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Unified Diff: tools/isolate/tests/

Issue 11045023: Move src/tools/isolate to src/tools/swarm_client as a DEPS. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Use r159961 Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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diff --git a/tools/isolate/tests/ b/tools/isolate/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 482be75c9ac837f143d8747a34ddb3bee7306101..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/isolate/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,614 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
-sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)
-import run_test_cases
-FILENAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
-REL_DATA = os.path.join(u'tests', 'trace_inputs')
-VERBOSE = False
-class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
- """Makes 2.6 version act like 2.7"""
- def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output, cwd):
- super(CalledProcessError, self).__init__(returncode, cmd)
- self.output = output
- self.cwd = cwd
- def __str__(self):
- return super(CalledProcessError, self).__str__() + (
- '\n'
- 'cwd=%s\n%s') % (self.cwd, self.output)
-class TraceInputsBase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='trace_smoke_test')
- self.log = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'log')
- self.trace_inputs_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, '')
- # Wraps up all the differences between OSes here.
- # - Windows doesn't track initial_cwd.
- # - OSX replaces /usr/bin/python with /usr/bin/python2.7.
- self.cwd = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, u'tests')
- self.initial_cwd = unicode(self.cwd)
- self.expected_cwd = unicode(ROOT_DIR)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # Not supported on Windows.
- self.initial_cwd = None
- self.expected_cwd = None
- # There's 3 kinds of references to python, self.executable,
- # self.real_executable and self.naked_executable. It depends how python was
- # started.
- self.executable = sys.executable
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- # /usr/bin/python is a thunk executable that decides which version of
- # python gets executed.
- suffix = '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[0:2]))
- if os.access(self.executable + suffix, os.X_OK):
- # So it'll look like /usr/bin/python2.7
- self.executable += suffix
- import trace_inputs
- self.real_executable = trace_inputs.get_native_path_case(
- unicode(self.executable))
- trace_inputs = None
- # self.naked_executable will only be naked on Windows.
- self.naked_executable = unicode(sys.executable)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- self.naked_executable = os.path.basename(sys.executable)
- def tearDown(self):
- print 'Leaking: %s' % self.tempdir
- else:
- shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
- @staticmethod
- def get_child_command(from_data):
- """Returns command to run the"""
- cmd = [sys.executable]
- if from_data:
- # When the gyp argument is specified, the command is started from --cwd
- # directory. In this case, 'tests'.
- cmd.extend([os.path.join('trace_inputs', ''), '--child-gyp'])
- else:
- # When the gyp argument is not specified, the command is started from
- # --root-dir directory.
- cmd.extend([os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''), '--child'])
- return cmd
- @staticmethod
- def _size(*args):
- return os.stat(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, *args)).st_size
-class TraceInputs(TraceInputsBase):
- def _execute(self, mode, command, cwd):
- cmd = [
- sys.executable,
- self.trace_inputs_path,
- mode,
- '--log', self.log,
- ]
- cmd.extend(['-v'] * 3)
- cmd.extend(command)
-'Command: %s' % ' '.join(cmd))
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- cwd=cwd,
- universal_newlines=True)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- print err
- if p.returncode:
- raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd, out + err, cwd)
- return out or ''
- def _trace(self, from_data):
- if from_data:
- cwd = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests')
- else:
- cwd = ROOT_DIR
- return self._execute('trace', self.get_child_command(from_data), cwd=cwd)
- def test_trace(self):
- expected = '\n'.join((
- 'Total: 7',
- 'Non existent: 0',
- 'Interesting: 7 reduced to 6',
- ' tests/trace_inputs/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- ' tests/trace_inputs/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- ' tests/trace_inputs/files1/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- ' tests/trace_inputs/test_file.txt'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- (' tests/%s' % FILENAME).replace('/', os.path.sep),
- '',
- )) + '\n'
- trace_expected = '\n'.join((
- 'child from %s' % ROOT_DIR,
- 'child2',
- )) + '\n'
- trace_actual = self._trace(False)
- actual = self._execute(
- 'read',
- [
- '--root-dir', ROOT_DIR,
- '--blacklist', '.+\\.pyc',
- '--blacklist', '.*\\.svn',
- '--blacklist', '.*do_not_care\\.txt',
- ],
- cwd=ROOT_DIR)
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- self.assertEquals(trace_expected, trace_actual)
- def test_trace_json(self):
- expected = {
- u'root': {
- u'children': [
- {
- u'children': [],
- u'command': [u'python', u''],
- u'executable': self.naked_executable,
- u'files': [
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- u'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- u'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- },
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- u'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- },
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- u'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- },
- ],
- u'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- #u'pid': 123,
- },
- ],
- u'command': [
- unicode(self.executable),
- os.path.join(u'trace_inputs', ''),
- u'--child-gyp',
- ],
- u'executable': self.real_executable,
- u'files': [
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- u'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(u'tests', u''),
- u'size': self._size('tests', ''),
- },
- {
- u'path': u'',
- u'size': self._size(''),
- },
- ],
- u'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- #u'pid': 123,
- },
- }
- trace_expected = '\n'.join((
- 'child_gyp from %s' % os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests'),
- 'child2',
- )) + '\n'
- trace_actual = self._trace(True)
- actual_text = self._execute(
- 'read',
- [
- '--root-dir', ROOT_DIR,
- '--blacklist', '.+\\.pyc',
- '--blacklist', '.*\\.svn',
- '--blacklist', '.*do_not_care\\.txt',
- '--json',
- ],
- cwd=ROOT_DIR)
- actual_json = json.loads(actual_text)
- self.assertEquals(list, actual_json.__class__)
- self.assertEquals(1, len(actual_json))
- actual_json = actual_json[0]
- # Removes the pids.
- self.assertTrue(actual_json['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertTrue(actual_json['root']['children'][0].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual_json)
- self.assertEquals(trace_expected, trace_actual)
-class TraceInputsImport(TraceInputsBase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TraceInputsImport, self).setUp()
- import trace_inputs
- self.trace_inputs = trace_inputs
- def tearDown(self):
- del self.trace_inputs
- super(TraceInputsImport, self).tearDown()
- # Similar to TraceInputs test fixture except that it calls the function
- # directly, so the Results instance can be inspected.
- # Roughly, make sure the API is stable.
- def _execute_trace(self, command):
- # Similar to what does.
- api = self.trace_inputs.get_api()
- _, _ = self.trace_inputs.trace(
- self.log, command, self.cwd, api, True)
- # TODO(maruel): Check
- #self.assertEquals(0, returncode)
- #self.assertEquals('', output)
- def blacklist(f):
- return f.endswith(('.pyc', '.svn', 'do_not_care.txt'))
- return self.trace_inputs.load_trace(self.log, ROOT_DIR, api, blacklist)
- def _gen_dict_wrong_path(self):
- """Returns the expected flattened Results when is called with the
- wrong relative path.
- """
- return {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- '--child',
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- }
- def _gen_dict_full(self):
- """Returns the expected flattened Results when is called with
- --child.
- """
- return {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [
- {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': ['python', ''],
- 'executable': self.naked_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.expected_cwd,
- },
- ],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- '--child',
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- u'path': os.path.join(u'tests', u''),
- 'size': self._size('tests', ''),
- },
- {
- 'path': u'',
- 'size': self._size(''),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.expected_cwd,
- },
- }
- def _gen_dict_full_gyp(self):
- """Returns the expected flattened results when is called with
- --child-gyp.
- """
- return {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [
- {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': ['python', ''],
- 'executable': self.naked_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'bar'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files1', 'foo'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- ],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- os.path.join('trace_inputs', ''),
- '--child-gyp',
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(u'tests', u''),
- 'size': self._size('tests', ''),
- },
- {
- 'path': u'',
- 'size': self._size(''),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- }
- def test_trace_wrong_path(self):
- # Deliberately start the trace from the wrong path. Starts it from the
- # directory 'tests' so 'tests/tests/trace_inputs/' is not
- # accessible, so process is not started.
- results = self._execute_trace(self.get_child_command(False))
- expected = self._gen_dict_wrong_path()
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- def test_trace(self):
- expected = self._gen_dict_full_gyp()
- results = self._execute_trace(self.get_child_command(True))
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertTrue(actual['root']['children'][0].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- files = [
- u'tests/trace_inputs/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'tests/trace_inputs/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'tests/trace_inputs/files1/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'tests/trace_inputs/test_file.txt'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'tests/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'',
- ]
- def blacklist(f):
- return f.endswith(('.pyc', 'do_not_care.txt', '.git', '.svn'))
- simplified = self.trace_inputs.extract_directories(
- ROOT_DIR, results.files, blacklist)
- self.assertEquals(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
- def test_trace_multiple(self):
- # Starts parallel threads and trace parallel child processes simultaneously.
- # Some are started from 'tests' directory, others from this script's
- # directory. One trace fails. Verify everything still goes one.
- parallel = 8
- def trace(tracer, cmd, cwd, tracename):
- resultcode, output = tracer.trace(
- cmd, cwd, tracename, True)
- return (tracename, resultcode, output)
- with run_test_cases.ThreadPool(parallel) as pool:
- api = self.trace_inputs.get_api()
- with api.get_tracer(self.log) as tracer:
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(False), ROOT_DIR, 'trace1')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(True), self.cwd, 'trace2')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(False), ROOT_DIR, 'trace3')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(True), self.cwd, 'trace4')
- # Have this one fail since it's started from the wrong directory.
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(False), self.cwd, 'trace5')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(True), self.cwd, 'trace6')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(False), ROOT_DIR, 'trace7')
- pool.add_task(
- trace, tracer, self.get_child_command(True), self.cwd, 'trace8')
- trace_results = pool.join()
- def blacklist(f):
- return f.endswith(('.pyc', 'do_not_care.txt', '.git', '.svn'))
- actual_results = api.parse_log(self.log, blacklist)
- self.assertEquals(8, len(trace_results))
- self.assertEquals(8, len(actual_results))
- # Convert to dict keyed on the trace name, simpler to verify.
- trace_results = dict((i[0], i[1:]) for i in trace_results)
- actual_results = dict((x.pop('trace'), x) for x in actual_results)
- self.assertEquals(sorted(trace_results), sorted(actual_results))
- # It'd be nice to start different kinds of processes.
- expected_results = [
- self._gen_dict_full(),
- self._gen_dict_full_gyp(),
- self._gen_dict_full(),
- self._gen_dict_full_gyp(),
- self._gen_dict_wrong_path(),
- self._gen_dict_full_gyp(),
- self._gen_dict_full(),
- self._gen_dict_full_gyp(),
- ]
- self.assertEquals(len(expected_results), len(trace_results))
- # See the comment above about the trace that fails because it's started from
- # the wrong directory.
- busted = 4
- for index, key in enumerate(sorted(actual_results)):
- self.assertEquals('trace%d' % (index + 1), key)
- self.assertEquals(2, len(trace_results[key]))
- # returncode
- self.assertEquals(0 if index != busted else 2, trace_results[key][0])
- # output
- self.assertEquals(actual_results[key]['output'], trace_results[key][1])
- self.assertEquals(['output', 'results'], sorted(actual_results[key]))
- results = actual_results[key]['results']
- results = results.strip_root(ROOT_DIR)
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- if index != busted:
- self.assertTrue(actual['root']['children'][0].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected_results[index], actual)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_trace_symlink(self):
- expected = {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- os.path.join('trace_inputs', ''),
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'bar'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, 'files2', 'foo'),
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- }
- cmd = [sys.executable, os.path.join('trace_inputs', '')]
- results = self._execute_trace(cmd)
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- files = [
- # In particular, the symlink is *not* resolved.
- u'tests/trace_inputs/files2/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- u'tests/trace_inputs/'.replace('/', os.path.sep),
- ]
- def blacklist(f):
- return f.endswith(('.pyc', '.svn', 'do_not_care.txt'))
- simplified = self.trace_inputs.extract_directories(
- ROOT_DIR, results.files, blacklist)
- self.assertEquals(files, [f.path for f in simplified])
- def test_trace_quoted(self):
- results = self._execute_trace([sys.executable, '-c', 'print("hi")'])
- expected = {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- '-c',
- 'print("hi")',
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- }
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- def _touch_expected(self, command):
- # Looks for file that were touched but not opened, using different apis.
- results = self._execute_trace(
- [sys.executable, os.path.join('trace_inputs', ''), command])
- expected = {
- 'root': {
- 'children': [],
- 'command': [
- self.executable,
- os.path.join('trace_inputs', ''),
- command,
- ],
- 'executable': self.real_executable,
- 'files': [
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, 'test_file.txt'),
- 'size': 0,
- },
- {
- 'path': os.path.join(REL_DATA, ''),
- 'size': self._size(REL_DATA, ''),
- },
- ],
- 'initial_cwd': self.initial_cwd,
- },
- }
- if sys.platform != 'linux2':
- # TODO(maruel): Remove once properly implemented.
- expected['root']['files'].pop(0)
- actual = results.flatten()
- self.assertTrue(actual['root'].pop('pid'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, actual)
- def test_trace_touch_only_access(self):
- self._touch_expected('access')
- def test_trace_touch_only_isfile(self):
- self._touch_expected('isfile')
- def test_trace_touch_only_stat(self):
- self._touch_expected('stat')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- VERBOSE = '-v' in sys.argv
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if VERBOSE else logging.ERROR)
- unittest.main()
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