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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/parser/lexer.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/parser/lexer.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/parser/lexer.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/parser/lexer.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3361c8f53ae420ce14e5b25759c23d785675ad1f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/parser/lexer.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-library angular.core.parser.lexer;
-import 'package:angular/core/module.dart' show NgInjectableService;
-import 'package:angular/core/parser/characters.dart';
-class Token {
- final int index;
- final String text;
- var value;
- // Tokens should have one of these set.
- String opKey;
- String key;
- Token(this.index, this.text);
- withOp(op) {
- this.opKey = op;
- }
- withGetterSetter(key) {
- this.key = key;
- }
- withValue(value) { this.value = value; }
- toString() => "Token($text)";
-class Lexer {
- List<Token> call(String text) {
- Scanner scanner = new Scanner(text);
- List<Token> tokens = [];
- Token token = scanner.scanToken();
- while (token != null) {
- tokens.add(token);
- token = scanner.scanToken();
- }
- return tokens;
- }
-class Scanner {
- final String input;
- final int length;
- int peek = 0;
- int index = -1;
- Scanner(String input) : this.input = input, this.length = input.length {
- advance();
- }
- Token scanToken() {
- // Skip whitespace.
- while (peek <= $SPACE) {
- if (++index >= length) {
- peek = $EOF;
- return null;
- } else {
- peek = input.codeUnitAt(index);
- }
- }
- // Handle identifiers and numbers.
- if (isIdentifierStart(peek)) return scanIdentifier();
- if (isDigit(peek)) return scanNumber(index);
- int start = index;
- switch (peek) {
- case $PERIOD:
- advance();
- return isDigit(peek) ? scanNumber(start) : new Token(start, '.');
- case $LPAREN:
- case $RPAREN:
- case $LBRACE:
- case $RBRACE:
- case $LBRACKET:
- case $RBRACKET:
- case $COMMA:
- case $COLON:
- case $SEMICOLON:
- return scanCharacter(start, new String.fromCharCode(peek));
- case $SQ:
- case $DQ:
- return scanString();
- case $PLUS:
- case $MINUS:
- case $STAR:
- case $SLASH:
- case $PERCENT:
- case $CARET:
- case $QUESTION:
- return scanOperator(start, new String.fromCharCode(peek));
- case $LT:
- case $GT:
- case $BANG:
- case $EQ:
- return scanComplexOperator(start, $EQ, new String.fromCharCode(peek), '=');
- case $AMPERSAND:
- return scanComplexOperator(start, $AMPERSAND, '&', '&');
- case $BAR:
- return scanComplexOperator(start, $BAR, '|', '|');
- case $TILDE:
- return scanComplexOperator(start, $SLASH, '~', '/');
- case $NBSP:
- while (isWhitespace(peek)) advance();
- return scanToken();
- }
- String character = new String.fromCharCode(peek);
- error('Unexpected character [$character]');
- return null;
- }
- Token scanCharacter(int start, String string) {
- assert(peek == string.codeUnitAt(0));
- advance();
- return new Token(start, string);
- }
- Token scanOperator(int start, String string) {
- assert(peek == string.codeUnitAt(0));
- assert(OPERATORS.contains(string));
- advance();
- return new Token(start, string)..withOp(string);
- }
- Token scanComplexOperator(int start, int code, String one, String two) {
- assert(peek == one.codeUnitAt(0));
- advance();
- String string = one;
- if (peek == code) {
- advance();
- string += two;
- }
- assert(OPERATORS.contains(string));
- return new Token(start, string)..withOp(string);
- }
- Token scanIdentifier() {
- assert(isIdentifierStart(peek));
- int start = index;
- advance();
- while (isIdentifierPart(peek)) advance();
- String string = input.substring(start, index);
- Token result = new Token(start, string);
- // TODO(kasperl): Deal with null, undefined, true, and false in
- // a cleaner and faster way.
- if (OPERATORS.contains(string)) {
- result.withOp(string);
- } else {
- result.withGetterSetter(string);
- }
- return result;
- }
- Token scanNumber(int start) {
- assert(isDigit(peek));
- bool simple = (index == start);
- advance(); // Skip initial digit.
- while (true) {
- if (isDigit(peek)) {
- // Do nothing.
- } else if (peek == $PERIOD) {
- simple = false;
- } else if (isExponentStart(peek)) {
- advance();
- if (isExponentSign(peek)) advance();
- if (!isDigit(peek)) error('Invalid exponent', -1);
- simple = false;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- advance();
- }
- String string = input.substring(start, index);
- num value = simple ? int.parse(string) : double.parse(string);
- return new Token(start, string)..withValue(value);
- }
- Token scanString() {
- assert(peek == $SQ || peek == $DQ);
- int start = index;
- int quote = peek;
- advance(); // Skip initial quote.
- StringBuffer buffer;
- int marker = index;
- while (peek != quote) {
- if (peek == $BACKSLASH) {
- if (buffer == null) buffer = new StringBuffer();
- buffer.write(input.substring(marker, index));
- advance();
- int unescaped;
- if (peek == $u) {
- // TODO(kasperl): Check bounds? Make sure we have test
- // coverage for this.
- String hex = input.substring(index + 1, index + 5);
- unescaped = int.parse(hex, radix: 16, onError: (ignore) {
- error('Invalid unicode escape [\\u$hex]'); });
- for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) advance();
- } else {
- unescaped = unescape(peek);
- advance();
- }
- buffer.writeCharCode(unescaped);
- marker = index;
- } else if (peek == $EOF) {
- error('Unterminated quote');
- } else {
- advance();
- }
- }
- String last = input.substring(marker, index);
- advance(); // Skip terminating quote.
- String string = input.substring(start, index);
- // Compute the unescaped string value.
- String unescaped = last;
- if (buffer != null) {
- buffer.write(last);
- unescaped = buffer.toString();
- }
- return new Token(start, string)..withValue(unescaped);
- }
- void advance() {
- if (++index >= length) peek = $EOF;
- else peek = input.codeUnitAt(index);
- }
- void error(String message, [int offset = 0]) {
- // TODO(kasperl): Try to get rid of the offset. It is only used to match
- // the error expectations in the lexer tests for numbers with exponents.
- int position = index + offset;
- throw "Lexer Error: $message at column $position in expression [$input]";
- }
-Set<String> OPERATORS = new Set<String>.from([
- 'undefined',
- 'null',
- 'true',
- 'false',
- '+',
- '-',
- '*',
- '/',
- '~/',
- '%',
- '^',
- '=',
- '==',
- '!=',
- '<',
- '>',
- '<=',
- '>=',
- '&&',
- '||',
- '&',
- '|',
- '!',
- '?',
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