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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/selector.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/selector.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/selector.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/selector.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 2492d0608208a7831af9a8dc56412db804a71fe3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/selector.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.core.dom;
- * DirectiveSelector is a function which given a node it will return a
- * list of [DirectiveRef]s which are triggered by this node.
- *
- * DirectiveSelector is used by the [Compiler] during the template walking
- * to extract the [DirectiveRef]s.
- *
- * DirectiveSelector can be created using the [directiveSelectorFactory]
- * method.
- *
- * The DirectiveSelector supports CSS selectors which do not cross
- * element boundaries only. The selectors can have any mix of element-name,
- * class-names and attribute-names.
- *
- * Examples:
- *
- * <pre>
- * element
- * .class
- * [attribute]
- * [attribute=value]
- * element[attribute1][attribute2=value]
- * </pre>
- *
- *
- */
-typedef List<DirectiveRef> DirectiveSelector(dom.Node node);
-class _Directive {
- final Type type;
- final NgAnnotation annotation;
- _Directive(this.type, this.annotation);
- toString() => annotation.selector;
-class _ContainsSelector {
- final NgAnnotation annotation;
- final RegExp regexp;
- _ContainsSelector(this.annotation, String regexp)
- : regexp = new RegExp(regexp);
-var _SELECTOR_REGEXP = new RegExp(r'^(?:([\w\-]+)|(?:\.([\w\-]+))|'
- r'(?:\[([\w\-\*]+)(?:=([^\]]*))?\]))');
-var _COMMENT_COMPONENT_REGEXP = new RegExp(r'^\[([\w\-]+)(?:\=(.*))?\]$');
-var _CONTAINS_REGEXP = new RegExp(r'^:contains\(\/(.+)\/\)$'); //
-var _ATTR_CONTAINS_REGEXP = new RegExp(r'^\[\*=\/(.+)\/\]$'); //
-class _SelectorPart {
- final String element;
- final String className;
- final String attrName;
- final String attrValue;
- const _SelectorPart.fromElement(this.element)
- : className = null, attrName = null, attrValue = null;
- const _SelectorPart.fromClass(this.className)
- : element = null, attrName = null, attrValue = null;
- const _SelectorPart.fromAttribute(this.attrName, this.attrValue)
- : element = null, className = null;
- toString() =>
- element == null
- ? (className == null
- ? (attrValue == '' ? '[$attrName]' : '[$attrName=$attrValue]')
- : '.$className')
- : element;
-class _ElementSelector {
- final String name;
- var elementMap = <String, List<_Directive>>{};
- var elementPartialMap = <String, _ElementSelector>{};
- var classMap = <String, List<_Directive>>{};
- var classPartialMap = <String, _ElementSelector>{};
- var attrValueMap = <String, Map<String, List<_Directive>>>{};
- var attrValuePartialMap = <String, Map<String, _ElementSelector>>{};
- _ElementSelector(;
- addDirective(List<_SelectorPart> selectorParts, _Directive directive) {
- var selectorPart = selectorParts.removeAt(0);
- var terminal = selectorParts.isEmpty;
- var name;
- if ((name = selectorPart.element) != null) {
- if (terminal) {
- elementMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => [])
- .add(directive);
- } else {
- elementPartialMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => new _ElementSelector(name))
- .addDirective(selectorParts, directive);
- }
- } else if ((name = selectorPart.className) != null) {
- if (terminal) {
- classMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => [])
- .add(directive);
- } else {
- classPartialMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => new _ElementSelector(name))
- .addDirective(selectorParts, directive);
- }
- } else if ((name = selectorPart.attrName) != null) {
- if (terminal) {
- attrValueMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => <String, List<_Directive>>{})
- .putIfAbsent(selectorPart.attrValue, () => [])
- .add(directive);
- } else {
- attrValuePartialMap
- .putIfAbsent(name, () => <String, _ElementSelector>{})
- .putIfAbsent(selectorPart.attrValue, () =>
- new _ElementSelector(name))
- .addDirective(selectorParts, directive);
- }
- } else {
- throw "Unknown selector part '$selectorPart'.";
- }
- }
- _addRefs(List<DirectiveRef> refs, List<_Directive> directives, dom.Node node,
- [String attrValue]) {
- directives.forEach((directive) =>
- refs.add(new DirectiveRef(node, directive.type, directive.annotation,
- attrValue)));
- }
- List<_ElementSelector> selectNode(List<DirectiveRef> refs,
- List<_ElementSelector> partialSelection,
- dom.Node node, String nodeName) {
- if (elementMap.containsKey(nodeName)) {
- _addRefs(refs, elementMap[nodeName], node);
- }
- if (elementPartialMap.containsKey(nodeName)) {
- if (partialSelection == null) {
- partialSelection = new List<_ElementSelector>();
- }
- partialSelection.add(elementPartialMap[nodeName]);
- }
- return partialSelection;
- }
- List<_ElementSelector> selectClass(List<DirectiveRef> refs,
- List<_ElementSelector> partialSelection,
- dom.Node node, String className) {
- if (classMap.containsKey(className)) {
- _addRefs(refs, classMap[className], node);
- }
- if (classPartialMap.containsKey(className)) {
- if (partialSelection == null) {
- partialSelection = new List<_ElementSelector>();
- }
- partialSelection.add(classPartialMap[className]);
- }
- return partialSelection;
- }
- List<_ElementSelector> selectAttr(List<DirectiveRef> refs,
- List<_ElementSelector> partialSelection,
- dom.Node node, String attrName,
- String attrValue) {
- String matchingKey = _matchingKey(attrValueMap.keys, attrName);
- if (matchingKey != null) {
- Map<String, List<_Directive>> valuesMap = attrValueMap[matchingKey];
- if (valuesMap.containsKey('')) {
- _addRefs(refs, valuesMap[''], node, attrValue);
- }
- if (attrValue != '' && valuesMap.containsKey(attrValue)) {
- _addRefs(refs, valuesMap[attrValue], node, attrValue);
- }
- }
- if (attrValuePartialMap.containsKey(attrName)) {
- Map<String, _ElementSelector> valuesPartialMap =
- attrValuePartialMap[attrName];
- if (valuesPartialMap.containsKey('')) {
- if (partialSelection == null) {
- partialSelection = new List<_ElementSelector>();
- }
- partialSelection.add(valuesPartialMap['']);
- }
- if (attrValue != '' && valuesPartialMap.containsKey(attrValue)) {
- if (partialSelection == null) {
- partialSelection = new List<_ElementSelector>();
- }
- partialSelection.add(valuesPartialMap[attrValue]);
- }
- }
- return partialSelection;
- }
- String _matchingKey(Iterable<String> keys, String attrName) =>
- keys.firstWhere((key) =>
- new RegExp('^${key.replaceAll('*', r'[\w\-]+')}\$')
- .hasMatch(attrName), orElse: () => null);
- toString() => 'ElementSelector($name)';
-List<_SelectorPart> _splitCss(String selector, Type type) {
- var parts = <_SelectorPart>[];
- var remainder = selector;
- var match;
- while (!remainder.isEmpty) {
- if ((match = _SELECTOR_REGEXP.firstMatch(remainder)) != null) {
- if (match[1] != null) {
- parts.add(new _SelectorPart.fromElement(match[1].toLowerCase()));
- } else if (match[2] != null) {
- parts.add(new _SelectorPart.fromClass(match[2].toLowerCase()));
- } else if (match[3] != null) {
- var attrValue = match[4] == null ? '' : match[4].toLowerCase();
- parts.add(new _SelectorPart.fromAttribute(match[3].toLowerCase(),
- attrValue));
- } else {
- throw "Missmatched RegExp $_SELECTOR_REGEXP on $remainder";
- }
- } else {
- throw "Unknown selector format '$selector' for $type.";
- }
- remainder = remainder.substring(match.end);
- }
- return parts;
- * Factory method for creating a [DirectiveSelector].
- */
-DirectiveSelector directiveSelectorFactory(DirectiveMap directives) {
- var elementSelector = new _ElementSelector('');
- var attrSelector = <_ContainsSelector>[];
- var textSelector = <_ContainsSelector>[];
- directives.forEach((NgAnnotation annotation, Type type) {
- var match;
- var selector = annotation.selector;
- List<_SelectorPart> selectorParts;
- if (selector == null) {
- throw new ArgumentError('Missing selector annotation for $type');
- }
- if ((match = _CONTAINS_REGEXP.firstMatch(selector)) != null) {
- textSelector.add(new _ContainsSelector(annotation,;
- } else if ((match = _ATTR_CONTAINS_REGEXP.firstMatch(selector)) != null) {
- attrSelector.add(new _ContainsSelector(annotation, match[1]));
- } else if ((selectorParts = _splitCss(selector, type)) != null){
- elementSelector.addDirective(selectorParts,
- new _Directive(type, annotation));
- } else {
- throw new ArgumentError('Unsupported Selector: $selector');
- }
- });
- return (dom.Node node) {
- var directiveRefs = <DirectiveRef>[];
- List<_ElementSelector> partialSelection;
- var classes = <String, bool>{};
- var attrs = <String, String>{};
- switch(node.nodeType) {
- case 1: // Element
- dom.Element element = node;
- String nodeName = element.tagName.toLowerCase();
- Map<String, String> attrs = {};
- // Set default attribute
- if (nodeName == 'input' && !element.attributes.containsKey('type')) {
- element.attributes['type'] = 'text';
- }
- // Select node
- partialSelection = elementSelector.selectNode(directiveRefs,
- partialSelection, element, nodeName);
- // Select .name
- if ((element.classes) != null) {
- for (var name in element.classes) {
- classes[name] = true;
- partialSelection = elementSelector.selectClass(directiveRefs,
- partialSelection, element, name);
- }
- }
- // Select [attributes]
- element.attributes.forEach((attrName, value) {
- attrs[attrName] = value;
- for (var k = 0; k < attrSelector.length; k++) {
- _ContainsSelector selectorRegExp = attrSelector[k];
- if (selectorRegExp.regexp.hasMatch(value)) {
- // this directive is matched on any attribute name, and so
- // we need to pass the name to the directive by prefixing it to
- // the value. Yes it is a bit of a hack.
- directives[selectorRegExp.annotation].forEach((type) {
- directiveRefs.add(new DirectiveRef(
- node, type, selectorRegExp.annotation, '$attrName=$value'));
- });
- }
- }
- partialSelection = elementSelector.selectAttr(directiveRefs,
- partialSelection, node, attrName, value);
- });
- while(partialSelection != null) {
- List<_ElementSelector> elementSelectors = partialSelection;
- partialSelection = null;
- elementSelectors.forEach((_ElementSelector elementSelector) {
- classes.forEach((className, _) {
- partialSelection = elementSelector.selectClass(directiveRefs,
- partialSelection, node, className);
- });
- attrs.forEach((attrName, value) {
- partialSelection = elementSelector.selectAttr(directiveRefs,
- partialSelection, node, attrName, value);
- });
- });
- }
- break;
- case 3: // Text Node
- var value = node.nodeValue;
- for (var k = 0; k < textSelector.length; k++) {
- var selectorRegExp = textSelector[k];
- if (selectorRegExp.regexp.hasMatch(value)) {
- directives[selectorRegExp.annotation].forEach((type) {
- directiveRefs.add(new DirectiveRef(node, type,
- selectorRegExp.annotation, value));
- });
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- directiveRefs.sort(_priorityComparator);
- return directiveRefs;
- };
-int _directivePriority(NgAnnotation annotation) {
- if (annotation is NgDirective) {
- return (annotation.children == NgAnnotation.TRANSCLUDE_CHILDREN) ? 2 : 1;
- } else if (annotation is NgComponent) {
- return 0;
- }
- throw "Unexpected Type: ${annotation}.";
-int _priorityComparator(DirectiveRef a, DirectiveRef b) =>
- _directivePriority(b.annotation) - _directivePriority(a.annotation);
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