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Unified Diff: content/browser/wake_lock/

Issue 1107333002: Wake Lock API implementation (Chromium part) (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: added visibility check to browsertest Created 5 years, 3 months ago
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Index: content/browser/wake_lock/
diff --git a/content/browser/wake_lock/ b/content/browser/wake_lock/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f006aa96267206c78f119016716235128df6e71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/browser/wake_lock/
@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/command_line.h"
+#include "base/test/test_timeouts.h"
+#include "content/browser/wake_lock/wake_lock_service_context.h"
+#include "content/browser/web_contents/web_contents_impl.h"
+#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
+#include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h"
+#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test.h"
+#include "content/public/test/content_browser_test_utils.h"
+#include "content/public/test/test_utils.h"
+#include "content/shell/browser/shell.h"
+#include "content/test/content_browser_test_utils_internal.h"
+#include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h"
+namespace content {
+class WakeLockTest : public ContentBrowserTest {
+ public:
+ void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override {
+ command_line->AppendSwitch(
+ switches::kEnableExperimentalWebPlatformFeatures);
+ command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kSitePerProcess);
+ }
+ void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
+ host_resolver()->AddRule("*", "");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(embedded_test_server()->InitializeAndWaitUntilReady());
+ }
+ protected:
+ WebContents* GetWebContents() { return shell()->web_contents(); }
+ WebContentsImpl* GetWebContentsImpl() {
+ return static_cast<WebContentsImpl*>(GetWebContents());
+ }
+ RenderFrameHost* GetMainFrame() { return GetWebContents()->GetMainFrame(); }
+ FrameTreeNode* GetNestedFrameNode() {
+ FrameTreeNode* root = GetWebContentsImpl()->GetFrameTree()->root();
+ CHECK_EQ(1U, root->child_count());
+ return root->child_at(0);
+ }
+ RenderFrameHost* GetNestedFrame() {
+ return GetNestedFrameNode()->current_frame_host();
+ }
+ WakeLockServiceContext* GetWakeLockServiceContext() {
+ return GetWebContentsImpl()->GetWakeLockServiceContext();
+ }
+ bool HasWakeLock() {
+ return GetWakeLockServiceContext()->HasWakeLockForTests();
+ }
+ void WaitForPossibleUpdate() {
+ // As Mojo channels have no common FIFO order in respect to each other and
+ // to the Chromium IPC, we cannot assume that when screen.keepAwake state
+ // is changed from within a script, WakeLockService will receive an update
+ // request before ExecuteScript() returns. Therefore, some time slack is
+ // needed to make sure that WakeLockService has received any possible update
+ // requests before checking the resulting wake lock state.
+ base::PlatformThread::Sleep(TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout());
+ RunAllPendingInMessageLoop();
+ }
+ void ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame() {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ }
+ bool EvaluateAsBool(const ToRenderFrameHost& adapter,
+ const std::string& expr) {
+ bool result;
+ CHECK(ExecuteScriptAndExtractBool(
+ adapter, "window.domAutomationController.send(" + expr + ");",
+ &result));
+ return result;
+ }
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, WakeLockApiIsPresent) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "typeof screen.keepAwake !== undefined"));
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, LockAndUnlockScreenInMainFrame) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ // Should not have screen wake lock initially.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Check attribute 'screen.keepAwake' in main frame.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake"));
+ // Set keep awake flag in main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Keep awake flag should be set in main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake"));
+ // Should create screen wake lock.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Reset keep awake flag in main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = false;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Keep awake flag should not be set in main frame.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake"));
+ // Should release screen wake lock.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, MultipleLockThenUnlock) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ // Set keep awake flag
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Set keep awake flag again.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen should still be locked.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Reset keep awake flag.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = false;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Should release screen wake lock.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, LockInMainFrameAndNestedFrame) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(),
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Lock screen in nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Should create screen wake lock.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // screen.keepAwake should be false in the main frame.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake"));
+ // Lock screen in main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // screen.keepAwake should be true in the main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(EvaluateAsBool(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake"));
+ // Screen wake lock should not change.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Unlock screen in nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = false;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be present, as the main frame is still requesting
+ // it.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Unlock screen in main frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = false;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be released, as no frames are requesting it.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, FrameRemoved) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(),
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Lock screen in nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Remove nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetMainFrame(),
+ "var iframe = document.getElementById('3-1-id');"
+ "iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe);"));
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, UnlockAfterTabCrashed) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame();
+ // Crash the tab.
+ CrashTab(GetWebContents());
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, UnlockAfterNavigation) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame();
+ // Navigate to a different document.
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/title1.html"));
+ // Screen wake lock should be released after navigation.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, UnlockAfterNavigationToSelf) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame();
+ // Navigate to the same document.
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ // Screen wake lock should be released after navigation to the same URL.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, KeepLockAfterInPageNavigation) {
+ GURL test_url(
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/session_history/fragment.html"));
+ GURL test_in_page_url(test_url.spec() + "#a");
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), test_url);
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame();
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), test_in_page_url);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, UnlockAfterReload) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ ScreenWakeLockInMainFrame();
+ shell()->Reload();
+ WaitForLoadStop(GetWebContents());
+ // Screen wake lock should be released after reload.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, BrowserInitiatedFrameNavigation) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(),
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Lock screen in nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be present.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Navigate the nested frame (browser-initiated).
+ NavigateFrameToURL(GetNestedFrameNode(),
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, RendererInitiatedFrameNavigation) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(),
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/frame_tree/2-4.html"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Lock screen in nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be present.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Navigate the nested frame (renderer-initiated).
+ NavigateIframeToURL(GetWebContents(), "3-1-id",
+ embedded_test_server()->GetURL("/simple_page.html"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, OutOfProcessFrame) {
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL(
+ "", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(a)"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Ensure that the nested frame is same-process.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(GetNestedFrame()->IsCrossProcessSubframe());
+ // Lock screen in same-site nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Navigate nested frame to a cross-site document.
+ NavigateFrameToURL(GetNestedFrameNode(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL(
+ "", "/simple_page.html"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Ensure that a new process has been created for the nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetNestedFrame()->IsCrossProcessSubframe());
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Lock screen in the cross-site nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ // Screen wake lock should be created.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(WakeLockTest, UnlockAfterCrashOutOfProcessFrame) {
+ // Load a page with cross-site iframe.
+ NavigateToURL(shell(), embedded_test_server()->GetURL(
+ "", "/cross_site_iframe_factory.html?a(b)"));
+ EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebPageVisibilityStateVisible,
+ GetMainFrame()->GetVisibilityState());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Ensure that a new process has been created for the nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GetNestedFrame()->IsCrossProcessSubframe());
+ // Lock screen in cross-site nested frame.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(ExecuteScript(GetNestedFrame(), "screen.keepAwake = true;"));
+ WaitForPossibleUpdate();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(HasWakeLock());
+ // Crash process that owns the out-of-process frame.
+ RenderProcessHostWatcher watcher(
+ GetNestedFrame()->GetProcess(),
+ RenderProcessHostWatcher::WATCH_FOR_PROCESS_EXIT);
+ GetNestedFrame()->GetProcess()->Shutdown(0, false);
+ watcher.Wait();
+ // Screen wake lock should be released.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(HasWakeLock());
+} // namespace content
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