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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_if.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_if.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_if.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_if.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 22120439e1b07172f5c9c20bca2c60f38c5d8dee..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_if.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,170 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.directive;
- * Base class for NgIfAttrDirective and NgUnlessAttrDirective.
- */
-abstract class _NgUnlessIfAttrDirectiveBase {
- final BoundBlockFactory _boundBlockFactory;
- final BlockHole _blockHole;
- final Scope _scope;
- Block _block;
- /**
- * The new child scope. This child scope is recreated whenever the `ng-if`
- * subtree is inserted into the DOM and destroyed when it's removed from the
- * DOM. Refer
- * prototypical inheritance
- */
- Scope _childScope;
- _NgUnlessIfAttrDirectiveBase(this._boundBlockFactory, this._blockHole,
- this._scope);
- // Override in subclass.
- set condition(value);
- void _ensureBlockExists() {
- if (_block == null) {
- _childScope = _scope.createChild(new PrototypeMap(_scope.context));
- _block = _boundBlockFactory(_childScope);
- var insertBlock = _block;
- _scope.rootScope.domWrite(() {
- insertBlock.insertAfter(_blockHole);
- });
- }
- }
- void _ensureBlockDestroyed() {
- if (_block != null) {
- var removeBlock = _block;
- _scope.rootScope.domWrite(() {
- removeBlock.remove();
- });
- _childScope.destroy();
- _block = null;
- _childScope = null;
- }
- }
- * The `ng-if` directive compliments the `ng-unless` (provided by
- * [NgUnlessAttrDirective]) directive.
- *
- * directive based on the **truthy/falsy** value of the provided expression.
- * Specifically, if the expression assigned to `ng-if` evaluates to a `false`
- * value, then the subtree is removed from the DOM. Otherwise, *a clone of the
- * subtree* is reinserted into the DOM. This clone is created from the compiled
- * state. As such, modifications made to the element after compilation (e.g.
- * changing the `class`) are lost when the element is destroyed.
- *
- * Whenever the subtree is inserted into the DOM, it always gets a new child
- * scope. This child scope is destroyed when the subtree is removed from the
- * DOM. Refer
- * prototypical inheritance
- *
- * This has an important implication when `ng-model` is used inside an `ng-if`
- * to bind to a javascript primitive defined in the parent scope. In such a
- * situation, any modifications made to the variable in the `ng-if` subtree will
- * be made on the child scope and override (hide) the value in the parent scope.
- * The parent scope will remain unchanged by changes affected by this subtree.
- *
- * Note: `ng-if` differs from `ng-show` and `ng-hide` in that `ng-if` completely
- * removes and recreates the element in the DOM rather than changing its
- * visibility via the `display` css property. A common case when this
- * difference is significant is when using css selectors that rely on an
- * element's position within the DOM (HTML), such as the `:first-child` or
- * `:last-child` pseudo-classes.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * <!-- By using ng-if instead of ng-show, we avoid the cost of the showdown
- * filter, the repeater, etc. -->
- * <div ng-if="showDetails">
- * {{obj.details.markdownText | showdown}}
- * <div ng-repeat="item in obj.details.items">
- * ...
- * </div>
- * </div>
- */
- children: NgAnnotation.TRANSCLUDE_CHILDREN,
- selector:'[ng-if]',
- map: const {'.': '=>condition'})
-class NgIfDirective extends _NgUnlessIfAttrDirectiveBase {
- NgIfDirective(BoundBlockFactory boundBlockFactory,
- BlockHole blockHole,
- Scope scope): super(boundBlockFactory, blockHole, scope);
- set condition(value) {
- if (toBool(value)) {
- _ensureBlockExists();
- } else {
- _ensureBlockDestroyed();
- }
- }
- * The `ng-unless` directive compliments the `ng-if` (provided by
- * [NgIfAttrDirective]) directive.
- *
- * The `ng-unless` directive recreates/destroys the DOM subtree containing the
- * directive based on the **falsy/truthy** value of the provided expression.
- * Specifically, if the expression assigned to `ng-unless` evaluates to a `true`
- * value, then the subtree is removed from the DOM. Otherwise, *a clone of the
- * subtree* is reinserted into the DOM. This clone is created from the compiled
- * state. As such, modifications made to the element after compilation (e.g.
- * changing the `class`) are lost when the element is destroyed.
- *
- * Whenever the subtree is inserted into the DOM, it always gets a new child
- * scope. This child scope is destroyed when the subtree is removed from the
- * DOM. Refer
- * prototypical inheritance
- *
- * This has an important implication when `ng-model` is used inside an
- * `ng-unless` to bind to a javascript primitive defined in the parent scope.
- * In such a situation, any modifications made to the variable in the
- * `ng-unless` subtree will be made on the child scope and override (hide) the
- * value in the parent scope. The parent scope will remain unchanged by changes
- * affected by this subtree.
- *
- * Note: `ng-unless` differs from `ng-show` and `ng-hide` in that `ng-unless`
- * completely removes and recreates the element in the DOM rather than changing
- * its visibility via the `display` css property. A common case when this
- * difference is significant is when using css selectors that rely on an
- * element's position within the DOM (HTML), such as the `:first-child` or
- * `:last-child` pseudo-classes.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * <!-- By using ng-unless instead of ng-show, we avoid the cost of the showdown
- * filter, the repeater, etc. -->
- * <div ng-unless="terseView">
- * {{obj.details.markdownText | showdown}}
- * <div ng-repeat="item in obj.details.items">
- * ...
- * </div>
- * </div>
- */
- children: NgAnnotation.TRANSCLUDE_CHILDREN,
- selector:'[ng-unless]',
- map: const {'.': '=>condition'})
-class NgUnlessDirective extends _NgUnlessIfAttrDirectiveBase {
- NgUnlessDirective(BoundBlockFactory boundBlockFactory,
- BlockHole blockHole,
- Scope scope): super(boundBlockFactory, blockHole, scope);
- set condition(value) {
- if (!toBool(value)) {
- _ensureBlockExists();
- } else {
- _ensureBlockDestroyed();
- }
- }
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