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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/change_detection/watch_group.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/change_detection/watch_group.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/change_detection/watch_group.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/change_detection/watch_group.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index f1427b9ba9934f4d510ce844610ad07a7890ea1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/change_detection/watch_group.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,831 +0,0 @@
-library angular.watch_group;
-import 'dart:mirrors';
-import 'package:angular/change_detection/change_detection.dart';
-part 'linked_list.dart';
-part 'ast.dart';
-part 'prototype_map.dart';
-typedef ReactionFn(value, previousValue);
-typedef ChangeLog(String expression, current, previous);
- * Extend this class if you wish to pretend to be a function, but you don't know
- * number of arguments with which the function will get called.
- */
-abstract class FunctionApply {
- //
- // dynamic call() { throw new StateError('Use apply()'); }
- dynamic apply(List arguments);
- * [WatchGroup] is a logical grouping of a set of watches. [WatchGroup]s are
- * organized into a hierarchical tree parent-children configuration.
- * [WatchGroup] builds upon [ChangeDetector] and adds expression (field chains
- * as in `a.b.c`) support as well as support function/closure/method (function
- * invocation as in `a.b()`) watching.
- */
-class WatchGroup implements _EvalWatchList, _WatchGroupList {
- /** A unique ID for the WatchGroup */
- final String id;
- /**
- * A marker to be inserted when a group has no watches. We need the marker to
- * hold our position information in the linked list of all [Watch]es.
- */
- final _EvalWatchRecord _marker = new _EvalWatchRecord.marker();
- /** All Expressions are evaluated against a context object. */
- final Object context;
- /** [ChangeDetector] used for field watching */
- final ChangeDetectorGroup<_Handler> _changeDetector;
- /** A cache for sharing sub expression watching. Watching `a` and `a.b` will
- * watch `a` only once. */
- final Map<String, WatchRecord<_Handler>> _cache;
- final RootWatchGroup _rootGroup;
- /// STATS: Number of field watchers which are in use.
- int _fieldCost = 0;
- int _collectionCost = 0;
- int _evalCost = 0;
- /// STATS: Number of field watchers which are in use including child [WatchGroup]s.
- int get fieldCost => _fieldCost;
- int get totalFieldCost {
- var cost = _fieldCost;
- WatchGroup group = _watchGroupHead;
- while(group != null) {
- cost += group.totalFieldCost;
- group = group._nextWatchGroup;
- }
- return cost;
- }
- /// STATS: Number of collection watchers which are in use including child [WatchGroup]s.
- int get collectionCost => _collectionCost;
- int get totalCollectionCost {
- var cost = _collectionCost;
- WatchGroup group = _watchGroupHead;
- while(group != null) {
- cost += group.totalCollectionCost;
- group = group._nextWatchGroup;
- }
- return cost;
- }
- /// STATS: Number of invocation watchers (closures/methods) which are in use.
- int get evalCost => _evalCost;
- /// STATS: Number of invocation watchers which are in use including child [WatchGroup]s.
- int get totalEvalCost {
- var cost = _evalCost;
- WatchGroup group = _watchGroupHead;
- while(group != null) {
- cost += group.evalCost;
- group = group._nextWatchGroup;
- }
- return cost;
- }
- int _nextChildId = 0;
- _EvalWatchRecord _evalWatchHead, _evalWatchTail;
- /// Pointer for creating tree of [WatchGroup]s.
- WatchGroup _watchGroupHead, _watchGroupTail, _previousWatchGroup,
- _nextWatchGroup;
- WatchGroup _parentWatchGroup;
- WatchGroup._child(_parentWatchGroup, this._changeDetector, this.context,
- this._cache, this._rootGroup)
- : _parentWatchGroup = _parentWatchGroup,
- id = '${}.${_parentWatchGroup._nextChildId++}'
- {
- _marker.watchGrp = this;
- _evalWatchTail = _evalWatchHead = _marker;
- }
- WatchGroup._root(this._changeDetector, this.context)
- : id = '',
- _rootGroup = null,
- _parentWatchGroup = null,
- _cache = new Map<String, WatchRecord<_Handler>>()
- {
- _marker.watchGrp = this;
- _evalWatchTail = _evalWatchHead = _marker;
- }
- get isAttached {
- var group = this;
- var root = _rootGroup;
- while(group != null) {
- if (group == root){
- return true;
- }
- group = group._parentWatchGroup;
- }
- return false;
- }
- Watch watch(AST expression, ReactionFn reactionFn) {
- WatchRecord<_Handler> watchRecord =
- _cache.putIfAbsent(expression.expression,
- () => expression.setupWatch(this));
- return watchRecord.handler.addReactionFn(reactionFn);
- }
- /**
- * Watch a [name] field on [lhs] represented by [expression].
- *
- * - [name] the field to watch.
- * - [lhs] left-hand-side of the field.
- */
- WatchRecord<_Handler> addFieldWatch(AST lhs, String name, String expression) {
- var fieldHandler = new _FieldHandler(this, expression);
- // Create a ChangeRecord for the current field and assign the change record
- // to the handler.
- var watchRecord =, name, fieldHandler);
- _fieldCost++;
- fieldHandler.watchRecord = watchRecord;
- WatchRecord<_Handler> lhsWR = _cache.putIfAbsent(lhs.expression,
- () => lhs.setupWatch(this));
- // We set a field forwarding handler on LHS. This will allow the change
- // objects to propagate to the current WatchRecord.
- lhsWR.handler.addForwardHandler(fieldHandler);
- // propagate the value from the LHS to here
- fieldHandler.acceptValue(lhsWR.currentValue);
- return watchRecord;
- }
- WatchRecord<_Handler> addCollectionWatch(AST ast) {
- var collectionHandler = new _CollectionHandler(this, ast.expression);
- var watchRecord =, null, collectionHandler);
- _collectionCost++;
- collectionHandler.watchRecord = watchRecord;
- WatchRecord<_Handler> astWR = _cache.putIfAbsent(ast.expression,
- () => ast.setupWatch(this));
- // We set a field forwarding handler on LHS. This will allow the change
- // objects to propagate to the current WatchRecord.
- astWR.handler.addForwardHandler(collectionHandler);
- // propagate the value from the LHS to here
- collectionHandler.acceptValue(astWR.currentValue);
- return watchRecord;
- }
- /**
- * Watch a [fn] function represented by an [expression].
- *
- * - [fn] function to evaluate.
- * - [argsAST] list of [AST]es which represent arguments passed to function.
- * - [expression] normalized expression used for caching.
- */
- _EvalWatchRecord addFunctionWatch(/* Function */ fn, List<AST> argsAST,
- String expression) =>
- _addEvalWatch(null, fn, null, argsAST, expression);
- /**
- * Watch a method [name]ed represented by an [expression].
- *
- * - [lhs] left-hand-side of the method.
- * - [name] name of the method.
- * - [argsAST] list of [AST]es which represent arguments passed to method.
- * - [expression] normalized expression used for caching.
- */
- _EvalWatchRecord addMethodWatch(AST lhs, String name, List<AST> argsAST,
- String expression) =>
- _addEvalWatch(lhs, null, name, argsAST, expression);
- _EvalWatchRecord _addEvalWatch(AST lhsAST, /* Function */ fn, String name,
- List<AST> argsAST, String expression) {
- _InvokeHandler invokeHandler = new _InvokeHandler(this, expression);
- var evalWatchRecord = new _EvalWatchRecord(this, invokeHandler, fn, name,
- argsAST.length);
- invokeHandler.watchRecord = evalWatchRecord;
- if (lhsAST != null) {
- var lhsWR = _cache.putIfAbsent(lhsAST.expression,
- () => lhsAST.setupWatch(this));
- lhsWR.handler.addForwardHandler(invokeHandler);
- invokeHandler.acceptValue(lhsWR.currentValue);
- }
- // Convert the args from AST to WatchRecords
- var i = 0;
- argsAST.
- map((ast) => _cache.putIfAbsent(ast.expression,
- () => ast.setupWatch(this))).forEach((WatchRecord<_Handler> record) {
- var argHandler = new _ArgHandler(this, evalWatchRecord, i++);
- _ArgHandlerList._add(invokeHandler, argHandler);
- record.handler.addForwardHandler(argHandler);
- argHandler.acceptValue(record.currentValue);
- });
- // Must be done last
- _EvalWatchList._add(this, evalWatchRecord);
- _evalCost++;
- return evalWatchRecord;
- }
- WatchGroup get _childWatchGroupTail {
- var tail = this, nextTail;
- while ((nextTail = tail._watchGroupTail) != null) {
- tail = nextTail;
- }
- return tail;
- }
- /**
- * Create a new child [WatchGroup].
- *
- * - [context] if present the the child [WatchGroup] expressions will evaluate
- * against the new [context]. If not present than child expressions will
- * evaluate on same context allowing the reuse of the expression cache.
- */
- WatchGroup newGroup([Object context]) {
- _EvalWatchRecord prev = _childWatchGroupTail._evalWatchTail;
- _EvalWatchRecord next = prev._nextEvalWatch;
- var childGroup = new WatchGroup._child(
- this,
- _changeDetector.newGroup(),
- context == null ? this.context : context,
- context == null ? this._cache: <String, WatchRecord<_Handler>>{},
- _rootGroup == null ? this : _rootGroup);
- _WatchGroupList._add(this, childGroup);
- var marker = childGroup._marker;
- marker._previousEvalWatch = prev;
- marker._nextEvalWatch = next;
- if (prev != null) prev._nextEvalWatch = marker;
- if (next != null) next._previousEvalWatch = marker;
- return childGroup;
- }
- /**
- * Remove/destroy [WatchGroup] and all of its [Watches].
- */
- void remove() {
- // TODO:(misko) This code is not right.
- // 1) It fails to release [ChangeDetector] [WatchRecord]s.
- // 2) it needs to cleanup caches if the cache is being shared.
- _WatchGroupList._remove(_parentWatchGroup, this);
- _changeDetector.remove();
- _rootGroup._removeCount++;
- _parentWatchGroup = null;
- // Unlink the _watchRecord
- _EvalWatchRecord firstEvalWatch = _evalWatchHead;
- _EvalWatchRecord lastEvalWatch =
- (_watchGroupTail == null ? this : _watchGroupTail)._evalWatchTail;
- _EvalWatchRecord previous = firstEvalWatch._previousEvalWatch;
- _EvalWatchRecord next = lastEvalWatch._nextEvalWatch;
- if (previous != null) previous._nextEvalWatch = next;
- if (next != null) next._previousEvalWatch = previous;
- }
- toString() {
- var lines = [];
- if (this == _rootGroup) {
- var allWatches = [];
- var watch = _evalWatchHead;
- var prev = null;
- while (watch != null) {
- allWatches.add(watch.toString());
- assert(watch._previousEvalWatch == prev);
- prev = watch;
- watch = watch._nextEvalWatch;
- }
- lines.add('WATCHES: ${allWatches.join(', ')}');
- }
- var watches = [];
- var watch = _evalWatchHead;
- while (watch != _evalWatchTail) {
- watches.add(watch.toString());
- watch = watch._nextEvalWatch;
- }
- watches.add(watch.toString());
- lines.add('WatchGroup[$id](watches: ${watches.join(', ')})');
- var childGroup = _watchGroupHead;
- while (childGroup != null) {
- lines.add(' ' + childGroup.toString().split('\n').join('\n '));
- childGroup = childGroup._nextWatchGroup;
- }
- return lines.join('\n');
- }
- * [RootWatchGroup]
- */
-class RootWatchGroup extends WatchGroup {
- Watch _dirtyWatchHead, _dirtyWatchTail;
- /**
- * Every time a [WatchGroup] is destroyed we increment the counter. During
- * [detectChanges] we reset the count. Before calling the reaction function,
- * we check [_removeCount] and if it is unchanged we can safely call the
- * reaction function. If it is changed we only call the reaction function
- * if the [WatchGroup] is still attached.
- */
- int _removeCount = 0;
- RootWatchGroup(ChangeDetector changeDetector, Object context):
- super._root(changeDetector, context);
- RootWatchGroup get _rootGroup => this;
- /**
- * Detect changes and process the [ReactionFn]s.
- *
- * Algorithm:
- * 1) process the [ChangeDetector#collectChanges].
- * 2) process function/closure/method changes
- * 3) call an [ReactionFn]s
- *
- * Each step is called in sequence. ([ReactionFn]s are not called until all
- * previous steps are completed).
- */
- int detectChanges({ EvalExceptionHandler exceptionHandler,
- ChangeLog changeLog,
- AvgStopwatch fieldStopwatch,
- AvgStopwatch evalStopwatch,
- AvgStopwatch processStopwatch}) {
- // Process the ChangeRecords from the change detector
- ChangeRecord<_Handler> changeRecord =
- (_changeDetector as ChangeDetector<_Handler>).collectChanges(
- exceptionHandler:exceptionHandler,
- stopwatch: fieldStopwatch);
- if (processStopwatch != null) processStopwatch.start();
- while (changeRecord != null) {
- if (changeLog != null) changeLog(changeRecord.handler.expression,
- changeRecord.currentValue,
- changeRecord.previousValue);
- changeRecord.handler.onChange(changeRecord);
- changeRecord = changeRecord.nextChange;
- }
- if (processStopwatch != null) processStopwatch.stop();
- if (evalStopwatch != null) evalStopwatch.start();
- // Process our own function evaluations
- _EvalWatchRecord evalRecord = _evalWatchHead;
- int evalCount = 0;
- while (evalRecord != null) {
- try {
- if (evalStopwatch != null) evalCount++;
- var change = evalRecord.check();
- if (change != null && changeLog != null) {
- changeLog(evalRecord.handler.expression,
- evalRecord.currentValue,
- evalRecord.previousValue);
- }
- } catch (e, s) {
- if (exceptionHandler == null) rethrow; else exceptionHandler(e, s);
- }
- evalRecord = evalRecord._nextEvalWatch;
- }
- if (evalStopwatch != null) evalStopwatch..stop()..increment(evalCount);
- // Because the handler can forward changes between each other synchronously
- // We need to call reaction functions asynchronously. This processes the
- // asynchronous reaction function queue.
- int count = 0;
- if (processStopwatch != null) processStopwatch.stop();
- Watch dirtyWatch = _dirtyWatchHead;
- RootWatchGroup root = _rootGroup;
- root._removeCount = 0;
- while(dirtyWatch != null) {
- count++;
- try {
- if (root._removeCount == 0 || dirtyWatch._watchGroup.isAttached) {
- dirtyWatch.invoke();
- }
- } catch (e, s) {
- if (exceptionHandler == null) rethrow; else exceptionHandler(e, s);
- }
- dirtyWatch = dirtyWatch._nextDirtyWatch;
- }
- _dirtyWatchHead = _dirtyWatchTail = null;
- if (processStopwatch != null) processStopwatch..stop()..increment(count);
- return count;
- }
- /**
- * Add Watch into the asynchronous queue for later processing.
- */
- Watch _addDirtyWatch(Watch watch) {
- if (!watch._dirty) {
- watch._dirty = true;
- if (_dirtyWatchTail == null) {
- _dirtyWatchHead = _dirtyWatchTail = watch;
- } else {
- _dirtyWatchTail._nextDirtyWatch = watch;
- _dirtyWatchTail = watch;
- }
- watch._nextDirtyWatch = null;
- }
- return watch;
- }
- * [Watch] corresponds to an individual [watch] registration on the watchGrp.
- */
-class Watch {
- Watch _previousWatch, _nextWatch;
- final Record<_Handler> _record;
- final ReactionFn reactionFn;
- final WatchGroup _watchGroup;
- bool _dirty = false;
- bool _deleted = false;
- Watch _nextDirtyWatch;
- Watch(this._watchGroup, this._record, this.reactionFn);
- get expression => _record.handler.expression;
- void invoke() {
- if (_deleted || !_dirty) return;
- _dirty = false;
- reactionFn(_record.currentValue, _record.previousValue);
- }
- void remove() {
- if (_deleted) throw new StateError('Already deleted!');
- _deleted = true;
- var handler = _record.handler;
- _WatchList._remove(handler, this);
- handler.release();
- }
- * This class processes changes from the change detector. The changes are
- * forwarded onto the next [_Handler] or queued up in case of reaction function.
- *
- * Given these two expression: 'a.b.c' => rfn1 and 'a.b' => rfn2
- * The resulting data structure is:
- *
- * _Handler +--> _Handler +--> _Handler
- * - delegateHandler -+ - delegateHandler -+ - delegateHandler = null
- * - expression: 'a' - expression: 'a.b' - expression: 'a.b.c'
- * - watchObject: context - watchObject: context.a - watchObject: context.a.b
- * - watchRecord: 'a' - watchRecord 'b' - watchRecord 'c'
- * - reactionFn: null - reactionFn: rfn1 - reactionFn: rfn2
- *
- * Notice how the [_Handler]s coalesce their watching. Also notice that any
- * changes detected at one handler are propagated to the next handler.
- */
-abstract class _Handler implements _LinkedList, _LinkedListItem, _WatchList {
- _Handler _head, _tail;
- _Handler _next, _previous;
- Watch _watchHead, _watchTail;
- final String expression;
- final WatchGroup watchGrp;
- WatchRecord<_Handler> watchRecord;
- _Handler forwardingHandler;
- _Handler(this.watchGrp, this.expression) {
- assert(watchGrp != null);
- assert(expression != null);
- }
- Watch addReactionFn(ReactionFn reactionFn) {
- assert(_next != this); // verify we are not detached
- return watchGrp._rootGroup._addDirtyWatch(_WatchList._add(this,
- new Watch(watchGrp, watchRecord, reactionFn)));
- }
- void addForwardHandler(_Handler forwardToHandler) {
- assert(forwardToHandler.forwardingHandler == null);
- _LinkedList._add(this, forwardToHandler);
- forwardToHandler.forwardingHandler = this;
- }
- void release() {
- if (_WatchList._isEmpty(this) && _LinkedList._isEmpty(this)) {
- _releaseWatch();
- // Remove ourselves from cache, or else new registrations will go to us,
- // but we are dead
- watchGrp._cache.remove(expression);
- if (forwardingHandler != null) {
- // TODO(misko): why do we need this check?
- _LinkedList._remove(forwardingHandler, this);
- forwardingHandler.release();
- }
- // We can remove ourselves
- assert((_next = _previous = this) == this); // mark ourselves as detached
- }
- }
- void _releaseWatch() {
- watchRecord.remove();
- watchGrp._fieldCost--;
- }
- acceptValue(object) => null;
- void onChange(ChangeRecord<_Handler> record) {
- assert(_next != this); // verify we are not detached
- // If we have reaction functions than queue them up for asynchronous
- // processing.
- Watch watch = _watchHead;
- while(watch != null) {
- watchGrp._rootGroup._addDirtyWatch(watch);
- watch = watch._nextWatch;
- }
- // If we have a delegateHandler then forward the new value to it.
- _Handler delegateHandler = _head;
- while (delegateHandler != null) {
- delegateHandler.acceptValue(record.currentValue);
- delegateHandler = delegateHandler._next;
- }
- }
-class _ConstantHandler extends _Handler {
- _ConstantHandler(WatchGroup watchGroup, String expression, dynamic constantValue)
- : super(watchGroup, expression)
- {
- watchRecord = new _EvalWatchRecord.constant(this, constantValue);
- }
- release() => null;
-class _FieldHandler extends _Handler {
- _FieldHandler(watchGrp, expression): super(watchGrp, expression);
- /**
- * This function forwards the watched object to the next [_Handler]
- * synchronously.
- */
- void acceptValue(object) {
- watchRecord.object = object;
- var changeRecord = watchRecord.check();
- if (changeRecord != null) onChange(changeRecord);
- }
-class _CollectionHandler extends _Handler {
- _CollectionHandler(WatchGroup watchGrp, String expression)
- : super(watchGrp, expression);
- /**
- * This function forwards the watched object to the next [_Handler] synchronously.
- */
- void acceptValue(object) {
- watchRecord.object = object;
- var changeRecord = watchRecord.check();
- if (changeRecord != null) onChange(changeRecord);
- }
- void _releaseWatch() {
- watchRecord.remove();
- watchGrp._collectionCost--;
- }
-class _ArgHandler extends _Handler {
- _ArgHandler _previousArgHandler, _nextArgHandler;
- // TODO(misko): Why do we override parent?
- final _EvalWatchRecord watchRecord;
- final int index;
- _releaseWatch() => null;
- _ArgHandler(WatchGroup watchGrp, this.watchRecord, int index)
- : index = index,
- super(watchGrp, 'arg[$index]');
- void acceptValue(object) {
- watchRecord.dirtyArgs = true;
- watchRecord.args[index] = object;
- }
-class _InvokeHandler extends _Handler implements _ArgHandlerList {
- _ArgHandler _argHandlerHead, _argHandlerTail;
- _InvokeHandler(WatchGroup watchGrp, String expression)
- : super(watchGrp, expression);
- void acceptValue(object) {
- watchRecord.object = object;
- }
- void onChange(ChangeRecord<_Handler> record) {
- super.onChange(record);
- }
- void _releaseWatch() {
- (watchRecord as _EvalWatchRecord).remove();
- }
- void release() {
- super.release();
- _ArgHandler current = _argHandlerHead;
- while(current != null) {
- current.release();
- current = current._nextArgHandler;
- }
- }
-class _EvalWatchRecord implements WatchRecord<_Handler>, ChangeRecord<_Handler> {
- static const int _MODE_DELETED_ = -1;
- static const int _MODE_MARKER_ = 0;
- static const int _MODE_FUNCTION_ = 1;
- static const int _MODE_FUNCTION_APPLY_ = 2;
- static const int _MODE_NULL_ = 3;
- static const int _MODE_FIELD_CLOSURE_ = 4;
- static const int _MODE_MAP_CLOSURE_ = 5;
- static const int _MODE_METHOD_ = 6;
- WatchGroup watchGrp;
- final _Handler handler;
- final List args;
- final Symbol symbol;
- final String name;
- int mode;
- /* Function*/ var fn;
- InstanceMirror _instanceMirror;
- bool dirtyArgs = true;
- dynamic currentValue, previousValue, _object;
- _EvalWatchRecord _previousEvalWatch, _nextEvalWatch;
- _EvalWatchRecord(this.watchGrp, this.handler, this.fn, name, int arity)
- : args = new List(arity),
- name = name,
- symbol = name == null ? null : new Symbol(name) {
- if (fn is FunctionApply) {
- } else if (fn is Function) {
- mode = _MODE_FUNCTION_;
- } else {
- mode = _MODE_NULL_;
- }
- }
- _EvalWatchRecord.marker()
- : mode = _MODE_MARKER_,
- watchGrp = null,
- handler = null,
- args = null,
- fn = null,
- symbol = null,
- name = null;
- _EvalWatchRecord.constant(_Handler handler, dynamic constantValue)
- : mode = _MODE_MARKER_,
- handler = handler,
- currentValue = constantValue,
- watchGrp = null,
- args = null,
- fn = null,
- symbol = null,
- name = null;
- get field => '()';
- get object => _object;
- set object(value) {
- assert(mode != _MODE_DELETED_);
- assert(mode != _MODE_MARKER_);
- assert(mode != _MODE_FUNCTION_);
- assert(mode != _MODE_FUNCTION_APPLY_);
- assert(symbol != null);
- _object = value;
- if (value == null) {
- mode = _MODE_NULL_;
- } else {
- if (value is Map) {
- mode = _MODE_MAP_CLOSURE_;
- } else {
- _instanceMirror = reflect(value);
- mode = _hasMethod(_instanceMirror.type, symbol)
- }
- }
- }
- ChangeRecord<_Handler> check() {
- var value;
- switch (mode) {
- case _MODE_MARKER_:
- case _MODE_NULL_:
- return null;
- if (!dirtyArgs) return null;
- value = Function.apply(fn, args);
- dirtyArgs = false;
- break;
- if (!dirtyArgs) return null;
- value = (fn as FunctionApply).apply(args);
- dirtyArgs = false;
- break;
- var closure = _instanceMirror.getField(symbol).reflectee;
- value = closure == null ? null : Function.apply(closure, args);
- break;
- var closure = object[name];
- value = closure == null ? null : Function.apply(closure, args);
- break;
- case _MODE_METHOD_:
- value = _instanceMirror.invoke(symbol, args).reflectee;
- break;
- default:
- assert(false);
- }
- var current = currentValue;
- if (!identical(current, value)) {
- if (value is String && current is String && value == current) {
- // it is really the same, recover and save so next time identity is same
- current = value;
- } else {
- previousValue = current;
- currentValue = value;
- handler.onChange(this);
- return this;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- get nextChange => null;
- void remove() {
- assert(mode != _MODE_DELETED_);
- assert((mode = _MODE_DELETED_) == _MODE_DELETED_); // Mark as deleted.
- watchGrp._evalCost--;
- _EvalWatchList._remove(watchGrp, this);
- }
- String toString() {
- if (mode == _MODE_MARKER_) return 'MARKER[$currentValue]';
- return '${}:${handler.expression}';
- }
- static final Function _hasMethod = (() {
- var objectClassMirror = reflectClass(Object);
- Set<Symbol> objectClassInstanceMethods =
- new Set<Symbol>.from([#toString, #noSuchMethod]);
- try {
- // Use ClassMirror.instanceMembers if available. It contains local
- // as well as inherited members.
- objectClassMirror.instanceMembers;
- // For SDK 1.2 we have to use a somewhat complicated helper for this
- // to work around bugs in the dart2js implementation.
- return (type, symbol) {
- // Always allow instance methods found in the Object class. This makes
- // it easier to work around a few bugs in the dart2js implementation.
- if (objectClassInstanceMethods.contains(symbol)) return true;
- // Work around which causes access to the
- // instance members of certain builtin types to throw exceptions
- // while traversing the superclass chain.
- var mirror;
- try {
- mirror = type.instanceMembers[symbol];
- } on UnsupportedError catch (e) {
- mirror = type.declarations[symbol];
- }
- // Work around which causes noSuchMethod
- // forwarding stubs to be treated as members of all classes. We have
- // already checked for the real instance methods in Object, so if the
- // owner of this method is Object we simply filter it out.
- if (mirror is !MethodMirror) return false;
- return mirror.owner != objectClassMirror;
- };
- } on NoSuchMethodError catch (e) {
- // For SDK 1.0 we fall back to just using the local members.
- return (type, symbol) => type.members[symbol] is MethodMirror;
- } on UnimplementedError catch (e) {
- // For SDK 1.1 we fall back to just using the local declarations.
- return (type, symbol) => type.declarations[symbol] is MethodMirror;
- }
- return null;
- })();
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