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Side by Side Diff: tools/isolate/

Issue 11045023: Move src/tools/isolate to src/tools/swarm_client as a DEPS. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Use r159961 Created 8 years, 2 months ago
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1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4 # found in the LICENSE file.
6 """Reads a manifest, creates a tree of hardlinks and runs the test.
8 Keeps a local cache.
9 """
11 import ctypes
12 import hashlib
13 import json
14 import logging
15 import optparse
16 import os
17 import Queue
18 import re
19 import shutil
20 import stat
21 import subprocess
22 import sys
23 import tempfile
24 import threading
25 import time
26 import urllib
29 # Types of action accepted by recreate_tree().
30 HARDLINK, SYMLINK, COPY = range(1, 4)
32 RE_IS_SHA1 = re.compile(r'^[a-fA-F0-9]{40}$')
35 class ConfigError(ValueError):
36 """Generic failure to load a manifest."""
37 pass
40 class MappingError(OSError):
41 """Failed to recreate the tree."""
42 pass
45 def get_flavor():
46 """Returns the system default flavor. Copied from gyp/pylib/gyp/"""
47 flavors = {
48 'cygwin': 'win',
49 'win32': 'win',
50 'darwin': 'mac',
51 'sunos5': 'solaris',
52 'freebsd7': 'freebsd',
53 'freebsd8': 'freebsd',
54 }
55 return flavors.get(sys.platform, 'linux')
58 def os_link(source, link_name):
59 """Add support for on Windows."""
60 if sys.platform == 'win32':
61 if not ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateHardLinkW(
62 unicode(link_name), unicode(source), 0):
63 raise OSError()
64 else:
65, link_name)
68 def readable_copy(outfile, infile):
69 """Makes a copy of the file that is readable by everyone."""
70 shutil.copy(infile, outfile)
71 read_enabled_mode = (os.stat(outfile).st_mode | stat.S_IRUSR |
72 stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
73 os.chmod(outfile, read_enabled_mode)
76 def link_file(outfile, infile, action):
77 """Links a file. The type of link depends on |action|."""
78 logging.debug('Mapping %s to %s' % (infile, outfile))
79 if action not in (HARDLINK, SYMLINK, COPY):
80 raise ValueError('Unknown mapping action %s' % action)
81 if not os.path.isfile(infile):
82 raise MappingError('%s is missing' % infile)
83 if os.path.isfile(outfile):
84 raise MappingError(
85 '%s already exist; insize:%d; outsize:%d' %
86 (outfile, os.stat(infile).st_size, os.stat(outfile).st_size))
88 if action == COPY:
89 readable_copy(outfile, infile)
90 elif action == SYMLINK and sys.platform != 'win32':
91 # On windows, symlink are converted to hardlink and fails over to copy.
92 os.symlink(infile, outfile)
93 else:
94 try:
95 os_link(infile, outfile)
96 except OSError:
97 # Probably a different file system.
98 logging.warn(
99 'Failed to hardlink, failing back to copy %s to %s' % (
100 infile, outfile))
101 readable_copy(outfile, infile)
104 def _set_write_bit(path, read_only):
105 """Sets or resets the executable bit on a file or directory."""
106 mode = os.lstat(path).st_mode
107 if read_only:
108 mode = mode & 0500
109 else:
110 mode = mode | 0200
111 if hasattr(os, 'lchmod'):
112 os.lchmod(path, mode) # pylint: disable=E1101
113 else:
114 if stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
115 # Skip symlink without lchmod() support.
116 logging.debug('Can\'t change +w bit on symlink %s' % path)
117 return
119 # TODO(maruel): Implement proper DACL modification on Windows.
120 os.chmod(path, mode)
123 def make_writable(root, read_only):
124 """Toggle the writable bit on a directory tree."""
125 root = os.path.abspath(root)
126 for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root, topdown=True):
127 for filename in filenames:
128 _set_write_bit(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), read_only)
130 for dirname in dirnames:
131 _set_write_bit(os.path.join(dirpath, dirname), read_only)
134 def rmtree(root):
135 """Wrapper around shutil.rmtree() to retry automatically on Windows."""
136 make_writable(root, False)
137 if sys.platform == 'win32':
138 for i in range(3):
139 try:
140 shutil.rmtree(root)
141 break
142 except WindowsError: # pylint: disable=E0602
143 delay = (i+1)*2
144 print >> sys.stderr, (
145 'The test has subprocess outliving it. Sleep %d seconds.' % delay)
146 time.sleep(delay)
147 else:
148 shutil.rmtree(root)
151 def is_same_filesystem(path1, path2):
152 """Returns True if both paths are on the same filesystem.
154 This is required to enable the use of hardlinks.
155 """
156 assert os.path.isabs(path1), path1
157 assert os.path.isabs(path2), path2
158 if sys.platform == 'win32':
159 # If the drive letter mismatches, assume it's a separate partition.
160 # TODO(maruel): It should look at the underlying drive, a drive letter could
161 # be a mount point to a directory on another drive.
162 assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]\:\\.*', path1), path1
163 assert re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z]\:\\.*', path2), path2
164 if path1[0].lower() != path2[0].lower():
165 return False
166 return os.stat(path1).st_dev == os.stat(path2).st_dev
169 def get_free_space(path):
170 """Returns the number of free bytes."""
171 if sys.platform == 'win32':
172 free_bytes = ctypes.c_ulonglong(0)
173 ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(
174 ctypes.c_wchar_p(path), None, None, ctypes.pointer(free_bytes))
175 return free_bytes.value
176 f = os.statvfs(path)
177 return f.f_bfree * f.f_frsize
180 def make_temp_dir(prefix, root_dir):
181 """Returns a temporary directory on the same file system as root_dir."""
182 base_temp_dir = None
183 if not is_same_filesystem(root_dir, tempfile.gettempdir()):
184 base_temp_dir = os.path.dirname(root_dir)
185 return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix, dir=base_temp_dir)
188 def load_manifest(content):
189 """Verifies the manifest is valid and loads this object with the json data.
190 """
191 try:
192 data = json.loads(content)
193 except ValueError:
194 raise ConfigError('Failed to parse: %s...' % content[:100])
196 if not isinstance(data, dict):
197 raise ConfigError('Expected dict, got %r' % data)
199 for key, value in data.iteritems():
200 if key == 'command':
201 if not isinstance(value, list):
202 raise ConfigError('Expected list, got %r' % value)
203 for subvalue in value:
204 if not isinstance(subvalue, basestring):
205 raise ConfigError('Expected string, got %r' % subvalue)
207 elif key == 'files':
208 if not isinstance(value, dict):
209 raise ConfigError('Expected dict, got %r' % value)
210 for subkey, subvalue in value.iteritems():
211 if not isinstance(subkey, basestring):
212 raise ConfigError('Expected string, got %r' % subkey)
213 if not isinstance(subvalue, dict):
214 raise ConfigError('Expected dict, got %r' % subvalue)
215 for subsubkey, subsubvalue in subvalue.iteritems():
216 if subsubkey == 'link':
217 if not isinstance(subsubvalue, basestring):
218 raise ConfigError('Expected string, got %r' % subsubvalue)
219 elif subsubkey == 'mode':
220 if not isinstance(subsubvalue, int):
221 raise ConfigError('Expected int, got %r' % subsubvalue)
222 elif subsubkey == 'sha-1':
223 if not RE_IS_SHA1.match(subsubvalue):
224 raise ConfigError('Expected sha-1, got %r' % subsubvalue)
225 elif subsubkey == 'size':
226 if not isinstance(subsubvalue, int):
227 raise ConfigError('Expected int, got %r' % subsubvalue)
228 elif subsubkey == 'timestamp':
229 if not isinstance(subsubvalue, int):
230 raise ConfigError('Expected int, got %r' % subsubvalue)
231 elif subsubkey == 'touched_only':
232 if not isinstance(subsubvalue, bool):
233 raise ConfigError('Expected bool, got %r' % subsubvalue)
234 else:
235 raise ConfigError('Unknown subsubkey %s' % subsubkey)
236 if bool('sha-1' in subvalue) and bool('link' in subvalue):
237 raise ConfigError(
238 'Did not expect both \'sha-1\' and \'link\', got: %r' % subvalue)
240 elif key == 'includes':
241 if not isinstance(value, list):
242 raise ConfigError('Expected list, got %r' % value)
243 for subvalue in value:
244 if not RE_IS_SHA1.match(subvalue):
245 raise ConfigError('Expected sha-1, got %r' % subvalue)
247 elif key == 'read_only':
248 if not isinstance(value, bool):
249 raise ConfigError('Expected bool, got %r' % value)
251 elif key == 'relative_cwd':
252 if not isinstance(value, basestring):
253 raise ConfigError('Expected string, got %r' % value)
255 elif key == 'os':
256 if value != get_flavor():
257 raise ConfigError(
258 'Expected \'os\' to be \'%s\' but got \'%s\'' %
259 (get_flavor(), value))
261 else:
262 raise ConfigError('Unknown key %s' % key)
264 return data
267 def fix_python_path(cmd):
268 """Returns the fixed command line to call the right python executable."""
269 out = cmd[:]
270 if out[0] == 'python':
271 out[0] = sys.executable
272 elif out[0].endswith('.py'):
273 out.insert(0, sys.executable)
274 return out
277 class Profiler(object):
278 def __init__(self, name):
279 = name
280 self.start_time = None
282 def __enter__(self):
283 self.start_time = time.time()
284 return self
286 def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exec_value, _traceback):
287 time_taken = time.time() - self.start_time
288'Profiling: Section %s took %3.3f seconds',
289, time_taken)
292 class Remote(object):
293 """Priority based worker queue to fetch or upload files from a
294 content-address server. Any function may be given as the fetcher/upload,
295 as long as it takes two inputs (the item contents, and their relative
296 destination).
298 Supports local file system, CIFS or http remotes.
300 When the priority of items is equals, works in strict FIFO mode.
301 """
302 # Initial and maximum number of worker threads.
304 MAX_WORKERS = 16
305 # Priorities.
306 LOW, MED, HIGH = (1<<8, 2<<8, 3<<8)
308 RETRIES = 5
310 def __init__(self, destination_root):
311 # Function to fetch a remote object or upload to a remote location..
312 self._do_item = self.get_file_handler(destination_root)
313 # Contains tuple(priority, index, obj, destination).
314 self._queue = Queue.PriorityQueue()
315 # Contains tuple(priority, index, obj).
316 self._done = Queue.PriorityQueue()
318 # Contains generated exceptions that haven't been handled yet.
319 self._exceptions = Queue.Queue()
321 # To keep FIFO ordering in self._queue. It is assumed xrange's iterator is
322 # thread-safe.
323 self._next_index = xrange(0, 1<<30).__iter__().next
325 # Control access to the following member.
326 self._ready_lock = threading.Lock()
327 # Number of threads in wait state.
328 self._ready = 0
330 # Control access to the following member.
331 self._workers_lock = threading.Lock()
332 self._workers = []
333 for _ in range(self.INITIAL_WORKERS):
334 self._add_worker()
336 def join(self):
337 """Blocks until the queue is empty."""
338 self._queue.join()
340 def next_exception(self):
341 """Returns the next unhandled exception, or None if there is
342 no exception."""
343 try:
344 return self._exceptions.get_nowait()
345 except Queue.Empty:
346 return None
348 def add_item(self, priority, obj, dest):
349 """Retrieves an object from the remote data store.
351 The smaller |priority| gets fetched first.
353 Thread-safe.
354 """
355 assert (priority & self.INTERNAL_PRIORITY_BITS) == 0
356 self._add_to_queue(priority, obj, dest)
358 def get_result(self):
359 """Returns the next file that was successfully fetched."""
360 r = self._done.get()
361 if r[0] == -1:
362 # It's an exception.
363 raise r[2][0], r[2][1], r[2][2]
364 return r[2]
366 def _add_to_queue(self, priority, obj, dest):
367 with self._ready_lock:
368 start_new_worker = not self._ready
369 self._queue.put((priority, self._next_index(), obj, dest))
370 if start_new_worker:
371 self._add_worker()
373 def _add_worker(self):
374 """Add one worker thread if there isn't too many. Thread-safe."""
375 with self._workers_lock:
376 if len(self._workers) >= self.MAX_WORKERS:
377 return False
378 worker = threading.Thread(target=self._run)
379 self._workers.append(worker)
380 worker.daemon = True
381 worker.start()
383 def _step_done(self, result):
384 """Worker helper function"""
385 self._done.put(result)
386 self._queue.task_done()
387 if result[0] == -1:
388 self._exceptions.put(sys.exc_info())
390 def _run(self):
391 """Worker thread loop."""
392 while True:
393 try:
394 with self._ready_lock:
395 self._ready += 1
396 item = self._queue.get()
397 finally:
398 with self._ready_lock:
399 self._ready -= 1
400 if not item:
401 return
402 priority, index, obj, dest = item
403 try:
404 self._do_item(obj, dest)
405 except IOError:
406 # Retry a few times, lowering the priority.
407 if (priority & self.INTERNAL_PRIORITY_BITS) < self.RETRIES:
408 self._add_to_queue(priority + 1, obj, dest)
409 self._queue.task_done()
410 continue
411 # Transfers the exception back. It has maximum priority.
412 self._step_done((-1, 0, sys.exc_info()))
413 except:
414 # Transfers the exception back. It has maximum priority.
415 self._step_done((-1, 0, sys.exc_info()))
416 else:
417 self._step_done((priority, index, obj))
419 @staticmethod
420 def get_file_handler(file_or_url):
421 """Returns a object to retrieve objects from a remote."""
422 if re.match(r'^https?://.+$', file_or_url):
423 file_or_url = file_or_url.rstrip('/') + '/'
424 def download_file(item, dest):
425 # TODO(maruel): Reuse HTTP connections. The stdlib doesn't make this
426 # easy.
427 source = file_or_url + item
428 logging.debug('download_file(%s, %s)', source, dest)
429 urllib.urlretrieve(source, dest)
430 return download_file
432 def copy_file(item, dest):
433 source = os.path.join(file_or_url, item)
434 logging.debug('copy_file(%s, %s)', source, dest)
435 shutil.copy(source, dest)
436 return copy_file
439 class CachePolicies(object):
440 def __init__(self, max_cache_size, min_free_space, max_items):
441 """
442 Arguments:
443 - max_cache_size: Trim if the cache gets larger than this value. If 0, the
444 cache is effectively a leak.
445 - min_free_space: Trim if disk free space becomes lower than this value. If
446 0, it unconditionally fill the disk.
447 - max_items: Maximum number of items to keep in the cache. If 0, do not
448 enforce a limit.
449 """
450 self.max_cache_size = max_cache_size
451 self.min_free_space = min_free_space
452 self.max_items = max_items
455 class Cache(object):
456 """Stateful LRU cache.
458 Saves its state as json file.
459 """
460 STATE_FILE = 'state.json'
462 def __init__(self, cache_dir, remote, policies):
463 """
464 Arguments:
465 - cache_dir: Directory where to place the cache.
466 - remote: Remote where to fetch items from.
467 - policies: cache retention policies.
468 """
469 self.cache_dir = cache_dir
470 self.remote = remote
471 self.policies = policies
472 self.state_file = os.path.join(cache_dir, self.STATE_FILE)
473 # The tuple(file, size) are kept as an array in a LRU style. E.g.
474 # self.state[0] is the oldest item.
475 self.state = []
476 # A lookup map to speed up searching.
477 self._lookup = {}
478 self._dirty = False
480 # Items currently being fetched. Keep it local to reduce lock contention.
481 self._pending_queue = set()
483 # Profiling values.
484 self._added = []
485 self._removed = []
486 self._free_disk = 0
488 if not os.path.isdir(self.cache_dir):
489 os.makedirs(self.cache_dir)
490 if os.path.isfile(self.state_file):
491 try:
492 self.state = json.load(open(self.state_file, 'r'))
493 except (IOError, ValueError), e:
494 # Too bad. The file will be overwritten and the cache cleared.
495 logging.error(
496 'Broken state file %s, ignoring.\n%s' % (self.STATE_FILE, e))
497 if (not isinstance(self.state, list) or
498 not all(
499 isinstance(i, (list, tuple)) and len(i) == 2 for i in self.state)):
500 # Discard.
501 self.state = []
502 self._dirty = True
504 # Ensure that all files listed in the state still exist and add new ones.
505 previous = set(filename for filename, _ in self.state)
506 if len(previous) != len(self.state):
507 logging.warn('Cache state is corrupted')
508 self._dirty = True
509 self.state = []
510 else:
511 added = 0
512 for filename in os.listdir(self.cache_dir):
513 if filename == self.STATE_FILE:
514 continue
515 if filename in previous:
516 previous.remove(filename)
517 continue
518 # An untracked file.
519 self._dirty = True
520 if not RE_IS_SHA1.match(filename):
521 logging.warn('Removing unknown file %s from cache', filename)
522 os.remove(self.path(filename))
523 else:
524 # Insert as the oldest file. It will be deleted eventually if not
525 # accessed.
526 self._add(filename, False)
527 added += 1
528 if added:
529 logging.warn('Added back %d unknown files', added)
530 self.state = [
531 (filename, size) for filename, size in self.state
532 if filename not in previous
533 ]
534 self._update_lookup()
536 with Profiler('SetupTrimming'):
537 self.trim()
539 def __enter__(self):
540 return self
542 def __exit__(self, _exc_type, _exec_value, _traceback):
543 with Profiler('CleanupTrimming'):
544 self.trim()
547 '%4d (%7dkb) added', len(self._added), sum(self._added) / 1024)
549 '%4d (%7dkb) current',
550 len(self.state),
551 sum(i[1] for i in self.state) / 1024)
553 '%4d (%7dkb) removed', len(self._removed), sum(self._removed) / 1024)
554'%7dkb free', self._free_disk / 1024)
556 def remove_lru_file(self):
557 """Removes the last recently used file."""
558 try:
559 filename, size = self.state.pop(0)
560 del self._lookup[filename]
561 self._removed.append(size)
562 os.remove(self.path(filename))
563 self._dirty = True
564 except OSError as e:
565 logging.error('Error attempting to delete a file\n%s' % e)
567 def trim(self):
568 """Trims anything we don't know, make sure enough free space exists."""
569 # Ensure maximum cache size.
570 if self.policies.max_cache_size and self.state:
571 while sum(i[1] for i in self.state) > self.policies.max_cache_size:
572 self.remove_lru_file()
574 # Ensure maximum number of items in the cache.
575 if self.policies.max_items and self.state:
576 while len(self.state) > self.policies.max_items:
577 self.remove_lru_file()
579 # Ensure enough free space.
580 self._free_disk = get_free_space(self.cache_dir)
581 while (
582 self.policies.min_free_space and
583 self.state and
584 self._free_disk < self.policies.min_free_space):
585 self.remove_lru_file()
586 self._free_disk = get_free_space(self.cache_dir)
590 def retrieve(self, priority, item):
591 """Retrieves a file from the remote, if not already cached, and adds it to
592 the cache.
593 """
594 assert not '/' in item
595 path = self.path(item)
596 index = self._lookup.get(item)
597 if index is None:
598 if item in self._pending_queue:
599 # Already pending. The same object could be referenced multiple times.
600 return
601 self.remote.add_item(priority, item, path)
602 self._pending_queue.add(item)
603 else:
604 if index != len(self.state) - 1:
605 # Was already in cache. Update it's LRU value by putting it at the end.
606 self.state.append(self.state.pop(index))
607 self._dirty = True
608 self._update_lookup()
610 def add(self, filepath, obj):
611 """Forcibly adds a file to the cache."""
612 if not obj in self._lookup:
613 link_file(self.path(obj), filepath, HARDLINK)
614 self._add(obj, True)
616 def path(self, item):
617 """Returns the path to one item."""
618 return os.path.join(self.cache_dir, item)
620 def save(self):
621 """Saves the LRU ordering."""
622 json.dump(self.state, open(self.state_file, 'wb'), separators=(',',':'))
624 def wait_for(self, items):
625 """Starts a loop that waits for at least one of |items| to be retrieved.
627 Returns the first item retrieved.
628 """
629 # Flush items already present.
630 for item in items:
631 if item in self._lookup:
632 return item
634 assert all(i in self._pending_queue for i in items), (
635 items, self._pending_queue)
636 # Note that:
637 # len(self._pending_queue) ==
638 # ( len(self.remote._workers) - self.remote._ready +
639 # len(self._remote._queue) + len(self._remote.done))
640 # There is no lock-free way to verify that.
641 while self._pending_queue:
642 item = self.remote.get_result()
643 self._pending_queue.remove(item)
644 self._add(item, True)
645 if item in items:
646 return item
648 def _add(self, item, at_end):
649 """Adds an item in the internal state.
651 If |at_end| is False, self._lookup becomes inconsistent and
652 self._update_lookup() must be called.
653 """
654 size = os.stat(self.path(item)).st_size
655 self._added.append(size)
656 if at_end:
657 self.state.append((item, size))
658 self._lookup[item] = len(self.state) - 1
659 else:
660 self.state.insert(0, (item, size))
661 self._dirty = True
663 def _update_lookup(self):
664 self._lookup = dict(
665 (filename, index) for index, (filename, _) in enumerate(self.state))
669 class Manifest(object):
670 """Represents a single parsed manifest, e.g. a .results file."""
671 def __init__(self, obj_hash):
672 """|obj_hash| is really the sha-1 of the file."""
673 logging.debug('Manifest(%s)' % obj_hash)
674 self.obj_hash = obj_hash
675 # Set once all the left-side of the tree is parsed. 'Tree' here means the
676 # manifest and all the manifest recursively included by it with 'includes'
677 # key. The order of each manifest sha-1 in 'includes' is important, as the
678 # later ones are not processed until the firsts are retrieved and read.
679 self.can_fetch = False
681 # Raw data.
682 = {}
683 # A Manifest instance, one per object in self.includes.
684 self.children = []
686 # Set once the manifest is loaded.
687 self._manifest_parsed = False
688 # Set once the files are fetched.
689 self.files_fetched = False
691 def load(self, content):
692 """Verifies the manifest is valid and loads this object with the json data.
693 """
694 logging.debug('Manifest.load(%s)' % self.obj_hash)
695 assert not self._manifest_parsed
696 = load_manifest(content)
697 self.children = [Manifest(i) for i in'includes', [])]
698 self._manifest_parsed = True
700 def fetch_files(self, cache, files):
701 """Adds files in this manifest not present in files dictionary.
703 Preemptively request files.
705 Note that |files| is modified by this function.
706 """
707 assert self.can_fetch
708 if not self._manifest_parsed or self.files_fetched:
709 return
710 logging.debug('fetch_files(%s)' % self.obj_hash)
711 for filepath, properties in'files', {}).iteritems():
712 # Root manifest has priority on the files being mapped. In particular,
713 # overriden files must not be fetched.
714 if filepath not in files:
715 files[filepath] = properties
716 if 'sha-1' in properties:
717 # Preemptively request files.
718 logging.debug('fetching %s' % filepath)
719 cache.retrieve(Remote.MED, properties['sha-1'])
720 self.files_fetched = True
723 class Settings(object):
724 """Results of a completely parsed manifest."""
725 def __init__(self):
726 self.command = []
727 self.files = {}
728 self.read_only = None
729 self.relative_cwd = None
730 # The main manifest.
731 self.root = None
732 logging.debug('Settings')
734 def load(self, cache, root_manifest_hash):
735 """Loads the manifest and all the included manifests asynchronously.
737 It enables support for included manifest. They are processed in strict order
738 but fetched asynchronously from the cache. This is important so that a file
739 in an included manifest that is overridden by an embedding manifest is not
740 fetched neededlessly. The includes are fetched in one pass and the files are
741 fetched as soon as all the manifests on the left-side of the tree were
742 fetched.
744 The prioritization is very important here for nested manifests. 'includes'
745 have the highest priority and the algorithm is optimized for both deep and
746 wide manifests. A deep one is a long link of manifest referenced one at a
747 time by one item in 'includes'. A wide one has a large number of 'includes'
748 in a single manifest. 'left' is defined as an included manifest earlier in
749 the 'includes' list. So the order of the elements in 'includes' is
750 important.
751 """
752 self.root = Manifest(root_manifest_hash)
753 cache.retrieve(Remote.HIGH, root_manifest_hash)
754 pending = {root_manifest_hash: self.root}
755 # Keeps the list of retrieved items to refuse recursive includes.
756 retrieved = [root_manifest_hash]
758 def update_self(node):
759 node.fetch_files(cache, self.files)
760 # Grabs properties.
761 if not self.command and'command'):
762 self.command =['command']
763 if self.read_only is None and'read_only') is not None:
764 self.read_only =['read_only']
765 if (self.relative_cwd is None and
766'relative_cwd') is not None):
767 self.relative_cwd =['relative_cwd']
769 def traverse_tree(node):
770 if node.can_fetch:
771 if not node.files_fetched:
772 update_self(node)
773 will_break = False
774 for i in node.children:
775 if not i.can_fetch:
776 if will_break:
777 break
778 # Automatically mark the first one as fetcheable.
779 i.can_fetch = True
780 will_break = True
781 traverse_tree(i)
783 while pending:
784 item_hash = cache.wait_for(pending)
785 item = pending.pop(item_hash)
786 item.load(open(cache.path(item_hash), 'r').read())
787 if item_hash == root_manifest_hash:
788 # It's the root item.
789 item.can_fetch = True
791 for new_child in item.children:
792 h = new_child.obj_hash
793 if h in retrieved:
794 raise ConfigError('Manifest %s is retrieved recursively' % h)
795 pending[h] = new_child
796 cache.retrieve(Remote.HIGH, h)
798 # Traverse the whole tree to see if files can now be fetched.
799 traverse_tree(self.root)
800 def check(n):
801 return all(check(x) for x in n.children) and n.files_fetched
802 assert check(self.root)
803 self.relative_cwd = self.relative_cwd or ''
804 self.read_only = self.read_only or False
807 def run_tha_test(manifest_hash, cache_dir, remote, policies):
808 """Downloads the dependencies in the cache, hardlinks them into a temporary
809 directory and runs the executable.
810 """
811 settings = Settings()
812 with Cache(cache_dir, Remote(remote), policies) as cache:
813 outdir = make_temp_dir('run_tha_test', cache_dir)
814 try:
815 # Initiate all the files download.
816 with Profiler('GetManifests') as _prof:
817 # Optionally support local files.
818 if not RE_IS_SHA1.match(manifest_hash):
819 # Adds it in the cache. While not strictly necessary, this simplifies
820 # the rest.
821 h = hashlib.sha1(open(manifest_hash, 'r').read()).hexdigest()
822 cache.add(manifest_hash, h)
823 manifest_hash = h
824 settings.load(cache, manifest_hash)
826 if not settings.command:
827 print >> sys.stderr, 'No command to run'
828 return 1
830 with Profiler('GetRest') as _prof:
831 logging.debug('Creating directories')
832 # Creates the tree of directories to create.
833 directories = set(os.path.dirname(f) for f in settings.files)
834 for item in list(directories):
835 while item:
836 directories.add(item)
837 item = os.path.dirname(item)
838 for d in sorted(directories):
839 if d:
840 os.mkdir(os.path.join(outdir, d))
842 # Creates the links if necessary.
843 for filepath, properties in settings.files.iteritems():
844 if 'link' not in properties:
845 continue
846 outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filepath)
847 os.symlink(properties['link'], outfile)
848 if 'mode' in properties:
849 # It's not set on Windows.
850 os.chmod(outfile, properties['mode'])
852 # Remaining files to be processed.
853 # Note that files could still be not be downloaded yet here.
854 remaining = dict()
855 for filepath, props in settings.files.iteritems():
856 if 'sha-1' in props:
857 remaining.setdefault(props['sha-1'], []).append((filepath, props))
859 # Do bookkeeping while files are being downloaded in the background.
860 cwd = os.path.join(outdir, settings.relative_cwd)
861 if not os.path.isdir(cwd):
862 os.makedirs(cwd)
863 cmd = settings.command[:]
864 # Ensure paths are correctly separated on windows.
865 cmd[0] = cmd[0].replace('/', os.path.sep)
866 cmd = fix_python_path(cmd)
868 # Now block on the remaining files to be downloaded and mapped.
869 while remaining:
870 obj = cache.wait_for(remaining)
871 for filepath, properties in remaining.pop(obj):
872 outfile = os.path.join(outdir, filepath)
873 link_file(outfile, cache.path(obj), HARDLINK)
874 if 'mode' in properties:
875 # It's not set on Windows.
876 os.chmod(outfile, properties['mode'])
878 if settings.read_only:
879 make_writable(outdir, True)
880'Running %s, cwd=%s' % (cmd, cwd))
881 try:
882 with Profiler('RunTest') as _prof:
883 return, cwd=cwd)
884 except OSError:
885 print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed to run %s; cwd=%s' % (cmd, cwd)
886 raise
887 finally:
888 rmtree(outdir)
891 def main():
892 parser = optparse.OptionParser(
893 usage='%prog <options>', description=sys.modules[__name__].__doc__)
894 parser.add_option(
895 '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Use multiple times')
896 parser.add_option('--no-run', action='store_true', help='Skip the run part')
898 group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Data source')
899 group.add_option(
900 '-m', '--manifest',
901 metavar='FILE',
902 help='File/url describing what to map or run')
903 group.add_option(
904 '-H', '--hash',
905 help='Hash of the manifest to grab from the hash table')
906 parser.add_option_group(group)
908 group.add_option(
909 '-r', '--remote', metavar='URL', help='Remote where to get the items')
910 group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Cache management')
911 group.add_option(
912 '--cache',
913 default='cache',
914 metavar='DIR',
915 help='Cache directory, default=%default')
916 group.add_option(
917 '--max-cache-size',
918 type='int',
919 metavar='NNN',
920 default=20*1024*1024*1024,
921 help='Trim if the cache gets larger than this value, default=%default')
922 group.add_option(
923 '--min-free-space',
924 type='int',
925 metavar='NNN',
926 default=1*1024*1024*1024,
927 help='Trim if disk free space becomes lower than this value, '
928 'default=%default')
929 group.add_option(
930 '--max-items',
931 type='int',
932 metavar='NNN',
933 default=100000,
934 help='Trim if more than this number of items are in the cache '
935 'default=%default')
936 parser.add_option_group(group)
938 options, args = parser.parse_args()
939 level = [logging.ERROR, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG][min(2, options.verbose)]
940 logging.basicConfig(
941 level=level,
942 format='%(levelname)5s %(module)15s(%(lineno)3d): %(message)s')
944 if bool(options.manifest) == bool(options.hash):
945 parser.error('One and only one of --manifest or --hash is required.')
946 if not options.remote:
947 parser.error('--remote is required.')
948 if args:
949 parser.error('Unsupported args %s' % ' '.join(args))
951 policies = CachePolicies(
952 options.max_cache_size, options.min_free_space, options.max_items)
953 try:
954 return run_tha_test(
955 options.manifest or options.hash,
956 os.path.abspath(options.cache),
957 options.remote,
958 policies)
959 except (ConfigError, MappingError), e:
960 print >> sys.stderr, str(e)
961 return 1
964 if __name__ == '__main__':
965 sys.exit(main())
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