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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_model.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_model.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_model.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_model.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 712bc7783abc897ba2a380adc5aa0eb03abc9e29..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_model.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.directive;
- * Ng-model directive is responsible for reading/writing to the model.
- * The directive itself is headless. (It does not know how to render or what
- * events to listen for.) It is meant to be used with other directives which
- * provide the rendering and listening capabilities. The directive itself
- * knows how to convert the view-value into model-value and vice versa by
- * allowing others to register converters (To be implemented). It also
- * knows how to (in)validate the model and the form in which it is declared
- * (to be implemented)
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: '[ng-model]')
-class NgModel extends NgControl implements NgAttachAware {
- final NgForm _form;
- final AstParser _parser;
- BoundGetter getter = ([_]) => null;
- BoundSetter setter = (_, [__]) => null;
- var _lastValue;
- String _exp;
- final _validators = <NgValidatable>[];
- Watch _removeWatch;
- bool _watchCollection;
- Function render = (value) => null;
- NgModel(Scope _scope, dom.Element _element, Injector injector,
- NgForm this._form, this._parser, NodeAttrs attrs)
- : super(_scope, _element, injector)
- {
- _exp = attrs["ng-model"];
- watchCollection = false;
- }
- process(value, [_]) {
- validate();
- _scope.rootScope.domWrite(() => render(value));
- }
- attach() {
- watchCollection = false;
- _scope.on('resetNgModel').listen((e) => reset());
- }
- reset() {
- untouched = true;
- modelValue = _lastValue;
- }
- @NgAttr('name')
- get name => _name;
- set name(value) {
- _name = value;
- _parentControl.addControl(this);
- }
- // TODO(misko): could we get rid of watch collection, and just always watch the collection?
- get watchCollection => _watchCollection;
- set watchCollection(value) {
- if (_watchCollection == value) return;
- _watchCollection = value;
- if (_removeWatch!=null) _removeWatch.remove();
- if (_watchCollection) {
- _removeWatch =
- _parser(_exp, collection: true),
- (changeRecord, _) {
- var value = changeRecord is CollectionChangeRecord ? changeRecord.iterable: changeRecord;
- process(value);
- });
- } else if (_exp != null) {
- _removeWatch =, process);
- }
- }
- // TODO(misko): getters/setters need to go. We need AST here.
- @NgCallback('ng-model')
- set model(BoundExpression boundExpression) {
- getter = boundExpression;
- setter = boundExpression.assign;
- _scope.rootScope.runAsync(() {
- _lastValue = modelValue;
- });
- }
- // TODO(misko): right now viewValue and modelValue are the same,
- // but this needs to be changed to support converters and form validation
- get viewValue => modelValue;
- set viewValue(value) => modelValue = value;
- get modelValue => getter();
- set modelValue(value) => setter(value);
- get validators => _validators;
- /**
- * Executes a validation on the form against each of the validation present on the model.
- */
- validate() {
- if (validators.isNotEmpty) {
- validators.forEach((validator) {
- setValidity(, validator.isValid(viewValue));
- });
- } else {
- valid = true;
- }
- }
- setValidity(String name, bool valid) {
- this.updateControlValidity(this, name, valid);
- }
- /**
- * Registers a validator into the model to consider when running validate().
- */
- addValidator(NgValidatable v) {
- validators.add(v);
- validate();
- }
- /**
- * De-registers a validator from the model.
- */
- removeValidator(NgValidatable v) {
- validators.remove(v);
- validate();
- }
- * Usage:
- *
- * <input type="checkbox" ng-model="flag">
- *
- * This creates a two way databinding between the boolean expression specified
- * in ng-model and the checkbox input element in the DOM.  If the ng-model value
- * is falsy (i.e. one of `false`, `null`, and `0`), then the checkbox is
- * unchecked. Otherwise, it is checked.  Likewise, when the checkbox is checked,
- * the model value is set to true. When unchecked, it is set to false.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=checkbox][ng-model]')
-class InputCheckboxDirective {
- final dom.InputElement inputElement;
- final NgModel ngModel;
- final NgTrueValue ngTrueValue;
- final NgFalseValue ngFalseValue;
- final Scope scope;
- InputCheckboxDirective(dom.Element this.inputElement, this.ngModel,
- this.scope, this.ngTrueValue, this.ngFalseValue) {
- ngModel.render = (value) {
- inputElement.checked = ngTrueValue.isValue(inputElement, value);
- };
- inputElement.onChange.listen((value) {
- ngModel.dirty = true;
- ngModel.viewValue = inputElement.checked
- ? ngTrueValue.readValue(inputElement)
- : ngFalseValue.readValue(inputElement);
- });
- }
- * Usage:
- *
- * <input type="text|url|password|email" ng-model="myModel">
- * <textarea ng-model="myModel"></textarea>
- *
- * This creates a two-way binding between any string-based input element
- * (both <input> and <textarea>) so long as the ng-model attribute is
- * present on the input element. Whenever the value of the input element
- * changes then the matching model property on the scope will be updated
- * as well as the other way around (when the scope property is updated).
- *
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: 'textarea[ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=text][ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=password][ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=url][ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=email][ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=search][ng-model]')
-class InputTextLikeDirective {
- final dom.Element inputElement;
- final NgModel ngModel;
- final Scope scope;
- String _inputType;
- get typedValue => (inputElement as dynamic).value;
- set typedValue(value) => (inputElement as dynamic).value = (value == null) ?
- '' :
- value.toString();
- InputTextLikeDirective(this.inputElement, this.ngModel, this.scope) {
- ngModel.render = (value) {
- if (value == null) value = '';
- var currentValue = typedValue;
- if (value != currentValue && !(value is num && currentValue is num &&
- value.isNaN && currentValue.isNaN)) {
- typedValue = value;
- }
- };
- inputElement
- ..onChange.listen(processValue)
- ..onInput.listen(processValue)
- ..onBlur.listen((e) {
- if (ngModel.touched == null || ngModel.touched == false) {
- ngModel.touched = true;
- }
- });
- }
- processValue([_]) {
- var value = typedValue;
- if (value != ngModel.viewValue) {
- ngModel.dirty = true;
- ngModel.viewValue = value;
- }
- ngModel.validate();
- }
- * Usage:
- *
- * <input type="number|range" ng-model="myModel">
- *
- * Model:
- *
- * num myModel;
- *
- * This creates a two-way binding between the input and the named model property
- * (e.g., myModel in the example above). When processing the input, its value is
- * read as a [num], via the [dom.InputElement.valueAsNumber] field. If the input
- * text does not represent a number, then the model is appropriately set to
- * [double.NAN]. Setting the model property to [null] will clear the input.
- * Setting the model to [double.NAN] will have no effect (input will be left
- * unchanged).
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=number][ng-model]')
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=range][ng-model]')
-class InputNumberLikeDirective {
- final dom.InputElement inputElement;
- final NgModel ngModel;
- final Scope scope;
- num get typedValue => inputElement.valueAsNumber;
- void set typedValue(num value) {
- // [chalin, 2014-02-16] This post
- //
- // suggests that setting `valueAsNumber` to null should clear the field, but
- // it does not. [TODO: put BUG/ISSUE number here]. We implement a
- // workaround by setting `value`. Clean-up once the bug is fixed.
- if (value == null) {
- inputElement.value = null;
- } else {
- inputElement.valueAsNumber = value;
- }
- }
- InputNumberLikeDirective(dom.Element this.inputElement, this.ngModel, this.scope) {
- ngModel.render = (value) {
- if (value != typedValue
- && (value == null || value is num && !value.isNaN)) {
- typedValue = value;
- }
- };
- inputElement
- ..onChange.listen(relaxFnArgs(processValue))
- ..onInput.listen(relaxFnArgs(processValue));
- }
- processValue() {
- num value = typedValue;
- if (value != ngModel.viewValue) {
- ngModel.dirty = true;
- scope.eval(() => ngModel.viewValue = value);
- }
- ngModel.validate();
- }
-class _UidCounter {
- static final int CHAR_0 = "0".codeUnitAt(0);
- static final int CHAR_9 = "9".codeUnitAt(0);
- static final int CHAR_A = "A".codeUnitAt(0);
- static final int CHAR_Z = "Z".codeUnitAt(0);
- List charCodes = [CHAR_0, CHAR_0, CHAR_0];
- String next() {
- for (int i = charCodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- int code = charCodes[i];
- if (code == CHAR_9) {
- charCodes[i] = CHAR_A;
- return new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes);
- } else if (code == CHAR_Z) {
- charCodes[i] = CHAR_0;
- } else {
- charCodes[i] = code + 1;
- return new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes);
- }
- }
- charCodes.insert(0, CHAR_0);
- return new String.fromCharCodes(charCodes);
- }
-final _uidCounter = new _UidCounter();
- * Use `ng-value` directive with `<input type="radio">` or `<option>` to
- * allow binding to values other then strings. This is needed since the
- * `value` attribute on DOM element `<input type="radio" value="foo">` can
- * only be a string. With `ng-value` one can bind to any object.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: '[ng-value]')
-class NgValue {
- final dom.Element element;
- @NgOneWay('ng-value')
- var value;
- NgValue(this.element);
- readValue(dom.Element element) {
- assert(this.element == null || element == this.element);
- return this.element == null ? (element as dynamic).value : value;
- }
- * `ng-true-value` allows you to select any expression to be set to
- * `ng-model` when checkbox is selected on `<input type="checkbox">`.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: '[ng-true-value]')
-class NgTrueValue {
- final dom.Element element;
- @NgOneWay('ng-true-value')
- var value;
- NgTrueValue(this.element);
- readValue(dom.Element element) {
- assert(this.element == null || element == this.element);
- return this.element == null ? true : value;
- }
- isValue(dom.Element element, value) {
- assert(this.element == null || element == this.element);
- return this.element == null ? toBool(value) : value == this.value;
- }
- * `ng-false-value` allows you to select any expression to be set to
- * `ng-model` when checkbox is deselected<input type="checkbox">`.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: '[ng-false-value]')
-class NgFalseValue {
- final dom.Element element;
- @NgOneWay('ng-false-value')
- var value;
- NgFalseValue(this.element);
- readValue(dom.Element element) {
- assert(this.element == null || element == this.element);
- return this.element == null ? false : value;
- }
- * Usage:
- *
- * <input type="radio" ng-model="category">
- *
- * This creates a two way databinding between the expression specified in
- * ng-model and the range input elements in the DOM.  If the ng-model value is
- * set to a value not corresponding to one of the radio elements, then none of
- * the radio elements will be check. Otherwise, only the corresponding input
- * element in the group is checked. Likewise, when a radio button element is
- * checked, the model is updated with its value. Radio buttons that have a
- * `name` attribute are left alone. Those that are missing the attribute will
- * have a unique `name` assigned to them. This sequence goes `001`, `001`, ...
- * `009`, `00A`, `00Z`, `010`, … and so on using more than 3 characters for the
- * name when the counter overflows.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: 'input[type=radio][ng-model]')
-class InputRadioDirective {
- final dom.RadioButtonInputElement radioButtonElement;
- final NgModel ngModel;
- final NgValue ngValue;
- final Scope scope;
- InputRadioDirective(dom.Element this.radioButtonElement, this.ngModel,
- this.scope, this.ngValue, NodeAttrs attrs) {
- // If there's no "name" set, we'll set a unique name. This ensures
- // less surprising behavior about which radio buttons are grouped together.
- if (attrs['name'] == '' || attrs['name'] == null) {
- attrs["name"] =;
- }
- ngModel.render = (value) {
- radioButtonElement.checked = (value == ngValue.readValue(radioButtonElement));
- };
- radioButtonElement.onClick.listen((_) {
- if (radioButtonElement.checked) {
- ngModel.dirty = true;
- ngModel.viewValue = ngValue.readValue(radioButtonElement);
- }
- });
- }
- * Usage (span could be replaced with any element which supports text content, such as `p`):
- *
- * <span contenteditable= ng-model="name">
- *
- * This creates a two way databinding between the expression specified in
- * ng-model and the html element in the DOM.  If the ng-model value is
- * `null`, it is treated as equivalent to the empty string for rendering
- * purposes.
- */
-@NgDirective(selector: '[contenteditable][ng-model]')
-class ContentEditableDirective extends InputTextLikeDirective {
- ContentEditableDirective(dom.Element inputElement, NgModel ngModel,
- Scope scope)
- : super(inputElement, ngModel, scope);
- // The implementation is identical to InputTextLikeDirective but use innerHtml instead of value
- get typedValue => (inputElement as dynamic).innerHtml;
- set typedValue(String value) =>
- (inputElement as dynamic).innerHtml = (value == null) ? '' : value;
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