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Unified Diff: net/url_request/

Issue 1083683003: Speculative revert by sheriff (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Removed an unrelated commit that had accidentally slipped in. Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: net/url_request/
diff --git a/net/url_request/ b/net/url_request/
index 121251962b7191ecfddcf663d4f79bbf05d3dfc6..3bf1a369169865c82933fb01157a96f784a76972 100644
--- a/net/url_request/
+++ b/net/url_request/
@@ -200,58 +200,6 @@ class URLFetcherTest : public testing::Test,
return num_upload_streams_created_;
- // Downloads |file_to_fetch| and checks the contents when done. If
- // |save_to_temporary_file| is true, saves it to a temporary file, and
- // |requested_out_path| is ignored. Otherwise, saves it to
- // |requested_out_path|. Takes ownership of the file if |take_ownership| is
- // true. Deletes file when done.
- void SaveFileTest(const char* file_to_fetch,
- bool save_to_temporary_file,
- const base::FilePath& requested_out_path,
- bool take_ownership) {
- scoped_ptr<WaitingURLFetcherDelegate> delegate(
- new WaitingURLFetcherDelegate());
- delegate->CreateFetcherWithContext(
- test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) +
- file_to_fetch),
- URLFetcher::GET, request_context());
- if (save_to_temporary_file) {
- delegate->fetcher()->SaveResponseToTemporaryFile(
- scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>(
- base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
- } else {
- delegate->fetcher()->SaveResponseToFileAtPath(
- requested_out_path, scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>(
- base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
- }
- delegate->StartFetcherAndWait();
- EXPECT_TRUE(delegate->fetcher()->GetStatus().is_success());
- EXPECT_EQ(200, delegate->fetcher()->GetResponseCode());
- base::FilePath out_path;
- delegate->fetcher()->GetResponseAsFilePath(take_ownership, &out_path));
- if (!save_to_temporary_file) {
- EXPECT_EQ(requested_out_path, out_path);
- }
- EXPECT_TRUE(base::ContentsEqual(
- test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(file_to_fetch), out_path));
- // Delete the delegate and run the message loop to give the fetcher's
- // destructor a chance to delete the file.
- delegate.reset();
- base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle();
- // File should only exist if |take_ownership| was true.
- EXPECT_EQ(take_ownership, base::PathExists(out_path));
- // Cleanup.
- if (base::PathExists(out_path))
- base::DeleteFile(out_path, false);
- }
// Returns a URL that hangs on DNS resolution. Only hangs when using the
// request context returned by request_context().
const GURL& hanging_url() const { return hanging_url_; }
@@ -516,6 +464,30 @@ class URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest : public URLFetcherTest {
std::string data_;
+class URLFetcherFileTest : public URLFetcherTest {
+ public:
+ URLFetcherFileTest() : take_ownership_of_file_(false),
+ expected_file_error_(OK) {}
+ void CreateFetcherForFile(const GURL& url, const base::FilePath& file_path);
+ void CreateFetcherForTempFile(const GURL& url);
+ // URLFetcherDelegate:
+ void OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) override;
+ protected:
+ base::FilePath expected_file_;
+ base::FilePath file_path_;
+ // Set by the test. Used in OnURLFetchComplete() to decide if
+ // the URLFetcher should own the temp file, so that we can test
+ // disowning prevents the file from being deleted.
+ bool take_ownership_of_file_;
+ // Expected file error code for the test. OK when expecting success.
+ int expected_file_error_;
void URLFetcherDownloadProgressTest::CreateFetcher(const GURL& url) {
fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
@@ -665,6 +637,44 @@ void URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest::OnURLFetchComplete(
+void URLFetcherFileTest::CreateFetcherForFile(const GURL& url,
+ const base::FilePath& file_path) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ // Use the IO message loop to do the file operations in this test.
+ fetcher_->SaveResponseToFileAtPath(file_path, io_message_loop_proxy());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherFileTest::CreateFetcherForTempFile(const GURL& url) {
+ fetcher_ = new URLFetcherImpl(url, URLFetcher::GET, this);
+ fetcher_->SetRequestContext(new ThrottlingTestURLRequestContextGetter(
+ io_message_loop_proxy().get(), request_context()));
+ // Use the IO message loop to do the file operations in this test.
+ fetcher_->SaveResponseToTemporaryFile(io_message_loop_proxy());
+ fetcher_->Start();
+void URLFetcherFileTest::OnURLFetchComplete(const URLFetcher* source) {
+ if (expected_file_error_ == OK) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(OK, source->GetStatus().error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(200, source->GetResponseCode());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(source->GetResponseAsFilePath(
+ take_ownership_of_file_, &file_path_));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(base::ContentsEqual(expected_file_, file_path_));
+ } else {
+ EXPECT_FALSE(source->GetStatus().is_success());
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_file_error_, source->GetStatus().error());
+ }
+ CleanupAfterFetchComplete();
// Create the fetcher on the main thread. Since network IO will happen on the
// main thread, this will test URLFetcher's ability to do everything on one
// thread.
@@ -1192,93 +1202,149 @@ TEST_F(URLFetcherMultipleAttemptTest, SameData) {
-// Get a small file.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, FileTestSmallGet) {
- const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SmallGet) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
- base::FilePath out_path = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
- SaveFileTest(kFileToFetch, false, out_path, false);
-// Get a file large enough to require more than one read into URLFetcher::Core's
-// IOBuffer.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, FileTestLargeGet) {
- const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
- base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
- ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- base::FilePath out_path = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
- SaveFileTest(kFileToFetch, false, out_path, false);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
-// If the caller takes the ownership of the output file, the file should persist
-// even after URLFetcher is gone.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, FileTestTakeOwnership) {
- const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(file_path_))
+ << file_path_.value() << " not removed.";
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, LargeGet) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
- base::FilePath out_path = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
- SaveFileTest(kFileToFetch, false, out_path, true);
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
-// Test that an existing file can be overwritten be a fetcher.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, FileTestOverwriteExisting) {
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SavedOutputFileOwnerhisp) {
+ // If the caller takes the ownership of the output file, the file should
+ // persist even after URLFetcher is gone. If not, the file must be deleted.
+ const bool kTake[] = {false, true};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTake); ++i) {
+ take_ownership_of_file_ = kTake[i];
+ base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTake[i], base::PathExists(file_path_)) <<
+ "FilePath: " << file_path_.value();
+ }
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, OverwriteExistingFile) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
// Create a file before trying to fetch.
- const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
std::string data(10000, '?'); // Meant to be larger than simple.html.
- base::FilePath out_path = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ file_path_ = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
- base::WriteFile(out_path,, data.size()));
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(out_path));
+ base::WriteFile(file_path_,, data.size()));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(file_path_));
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::ContentsEqual(file_path_, expected_file_));
- SaveFileTest(kFileToFetch, false, out_path, true);
+ // Get a small file.
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
+ file_path_);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
-// Test trying to overwrite a directory with a file when using a fetcher fails.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, FileTestTryToOverwriteDirectory) {
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, TryToOverwriteDirectory) {
base::ScopedTempDir temp_dir;
// Create a directory before trying to fetch.
static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
- base::FilePath out_path = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::CreateDirectory(out_path));
- ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(out_path));
- WaitingURLFetcherDelegate delegate;
- delegate.CreateFetcherWithContext(
+ file_path_ = temp_dir.path().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::CreateDirectory(file_path_));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(base::PathExists(file_path_));
+ // Get a small file.
+ expected_file_error_ = ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForFile(
test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch),
- URLFetcher::GET, request_context());
- delegate.fetcher()->SaveResponseToFileAtPath(
- out_path,
- scoped_refptr<base::MessageLoopProxy>(base::MessageLoopProxy::current()));
- delegate.StartFetcherAndWait();
+ file_path_);
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
- EXPECT_FALSE(delegate.fetcher()->GetStatus().is_success());
- EXPECT_EQ(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, delegate.fetcher()->GetStatus().error());
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
-// Get a small file and save it to a temp file.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, TempFileTestSmallGet) {
- SaveFileTest("simple.html", true, base::FilePath(), false);
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SmallGetToTempFile) {
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ ASSERT_FALSE(base::PathExists(file_path_))
+ << file_path_.value() << " not removed.";
-// Get a file large enough to require more than one read into URLFetcher::Core's
-// IOBuffer and save it to a temp file.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, TempFileTestLargeGet) {
- SaveFileTest("animate1.gif", true, base::FilePath(), false);
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, LargeGetToTempFile) {
+ // Get a file large enough to require more than one read into
+ // URLFetcher::Core's IOBuffer.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "animate1.gif";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(
+ test_server_->GetURL(std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
-// If the caller takes the ownership of the temp file, check that the file
-// persists even after URLFetcher is gone.
-TEST_F(URLFetcherTest, TempFileTestTakeOwnership) {
- SaveFileTest("simple.html", true, base::FilePath(), true);
+TEST_F(URLFetcherFileTest, SavedOutputTempFileOwnerhisp) {
+ // If the caller takes the ownership of the temp file, the file should persist
+ // even after URLFetcher is gone. If not, the file must be deleted.
+ const bool kTake[] = {false, true};
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTake); ++i) {
+ take_ownership_of_file_ = kTake[i];
+ // Get a small file.
+ static const char kFileToFetch[] = "simple.html";
+ expected_file_ = test_server_->GetDocumentRoot().AppendASCII(kFileToFetch);
+ CreateFetcherForTempFile(test_server_->GetURL(
+ std::string(kTestServerFilePrefix) + kFileToFetch));
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->Run(); // OnURLFetchComplete() will Quit().
+ base::MessageLoop::current()->RunUntilIdle();
+ ASSERT_EQ(kTake[i], base::PathExists(file_path_)) <<
+ "FilePath: " << file_path_.value();
+ }
} // namespace
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