Index: tests/html/html.status |
diff --git a/tests/html/html.status b/tests/html/html.status |
index 8e00a434ae8b801233a93816ac7a184f249280bb..4caf006034c25e4d89c6b970946a77b279c82edc 100644 |
--- a/tests/html/html.status |
+++ b/tests/html/html.status |
@@ -415,3 +415,149 @@ typed_arrays_range_checks_test: StaticWarning |
typing_test: StaticWarning |
webgl_1_test: StaticWarning |
window_nosuchmethod_test: StaticWarning |
+ |
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $cps_ir ] |
+async_spawnuri_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+async_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+audiobuffersourcenode_test: Crash # try/finally |
+audiocontext_test: Crash # try/finally |
+audioelement_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+b_element_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+blob_constructor_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+cache_test: Crash # try/finally |
+callbacks_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+canvas_pixel_array_type_alias_test: Crash # try/finally |
+canvas_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+canvasrenderingcontext2d_test: Crash # try/finally |
+cdata_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+client_rect_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+cross_domain_iframe_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+crypto_test: Crash # try/finally |
+css_rule_list_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+css_test: Crash # try/finally |
+cssstyledeclaration_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/attribute_changed_callback_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom/constructor_calls_created_synchronously_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/created_callback_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/document_register_basic_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/document_register_type_extensions_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom/element_upgrade_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/entered_left_view_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom/js_custom_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/mirrors_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+custom/regress_194523002_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: _defaultEnvironment:field |
+custom_element_method_clash_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom_element_name_clash_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom_elements_23127_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom_elements_test: Crash # try/finally |
+custom_tags_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+dart_object_local_storage_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+datalistelement_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+document_test: Crash # try/finally |
+documentfragment_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+dom_constructors_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+domparser_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+element_add_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_animate_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_classes_svg_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+element_classes_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+element_constructor_1_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+element_dimensions_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_offset_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors1_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors2_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors3_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors4_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors5_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_constructors6_test: Crash # try/finally |
+element_types_test: Crash # try/finally |
+event_customevent_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+events_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+exceptions_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+fileapi_test: Crash # try/finally |
+filereader_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+fontface_loaded_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+fontface_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+form_data_test: Crash # try/finally |
+form_element_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+geolocation_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+hidden_dom_1_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+hidden_dom_2_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+history_test: Crash # try/finally |
+htmlcollection_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+htmlelement_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+htmloptionscollection_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+indexeddb_1_test: Crash # try/finally |
+indexeddb_2_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+indexeddb_3_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+indexeddb_4_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+indexeddb_5_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+input_element_test: Crash # try/finally |
+instance_of_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+isolates_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+js_interop_1_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+js_test: Crash # try/finally |
+keyboard_event_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+localstorage_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+location_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+media_stream_test: Crash # try/finally |
+mediasource_test: Crash # try/finally |
+messageevent_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+mouse_event_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+mutationobserver_test: Crash # try/finally |
+native_gc_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+navigator_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+node_test: Crash # try/finally |
+node_validator_important_if_you_suppress_make_the_bug_critical_test: Crash # try/finally |
+non_instantiated_is_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+notification_test: Crash # try/finally |
+performance_api_test: Crash # try/finally |
+postmessage_structured_test: Crash # try/finally |
+query_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+queryall_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+range_test: Crash # try/finally |
+request_animation_frame_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+rtc_test: Crash # try/finally |
+selectelement_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+serialized_script_value_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+shadow_dom_test: Crash # try/finally |
+shadowroot_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+speechrecognition_test: Crash # try/finally |
+storage_quota_test/missingenumcheck: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+storage_quota_test/none: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+storage_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+streams_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+svg_test: Crash # try/finally |
+svgelement_test: Crash # try/finally |
+table_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+touchevent_test: Crash # try/finally |
+track_element_constructor_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+transferables_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+transition_event_test: Crash # try/finally |
+typed_arrays_1_test: Crash # try/finally |
+typed_arrays_2_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_3_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_4_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_5_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_arraybuffer_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_dataview_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_range_checks_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typed_arrays_simd_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+typing_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+unknownelement_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+uri_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+url_test: Crash # try/finally |
+webgl_1_test: Crash # try/finally |
+websocket_test: Crash # try/finally |
+websql_test: Crash # try/finally |
+wheelevent_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+window_eq_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+window_mangling_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+window_nosuchmethod_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+window_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+worker_api_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+worker_test: Crash # try/finally |
+xhr_cross_origin_test: Crash # try/finally |
+xhr_test: Crash # try/finally |
+xsltprocessor_test: Crash # try/finally |