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Unified Diff: tools/isolate/tests/

Issue 11045023: Move src/tools/isolate to src/tools/swarm_client as a DEPS. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Use r159961 Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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Index: tools/isolate/tests/
diff --git a/tools/isolate/tests/ b/tools/isolate/tests/
deleted file mode 100755
index 02785588a3f5ea7f4758099525677900400b09fd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tools/isolate/tests/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1001 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import cStringIO
-import hashlib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import stat
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
-sys.path.insert(0, ROOT_DIR)
-import isolate
-import run_test_from_archive
-VERBOSE = False
-SHA_1_NULL = hashlib.sha1().hexdigest()
-# Keep the list hard coded.
- 'check',
- 'hashtable',
- 'help',
- 'noop',
- 'merge',
- 'read',
- 'remap',
- 'run',
- 'trace',
-# These are per test case, not per mode.
- 'fail': '.',
- 'missing_trailing_slash': '.',
- 'no_run': '.',
- 'non_existent': '.',
- 'symlink_full': '.',
- 'symlink_partial': '.',
- 'touch_only': '.',
- 'touch_root': os.path.join('tests', 'isolate'),
- 'with_flag': '.',
- 'fail': [''],
- 'missing_trailing_slash': [],
- 'no_run': [
- 'no_run.isolate',
- os.path.join('files1', 'subdir', '42.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file2.txt'),
- ],
- 'non_existent': [],
- 'symlink_full': [
- os.path.join('files1', 'subdir', '42.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file2.txt'),
- # files2 is a symlink to files1.
- 'files2',
- '',
- ],
- 'symlink_partial': [
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file2.txt'),
- # files2 is a symlink to files1.
- 'files2',
- '',
- ],
- 'touch_only': [
- '',
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt'),
- ],
- 'touch_root': [
- os.path.join('tests', 'isolate', ''),
- '',
- ],
- 'with_flag': [
- '',
- os.path.join('files1', 'subdir', '42.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt'),
- os.path.join('files1', 'test_file2.txt'),
- ],
-class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
- """Makes 2.6 version act like 2.7"""
- def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output, stderr, cwd):
- super(CalledProcessError, self).__init__(returncode, cmd)
- self.output = output
- self.stderr = stderr
- self.cwd = cwd
- def __str__(self):
- return super(CalledProcessError, self).__str__() + (
- '\n'
- 'cwd=%s\n%s\n%s\n%s') % (
- self.cwd,
- self.output,
- self.stderr,
- ' '.join(self.cmd))
-def list_files_tree(directory):
- """Returns the list of all the files in a tree."""
- actual = []
- for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory):
- actual.extend(os.path.join(root, f)[len(directory)+1:] for f in filenames)
- for dirname in dirnames:
- full = os.path.join(root, dirname)
- # Manually include symlinks.
- if os.path.islink(full):
- actual.append(full[len(directory)+1:])
- return sorted(actual)
-def calc_sha1(filepath):
- """Calculates the SHA-1 hash for a file."""
- return hashlib.sha1(open(filepath, 'rb').read()).hexdigest()
-class IsolateBase(unittest.TestCase):
- # To be defined by the subclass, it defines the amount of meta data saved by
- # for each file. Should be one of (NO_INFO, STATS_ONLY, WITH_HASH).
- LEVEL = None
- def setUp(self):
- # The tests assume the current directory is the file's directory.
- os.chdir(ROOT_DIR)
- self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- self.result = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'isolate_smoke_test.results')
- self.outdir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'isolated')
- def tearDown(self):
- logging.debug(self.tempdir)
- shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
- @staticmethod
- def _isolate_dict_to_string(values):
- buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
- isolate.pretty_print(values, buf)
- return buf.getvalue()
- @classmethod
- def _wrap_in_condition(cls, variables):
- """Wraps a variables dict inside the current OS condition.
- Returns the equivalent string.
- """
- return cls._isolate_dict_to_string(
- {
- 'conditions': [
- ['OS=="%s"' % isolate.get_flavor(), {
- 'variables': variables
- }],
- ],
- })
-class IsolateModeBase(IsolateBase):
- def _expect_no_tree(self):
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.outdir))
- def _result_tree(self):
- return list_files_tree(self.outdir)
- def _expected_tree(self):
- """Verifies the files written in the temporary directory."""
- self.assertEquals(sorted(DEPENDENCIES[]), self._result_tree())
- @staticmethod
- def _fix_file_mode(filename, read_only):
- """4 modes are supported, 0750 (rwx), 0640 (rw), 0550 (rx), 0440 (r)."""
- min_mode = 0440
- if not read_only:
- min_mode |= 0200
- return (min_mode | 0110) if filename.endswith('.py') else min_mode
- def _gen_files(self, read_only, empty_file):
- """Returns a dict of files like calling isolate.process_input() on each
- file.
- """
- root_dir = ROOT_DIR
- if RELATIVE_CWD[] == '.':
- root_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, 'tests', 'isolate')
- files = dict((unicode(f), {}) for f in DEPENDENCIES[])
- for relfile, v in files.iteritems():
- filepath = os.path.join(root_dir, relfile)
- if self.LEVEL >= isolate.STATS_ONLY:
- filestats = os.lstat(filepath)
- is_link = stat.S_ISLNK(filestats.st_mode)
- if not is_link:
- v[u'size'] = filestats.st_size
- if isolate.get_flavor() != 'win':
- v[u'mode'] = self._fix_file_mode(relfile, read_only)
- else:
- v[u'mode'] = 488
- # Used the skip recalculating the hash. Use the most recent update
- # time.
- v[u'timestamp'] = int(round(filestats.st_mtime))
- if is_link:
- v['link'] = os.readlink(filepath)
- if self.LEVEL >= isolate.WITH_HASH:
- if not is_link:
- # Upgrade the value to unicode so diffing the structure in case of
- # test failure is easier, since the basestring type must match,
- # str!=unicode.
- v[u'sha-1'] = unicode(calc_sha1(filepath))
- if empty_file:
- item = files[empty_file]
- item['sha-1'] = unicode(SHA_1_NULL)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- item['mode'] = 288
- item['size'] = 0
- item['touched_only'] = True
- item.pop('timestamp', None)
- return files
- def _expected_result(self, args, read_only, empty_file):
- """Verifies self.result contains the expected data."""
- expected = {
- u'files': self._gen_files(read_only, empty_file),
- u'os': isolate.get_flavor(),
- u'relative_cwd': unicode(RELATIVE_CWD[]),
- }
- if read_only is not None:
- expected[u'read_only'] = read_only
- if args:
- expected[u'command'] = [u'python'] + [unicode(x) for x in args]
- else:
- expected[u'command'] = []
- self.assertEquals(expected, json.load(open(self.result, 'r')))
- def _expected_saved_state(self, extra_vars):
- flavor = isolate.get_flavor()
- expected = {
- u'isolate_file': unicode(self.filename()),
- u'variables': {
- u'EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX': '.exe' if flavor == 'win' else '',
- u'OS': unicode(flavor),
- },
- }
- expected['variables'].update(extra_vars or {})
- self.assertEquals(expected, json.load(open(self.saved_state(), 'r')))
- def _expect_results(self, args, read_only, extra_vars, empty_file):
- self._expected_result(args, read_only, empty_file)
- self._expected_saved_state(extra_vars)
- # Also verifies will be able to read it.
- run_test_from_archive.load_manifest(open(self.result, 'r').read())
- def _expect_no_result(self):
- self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(self.result))
- def _execute(self, mode, case, args, need_output):
- """Executes"""
- self.assertEquals(
- case,
- + '.isolate',
- 'Rename the test case to test_%s()' % case)
- cmd = [
- sys.executable, os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ''),
- mode,
- '--result', self.result,
- '--outdir', self.outdir,
- '--isolate', self.filename(),
- ]
- cmd.extend(args)
- env = os.environ.copy()
- if 'ISOLATE_DEBUG' in env:
- del env['ISOLATE_DEBUG']
- if need_output or not VERBOSE:
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- stderr = subprocess.PIPE
- else:
- cmd.extend(['-v'] * 3)
- stdout = None
- stderr = None
- logging.debug(cmd)
- cwd = ROOT_DIR
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr,
- cwd=cwd,
- env=env,
- universal_newlines=True)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd, out, err, cwd)
- # Do not check on Windows since a lot of spew is generated there.
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- self.assertTrue(err in (None, ''), err)
- return out
- def case(self):
- """Returns the filename corresponding to this test case."""
- test_id ='.')
- return re.match('^test_([a-z_]+)$', test_id[2]).group(1)
- def filename(self):
- """Returns the filename corresponding to this test case."""
- filename = os.path.join(
- ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', + '.isolate')
- self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename), filename)
- return filename
- def saved_state(self):
- return isolate.result_to_state(self.result)
-class Isolate(unittest.TestCase):
- # Does not inherit from the other *Base classes.
- def test_help_modes(self):
- # Check coherency in the help and implemented modes.
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- [sys.executable, os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ''), '--help'],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
- cwd=ROOT_DIR)
- out = p.communicate()[0].splitlines()
- self.assertEquals(0, p.returncode)
- out = out[out.index('') + 1:]
- out = out[:out.index('')]
- modes = [re.match(r'^ (\w+) .+', l) for l in out]
- modes = tuple( for m in modes if m)
- # noop doesn't do anything so no point in testing it.
- self.assertEquals(sorted(EXPECTED_MODES), sorted(modes))
- def test_modes(self):
- # This is a bit redundant but make sure all combinations are tested.
- files = sorted(
- i[:-len('.isolate')]
- for i in os.listdir(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate'))
- if i.endswith('.isolate')
- )
- self.assertEquals(sorted(RELATIVE_CWD), files)
- self.assertEquals(sorted(DEPENDENCIES), files)
- if sys.platform == 'win32':
- # Symlink stuff is unsupported there, remove them from the list.
- files = [f for f in files if not f.startswith('symlink_')]
- # TODO(csharp): touched_only is disabled until is fixed.
- files.remove('touch_only')
- # modes read and trace are tested together.
- modes_to_check = list(EXPECTED_MODES)
- modes_to_check.remove('help')
- modes_to_check.remove('merge')
- modes_to_check.remove('noop')
- modes_to_check.remove('read')
- modes_to_check.remove('trace')
- modes_to_check.append('trace_read_merge')
- for mode in modes_to_check:
- expected_cases = set('test_%s' % f for f in files)
- fixture_name = 'Isolate_%s' % mode
- fixture = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], fixture_name)
- actual_cases = set(i for i in dir(fixture) if i.startswith('test_'))
- missing = expected_cases - actual_cases
- self.assertFalse(missing, '%s.%s' % (fixture_name, missing))
-class Isolate_check(IsolateModeBase):
- LEVEL = isolate.NO_INFO
- def test_fail(self):
- self._execute('check', 'fail.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_missing_trailing_slash(self):
- try:
- self._execute('check', 'missing_trailing_slash.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_non_existent(self):
- try:
- self._execute('check', 'non_existent.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_no_run(self):
- self._execute('check', 'no_run.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([], None, None, None)
- # TODO(csharp): Disabled until is fixed.
- def do_not_test_touch_only(self):
- self._execute('check', 'touch_only.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- empty = os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt')
- self._expected_result(['', 'gyp'], None, empty)
- def test_touch_root(self):
- self._execute('check', 'touch_root.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_with_flag(self):
- self._execute('check', 'with_flag.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'gyp'], None, {u'FLAG': u'gyp'}, None)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_symlink_full(self):
- self._execute('check', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_symlink_partial(self):
- self._execute('check', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
-class Isolate_hashtable(IsolateModeBase):
- LEVEL = isolate.WITH_HASH
- def _gen_expected_tree(self, empty_file):
- expected = [
- v['sha-1'] for v in self._gen_files(False, empty_file).itervalues()
- ]
- expected.append(calc_sha1(self.result))
- return expected
- def _expected_hash_tree(self, empty_file):
- """Verifies the files written in the temporary directory."""
- self.assertEquals(
- sorted(self._gen_expected_tree(empty_file)), self._result_tree())
- def test_fail(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', 'fail.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_hash_tree(None)
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_missing_trailing_slash(self):
- try:
- self._execute('hashtable', 'missing_trailing_slash.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_non_existent(self):
- try:
- self._execute('hashtable', 'non_existent.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_no_run(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', 'no_run.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_hash_tree(None)
- self._expect_results([], None, None, None)
- # TODO(csharp): Disabled until is fixed.
- def do_not_test_touch_only(self):
- self._execute(
- 'hashtable', 'touch_only.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- empty = os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt')
- self._expected_hash_tree(empty)
- self._expected_result(['', 'gyp'], None, empty)
- def test_touch_root(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', 'touch_root.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_hash_tree(None)
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_with_flag(self):
- self._execute(
- 'hashtable', 'with_flag.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- self._expected_hash_tree(None)
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'gyp'], None, {u'FLAG': u'gyp'}, None)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_symlink_full(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], False)
- # Construct our own tree.
- expected = [
- str(v['sha-1'])
- for v in self._gen_files(False, None).itervalues() if 'sha-1' in v
- ]
- expected.append(calc_sha1(self.result))
- self.assertEquals(sorted(expected), self._result_tree())
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_symlink_partial(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], False)
- # Construct our own tree.
- expected = [
- str(v['sha-1'])
- for v in self._gen_files(False, None).itervalues() if 'sha-1' in v
- ]
- expected.append(calc_sha1(self.result))
- self.assertEquals(sorted(expected), self._result_tree())
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
-class Isolate_remap(IsolateModeBase):
- LEVEL = isolate.STATS_ONLY
- def test_fail(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'fail.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_missing_trailing_slash(self):
- try:
- self._execute('remap', 'missing_trailing_slash.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_non_existent(self):
- try:
- self._execute('remap', 'non_existent.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_no_run(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'no_run.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results([], None, None, None)
- # TODO(csharp): Disabled until is fixed.
- def do_not_test_touch_only(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'touch_only.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- empty = os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt')
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'gyp'], None, {u'FLAG': u'gyp'}, empty)
- def test_touch_root(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'touch_root.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_with_flag(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'with_flag.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'gyp'], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'gyp'], None, {u'FLAG': u'gyp'}, None)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_symlink_full(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_symlink_partial(self):
- self._execute('remap', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], False)
- self._expected_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
-class Isolate_run(IsolateModeBase):
- LEVEL = isolate.STATS_ONLY
- def _expect_empty_tree(self):
- self.assertEquals([], self._result_tree())
- def test_fail(self):
- try:
- self._execute('run', 'fail.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_missing_trailing_slash(self):
- try:
- self._execute('run', 'missing_trailing_slash.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_non_existent(self):
- try:
- self._execute('run', 'non_existent.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- def test_no_run(self):
- try:
- self._execute('run', 'no_run.isolate', [], False)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- pass
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- # TODO(csharp): Disabled until is fixed.
- def do_not_test_touch_only(self):
- self._execute('run', 'touch_only.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'run'], False)
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- empty = os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt')
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'run'], None, {u'FLAG': u'run'}, empty)
- def test_touch_root(self):
- self._execute('run', 'touch_root.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_with_flag(self):
- self._execute('run', 'with_flag.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'run'], False)
- # Not sure about the empty tree, should be deleted.
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'run'], None, {u'FLAG': u'run'}, None)
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_symlink_full(self):
- self._execute('run', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- def test_symlink_partial(self):
- self._execute('run', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], False)
- self._expect_empty_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
-class Isolate_trace_read_merge(IsolateModeBase):
- # Tests both trace, read and merge.
- # Warning: merge updates .isolate files. But they are currently in their
- # canonical format so they shouldn't be changed.
- LEVEL = isolate.STATS_ONLY
- def _check_merge(self, filename):
- filepath = isolate.trace_inputs.get_native_path_case(
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', filename))
- expected = 'Updating %s\n' % filepath
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- old_content =
- out = self._execute('merge', filename, [], True) or ''
- self.assertEquals(expected, out)
- with open(filepath, 'rb') as f:
- new_content =
- self.assertEquals(old_content, new_content)
- def test_fail(self):
- # Even if the process returns non-zero, the trace will still be good.
- try:
- self._execute('trace', 'fail.isolate', ['-v'], True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- self.assertEquals('', e.output)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- expected = self._wrap_in_condition(
- {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '',
- ],
- })
- out = self._execute('read', 'fail.isolate', [], True) or ''
- self.assertEquals(expected.splitlines(), out.splitlines())
- self._check_merge('fail.isolate')
- def test_missing_trailing_slash(self):
- try:
- self._execute('trace', 'missing_trailing_slash.isolate', [], True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- self.assertEquals('', e.output)
- out = e.stderr
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- expected = (
- '\n'
- 'Error: Input directory %s must have a trailing slash\n' %
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', 'files1')
- )
- self.assertEquals(expected, out)
- def test_non_existent(self):
- try:
- self._execute('trace', 'non_existent.isolate', [], True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- self.assertEquals('', e.output)
- out = e.stderr
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- expected = (
- '\n'
- 'Error: Input file %s doesn\'t exist\n' %
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', 'A_file_that_do_not_exist')
- )
- self.assertEquals(expected, out)
- def test_no_run(self):
- try:
- self._execute('trace', 'no_run.isolate', [], True)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e:
- out = e.output
- err = e.stderr
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_no_result()
- expected = '\nError: No command to run\n'
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self.assertEquals(expected, err)
- # TODO(csharp): Disabled until is fixed.
- def do_not_test_touch_only(self):
- out = self._execute(
- 'trace', 'touch_only.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'trace'], True)
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- empty = os.path.join('files1', 'test_file1.txt')
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'trace'], None, {u'FLAG': u'trace'}, empty)
- expected = {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '',
- ],
- isolate.KEY_TOUCHED: [
- # Note that .isolate format mandates / and not os.path.sep.
- 'files1/test_file1.txt',
- ],
- }
- if sys.platform != 'linux2':
- # TODO(maruel): Implement touch-only tracing on non-linux.
- del expected[isolate.KEY_TOUCHED]
- out = self._execute('read', 'touch_only.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals(self._wrap_in_condition(expected), out)
- self._check_merge('touch_only.isolate')
- def test_touch_root(self):
- out = self._execute('trace', 'touch_root.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- expected = self._wrap_in_condition(
- {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '../../',
- '',
- ],
- })
- out = self._execute('read', 'touch_root.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals(expected, out)
- self._check_merge('touch_root.isolate')
- def test_with_flag(self):
- out = self._execute(
- 'trace', 'with_flag.isolate', ['-V', 'FLAG', 'trace'], True)
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results(
- ['', 'trace'], None, {u'FLAG': u'trace'}, None)
- expected = {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '',
- ],
- isolate.KEY_UNTRACKED: [
- # Note that .isolate format mandates / and not os.path.sep.
- 'files1/',
- ],
- }
- out = self._execute('read', 'with_flag.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals(self._wrap_in_condition(expected), out)
- self._check_merge('with_flag.isolate')
- if sys.platform != 'win32':
- def test_symlink_full(self):
- out = self._execute(
- 'trace', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- expected = {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '',
- ],
- isolate.KEY_UNTRACKED: [
- # Note that .isolate format mandates / and not os.path.sep.
- 'files2/',
- ],
- }
- out = self._execute('read', 'symlink_full.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals(self._wrap_in_condition(expected), out)
- self._check_merge('symlink_full.isolate')
- def test_symlink_partial(self):
- out = self._execute(
- 'trace', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals('', out)
- self._expect_no_tree()
- self._expect_results([''], None, None, None)
- expected = {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '',
- ],
- isolate.KEY_UNTRACKED: [
- 'files2/test_file2.txt',
- ],
- }
- out = self._execute('read', 'symlink_partial.isolate', [], True)
- self.assertEquals(self._wrap_in_condition(expected), out)
- self._check_merge('symlink_partial.isolate')
-class IsolateNoOutdir(IsolateBase):
- # Test without the --outdir flag.
- # So all the files are first copied in the tempdir and the test is run from
- # there.
- def setUp(self):
- super(IsolateNoOutdir, self).setUp()
- self.root = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'root')
- os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.root, 'tests', 'isolate'))
- for i in ('touch_root.isolate', ''):
- shutil.copy(
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', i),
- os.path.join(self.root, 'tests', 'isolate', i))
- shutil.copy(
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ''),
- os.path.join(self.root, ''))
- def _execute(self, mode, args, need_output):
- """Executes"""
- cmd = [
- sys.executable, os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ''),
- mode,
- '--result', self.result,
- ]
- cmd.extend(args)
- env = os.environ.copy()
- if 'ISOLATE_DEBUG' in env:
- del env['ISOLATE_DEBUG']
- if need_output or not VERBOSE:
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- stderr = subprocess.STDOUT
- else:
- cmd.extend(['-v'] * 3)
- stdout = None
- stderr = None
- logging.debug(cmd)
- cwd = self.tempdir
- p = subprocess.Popen(
- cmd,
- stdout=stdout,
- stderr=stderr,
- cwd=cwd,
- env=env,
- universal_newlines=True)
- out, err = p.communicate()
- if p.returncode:
- raise CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd, out, err, cwd)
- return out
- def mode(self):
- """Returns the execution mode corresponding to this test case."""
- test_id ='.')
- self.assertEquals(3, len(test_id))
- self.assertEquals('__main__', test_id[0])
- return re.match('^test_([a-z]+)$', test_id[2]).group(1)
- def filename(self):
- """Returns the filename corresponding to this test case."""
- filename = os.path.join(self.root, 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate')
- self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(filename), filename)
- return filename
- def test_check(self):
- self._execute('check', ['--isolate', self.filename()], False)
- files = sorted([
- 'isolate_smoke_test.results',
- 'isolate_smoke_test.state',
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'),
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', ''),
- os.path.join('root', ''),
- ])
- self.assertEquals(files, list_files_tree(self.tempdir))
- def test_hashtable(self):
- self._execute('hashtable', ['--isolate', self.filename()], False)
- files = sorted([
- os.path.join(
- 'hashtable', calc_sha1(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, ''))),
- os.path.join(
- 'hashtable',
- calc_sha1(
- os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'tests', 'isolate', ''))),
- os.path.join('hashtable', calc_sha1(os.path.join(self.result))),
- 'isolate_smoke_test.results',
- 'isolate_smoke_test.state',
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'),
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', ''),
- os.path.join('root', ''),
- ])
- self.assertEquals(files, list_files_tree(self.tempdir))
- def test_remap(self):
- self._execute('remap', ['--isolate', self.filename()], False)
- files = sorted([
- 'isolate_smoke_test.results',
- 'isolate_smoke_test.state',
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'),
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', ''),
- os.path.join('root', ''),
- ])
- self.assertEquals(files, list_files_tree(self.tempdir))
- def test_run(self):
- self._execute('run', ['--isolate', self.filename()], False)
- files = sorted([
- 'isolate_smoke_test.results',
- 'isolate_smoke_test.state',
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'),
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', ''),
- os.path.join('root', ''),
- ])
- self.assertEquals(files, list_files_tree(self.tempdir))
- def test_trace_read_merge(self):
- self._execute('trace', ['--isolate', self.filename()], False)
- # Read the trace before cleaning up. No need to specify self.filename()
- # because add the needed information is in the .state file.
- output = self._execute('read', [], True)
- expected = {
- isolate.KEY_TRACKED: [
- '../../',
- '',
- ],
- }
- self.assertEquals(self._wrap_in_condition(expected), output)
- output = self._execute('merge', [], True)
- expected = 'Updating %s\n' % isolate.trace_inputs.get_native_path_case(
- os.path.join(self.root, 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'))
- self.assertEquals(expected, output)
- # In theory the file is going to be updated but in practice its content
- # won't change.
- # Clean the directory from the logs, which are OS-specific.
- isolate.trace_inputs.get_api().clean_trace(
- os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'isolate_smoke_test.results.log'))
- files = sorted([
- 'isolate_smoke_test.results',
- 'isolate_smoke_test.state',
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', 'touch_root.isolate'),
- os.path.join('root', 'tests', 'isolate', ''),
- os.path.join('root', ''),
- ])
- self.assertEquals(files, list_files_tree(self.tempdir))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- VERBOSE = '-v' in sys.argv
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if VERBOSE else logging.ERROR)
- unittest.main()
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