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Unified Diff: third_party/mozdownload/mozdownload/

Issue 108313011: Adding mozilla libraries required by Firefox interop test. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 7 years ago
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Index: third_party/mozdownload/mozdownload/
--- third_party/mozdownload/mozdownload/ (revision 0)
+++ third_party/mozdownload/mozdownload/ (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+"""Module to handle downloads for different types of Firefox and Thunderbird builds."""
+from datetime import datetime
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import mozinfo
+from parser import DirectoryParser
+from timezones import PacificTimezone
+APPLICATIONS = ['b2g', 'firefox', 'thunderbird']
+# Base URL for the path to all builds
+BASE_URL = ''
+PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS = {'linux': 'linux-i686',
+ 'linux64': 'linux-x86_64',
+ 'mac': 'mac',
+ 'mac64': 'mac64',
+ 'win32': 'win32',
+ 'win64': 'win64-x86_64'}
+DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSIONS = {'linux': 'tar.bz2',
+ 'linux64': 'tar.bz2',
+ 'mac': 'dmg',
+ 'mac64': 'dmg',
+ 'win32': 'exe',
+ 'win64': 'exe'}
+class NotFoundException(Exception):
+ """Exception for a resource not being found (e.g. no logs)"""
+ def __init__(self, message, location):
+ self.location = location
+ Exception.__init__(self, ': '.join([message, location]))
+class Scraper(object):
+ """Generic class to download an application from the Mozilla server"""
+ def __init__(self, directory, version, platform=None,
+ application='firefox', locale='en-US', extension=None,
+ authentication=None, retry_attempts=3, retry_delay=10):
+ # Private properties for caching
+ self._target = None
+ self._binary = None
+ = directory
+ self.locale = locale
+ self.platform = platform or self.detect_platform()
+ self.version = version
+ self.extension = extension or DEFAULT_FILE_EXTENSIONS[self.platform]
+ self.authentication = authentication
+ self.retry_attempts = retry_attempts
+ self.retry_delay = retry_delay
+ # build the base URL
+ self.application = application
+ self.base_url = '/'.join([BASE_URL, self.application])
+ @property
+ def binary(self):
+ """Return the name of the build"""
+ if self._binary is None:
+ # Retrieve all entries from the remote virtual folder
+ parser = DirectoryParser(self.path)
+ if not parser.entries:
+ raise NotFoundException('No entries found', self.path)
+ # Download the first matched directory entry
+ pattern = re.compile(self.binary_regex, re.IGNORECASE)
+ for entry in parser.entries:
+ try:
+ self._binary = pattern.match(entry).group()
+ break
+ except:
+ # No match, continue with next entry
+ continue
+ if self._binary is None:
+ raise NotFoundException("Binary not found in folder", self.path)
+ else:
+ return self._binary
+ @property
+ def binary_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the binary filename"""
+ raise NotImplementedError(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name)
+ @property
+ def final_url(self):
+ """Return the final URL of the build"""
+ return '/'.join([self.path, self.binary])
+ @property
+ def path(self):
+ """Return the path to the build"""
+ return '/'.join([self.base_url, self.path_regex])
+ @property
+ def path_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the path to the build"""
+ raise NotImplementedError(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name)
+ @property
+ def platform_regex(self):
+ """Return the platform fragment of the URL"""
+ return PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS[self.platform];
+ @property
+ def target(self):
+ """Return the target file name of the build"""
+ if self._target is None:
+ self._target = os.path.join(,
+ self.build_filename(self.binary))
+ return self._target
+ def build_filename(self, binary):
+ """Return the proposed filename with extension for the binary"""
+ raise NotImplementedError(sys._getframe(0).f_code.co_name)
+ def detect_platform(self):
+ """Detect the current platform"""
+ # For Mac and Linux 32bit we do not need the bits appended
+ if mozinfo.os == 'mac' or (mozinfo.os == 'linux' and mozinfo.bits == 32):
+ return mozinfo.os
+ else:
+ return "%s%d" % (mozinfo.os, mozinfo.bits)
+ def download(self):
+ """Download the specified file"""
+ attempts = 0
+ if not os.path.isdir(
+ os.makedirs(
+ # Don't re-download the file
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(
+ print "File has already been downloaded: %s" % (
+ return
+ print 'Downloading from: %s' % (urllib.unquote(self.final_url))
+ tmp_file = + ".part"
+ if self.authentication \
+ and self.authentication['username'] \
+ and self.authentication['password']:
+ password_mgr = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
+ password_mgr.add_password(None,
+ self.final_url,
+ self.authentication['username'],
+ self.authentication['password'])
+ handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_mgr)
+ opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler, handler)
+ urllib2.install_opener(opener)
+ while True:
+ attempts += 1
+ try:
+ r = urllib2.urlopen(self.final_url)
+ CHUNK = 16 * 1024
+ with open(tmp_file, 'wb') as f:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
+ f.write(chunk)
+ break
+ except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError):
+ if tmp_file and os.path.isfile(tmp_file):
+ os.remove(tmp_file)
+ print 'Download failed! Retrying... (attempt %s)' % attempts
+ if attempts >= self.retry_attempts:
+ raise
+ time.sleep(self.retry_delay)
+ os.rename(tmp_file,
+class DailyScraper(Scraper):
+ """Class to download a daily build from the Mozilla server"""
+ def __init__(self, branch='mozilla-central', build_id=None, date=None,
+ build_number=None, *args, **kwargs):
+ Scraper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.branch = branch
+ # Internally we access builds via index
+ if build_number is not None:
+ self.build_index = int(build_number) - 1
+ else:
+ self.build_index = None
+ if build_id:
+ # A build id has been specified. Split up its components so the date
+ # and time can be extracted: '20111212042025' -> '2011-12-12 04:20:25'
+ = datetime.strptime(build_id, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+ self.builds, self.build_index = self.get_build_info_for_date(,
+ has_time=True)
+ elif date:
+ # A date (without time) has been specified. Use its value and the
+ # build index to find the requested build for that day.
+ = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
+ self.builds, self.build_index = self.get_build_info_for_date(,
+ build_index=self.build_index)
+ else:
+ # If no build id nor date have been specified the lastest available
+ # build of the given branch has to be identified. We also have to
+ # retrieve the date of the build via its build id.
+ url = '%s/nightly/latest-%s/' % (self.base_url, self.branch)
+ print 'Retrieving the build status file from %s' % url
+ parser = DirectoryParser(url)
+ parser.entries = parser.filter(r'.*%s\.txt' % self.platform_regex)
+ if not parser.entries:
+ message = 'Status file for %s build cannot be found' % self.platform_regex
+ raise NotFoundException(message, url)
+ # Read status file for the platform, retrieve build id, and convert to a date
+ status_file = url + parser.entries[-1]
+ f = urllib.urlopen(status_file)
+ = datetime.strptime(f.readline().strip(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
+ self.builds, self.build_index = self.get_build_info_for_date(,
+ has_time=True)
+ def get_build_info_for_date(self, date, has_time=False, build_index=None):
+ url = '/'.join([self.base_url, self.monthly_build_list_regex])
+ print 'Retrieving list of builds from %s' % url
+ parser = DirectoryParser(url)
+ regex = r'%(DATE)s-(\d+-)+%(BRANCH)s%(L10N)s$' % {
+ 'DATE': date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
+ 'BRANCH': self.branch,
+ 'L10N': '' if self.locale == 'en-US' else '-l10n'}
+ parser.entries = parser.filter(regex)
+ if not parser.entries:
+ message = 'Folder for builds on %s has not been found' %'%Y-%m-%d')
+ raise NotFoundException(message, url)
+ if has_time:
+ # If a time is included in the date, use it to determine the build's index
+ regex = r'.*%s.*' % date.strftime('%H-%M-%S')
+ build_index = parser.entries.index(parser.filter(regex)[0])
+ else:
+ # If no index has been given, set it to the last build of the day.
+ if build_index is None:
+ build_index = len(parser.entries) - 1
+ return (parser.entries, build_index)
+ @property
+ def binary_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the binary"""
+ regex_base_name = r'^%(APP)s-.*\.%(LOCALE)s\.%(PLATFORM)s'
+ regex_suffix = {'linux': r'\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'linux64': r'\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac': r'\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac64': r'\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win32': r'(\.installer)\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win64': r'(\.installer)\.%(EXT)s$'}
+ regex = regex_base_name + regex_suffix[self.platform]
+ return regex % {'APP': self.application,
+ 'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'PLATFORM': self.platform_regex,
+ 'EXT': self.extension}
+ def build_filename(self, binary):
+ """Return the proposed filename with extension for the binary"""
+ try:
+ # Get exact timestamp of the build to build the local file name
+ folder = self.builds[self.build_index]
+ timestamp ='([\d\-]+)-\D.*', folder).group(1)
+ except:
+ # If it's not available use the build's date
+ timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d')
+ return '%(TIMESTAMP)s-%(BRANCH)s-%(NAME)s' % {
+ 'TIMESTAMP': timestamp,
+ 'BRANCH': self.branch,
+ 'NAME': binary}
+ @property
+ def monthly_build_list_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the folder which contains the builds of a month."""
+ # Regex for possible builds for the given date
+ return r'nightly/%(YEAR)s/%(MONTH)s/' % {
+ 'YEAR':,
+ 'MONTH': str( }
+ @property
+ def path_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the path"""
+ try:
+ return self.monthly_build_list_regex + self.builds[self.build_index]
+ except:
+ raise NotFoundException("Specified sub folder cannot be found",
+ self.base_url + self.monthly_build_list_regex)
+class DirectScraper(Scraper):
+ """Class to download a file from a specified URL"""
+ def __init__(self, url, *args, **kwargs):
+ Scraper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.url = url
+ @property
+ def target(self):
+ return urllib.splitquery(self.final_url)[0].rpartition('/')[-1]
+ @property
+ def final_url(self):
+ return self.url
+class ReleaseScraper(Scraper):
+ """Class to download a release build from the Mozilla server"""
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ Scraper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ @property
+ def binary_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the binary"""
+ regex = {'linux': r'^%(APP)s-.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'linux64': r'^%(APP)s-.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac': r'^%(APP)s.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac64': r'^%(APP)s.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win32': r'^%(APP)s.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win64': r'^%(APP)s.*\.%(EXT)s$'}
+ return regex[self.platform] % {'APP': self.application,
+ 'EXT': self.extension}
+ @property
+ def path_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the path"""
+ regex = r'releases/%(VERSION)s/%(PLATFORM)s/%(LOCALE)s'
+ return regex % {'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'PLATFORM': self.platform_regex,
+ 'VERSION': self.version}
+ def build_filename(self, binary):
+ """Return the proposed filename with extension for the binary"""
+ template = '%(APP)s-%(VERSION)s.%(LOCALE)s.%(PLATFORM)s.%(EXT)s'
+ return template % {'APP': self.application,
+ 'VERSION': self.version,
+ 'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'PLATFORM': self.platform,
+ 'EXT': self.extension}
+class ReleaseCandidateScraper(ReleaseScraper):
+ """Class to download a release candidate build from the Mozilla server"""
+ def __init__(self, build_number=None, no_unsigned=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ Scraper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Internally we access builds via index
+ if build_number is not None:
+ self.build_index = int(build_number) - 1
+ else:
+ self.build_index = None
+ self.builds, self.build_index = self.get_build_info_for_version(self.version, self.build_index)
+ self.no_unsigned = no_unsigned
+ self.unsigned = False
+ def get_build_info_for_version(self, version, build_index=None):
+ url = '/'.join([self.base_url, self.candidate_build_list_regex])
+ print 'Retrieving list of candidate builds from %s' % url
+ parser = DirectoryParser(url)
+ if not parser.entries:
+ message = 'Folder for specific candidate builds at has not been found'
+ raise NotFoundException(message, url)
+ # If no index has been given, set it to the last build of the given version.
+ if build_index is None:
+ build_index = len(parser.entries) - 1
+ return (parser.entries, build_index)
+ @property
+ def candidate_build_list_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the folder which contains the builds of
+ a candidate build."""
+ # Regex for possible builds for the given date
+ return r'nightly/%(VERSION)s-candidates/' % {
+ 'VERSION': self.version }
+ @property
+ def path_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the path"""
+ regex = r'%(PREFIX)s%(BUILD)s/%(UNSIGNED)s%(PLATFORM)s/%(LOCALE)s'
+ return regex % {'PREFIX': self.candidate_build_list_regex,
+ 'BUILD': self.builds[self.build_index],
+ 'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'PLATFORM': self.platform_regex,
+ 'UNSIGNED': "unsigned/" if self.unsigned else ""}
+ def build_filename(self, binary):
+ """Return the proposed filename with extension for the binary"""
+ template = '%(APP)s-%(VERSION)s-build%(BUILD)s.%(LOCALE)s.%(PLATFORM)s.%(EXT)s'
+ return template % {'APP': self.application,
+ 'VERSION': self.version,
+ 'BUILD': self.builds[self.build_index],
+ 'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'PLATFORM': self.platform,
+ 'EXT': self.extension}
+ def download(self):
+ """Download the specified file"""
+ try:
+ # Try to download the signed candidate build
+ except NotFoundException, e:
+ print str(e)
+ # If the signed build cannot be downloaded and unsigned builds are
+ # allowed, try to download the unsigned build instead
+ if self.no_unsigned:
+ raise
+ else:
+ print "Signed build has not been found. Falling back to unsigned build."
+ self.unsigned = True
+class TinderboxScraper(Scraper):
+ """Class to download a tinderbox build from the Mozilla server.
+ There are two ways to specify a unique build:
+ 1. If the date (%Y-%m-%d) is given and build_number is given where
+ the build_number is the index of the build on the date
+ 2. If the build timestamp (UNIX) is given, and matches a specific build.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, branch='mozilla-central', build_number=None, date=None,
+ debug_build=False, *args, **kwargs):
+ Scraper.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.branch = branch
+ self.debug_build = debug_build
+ self.locale_build = self.locale != 'en-US'
+ self.timestamp = None
+ # Currently any time in RelEng is based on the Pacific time zone.
+ self.timezone = PacificTimezone();
+ # Internally we access builds via index
+ if build_number is not None:
+ self.build_index = int(build_number) - 1
+ else:
+ self.build_index = None
+ if date is not None:
+ try:
+ = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(date), self.timezone)
+ self.timestamp = date
+ except:
+ = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
+ else:
+ = None
+ # For localized builds we do not have to retrieve the list of builds
+ # because only the last build is available
+ if not self.locale_build:
+ self.builds, self.build_index = self.get_build_info(self.build_index)
+ try:
+ self.timestamp = self.builds[self.build_index]
+ except:
+ raise NotFoundException("Specified sub folder cannot be found",
+ self.base_url + self.monthly_build_list_regex)
+ @property
+ def binary_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the binary"""
+ regex_base_name = r'^%(APP)s-.*\.%(LOCALE)s\.'
+ regex_suffix = {'linux': r'.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'linux64': r'.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac': r'.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'mac64': r'.*\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win32': r'.*(\.installer)\.%(EXT)s$',
+ 'win64': r'.*(\.installer)\.%(EXT)s$'}
+ regex = regex_base_name + regex_suffix[self.platform]
+ return regex % {'APP': self.application,
+ 'LOCALE': self.locale,
+ 'EXT': self.extension}
+ def build_filename(self, binary):
+ """Return the proposed filename with extension for the binary"""
+ return '%(TIMESTAMP)s%(BRANCH)s%(DEBUG)s-%(NAME)s' % {
+ 'TIMESTAMP': self.timestamp + '-' if self.timestamp else '',
+ 'BRANCH': self.branch,
+ 'DEBUG': '-debug' if self.debug_build else '',
+ 'NAME': binary}
+ @property
+ def build_list_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the folder which contains the list of builds"""
+ regex = 'tinderbox-builds/%(BRANCH)s-%(PLATFORM)s%(L10N)s%(DEBUG)s'
+ return regex % {'BRANCH': self.branch,
+ 'PLATFORM': '' if self.locale_build else self.platform_regex,
+ 'L10N': 'l10n' if self.locale_build else '',
+ 'DEBUG': '-debug' if self.debug_build else ''}
+ def date_matches(self, timestamp):
+ """Determines whether the timestamp date is equal to the argument date"""
+ if is None:
+ return False
+ timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp), self.timezone)
+ if ==
+ return True
+ return False
+ @property
+ def date_validation_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for a valid date argument value"""
+ return r'^\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}$|^\d+$'
+ def detect_platform(self):
+ """Detect the current platform"""
+ platform = Scraper.detect_platform(self)
+ # On OS X we have to special case the platform detection code and fallback
+ # to 64 bit builds for the en-US locale
+ if mozinfo.os == 'mac' and self.locale == 'en-US' and mozinfo.bits == 64:
+ platform = "%s%d" % (mozinfo.os, mozinfo.bits)
+ return platform
+ def get_build_info(self, build_index=None):
+ url = '/'.join([self.base_url, self.build_list_regex])
+ print 'Retrieving list of builds from %s' % url
+ # If a timestamp is given, retrieve just that build
+ regex = '^' + self.timestamp + '$' if self.timestamp else r'^\d+$'
+ parser = DirectoryParser(url)
+ parser.entries = parser.filter(regex)
+ # If date is given, retrieve the subset of builds on that date
+ if is not None:
+ parser.entries = filter(self.date_matches, parser.entries)
+ if not parser.entries:
+ message = 'No builds have been found'
+ raise NotFoundException(message, url)
+ # If no index has been given, set it to the last build of the day.
+ if build_index is None:
+ build_index = len(parser.entries) - 1
+ return (parser.entries, build_index)
+ @property
+ def path_regex(self):
+ """Return the regex for the path"""
+ if self.locale_build:
+ return self.build_list_regex
+ return '/'.join([self.build_list_regex, self.builds[self.build_index]])
+ @property
+ def platform_regex(self):
+ """Return the platform fragment of the URL"""
+ PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS = {'linux': 'linux',
+ 'linux64': 'linux64',
+ 'mac': 'macosx',
+ 'mac64': 'macosx64',
+ 'win32': 'win32',
+ 'win64': 'win64'}
+ return PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS[self.platform]
+def cli():
+ """Main function for the downloader"""
+ BUILD_TYPES = {'release': ReleaseScraper,
+ 'candidate': ReleaseCandidateScraper,
+ 'daily': DailyScraper,
+ 'tinderbox': TinderboxScraper }
+ usage = 'usage: %prog [options]'
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, description=__doc__)
+ parser.add_option('--application', '-a',
+ dest='application',
+ default='firefox',
+ metavar='APPLICATION',
+ help='The name of the application to download, '
+ 'default: "%default"')
+ parser.add_option('--directory', '-d',
+ dest='directory',
+ default=os.getcwd(),
+ metavar='DIRECTORY',
+ help='Target directory for the download, default: '
+ 'current working directory')
+ parser.add_option('--build-number',
+ dest='build_number',
+ default=None,
+ type="int",
+ metavar='BUILD_NUMBER',
+ help='Number of the build (for candidate, daily, '
+ 'and tinderbox builds)')
+ parser.add_option('--locale', '-l',
+ dest='locale',
+ default='en-US',
+ metavar='LOCALE',
+ help='Locale of the application, default: "%default"')
+ parser.add_option('--platform', '-p',
+ dest='platform',
+ choices=PLATFORM_FRAGMENTS.keys(),
+ metavar='PLATFORM',
+ help='Platform of the application')
+ parser.add_option('--type', '-t',
+ dest='type',
+ choices=BUILD_TYPES.keys(),
+ default='release',
+ metavar='BUILD_TYPE',
+ help='Type of build to download, default: "%default"')
+ parser.add_option('--url',
+ dest='url',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='URL',
+ help='URL to download.')
+ parser.add_option('--version', '-v',
+ dest='version',
+ metavar='VERSION',
+ help='Version of the application to be used by release and\
+ candidate builds, i.e. "3.6"')
+ parser.add_option('--extension',
+ dest='extension',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='EXTENSION',
+ help='File extension of the build (e.g. "zip"), default:\
+ the standard build extension on the platform.')
+ parser.add_option('--username',
+ dest='username',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='USERNAME',
+ help='Username for basic HTTP authentication.')
+ parser.add_option('--password',
+ dest='password',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='PASSWORD',
+ help='Password for basic HTTP authentication.')
+ parser.add_option('--retry-attempts',
+ dest='retry_attempts',
+ default=3,
+ type=int,
+ metavar='RETRY_ATTEMPTS',
+ help='Number of times the download will be attempted in '
+ 'the event of a failure, default: %default')
+ parser.add_option('--retry-delay',
+ dest='retry_delay',
+ default=10,
+ type=int,
+ metavar='RETRY_DELAY',
+ help='Amount of time (in seconds) to wait between retry '
+ 'attempts, default: %default')
+ # Option group for candidate builds
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Candidate builds",
+ "Extra options for candidate builds.")
+ group.add_option('--no-unsigned',
+ dest='no_unsigned',
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Don't allow to download unsigned builds if signed\
+ builds are not available")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Option group for daily builds
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Daily builds",
+ "Extra options for daily builds.")
+ group.add_option('--branch',
+ dest='branch',
+ default='mozilla-central',
+ metavar='BRANCH',
+ help='Name of the branch, default: "%default"')
+ group.add_option('--build-id',
+ dest='build_id',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='BUILD_ID',
+ help='ID of the build to download')
+ group.add_option('--date',
+ dest='date',
+ default=None,
+ metavar='DATE',
+ help='Date of the build, default: latest build')
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # Option group for tinderbox builds
+ group = OptionGroup(parser, "Tinderbox builds",
+ "Extra options for tinderbox builds.")
+ group.add_option('--debug-build',
+ dest='debug_build',
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Download a debug build")
+ parser.add_option_group(group)
+ # TODO: option group for nightly builds
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ # Check for required options and arguments
+ # Note: Will be optional when ini file support has been landed
+ if not options.url \
+ and not options.type in ['daily', 'tinderbox'] \
+ and not options.version:
+ parser.error('The version of the application to download has not been specified.')
+ # Instantiate scraper and download the build
+ scraper_keywords = {'application': options.application,
+ 'locale': options.locale,
+ 'platform': options.platform,
+ 'version': options.version,
+ 'directory':,
+ 'extension': options.extension,
+ 'authentication': {
+ 'username': options.username,
+ 'password': options.password},
+ 'retry_attempts': options.retry_attempts,
+ 'retry_delay': options.retry_delay}
+ scraper_options = {'candidate': {
+ 'build_number': options.build_number,
+ 'no_unsigned': options.no_unsigned},
+ 'daily': {
+ 'branch': options.branch,
+ 'build_number': options.build_number,
+ 'build_id': options.build_id,
+ 'date':},
+ 'tinderbox': {
+ 'branch': options.branch,
+ 'build_number': options.build_number,
+ 'date':,
+ 'debug_build': options.debug_build}
+ }
+ kwargs = scraper_keywords.copy()
+ kwargs.update(scraper_options.get(options.type, {}))
+ if options.url:
+ build = DirectScraper(options.url, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ build = BUILD_TYPES[options.type](**kwargs)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cli()
Property changes on: third_party/mozdownload/mozdownload/
Added: svn:eol-style
+ LF
Added: svn:executable
+ *
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