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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe36844f4310f0c4befee126d5bfe851757a3b5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/tools/source_metadata_extractor.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-library angular.source_metadata_extractor ;
-import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart';
-import 'package:angular/tools/source_crawler.dart';
-import 'package:angular/tools/common.dart';
-const String _COMPONENT = '-component';
-const String _DIRECTIVE = '-directive';
-String _ATTR_DIRECTIVE = '-attr' + _DIRECTIVE;
-RegExp _ATTR_SELECTOR_REGEXP = new RegExp(r'\[([^\]]+)\]');
-const List<String> _specs = const ['=>!', '=>', '<=>', '@', '&'];
-const Map<String, String> _attrAnnotationsToSpec = const {
- 'NgAttr': '@',
- 'NgOneWay': '=>',
- 'NgOneWayOneTime': '=>!',
- 'NgTwoWay': '<=>',
- 'NgCallback': '&'
-class SourceMetadataExtractor {
- DirectiveMetadataCollectingVisitor metadataVisitor;
- SourceMetadataExtractor([ this.metadataVisitor ]) {
- if (metadataVisitor == null) {
- metadataVisitor = new DirectiveMetadataCollectingVisitor();
- }
- }
- List<DirectiveInfo> gatherDirectiveInfo(root, SourceCrawler sourceCrawler) {
- sourceCrawler.crawl(root, metadataVisitor);
- List<DirectiveInfo> directives = <DirectiveInfo>[];
- metadataVisitor.metadata.forEach((DirectiveMetadata meta) {
- DirectiveInfo dirInfo = new DirectiveInfo();
- dirInfo.selector = meta.selector;
- dirInfo.template = meta.template;
- meta.attributeMappings.forEach((attrName, mappingSpec) {
- var spec = _specs
- .firstWhere((specPrefix) => mappingSpec.startsWith(specPrefix),
- orElse: () => throw '$mappingSpec no matching spec');
- if (spec != '@') {
- dirInfo.expressionAttrs.add(attrName);
- }
- if (mappingSpec.length == 1) { // Shorthand. Remove.
- // TODO(pavelgj): Figure out if short-hand LHS should be expanded
- // and added to the expressions list.
- if (attrName != '.') {
- dirInfo.expressions.add(attrName);
- }
- } else {
- mappingSpec = mappingSpec.substring(spec.length);
- if (mappingSpec.startsWith('.')) {
- mappingSpec = mappingSpec.substring(1);
- }
- dirInfo.expressions.add(mappingSpec);
- }
- });
- meta.exportExpressionAttrs.forEach((attr) {
- if (!dirInfo.expressionAttrs.contains(attr)) {
- dirInfo.expressionAttrs.add(attr);
- }
- });
- meta.exportExpressions.forEach((expr) {
- if (!dirInfo.expressions.contains(expr)) {
- dirInfo.expressions.add(expr);
- }
- });
- // No explicit selector specified on the directive, compute one.
- var className = meta.className;
- if (dirInfo.selector == null) {
- if (meta.type == COMPONENT) {
- if (className.endsWith(_COMPONENT)) {
- dirInfo.selector = className.
- substring(0, className.length - _COMPONENT.length);
- } else {
- throw "Directive name '$className' must end with $_DIRECTIVE, "
- "$_ATTR_DIRECTIVE, $_COMPONENT or have a \$selector field.";
- }
- } else {
- if (className.endsWith(_ATTR_DIRECTIVE)) {
- var attrName = className.
- substring(0, className.length - _ATTR_DIRECTIVE.length);
- dirInfo.selector = '[$attrName]';
- } else if (className.endsWith(_DIRECTIVE)) {
- dirInfo.selector = className.
- substring(0, className.length - _DIRECTIVE.length);
- } else {
- throw "Directive name '$className' must have a \$selector field.";
- }
- }
- }
- var reprocessedAttrs = <String>[];
- dirInfo.expressionAttrs.forEach((String attr) {
- if (attr == '.') {
- var matches = _ATTR_SELECTOR_REGEXP.allMatches(dirInfo.selector);
- if (matches.length > 0) {
- reprocessedAttrs.add(;
- }
- } else {
- reprocessedAttrs.add(attr);
- }
- });
- dirInfo.expressionAttrs = reprocessedAttrs;
- directives.add(dirInfo);
- });
- return directives;
- }
-class DirectiveMetadataCollectingVisitor {
- List<DirectiveMetadata> metadata = <DirectiveMetadata>[];
- call(CompilationUnit cu) {
- cu.declarations.forEach((CompilationUnitMember declaration) {
- // We only care about classes.
- if (declaration is! ClassDeclaration) return;
- ClassDeclaration clazz = declaration;
- // Check class annotations for presense of NgComponent/NgDirective.
- DirectiveMetadata meta;
- clazz.metadata.forEach((Annotation ann) {
- if (ann.arguments == null) return; // Ignore non-class annotations.
- // TODO(pavelj): this is not a safe check for the type of the
- // annotations, but good enough for now.
- if ( != 'NgComponent'
- && != 'NgDirective') return;
- bool isComponent = == 'NgComponent';
- meta = new DirectiveMetadata()
- ..className =
- ..type = isComponent ? COMPONENT : DIRECTIVE;
- metadata.add(meta);
- ann.arguments.arguments.forEach((Expression arg) {
- if (arg is NamedExpression) {
- NamedExpression namedArg = arg;
- var paramName =;
- if (paramName == 'selector') {
- meta.selector = assertString(namedArg.expression).stringValue;
- }
- if (paramName == 'template') {
- meta.template = assertString(namedArg.expression).stringValue;
- }
- if (paramName == 'map') {
- MapLiteral map = namedArg.expression;
- map.entries.forEach((MapLiteralEntry entry) {
- meta.attributeMappings[assertString(entry.key).stringValue] =
- assertString(entry.value).stringValue;
- });
- }
- if (paramName == 'exportExpressions') {
- meta.exportExpressions = getStringValues(namedArg.expression);
- }
- if (paramName == 'exportExpressionAttrs') {
- meta.exportExpressionAttrs = getStringValues(namedArg.expression);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- // Check fields/getters/setter for presense of attr mapping annotations.
- if (meta != null) {
- clazz.members.forEach((ClassMember member) {
- if (member is FieldDeclaration ||
- (member is MethodDeclaration &&
- (member.isSetter || member.isGetter))) {
- member.metadata.forEach((Annotation ann) {
- if (_attrAnnotationsToSpec.containsKey( {
- String fieldName;
- if (member is FieldDeclaration) {
- fieldName =;
- } else { // MethodDeclaration
- fieldName = (member as MethodDeclaration);
- }
- StringLiteral attNameLiteral = ann.arguments.arguments.first;
- if (meta.attributeMappings
- .containsKey(attNameLiteral.stringValue)) {
- throw 'Attribute mapping already defined for $fieldName';
- }
- meta.attributeMappings[attNameLiteral.stringValue] =
- _attrAnnotationsToSpec[] + fieldName;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- }
-List<String> getStringValues(ListLiteral listLiteral) {
- List<String> res = <String>[];
- for (Expression element in listLiteral.elements) {
- res.add(assertString(element).stringValue);
- }
- return res;
-StringLiteral assertString(Expression key) {
- if (key is! StringLiteral) {
- throw 'must be a string literal: ${key.runtimeType}';
- }
- return key;

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