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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/template_cache_generator.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/template_cache_generator.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/template_cache_generator.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/template_cache_generator.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c896b8c35ffd72c7d8b9aef0c122c5a0a3ce933..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/template_cache_generator.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-library angular.template_cache_generator;
-import 'dart:io';
-import 'dart:async';
-import 'dart:collection';
-import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
-import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
-import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
-import 'package:di/generator.dart';
-const String PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'package:';
-const String DART_PACKAGE_PREFIX = 'dart:';
-String fileHeader(String library) => '''// GENERATED, DO NOT EDIT!
-library ${library};
-import 'package:angular/angular.dart';
-primeTemplateCache(TemplateCache tc) {
-const String FILE_FOOTER = '}';
-main(args) {
- if (args.length < 4) {
- print('Usage: templace_cache_generator path_to_entry_point sdk_path '
- 'output package_root1,package_root2,...|$SYSTEM_PACKAGE_ROOT '
- 'patternUrl1,rewriteTo1;patternUrl2,rewriteTo2 '
- 'blacklistClass1,blacklistClass2');
- exit(1);
- }
- var entryPoint = args[0];
- var sdkPath = args[1];
- var output = args[2];
- var outputLibrary = args[3];
- var packageRoots = args[4] == SYSTEM_PACKAGE_ROOT ?
- [Platform.packageRoot] : args[4].split(',');
- Map<RegExp, String> urlRewriters = parseUrlRemapping(args[5]);
- Set<String> blacklistedClasses = (args.length > 6)
- ? new Set.from(args[6].split(','))
- : new Set();
- print('sdkPath: $sdkPath');
- print('entryPoint: $entryPoint');
- print('output: $output');
- print('outputLibrary: $outputLibrary');
- print('packageRoots: $packageRoots');
- print('url rewritters: ' + args[5]);
- print('blacklistedClasses: ' + blacklistedClasses.join(', '));
- Map<String, String> templates = {};
- var c = new SourceCrawler(sdkPath, packageRoots);
- var visitor =
- new TemplateCollectingVisitor(templates, blacklistedClasses, c);
- c.crawl(entryPoint,
- (CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit, SourceFile source) =>
- visitor(compilationUnit, source.canonicalPath));
- var sink = new File(output).openWrite();
- return printTemplateCache(
- templates, urlRewriters, outputLibrary, sink).then((_) {
- return sink.flush();
- });
-Map<RegExp, String> parseUrlRemapping(String argument) {
- Map<RegExp, String> result = new LinkedHashMap();
- if (argument.isEmpty) {
- return result;
- }
- argument.split(";").forEach((String pair) {
- List<String> remapping = pair.split(",");
- result[new RegExp(remapping[0])] = remapping[1];
- });
- return result;
-printTemplateCache(Map<String, String> templateKeyMap,
- Map<RegExp, String> urlRewriters,
- String outputLibrary,
- IOSink outSink) {
- outSink.write(fileHeader(outputLibrary));
- Future future = new Future.value(0);
- List uris = templateKeyMap.keys.toList()..sort()..forEach((uri) {
- var templateFile = templateKeyMap[uri];
- future = future.then((_) {
- return new File(templateFile).readAsString().then((fileStr) {
- fileStr = fileStr.replaceAll('"""', r'\"\"\"');
- String resultUri = uri;
- urlRewriters.forEach((regexp, replacement) {
- resultUri = resultUri.replaceFirst(regexp, replacement);
- });
- outSink.write(
- 'tc.put("$resultUri", new HttpResponse(200, r"""$fileStr"""));\n');
- });
- });
- });
- // Wait until all templates files are processed.
- return future.then((_) {
- outSink.write(FILE_FOOTER);
- });
-class TemplateCollectingVisitor {
- Map<String, String> templates;
- Set<String> blacklistedClasses;
- SourceCrawler sourceCrawler;
- TemplateCollectingVisitor(this.templates, this.blacklistedClasses,
- this.sourceCrawler);
- call(CompilationUnitElement cue, String srcPath) {
- CompilationUnit cu = sourceCrawler.context
- .resolveCompilationUnit(cue.source, cue.library);
- cu.declarations.forEach((CompilationUnitMember declaration) {
- // We only care about classes.
- if (declaration is! ClassDeclaration) return;
- ClassDeclaration clazz = declaration;
- List<String> cacheUris = [];
- bool cache = true;
- clazz.metadata.forEach((Annotation ann) {
- if (ann.arguments == null) return; // Ignore non-class annotations.
- if (blacklistedClasses.contains( return;
- switch ( {
- case 'NgComponent':
- extractNgComponentMetadata(ann, cacheUris); break;
- case 'NgTemplateCache':
- cache = extractNgTemplateCache(ann, cacheUris); break;
- }
- });
- if (cache && cacheUris.isNotEmpty) {
- var srcDirUri = new Uri.file(srcPath);
- Source currentSrcDir = sourceCrawler.context.sourceFactory
- .resolveUri2(null, srcDirUri);
- cacheUris..sort()..forEach((uri) => storeUriAsset(uri, currentSrcDir));
- }
- });
- }
- void extractNgComponentMetadata(Annotation ann, List<String> cacheUris) {
- ann.arguments.arguments.forEach((Expression arg) {
- if (arg is NamedExpression) {
- NamedExpression namedArg = arg;
- var paramName =;
- if (paramName == 'templateUrl') {
- cacheUris.add(assertString(namedArg.expression).stringValue);
- } else if (paramName == 'cssUrl') {
- if (namedArg.expression is StringLiteral) {
- cacheUris.add(assertString(namedArg.expression).stringValue);
- } else {
- cacheUris.addAll(assertList(namedArg.expression) =>
- assertString(e).stringValue));
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- bool extractNgTemplateCache(
- Annotation ann, List<String> cacheUris) {
- bool cache = true;
- ann.arguments.arguments.forEach((Expression arg) {
- if (arg is NamedExpression) {
- NamedExpression namedArg = arg;
- var paramName =;
- if (paramName == 'preCacheUrls') {
- assertList(namedArg.expression).elements
- ..forEach((expression) =>
- cacheUris.add(assertString(expression).stringValue));
- }
- if (paramName == 'cache') {
- cache = assertBoolean(namedArg.expression).value;
- }
- }
- });
- return cache;
- }
- void storeUriAsset(String uri, Source srcPath) {
- String assetFileLocation = findAssetFileLocation(uri, srcPath);
- if (assetFileLocation == null) {
- print("Could not find asset for uri: $uri");
- } else {
- templates[uri] = assetFileLocation;
- }
- }
- String findAssetFileLocation(String uri, Source srcPath) {
- if (uri.startsWith('/')) {
- // Absolute Path from working directory.
- return '.${uri}';
- }
- // Otherwise let the sourceFactory resolve for packages, and relative paths.
- Source source = sourceCrawler.context.sourceFactory
- .resolveUri(srcPath, uri);
- return (source != null) ? source.fullName : null;
- }
- BooleanLiteral assertBoolean(Expression key) {
- if (key is! BooleanLiteral) {
- throw 'must be a boolean literal: ${key.runtimeType}';
- }
- return key;
- }
- ListLiteral assertList(Expression key) {
- if (key is! ListLiteral) {
- throw 'must be a list literal: ${key.runtimeType}';
- }
- return key;
- }
- StringLiteral assertString(Expression key) {
- if (key is! StringLiteral) {
- throw 'must be a string literal: ${key.runtimeType}';
- }
- return key;
- }
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