
+ }
+ shapePaint.setXfermode(xfermode);
+ switch (shape) {
+ case kSquare_Shape:
+ canvas->drawRectCoords(-kShapeSize/2, -kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2,
+ shapePaint);
+ break;
+ case kDiamond_Shape:
+ canvas->save();
+ canvas->rotate(45);
+ canvas->drawRectCoords(-kShapeSize/2, -kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2, kShapeSize/2,
+ shapePaint);
+ canvas->restore();
+ break;
+ case kOval_Shape:
+ canvas->save();
+ canvas->rotate(static_cast<SkScalar>((511 * mode + 257) % 360));
+ canvas->drawPath(fPath, shapePaint);
+ canvas->restore();
+ break;
+ default:
+ SkFAIL("Invalid shape.");
+ }
+ }
+ SkPaint fLabelPaint;
+ SkPath fPath;
+ typedef GM INHERITED;
+static GM* MyFactory(void*) { return new AAXfermodesGM; }
+static GMRegistry reg(MyFactory);
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