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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/mock/zone.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/mock/zone.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/mock/zone.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/mock/zone.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 862d42014be740c2b0403cbb29426da913affa23..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/mock/zone.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-library angular.mock_zone;
-import 'dart:async' as dart_async;
-final _asyncQueue = <Function>[];
-final _timerQueue = <_TimerSpec>[];
-final _asyncErrors = [];
-bool _noMoreAsync = false;
- * Runs any queued up async calls and any async calls queued with
- * running microLeap. Example:
- *
- * it('should run async code', async(() {
- * var thenRan = false;
- * new Future.value('s').then((_) { thenRan = true; });
- * expect(thenRan).toBe(false);
- * microLeap();
- * expect(thenRan).toBe(true);
- * }));
- *
- * it('should run chained thens', async(() {
- * var log = [];
- * new Future.value('s')
- * .then((_) { log.add('firstThen'); })
- * .then((_) { log.add('2ndThen'); });
- * expect(log.join(' ')).toEqual('');
- * microLeap();
- * expect(log.join(' ')).toEqual('firstThen 2ndThen');
- * }));
- *
- */
-microLeap() {
- while (!_asyncQueue.isEmpty) {
- // copy the queue as it may change.
- var toRun = new List.from(_asyncQueue);
- _asyncQueue.clear();
- // TODO: Support the case where multiple exceptions are thrown.
- // e.g. with a throwNextException() method.
- assert(_asyncErrors.isEmpty);
- toRun.forEach((fn) => fn());
- if (_asyncErrors.isNotEmpty) {
- var e = _asyncErrors.removeAt(0);
- throw ['Async error', e[0], e[1]];
- }
- }
- * Simulates a clock tick by running any scheduled timers. Can only be used
- * in [async] tests.Clock tick will call [microLeap] to process the microtask
- * queue before each timer callback.
- *
- * Note: microtasks scheduled form the last timer are not going to be processed.
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * it('should run queued timer after sufficient clock ticks', async(() {
- * bool timerRan = false;
- * new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds: 10), () => timerRan = true);
- *
- * clockTick(milliseconds: 9);
- * expect(timerRan).toBeFalsy();
- * clockTick(milliseconds: 1);
- * expect(timerRan).toBeTruthy();
- * }));
- *
- * it('should run periodic timer', async(() {
- * int timerRan = 0;
- * new Timer.periodic(new Duration(milliseconds: 10), (_) => timerRan++);
- *
- * clockTick(milliseconds: 9);
- * expect(timerRan).toBe(0);
- * clockTick(milliseconds: 1);
- * expect(timerRan).toBe(1);
- * clockTick(milliseconds: 30);
- * expect(timerRan).toBe(4);
- * }));
- */
-void clockTick({int days: 0,
- int hours: 0,
- int minutes: 0,
- int seconds: 0,
- int milliseconds: 0,
- int microseconds: 0}) {
- var tickDuration = new Duration(days: days, hours: hours, minutes: minutes,
- seconds: seconds, milliseconds: milliseconds, microseconds: microseconds);
- var remainingTimers = [];
- var queue = new List.from(_timerQueue);
- _timerQueue.clear();
- queue
- .where((_TimerSpec spec) => spec.isActive)
- .forEach((_TimerSpec spec) {
- if (spec.periodic) {
- // We always add back the periodic timer unless it's cancelled.
- remainingTimers.add(spec);
- // Ignore ZERO duration ticks for periodic timers.
- if (tickDuration == Duration.ZERO) return;
- spec.elapsed += tickDuration;
- // Run the timer as many times as the timer priod fits into the tick.
- while (spec.elapsed >= spec.duration) {
- spec.elapsed -= spec.duration;
- microLeap();
- spec.fn(spec);
- }
- } else {
- spec.duration -= tickDuration;
- if (spec.duration <= Duration.ZERO) {
- microLeap();
- spec.fn();
- } else {
- remainingTimers.add(spec);
- }
- }
- });
- // Remaining timers should come before anything else scheduled after them.
- _timerQueue.insertAll(0, remainingTimers);
- * Causes scheduleMicrotask calls to throw exceptions.
- *
- * This function is useful while debugging async tests: the exception
- * is thrown from the scheduleMicrotask call-site instead later in the test.
- */
-noMoreAsync() {
- _noMoreAsync = true;
- * Captures all scheduleMicrotask calls inside of a function.
- *
- * Typically used within a test:
- *
- * it('should be async', async(() {
- * ...
- * }));
- */
-async(Function fn) => () {
- _noMoreAsync = false;
- _asyncErrors.clear();
- _timerQueue.clear();
- var zoneSpec = new dart_async.ZoneSpecification(
- scheduleMicrotask: (_, __, ___, asyncFn) {
- if (_noMoreAsync) {
- throw ['scheduleMicrotask called after noMoreAsync()'];
- } else {
- _asyncQueue.add(asyncFn);
- }
- },
- createTimer: (_, __, ____, Duration duration, void f()) =>
- _createTimer(f, duration, false),
- createPeriodicTimer:
- (_, __, ___, Duration period, void f(dart_async.Timer timer)) =>
- _createTimer(f, period, true),
- handleUncaughtError: (_, __, ___, e, s) => _asyncErrors.add([e, s])
- );
- dart_async.runZoned(() {
- fn();
- microLeap();
- }, zoneSpecification: zoneSpec);
- _asyncErrors.forEach((e) {
- throw "During runZoned: ${e[0]}. Stack:\n${e[1]}";
- });
- var activeTimers = _timerQueue.fold(0, (nb, _TimerSpec spec) {
- return spec.isActive ? nb + 1 : nb;
- });
- if (activeTimers > 0) {
- throw ["$activeTimers active timer(s) are still in the queue."];
- }
-_createTimer(Function fn, Duration duration, bool periodic) {
- var timer = new _TimerSpec(fn, duration, periodic);
- _timerQueue.add(timer);
- return timer;
- * Enforces synchronous code. Any calls to scheduleMicrotask inside of 'sync'
- * will throw an exception.
- */
-sync(Function fn) => () {
- dart_async.runZoned(fn, zoneSpecification: new dart_async.ZoneSpecification(
- scheduleMicrotask: (_, __, ___, asyncFn) {
- throw ['scheduleMicrotask called from sync function.'];
- },
- createTimer: (_, __, ____, Duration duration, void f()) {
- throw ['Timer created from sync function.'];
- },
- createPeriodicTimer:
- (_, __, ___, Duration period, void f(dart_async.Timer timer)) {
- throw ['periodic Timer created from sync function.'];
- }
- ));
-class _TimerSpec implements dart_async.Timer {
- Function fn;
- Duration duration;
- Duration elapsed = Duration.ZERO;
- bool periodic;
- bool isActive = true;
- _TimerSpec(this.fn, this.duration, this.periodic);
- void cancel() {
- isActive = false;
- }
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