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Unified Diff: chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h

Issue 105853002: Implement a background downloader using BITS in Windows Chrome. (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Fixed error codes. Created 7 years ago
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Index: chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h
diff --git a/chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h b/chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h
index 4c487a12d1c4f7668c342e90ca68016f1bd0c4e4..2dc894ddbd9ad545dd16a481ebc06c03b68ac822 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/component_updater/crx_downloader.h
@@ -31,39 +31,58 @@ namespace component_updater {
// that, the download request is routed to the next downloader in the chain.
// The members of this class expect to be called from the UI thread only.
class CrxDownloader {
- // |error| contains the download error: 0 indicates success. |response|
- // contains the file path of the downloaded file, if the download was
- // successful.
+ public:
+ // Contains the outcome of the download.
+ struct Result {
+ Result() : error(0), is_background_download(0) {}
+ // Download error: 0 indicates success.
+ int error;
+ // True if the download has been completed using the background downloader.
+ int is_background_download;
+ // Path of the downloaded file if the download was successful.
+ base::FilePath response;
+ };
// The callback fires only once, regardless of how many urls are tried, and
// how many successors in the chain of downloaders have handled the
// download. The callback interface can be extended if needed to provide
// more visibility into how the download has been handled, including
// specific error codes and download metrics.
- typedef base::Callback<void(int error,
- const base::FilePath& response)> DownloadCallback;
+ typedef base::Callback<void (const Result& result)> DownloadCallback;
- public:
// Factory method to create an instance of this class and build the
- // chain of responsibility.
+ // chain of responsibility. |is_background_download| specifies that a
+ // background downloader be used, if the platform supports it.
static CrxDownloader* Create(
+ bool is_background_download,
net::URLRequestContextGetter* context_getter,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
const DownloadCallback& download_callback);
virtual ~CrxDownloader();
// Starts the download. One instance of the class handles one download only.
- void StartDownloadFromUrl(const GURL& url);
- void StartDownload(const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
+ // Returns true if success or false in case of errors. One instance of
+ // CrxDownloader can only be started once, otherwise the behavior is
+ // undefined.
+ bool StartDownloadFromUrl(const GURL& url);
+ bool StartDownload(const std::vector<GURL>& urls);
- CrxDownloader();
- // Derived class must call this function after each attempt at downloading
- // from the urls provided in the StartDownload function.
- void OnDownloadComplete(bool is_handled,
- int error,
- const base::FilePath& response);
+ CrxDownloader(scoped_ptr<CrxDownloader> successor,
+ const DownloadCallback& download_callback);
+ // Handles the fallback in the case of multiple urls and routing of the
+ // download to the following successor in the chain. Derived classes must call
+ // this function after each attempt at downloading the urls provided
+ // in the StartDownload function.
+ // In case of errors, |is_handled| indicates that a server side error has
+ // occured for the current url and the url should not be retried down
+ // the chain to avoid DDOS of the server. This url will be removed from the
+ // list of url and never tried again.
+ void OnDownloadComplete(bool is_handled, const Result& result);
virtual void DoStartDownload(const GURL& url) = 0;
@@ -72,7 +91,7 @@ class CrxDownloader {
scoped_ptr<CrxDownloader> successor_;
DownloadCallback download_callback_;
- size_t current_url_;
+ std::vector<GURL>::iterator current_url_;
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