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Unified Diff: tools/

Issue 1114933002: Auto-roll script for WebRTC. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Updates for Chromium Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: tools/
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..136bce5e1fd40708e6ce43eeca9c9a9f5fde3b04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+import argparse
+import collections
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIR, os.pardir))
+import find_depot_tools
+import rietveld
+import roll_dep
+from gclient import GClientKeywords
+from third_party import upload
+# Avoid depot_tools/third_party/ print verbose messages.
+upload.verbosity = 0 # Errors only.
+COMMIT_POSITION_RE = re.compile('^Cr-Original-Commit-Position: .*#([0-9]+).*$')
+CL_ISSUE_RE = re.compile('^Issue number: ([0-9]+) \((.*)\)$')
+RIETVELD_URL_RE = re.compile('^https?://(.*)/(.*)')
+ROLL_BRANCH_NAME = 'special_webrtc_roll_branch'
+# Use a shell for subcommands on Windows to get a PATH search.
+USE_SHELL = sys.platform.startswith('win')
+WEBRTC_PATH = 'third_party/webrtc'
+LIBJINGLE_PATH = 'third_party/libjingle/source/talk'
+LIBJINGLE_README = 'third_party/libjingle/README.chromium'
+# Result codes from build/third_party/buildbot_8_4p1/buildbot/status/
+# plus the -1 code which is used when there's no result yet.
+ -1: 'RUNNING',
+ 0: 'SUCCESS',
+ 1: 'WARNINGS',
+ 2: 'FAILURE',
+ 3: 'SKIPPED',
+ 5: 'RETRY',
+SUCCESS_STATUS = (0, 1, 3)
+FAILURE_STATUS = (2, 4, 5)
+CommitInfo = collections.namedtuple('CommitInfo', ['commit_position',
+ 'git_commit',
+ 'git_repo_url'])
+CLInfo = collections.namedtuple('CLInfo', ['issue', 'url', 'rietveld_server'])
+def _ParseGitCommitPosition(description):
+ for line in reversed(description.splitlines()):
+ m = COMMIT_POSITION_RE.match(line.strip())
+ if m:
+ return
+ logging.error('Failed to parse svn revision id from:\n%s\n', description)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+def _ParseGitCommitHash(description):
+ for line in description.splitlines():
+ if line.startswith('commit '):
+ return line.split()[1]
+ logging.error('Failed to parse git commit id from:\n%s\n', description)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ return None
+def _ParseDepsFile(filename):
+ with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+ deps_content =
+ return _ParseDepsDict(deps_content)
+def _ParseDepsDict(deps_content):
+ local_scope = {}
+ var = GClientKeywords.VarImpl({}, local_scope)
+ global_scope = {
+ 'File': GClientKeywords.FileImpl,
+ 'From': GClientKeywords.FromImpl,
+ 'Var': var.Lookup,
+ 'deps_os': {},
+ }
+ exec(deps_content, global_scope, local_scope)
+ return local_scope
+def _WaitForTrybots(issue, rietveld_server):
+ """Wait until all trybots have passed or at least one have failed.
+ Returns:
+ An exit code of 0 if all trybots passed or non-zero otherwise.
+ """
+ assert type(issue) is int
+ print 'Trybot status for https://%s/%d:' % (rietveld_server, issue)
+ remote = rietveld.Rietveld('https://' + rietveld_server, None, None)
+ attempt = 0
+ max_tries = 60*60/TRYJOB_STATUS_SLEEP_SECONDS # Max one hour
+ while attempt < max_tries:
+ # Get patches for the issue so we can use the latest one.
+ data = remote.get_issue_properties(issue, messages=False)
+ patchsets = data['patchsets']
+ # Get trybot status for the latest patch set.
+ data = remote.get_patchset_properties(issue, patchsets[-1])
+ tryjob_results = data['try_job_results']
+ if len(tryjob_results) == 0:
+ logging.debug('No trybots have yet been triggered for https://%s/%d' ,
+ rietveld_server, issue)
+ else:
+ _PrintTrybotsStatus(tryjob_results)
+ if any(r['result'] in FAILURE_STATUS for r in tryjob_results):
+ logging.error('Found failing tryjobs (see above)')
+ return 1
+ if all(r['result'] in SUCCESS_STATUS for r in tryjob_results):
+ return 0
+ logging.debug('Waiting for %d seconds before next check...',
+ attempt += 1
+def _PrintTrybotsStatus(tryjob_results):
+ status_to_name = {}
+ for trybot_result in tryjob_results:
+ status = TRYJOB_STATUS.get(trybot_result['result'], 'UNKNOWN')
+ status_to_name.setdefault(status, [])
+ status_to_name[status].append(trybot_result['builder'])
+ print '\n========== TRYJOBS STATUS =========='
+ for status,name_list in status_to_name.iteritems():
+ print '%s: %s' % (status, ','.join(sorted(name_list)))
+def _GenerateCLDescription(webrtc_current, libjingle_current,
+ webrtc_new, libjingle_new):
+ delim = ''
+ webrtc_str = ''
+ def GetChangeLogURL(git_repo_url, current_hash, new_hash):
+ return '%s/+log/%s..%s' % (git_repo_url, current_hash[0:7], new_hash[0:7])
+ if webrtc_current.git_commit != webrtc_new.git_commit:
+ webrtc_str = 'WebRTC %s:%s' % (webrtc_current.commit_position,
+ webrtc_new.commit_position)
+ webrtc_changelog_url = GetChangeLogURL(webrtc_current.git_repo_url,
+ webrtc_current.git_commit,
+ webrtc_new.git_commit)
+ libjingle_str = ''
+ if libjingle_current.git_commit != libjingle_new.git_commit:
+ if webrtc_str:
+ delim += ', '
+ libjingle_str = 'Libjingle %s:%s' % (libjingle_current.commit_position,
+ libjingle_new.commit_position)
+ libjingle_changelog_url = GetChangeLogURL(libjingle_current.git_repo_url,
+ libjingle_current.git_commit,
+ libjingle_new.git_commit)
+ description = 'Roll ' + webrtc_str + delim + libjingle_str + '\n\n'
+ if webrtc_str:
+ description += webrtc_str + '\n'
+ description += 'Changes: %s\n\n' % webrtc_changelog_url
+ if libjingle_str:
+ description += libjingle_str + '\n'
+ description += 'Changes: %s\n' % libjingle_changelog_url
+ description += '\nTBR='
+ return description
+class AutoRoller(object):
+ def __init__(self, chromium_src):
+ self._chromium_src = chromium_src
+ def _RunCommand(self, command, working_dir=None, ignore_exit_code=False,
+ extra_env=None):
+ """Runs a command and returns the stdout from that command.
+ If the command fails (exit code != 0), the function will exit the process.
+ """
+ working_dir = working_dir or self._chromium_src
+ logging.debug('cmd: %s cwd: %s', ' '.join(command), working_dir)
+ env = os.environ.copy()
+ if extra_env:
+ logging.debug('extra env: %s', extra_env)
+ env.update(extra_env)
+ p = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=USE_SHELL, env=env,
+ cwd=working_dir, universal_newlines=True)
+ output =
+ p.wait()
+ p.stdout.close()
+ p.stderr.close()
+ if not ignore_exit_code and p.returncode != 0:
+ logging.error('Command failed: %s\n%s', str(command), output)
+ sys.exit(p.returncode)
+ return output
+ def _GetCommitInfo(self, path_below_src, git_hash=None, git_repo_url=None):
+ working_dir = os.path.join(self._chromium_src, path_below_src)
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'fetch', 'origin'], working_dir=working_dir)
+ revision_range = git_hash or 'origin'
+ ret = self._RunCommand(
+ ['git', '--no-pager', 'log', revision_range, '--pretty=full', '-1'],
+ working_dir=working_dir)
+ return CommitInfo(_ParseGitCommitPosition(ret), _ParseGitCommitHash(ret),
+ git_repo_url)
+ def _GetDepsCommitInfo(self, deps_dict, path_below_src):
+ entry = deps_dict['deps']['src/%s' % path_below_src]
+ at_index = entry.find('@')
+ git_repo_url = entry[:at_index]
+ git_hash = entry[at_index + 1:]
+ return self._GetCommitInfo(path_below_src, git_hash, git_repo_url)
+ def _GetCLInfo(self):
+ cl_output = self._RunCommand(['git', 'cl', 'issue'])
+ m = CL_ISSUE_RE.match(cl_output.strip())
+ if not m:
+ logging.error('Cannot find any CL info. Output was:\n%s', cl_output)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ issue_number = int(
+ url =
+ # Parse the Rietveld host from the URL.
+ m = RIETVELD_URL_RE.match(url)
+ if not m:
+ logging.error('Cannot parse Rietveld host from URL: %s', url)
+ sys.exit(-1)
+ rietveld_server =
+ return CLInfo(issue_number, url, rietveld_server)
+ def _GetCurrentBranchName(self):
+ return self._RunCommand(
+ ['git', 'rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).splitlines()[0]
+ def _IsTreeClean(self):
+ lines = self._RunCommand(['git', 'status', '--porcelain']).splitlines()
+ if len(lines) == 0:
+ return True
+ logging.debug('Dirty/unversioned files:\n%s', '\n'.join(lines))
+ return False
+ def _UpdateReadmeFile(self, readme_path, new_revision):
+ readme = open(os.path.join(self._chromium_src, readme_path), 'r+')
+ txt =
+ m = re.sub(re.compile('.*^Revision\: ([0-9]*).*', re.MULTILINE),
+ ('Revision: %s' % new_revision), txt)
+ readme.write(m)
+ readme.truncate()
+ def PrepareRoll(self, dry_run, ignore_checks, no_commit, close_previous_roll):
+ # TODO(kjellander): use os.path.normcase, os.path.join etc for all paths for
+ # cross platform compatibility.
+ if not ignore_checks:
+ if self._GetCurrentBranchName() != 'master':
+ logging.error('Please checkout the master branch.')
+ return -1
+ if not self._IsTreeClean():
+ logging.error('Please make sure you don\'t have any modified files.')
+ return -1
+ logging.debug('Checking for a previous roll branch.')
+ if close_previous_roll:
+ self.Abort()
+ logging.debug('Pulling latest changes')
+ if not ignore_checks:
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'pull'])
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', '-b', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME])
+ # Modify Chromium's DEPS file.
+ # Parse current hashes.
+ deps_filename = os.path.join(self._chromium_src, 'DEPS')
+ deps = _ParseDepsFile(deps_filename)
+ webrtc_current = self._GetDepsCommitInfo(deps, WEBRTC_PATH)
+ libjingle_current = self._GetDepsCommitInfo(deps, LIBJINGLE_PATH)
+ # Find ToT revisions.
+ webrtc_latest = self._GetCommitInfo(WEBRTC_PATH)
+ libjingle_latest = self._GetCommitInfo(LIBJINGLE_PATH)
+ self._UpdateDep(deps_filename, WEBRTC_PATH, webrtc_latest)
+ self._UpdateDep(deps_filename, LIBJINGLE_PATH, libjingle_latest)
+ if self._IsTreeClean():
+ logging.debug('Tree is clean - no changes detected.')
+ self._DeleteRollBranch()
+ else:
+ self._UpdateReadmeFile(LIBJINGLE_README, libjingle_latest.commit_position)
+ description = _GenerateCLDescription(webrtc_current, libjingle_current,
+ webrtc_latest, libjingle_latest)
+ logging.debug('Committing changes locally.')
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'add', '--update', '.'])
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'commit', '-m', description])
+ logging.debug('Uploading changes...')
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'cl', 'upload', '-m', description],
+ extra_env={'EDITOR': 'true'})
+ cl_info = self._GetCLInfo()
+ logging.debug('Issue: %d URL: %s', cl_info.issue, cl_info.url)
+ if not dry_run and not no_commit:
+ logging.debug('Sending the CL to the CQ...')
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'cl', 'set_commit'])
+ logging.debug('Sent the CL to the CQ. Monitor here: %s', cl_info.url)
+ # TODO(kjellander): Checkout masters/previous branches again.
+ return 0
+ def _UpdateDep(self, deps_filename, dep_relative_to_src, commit_info):
+ dep_name = os.path.join('src', dep_relative_to_src)
+ comment = 'commit position %s' % commit_info.commit_position
+ # relies on cwd being the Chromium checkout, so let's
+ # temporarily change the working directory and then change back.
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(deps_filename))
+ roll_dep.update_deps(deps_filename, dep_relative_to_src, dep_name,
+ commit_info.git_commit, comment)
+ os.chdir(cwd)
+ def _DeleteRollBranch(self):
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', 'master'])
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'branch', '-D', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME])
+ logging.debug('Deleted the local roll branch (%s)', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME)
+ def _GetBranches(self):
+ """Returns a tuple of active,branches.
+ The 'active' is the name of the currently active branch and 'branches' is a
+ list of all branches.
+ """
+ lines = self._RunCommand(['git', 'branch']).split('\n')
+ branches = []
+ active = ''
+ for l in lines:
+ if '*' in l:
+ # The assumption is that the first char will always be the '*'.
+ active = l[1:].strip()
+ branches.append(active)
+ else:
+ b = l.strip()
+ if b:
+ branches.append(b)
+ return (active, branches)
+ def Abort(self):
+ active_branch, branches = self._GetBranches()
+ if active_branch == ROLL_BRANCH_NAME:
+ active_branch = 'master'
+ if ROLL_BRANCH_NAME in branches:
+ print 'Aborting pending roll.'
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME])
+ # Ignore an error here in case an issue wasn't created for some reason.
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'cl', 'set_close'], ignore_exit_code=True)
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', active_branch])
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'branch', '-D', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME])
+ return 0
+ def WaitForTrybots(self):
+ active_branch, _ = self._GetBranches()
+ if active_branch != ROLL_BRANCH_NAME:
+ self._RunCommand(['git', 'checkout', ROLL_BRANCH_NAME])
+ cl_info = self._GetCLInfo()
+ return _WaitForTrybots(cl_info.issue, cl_info.rietveld_server)
+def main():
+ if sys.platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
+ logging.error('Only Linux and Mac platforms are supported right now.')
+ return -1
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Find webrtc and libjingle revisions for roll.')
+ parser.add_argument('--abort',
+ help=('Aborts a previously prepared roll. '
+ 'Closes any associated issues and deletes the roll branches'),
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--no-commit',
+ help=('Don\'t send the CL to the CQ. This is useful if additional changes '
+ 'are needed to the CL (like for API changes).'),
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--wait-for-trybots',
+ help=('Waits until all trybots from a previously created roll are either '
+ 'successful or at least one has failed. This is useful to be able to '
+ 'continuously run this script but not initiating new rolls until a '
+ 'previous one is known to have passed or failed.'),
+ action='store_true')
+ parser.add_argument('--close-previous-roll', action='store_true',
+ help='Abort a previous roll if one exists.')
+ parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Create branches and CLs but doesn\'t send tryjobs or commit.')
+ parser.add_argument('--ignore-checks', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help=('Skips checks for being on the master branch, dirty workspaces and '
+ 'the updating of the checkout. Will still delete and create local '
+ 'Git branches.'))
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False,
+ help='Be extra verbose in printing of log messages.')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.verbose:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
+ else:
+ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
+ autoroller = AutoRoller(SRC_DIR)
+ if args.abort:
+ return autoroller.Abort()
+ elif args.wait_for_trybots:
+ return autoroller.WaitForTrybots()
+ else:
+ return autoroller.PrepareRoll(args.dry_run, args.ignore_checks,
+ args.no_commit, args.close_previous_roll)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())
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