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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/zone_spec.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/zone_spec.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/zone_spec.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/zone_spec.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index a50b1c9a0802ff376b144d609ffe135809f91649..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/zone_spec.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-library zone_spec;
-import '../_specs.dart';
-import 'dart:async';
-main() => describe('zone', () {
- var zone;
- var exceptionHandler;
- beforeEach(module((Module module) {
- exceptionHandler = new LoggingExceptionHandler();
- module.value(ExceptionHandler, exceptionHandler);
- }));
- beforeEach(inject((Logger log, ExceptionHandler eh) {
- zone = new NgZone();
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- log('onTurnDone');
- };
- zone.onError = (e, s, ls) => eh(e, s);
- }));
- describe('exceptions', () {
- it('should rethrow exceptions from the body and call onError', () {
- var error;
- zone.onError = (e, s, l) => error = e;
- expect(() {
- {
- throw ['hello'];
- });
- }).toThrow('hello');
- expect(error).toEqual(['hello']);
- });
- it('should call onError for errors from scheduleMicrotask', async(inject(() {
- {
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- throw ["async exception"];
- });
- });
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors[0].error).toEqual(["async exception"]);
- })));
- it('should allow executing code outside the zone', inject(() {
- var zone = new NgZone();
- var outerZone = Zone.current;
- var ngZone;
- var outsideZone;
- {
- ngZone = Zone.current;
- zone.runOutsideAngular(() {
- outsideZone = Zone.current;
- });
- });
- expect(outsideZone).toEqual(outerZone);
- expect(ngZone.parent).toEqual((outerZone));
- }));
- it('should rethrow exceptions from the onTurnDone and call onError when the zone is sync', () {
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- throw ["fromOnTurnDone"];
- };
- expect(() {
- { });
- }).toThrow('fromOnTurnDone');
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors[0].error).toEqual(["fromOnTurnDone"]);
- });
- it('should rethrow exceptions from the onTurnDone and call onError when the zone is async', () {
- var asyncRan = false;
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- throw ["fromOnTurnDone"];
- };
- expect(() {
- {
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- asyncRan = true;
- });
- });
- }).toThrow('fromOnTurnDone');
- expect(asyncRan).toBeTruthy();
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors.length).toEqual(1);
- expect(exceptionHandler.errors[0].error).toEqual(["fromOnTurnDone"]);
- });
- });
- xdescribe('long stack traces', () {
- it('should have nice error when crossing scheduleMicrotask boundries', async(inject(() {
- var error;
- var stack;
- var longStacktrace;
- zone.onError = (e, s, f) {
- error = e;
- stack = s;
- longStacktrace = f;
- };
- var FRAME = new RegExp(r'.*\(.*\:(\d+):\d+\)');
- var line = ((){ try {throw [];} catch(e, s) { return int.parse(FRAME.firstMatch('$s')[1]);}})();
- var throwFn = () { throw ['double zonned']; };
- var inner = () =>;
- var middle = () => scheduleMicrotask(inner);
- var outer = () => scheduleMicrotask(middle);
- microLeap();
- expect(error).toEqual(['double zonned']);
- // Not in dart2js..
- if ('$stack'.contains('.dart.js')) {
- return;
- }
- expect('$stack').toContain('zone_spec.dart:${line+1}');
- expect('$stack').toContain('zone_spec.dart:${line+2}');
- expect('$longStacktrace').toContain('zone_spec.dart:${line+3}');
- expect('$longStacktrace').toContain('zone_spec.dart:${line+4}');
- expect('$longStacktrace').toContain('zone_spec.dart:${line+5}');
- })));
- });
- it('should call onTurnDone after a synchronous block', inject((Logger log) {
- {
- log('run');
- });
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run; onTurnDone');
- }));
- it('should return the body return value from run', () {
- expect( { return 6; })).toEqual(6);
- });
- it('should call onTurnDone for a scheduleMicrotask in onTurnDone', async(inject((Logger log) {
- var ran = false;
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- if (!ran) {
- scheduleMicrotask(() { ran = true; log('onTurnAsync'); });
- }
- log('onTurnDone');
- };
- {
- log('run');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run; onTurnDone; onTurnAsync; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone for a scheduleMicrotask in onTurnDone triggered by a scheduleMicrotask in run', async(inject((Logger log) {
- var ran = false;
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- if (!ran) {
- scheduleMicrotask(() { ran = true; log('onTurnAsync'); });
- }
- log('onTurnDone');
- };
- {
- scheduleMicrotask(() { log('scheduleMicrotask'); });
- log('run');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run; scheduleMicrotask; onTurnDone; onTurnAsync; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone once after a turn', async(inject((Logger log) {
- {
- log('run start');
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- log('async');
- });
- log('run end');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run start; run end; async; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should work for Future.value as well', async(inject((Logger log) {
- var futureRan = false;
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- if (!futureRan) {
- new Future.value(null).then((_) { log('onTurn future'); });
- futureRan = true;
- }
- log('onTurnDone');
- };
- {
- log('run start');
- new Future.value(null)
- .then((_) {
- log('future then');
- new Future.value(null)
- .then((_) { log('future ?'); });
- return new Future.value(null);
- })
- .then((_) {
- log('future ?');
- });
- log('run end');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run start; run end; future then; future ?; future ?; onTurnDone; onTurn future; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone after each turn', async(inject((Logger log) {
- Completer a, b;
- {
- a = new Completer();
- b = new Completer();
- a.future.then((_) => log('a then'));
- b.future.then((_) => log('b then'));
- log('run start');
- });
- microLeap();
- {
- a.complete(null);
- });
- microLeap();
- {
- b.complete(null);
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run start; onTurnDone; a then; onTurnDone; b then; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone after each turn in a chain', async(inject((Logger log) {
- {
- log('run start');
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- log('async1');
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- log('async2');
- });
- });
- log('run end');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('run start; run end; async1; async2; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone for futures created outside of run body', async(inject((Logger log) {
- var future = new Future.value(4).then((x) => new Future.value(x));
- {
- future.then((_) => log('future then'));
- log('zone run');
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('zone run; onTurnDone; future then; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone even if there was an exception in body', async(inject((Logger log) {
- zone.onError = (e, s, l) => log('onError');
- expect(() => {
- log('zone run');
- throw 'zoneError';
- })).toThrow('zoneError');
- expect(() => zone.assertInTurn()).toThrow();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('zone run; onError; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should call onTurnDone even if there was an exception in scheduleMicrotask', async(inject((Logger log) {
- zone.onError = (e, s, l) => log('onError');
- {
- log('zone run');
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- log('scheduleMicrotask');
- throw new Error();
- });
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(() => zone.assertInTurn()).toThrow();
- expect(log.result()).toEqual('zone run; scheduleMicrotask; onError; onTurnDone');
- })));
- it('should support assertInZone', async(() {
- var calls = '';
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- zone.assertInZone();
- calls += 'done;';
- };
- {
- zone.assertInZone();
- calls += 'sync;';
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- zone.assertInZone();
- calls += 'async;';
- });
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(calls).toEqual('sync;async;done;');
- }));
- it('should throw outside of the zone', () {
- expect(async(() {
- zone.assertInZone();
- microLeap();
- })).toThrow();
- });
- it('should support assertInTurn', async(() {
- var calls = '';
- zone.onTurnDone = () {
- calls += 'done;';
- zone.assertInTurn();
- };
- {
- calls += 'sync;';
- zone.assertInTurn();
- scheduleMicrotask(() {
- calls += 'async;';
- zone.assertInTurn();
- });
- });
- microLeap();
- expect(calls).toEqual('sync;async;done;');
- }));
- it('should assertInTurn outside of the zone', () {
- expect(async(() {
- zone.assertInTurn();
- microLeap();
- })).toThrow('ssertion'); // Support both dart2js and the VM with half a word.
- });
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