Index: tests/standalone/standalone.status |
diff --git a/tests/standalone/standalone.status b/tests/standalone/standalone.status |
index 4b5e3d28724ef0e72a6f54ee79d39dd12621d5d7..b993e5223f3bcad373e00b47f004f588e281a86f 100644 |
--- a/tests/standalone/standalone.status |
+++ b/tests/standalone/standalone.status |
@@ -167,3 +167,226 @@ full_coverage_test: Skip # Timeout. |
io/file_lock_test: Skip # Timeout. |
io/test_runner_test: Skip # Timeout. |
io/http_client_stays_alive_test: Skip # Timeout. |
+ |
+[ $compiler == dart2js && $cps_ir ] |
+array_bounds_check_generalization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+assert_test: Crash # "on T" catch block |
+byte_array_view_optimized_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+constant_left_shift_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+coverage_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: context:field |
+deoptimization_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+double_temp_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+double_to_int_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+int_list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/addlatexhash_test: Crash # (try {test(tempDir.path);}finally {tempDir.delete(recursive:true);}): not exactly one catch block |
+io/async_catch_errors_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/code_collection_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/create_recursive_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/dart_std_io_pipe_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/delete_symlink_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/dependency_graph_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: UnableToRun:field |
+io/directory_chdir_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/directory_create_race_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/directory_error_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/directory_fuzz_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/directory_invalid_arguments_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/directory_list_nonexistent_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/directory_list_pause_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/directory_non_ascii_sync_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/directory_non_ascii_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/directory_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/directory_uri_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/echo_server_stream_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_absolute_path_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/file_constructor_test: Crash # "on T" catch block |
+io/file_copy_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_error_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_fuzz_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/file_input_stream_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/file_invalid_arguments_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_lock_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_non_ascii_sync_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_non_ascii_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_output_stream_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_read_encoded_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/file_read_special_device_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/file_stat_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_stream_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_system_async_links_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_system_delete_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_system_exists_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_system_links_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_system_watcher_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: context:field |
+io/file_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/file_typed_data_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/file_uri_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/file_windows_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/file_write_as_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/http_10_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_advanced_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_auth_digest_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_auth_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_basic_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_bind_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions |
+io/http_client_connect_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/http_client_exception_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_client_request_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_client_stays_alive_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/http_close_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_compression_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_connection_header_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_connection_info_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_content_length_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_cookie_date_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_cookie_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_cross_process_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_date_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_detach_socket_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_head_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_headers_state_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_headers_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_ipv6_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_keep_alive_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_no_reason_phrase_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_outgoing_size_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_parser_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_proxy_configuration_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_proxy_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/http_read_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_redirect_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_request_pipeling_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_requested_uri_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/http_response_deadline_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_reuse_server_port_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/http_server_close_response_after_error_test: Crash # (throw "Bad exit code"): Unhandled node |
+io/http_server_early_client_close_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_server_response_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/http_server_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_session_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/http_shutdown_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/https_bad_certificate_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/https_client_certificate_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/https_client_exception_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/https_server_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/https_unauthorized_test: Crash # (throw e): Unhandled node |
+io/internet_address_invalid_arguments_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/internet_address_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/io_sink_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/issue_22636_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions |
+io/issue_22637_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions |
+io/link_async_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/link_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/link_uri_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/network_interface_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/observatory_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/parent_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/pipe_server_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/platform_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/print_sync_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_check_arguments_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_detached_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_environment_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_exit_negative_test: Crash # (a): Error expression `a` unhandled. |
+io/process_exit_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_invalid_arguments_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/process_kill_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/process_non_ascii_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/process_path_environment_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_path_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_pid_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/process_run_output_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/process_run_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_segfault_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_set_exit_code_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_shell_test: Crash # (throw "error expected"): Unhandled node |
+io/process_start_exception_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_stderr_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_stdin_transform_unsubscribe_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_stdout_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_sync_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/process_working_directory_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_datagram_read_all_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_datagram_socket_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/raw_secure_server_closing_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_secure_server_socket_argument_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/raw_secure_server_socket_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_secure_socket_pause_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/raw_secure_socket_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/raw_server_socket_cancel_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_socket_cross_process_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_socket_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/raw_socket_typed_data_test: Crash # Please triage this failure. |
+io/raw_socket_write_destroy_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/read_into_const_list_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/regress_10026_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/regress_21160_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/regress_21987_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/regress_7191_test: Crash # (throw "Bad exit code"): Unhandled node |
+io/regress_7679_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/regress_8828_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/regress_9194_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/resolve_symbolic_links_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_bad_certificate_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_builtin_roots_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/secure_client_raw_server_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_client_server_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_multiple_client_server_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_server_client_certificate_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_server_client_no_certificate_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_server_closing_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_server_socket_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_session_resume_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_socket_alpn_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_socket_argument_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/secure_socket_bad_data_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_socket_renegotiate_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/secure_socket_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/secure_unauthorized_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/server_socket_reference_issue21383_and_issue21384_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/signals_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/skipping_dart2js_compilations_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: currentWorkingDirectory:field |
+io/sleep_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/snapshot_fail_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_bind_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_close_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/socket_cross_process_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_exception_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_info_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/socket_invalid_arguments_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_ipv6_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_many_connections_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_port_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/socket_source_address_test: Crash # cannot handle async/sync*/async* functions |
+io/socket_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/socket_upgrade_to_secure_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/status_file_parser_test: Crash # (throw new Exception('Cannot find test status file ${path}')): Unhandled node |
+io/stdin_sync_test: Crash # (throw "Bad output: '${data}'"): Unhandled node |
+io/stdio_nonblocking_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/stdout_close_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/stdout_stderr_non_blocking_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/stdout_stderr_terminal_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/stdout_stderr_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/stream_pipe_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/test_extension_fail_test: Crash # (throw new StateError("bad exit code")): Unhandled node |
+io/test_extension_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/test_runner_test: Crash # Unhandled node |
+io/uri_platform_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/web_socket_error_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/web_socket_ping_test: Crash # (throw new StateError('Hash update method called after digest was retrieved')): Unhandled node |
+io/web_socket_pipe_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/web_socket_protocol_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/web_socket_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/web_socket_typed_data_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+io/windows_environment_test: Crash # (throw "Exit code not 0"): Unhandled node |
+io/windows_file_system_async_links_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+io/windows_file_system_links_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+io/zlib_test: Crash # (throw _buildException('asyncEnd() was called before asyncStart().')): Unhandled node |
+medium_integer_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+oom_error_stacktrace_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+out_of_memory_test: Crash # "on T" catch block |
+package/package1_test: Crash # (throw new Error("Not identical")): Unhandled node |
+package/package_test: Crash # (throw new Error("libraries were not reached successfully")): Unhandled node |
+priority_queue_stress_test: Crash # cannot compile methods that need interceptor calling convention. |
+status_expression_test: Crash # (throw new ExpectException(message)): Unhandled node |
+typed_array_test: Crash # Instance of 'TypeOperator': unimplemented in CodeGenerator |
+verified_mem_test: Crash # unsupported element kind: a:field |