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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/directive.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/directive.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/directive.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/directive.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 63fd69a0f399265c0802e00cad8e36877290f71f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core/directive.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,426 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.core;
-abstract class NgAnnotation {
- /**
- * CSS selector which will trigger this component/directive.
- * CSS Selectors are limited to a single element and can contain:
- *
- * * `element-name` limit to a given element name.
- * * `.class` limit to an element with a given class.
- * * `[attribute]` limit to an element with a given attribute name.
- * * `[attribute=value]` limit to an element with a given attribute and value.
- *
- *
- * Example: `input[type=checkbox][ng-model]`
- */
- final String selector;
- /**
- * Specifies the compiler action to be taken on the child nodes of the
- * element which this currently being compiled. The values are:
- *
- * * [COMPILE_CHILDREN] (*default*)
- */
- final String children;
- /**
- * Compile the child nodes of the element. This is the default.
- */
- static const String COMPILE_CHILDREN = 'compile';
- /**
- * Compile the child nodes for transclusion and makes available
- * [BoundBlockFactory], [BlockFactory] and [BlockHole] for injection.
- */
- static const String TRANSCLUDE_CHILDREN = 'transclude';
- /**
- * Do not compile/visit the child nodes. Angular markup on descendant nodes
- * will not be processed.
- */
- static const String IGNORE_CHILDREN = 'ignore';
- /**
- * A directive/component controller class can be injected into other
- * directives/components. This attribute controls whether the
- * controller is available to others.
- *
- * * `local` [NgDirective.LOCAL_VISIBILITY] - the controller can be injected
- * into other directives / components on the same DOM element.
- * * `children` [NgDirective.CHILDREN_VISIBILITY] - the controller can be
- * injected into other directives / components on the same or child DOM
- * elements.
- * * `direct_children` [NgDirective.DIRECT_CHILDREN_VISIBILITY] - the
- * controller can be injected into other directives / components on the
- * direct children of the current DOM element.
- */
- final String visibility;
- final List<Type> publishTypes;
- /**
- * Use map to define the mapping of DOM attributes to fields.
- * The map's key is the DOM attribute name (DOM attribute is in dash-case).
- * The Map's value consists of a mode prefix followed by an expression.
- * The destination expression will be evaluated against the instance of the
- * directive / component class.
- *
- * * `@` - Map the DOM attribute string. The attribute string will be taken
- * literally or interpolated if it contains binding {{}} systax and assigned
- * to the expression. (cost: 0 watches)
- *
- * * `=>` - Treat the DOM attribute value as an expression. Set up a watch,
- * which will read the expression in the attribute and assign the value
- * to destination expression. (cost: 1 watch)
- *
- * * `<=>` - Treat the DOM attribute value as an expression. Set up a watch
- * on both outside as well as component scope to keep the src and
- * destination in sync. (cost: 2 watches)
- *
- * * `=>!` - Treat the DOM attribute value as an expression. Set up a one time
- * watch on expression. Once the expression turns truthy it will no longer
- * update. (cost: 1 watches until not null, then 0 watches)
- *
- * * `&` - Treat the DOM attribute value as an expression. Assign a closure
- * function into the field. This allows the component to control
- * the invocation of the closure. This is useful for passing
- * expressions into controllers which act like callbacks. (cost: 0 watches)
- *
- * Example:
- *
- * <my-component title="Hello {{username}}"
- * selection="selectedItem"
- * on-selection-change="doSomething()">
- *
- * @NgComponent(
- * selector: 'my-component'
- * map: const {
- * 'title': '@title',
- * 'selection': '<=>currentItem',
- * 'on-selection-change': '&onChange'
- * }
- * )
- * class MyComponent {
- * String title;
- * var currentItem;
- * ParsedFn onChange;
- * }
- *
- * The above example shows how all three mapping modes are used.
- *
- * * `@title` maps the title DOM attribute to the controller `title`
- * field. Notice that this maps the content of the attribute, which
- * means that it can be used with `{{}}` interpolation.
- *
- * * `<=>currentItem` maps the expression (in this case the `selectedItem`
- * in the current scope into the `currentItem` in the controller. Notice
- * that mapping is bi-directional. A change either in field or on
- * parent scope will result in change to the other.
- *
- * * `&onChange` maps the expression into the controller `onChange`
- * field. The result of mapping is a callable function which can be
- * invoked at any time by the controller. The invocation of the
- * callable function will result in the expression `doSomething()` to
- * be executed in the parent context.
- */
- final Map<String, String> map;
- /**
- * Use the list to specify expression containing attributes which are not
- * included under [map] with '=' or '@' specification.
- */
- final List<String> exportExpressionAttrs;
- /**
- * Use the list to specify a expressions which are evaluated dynamically
- * (ex. via [Scope.eval]) and are otherwise not statically discoverable.
- */
- final List<String> exportExpressions;
- const NgAnnotation({
- this.selector,
- this.children: NgAnnotation.COMPILE_CHILDREN,
- this.visibility: NgDirective.LOCAL_VISIBILITY,
- this.publishTypes: const [],
- const {},
- this.exportExpressions: const [],
- this.exportExpressionAttrs: const []
- });
- toString() => selector;
- get hashCode => selector.hashCode;
- operator==(other) =>
- other is NgAnnotation && this.selector == other.selector;
- NgAnnotation cloneWithNewMap(newMap);
- * Meta-data marker placed on a class which should act as a controller for the
- * component. Angular components are a light-weight version of web-components.
- * Angular components use shadow-DOM for rendering their templates.
- *
- * Angular components are instantiated using dependency injection, and can
- * ask for any injectable object in their constructor. Components
- * can also ask for other components or directives declared on the DOM element.
- *
- * Components can implement [NgAttachAware], [NgDetachAware],
- * [NgShadowRootAware] and declare these optional methods:
- *
- * * `attach()` - Called on first [Scope.apply()].
- * * `detach()` - Called on when owning scope is destroyed.
- * * `onShadowRoot(ShadowRoot shadowRoot)` - Called when [ShadowRoot] is loaded.
- */
-class NgComponent extends NgAnnotation {
- /**
- * Inlined HTML template for the component.
- */
- final String template;
- /**
- * A URL to HTML template. This will be loaded asynchronously and
- * cached for future component instances.
- */
- final String templateUrl;
- /**
- * A list of CSS URLs to load into the shadow DOM.
- */
- final _cssUrls;
- /**
- * Set the shadow root applyAuthorStyles property. See shadow-DOM
- * documentation for further details.
- */
- final bool applyAuthorStyles;
- /**
- * Set the shadow root resetStyleInheritance property. See shadow-DOM
- * documentation for further details.
- */
- final bool resetStyleInheritance;
- /**
- * An expression under which the component's controller instance will be
- * published into. This allows the expressions in the template to be referring
- * to controller instance and its properties.
- */
- final String publishAs;
- const NgComponent({
- this.template,
- this.templateUrl,
- cssUrl,
- this.applyAuthorStyles,
- this.resetStyleInheritance,
- this.publishAs,
- map,
- selector,
- visibility,
- publishTypes : const <Type>[],
- exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs})
- : _cssUrls = cssUrl,
- super(selector: selector,
- children: NgAnnotation.COMPILE_CHILDREN,
- visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes,
- map: map,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
- List<String> get cssUrls => _cssUrls == null ?
- const [] :
- _cssUrls is List ? _cssUrls : [_cssUrls];
- NgAnnotation cloneWithNewMap(newMap) =>
- new NgComponent(
- template: template,
- templateUrl: templateUrl,
- cssUrl: cssUrls,
- applyAuthorStyles: applyAuthorStyles,
- resetStyleInheritance: resetStyleInheritance,
- publishAs: publishAs,
- map: newMap,
- selector: selector,
- visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
-RegExp _ATTR_NAME = new RegExp(r'\[([^\]]+)\]$');
- * Meta-data marker placed on a class which should act as a directive.
- *
- * Angular directives are instantiated using dependency injection, and can
- * ask for any injectable object in their constructor. Directives
- * can also ask for other components or directives declared on the DOM element.
- *
- * Directives can implement [NgAttachAware], [NgDetachAware] and
- * declare these optional methods:
- *
- * * `attach()` - Called on first [Scope.apply()].
- * * `detach()` - Called on when owning scope is destroyed.
- */
-class NgDirective extends NgAnnotation {
- static const String LOCAL_VISIBILITY = 'local';
- static const String CHILDREN_VISIBILITY = 'children';
- static const String DIRECT_CHILDREN_VISIBILITY = 'direct_children';
- const NgDirective({children: NgAnnotation.COMPILE_CHILDREN,
- map,
- selector,
- visibility,
- publishTypes : const <Type>[],
- exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs}) : super(selector: selector, children: children, visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes, map: map,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
- NgAnnotation cloneWithNewMap(newMap) =>
- new NgDirective(
- children: children,
- map: newMap,
- selector: selector,
- visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
- * Meta-data marker placed on a class which should act as a controller for your application.
- *
- * Controllers are essentially [NgDirective]s with few key differences:
- *
- * * Controllers create a new scope at the element.
- * * Controllers should not do any DOM manipulation.
- * * Controllers are meant for application-logic
- * (rather then DOM monipulation logic which directives are meant for.)
- *
- * Controllers can implement [NgAttachAware], [NgDetachAware] and
- * declare these optional methods:
- *
- * * `attach()` - Called on first [Scope.apply()].
- * * `detach()` - Called on when owning scope is destroyed.
- */
-class NgController extends NgDirective {
- static const String LOCAL_VISIBILITY = 'local';
- static const String CHILDREN_VISIBILITY = 'children';
- static const String DIRECT_CHILDREN_VISIBILITY = 'direct_children';
- /**
- * An expression under which the controller instance will be published into.
- * This allows the expressions in the template to be referring to controller
- * instance and its properties.
- */
- final String publishAs;
- const NgController({
- children: NgAnnotation.COMPILE_CHILDREN,
- this.publishAs,
- map,
- selector,
- visibility,
- publishTypes : const <Type>[],
- exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs
- }) : super(selector: selector, children: children, visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes, map: map,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
- NgAnnotation cloneWithNewMap(newMap) =>
- new NgController(
- children: children,
- publishAs: publishAs,
- map: newMap,
- selector: selector,
- visibility: visibility,
- publishTypes: publishTypes,
- exportExpressions: exportExpressions,
- exportExpressionAttrs: exportExpressionAttrs);
-abstract class AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final String attrName;
- const AttrFieldAnnotation(this.attrName);
- String get mappingSpec;
- * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
- * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
- * The value of the attribute to be treated as a string, equivalent
- * to `@` specification.
- */
-class NgAttr extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final mappingSpec = '@';
- const NgAttr(String attrName) : super(attrName);
- * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
- * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
- * The value of the attribute to be treated as a one-way expession, equivalent
- * to `=>` specification.
- */
-class NgOneWay extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final mappingSpec = '=>';
- const NgOneWay(String attrName) : super(attrName);
- * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
- * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
- * The value of the attribute to be treated as a one time one-way expession,
- * equivalent to `=>!` specification.
- */
-class NgOneWayOneTime extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final mappingSpec = '=>!';
- const NgOneWayOneTime(String attrName) : super(attrName);
- * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
- * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
- * The value of the attribute to be treated as a two-way expession,
- * equivalent to `<=>` specification.
- */
-class NgTwoWay extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final mappingSpec = '<=>';
- const NgTwoWay(String attrName) : super(attrName);
- * When applied as an annotation on a directive field specifies that
- * the field is to be mapped to DOM attribute with the provided [attrName].
- * The value of the attribute to be treated as a callback expession,
- * equivalent to `&` specification.
- */
-class NgCallback extends AttrFieldAnnotation {
- final mappingSpec = '&';
- const NgCallback(String attrName) : super(attrName);
- * Implementing directives or components [attach] method will be called when
- * the next scope digest occurs after component instantiation. It is guaranteed
- * that when [attach] is invoked, that all attribute mappings have already
- * been processed.
- */
-abstract class NgAttachAware {
- void attach();
- * Implementing directives or components [detach] method will be called when
- * the associated scope is destroyed.
- */
-abstract class NgDetachAware {
- void detach();
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