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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_control.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_control.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_control.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_control.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6f9690c4ab112743a360bd0821dd64dce00dfd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/directive/ng_control.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.directive;
-abstract class NgControl implements NgDetachAware {
- static const NG_VALID_CLASS = "ng-valid";
- static const NG_INVALID_CLASS = "ng-invalid";
- static const NG_PRISTINE_CLASS = "ng-pristine";
- static const NG_DIRTY_CLASS = "ng-dirty";
- static const NG_TOUCHED_CLASS = "ng-touched";
- static const NG_UNTOUCHED_CLASS = "ng-untouched";
- static const NG_SUBMIT_VALID_CLASS = "ng-submit-valid";
- static const NG_SUBMIT_INVALID_CLASS = "ng-submit-invalid";
- String _name;
- bool _dirty;
- bool _pristine;
- bool _valid;
- bool _invalid;
- bool _touched;
- bool _untouched;
- bool _submit_valid;
- final Scope _scope;
- final NgControl _parentControl;
- dom.Element _element;
- final Map<String, List<NgControl>> errors = new Map<String, List<NgControl>>();
- final List<NgControl> _controls = new List<NgControl>();
- final Map<String, NgControl> _controlByName = new Map<String, NgControl>();
- NgControl(Scope this._scope, dom.Element this._element, Injector injector)
- : _parentControl = injector.parent.get(NgControl)
- {
- pristine = true;
- untouched = true;
- _scope.on('submitNgControl').listen((e) => _onSubmit(;
- }
- detach() {
- for (int i = _controls.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
- removeControl(_controls[i]);
- }
- }
- reset() {
- _scope.broadcast('resetNgModel');
- untouched = true;
- }
- _onSubmit(bool valid) {
- if (valid) {
- _submit_valid = true;
- element.classes..add(NG_SUBMIT_VALID_CLASS)..remove(NG_SUBMIT_INVALID_CLASS);
- } else {
- _submit_valid = false;
- element.classes..add(NG_SUBMIT_INVALID_CLASS)..remove(NG_SUBMIT_VALID_CLASS);
- }
- }
- get submitted => _submit_valid != null;
- get valid_submit => _submit_valid == true;
- get invalid_submit => _submit_valid == false;
- get name => _name;
- set name(value) {
- _name = value;
- _parentControl.addControl(this);
- }
- get element => _element;
- get pristine => _pristine;
- set pristine(value) {
- _pristine = true;
- _dirty = false;
- element.classes..remove(NG_DIRTY_CLASS)..add(NG_PRISTINE_CLASS);
- }
- get dirty => _dirty;
- set dirty(value) {
- _dirty = true;
- _pristine = false;
- element.classes..remove(NG_PRISTINE_CLASS)..add(NG_DIRTY_CLASS);
- //as soon as one of the controls/models is modified
- //then all of the parent controls are dirty as well
- _parentControl.dirty = true;
- }
- get valid => _valid;
- set valid(value) {
- _invalid = false;
- _valid = true;
- element.classes..remove(NG_INVALID_CLASS)..add(NG_VALID_CLASS);
- }
- get invalid => _invalid;
- set invalid(value) {
- _valid = false;
- _invalid = true;
- element.classes..remove(NG_VALID_CLASS)..add(NG_INVALID_CLASS);
- }
- get touched => _touched;
- set touched(value) {
- _touched = true;
- _untouched = false;
- element.classes..remove(NG_UNTOUCHED_CLASS)..add(NG_TOUCHED_CLASS);
- //as soon as one of the controls/models is touched
- //then all of the parent controls are touched as well
- _parentControl.touched = true;
- }
- get untouched => _untouched;
- set untouched(value) {
- _touched = false;
- _untouched = true;
- element.classes..remove(NG_TOUCHED_CLASS)..add(NG_UNTOUCHED_CLASS);
- }
- /**
- * Registers a form control into the form for validation.
- *
- * * [control] - The form control which will be registered (see [ngControl]).
- */
- addControl(NgControl control) {
- _controls.add(control);
- if ( != null) {
- _controlByName[] = control;
- }
- }
- /**
- * De-registers a form control from the list of controls associated with the
- * form.
- *
- * * [control] - The form control which will be de-registered (see
- * [ngControl]).
- */
- removeControl(NgControl control) {
- _controls.remove(control);
- if ( != null) {
- _controlByName.remove(;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the validity status of the given control/errorType pair within
- * the list of controls registered on the form. Depending on the validation
- * state of the existing controls, this will either change valid to true
- * or invalid to true depending on if all controls are valid or if one
- * or more of them is invalid.
- *
- * * [control] - The registered control object (see [ngControl]).
- * * [errorType] - The error associated with the control (e.g. required, url,
- * number, etc...).
- * * [isValid] - Whether the given error is valid or not (false would mean the
- * error is real).
- */
- updateControlValidity(NgControl control, String errorType, bool isValid) {
- List queue = errors[errorType];
- if (isValid) {
- if (queue != null) {
- queue.remove(control);
- if (queue.isEmpty) {
- errors.remove(errorType);
- _parentControl.updateControlValidity(this, errorType, true);
- }
- }
- if (errors.isEmpty) {
- valid = true;
- }
- } else {
- if (queue == null) {
- queue = new List<NgControl>();
- errors[errorType] = queue;
- _parentControl.updateControlValidity(this, errorType, false);
- } else if (queue.contains(control)) return;
- queue.add(control);
- invalid = true;
- }
- }
-class NgNullControl implements NgControl {
- var _name, _dirty, _valid, _invalid, _submit_valid, _pristine, _element;
- var _touched, _untouched;
- var _controls, _scope, _parentControl, _controlName;
- var errors, _controlByName;
- dom.Element element;
- NgNullControl() {}
- _onSubmit(bool valid) {}
- addControl(control) {}
- removeControl(control) {}
- updateControlValidity(NgControl control, String errorType, bool isValid) {}
- get name => null;
- set name(name) {}
- get submitted => null;
- get valid_submit => null;
- get invalid_submit => null;
- get pristine => null;
- set pristine(value) {}
- get dirty => null;
- set dirty(value) {}
- get valid => null;
- set valid(value) {}
- get invalid => null;
- set invalid(value) {}
- get touched => null;
- set touched(value) {}
- get untouched => null;
- set untouched(value) {}
- reset() => null;
- detach() => null;
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