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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/perf/watch_group_perf.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/perf/watch_group_perf.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/perf/watch_group_perf.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/perf/watch_group_perf.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index bfc2ab6a517b3e182eda214ee05c22b4940614a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/perf/watch_group_perf.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-library angular.perf.watch_group;
-import '_perf.dart';
-import 'package:angular/change_detection/dirty_checking_change_detector.dart';
-import 'package:angular/change_detection/watch_group.dart';
-import 'package:benchmark_harness/benchmark_harness.dart';
- targets: const [
- 'angular.perf.watch_group'
- ],
- override: '*'
-import 'dart:mirrors' show MirrorsUsed;
-var _reactionFn = (_, __) => null;
-var _getterCache = new GetterCache({});
-main() {
- _fieldRead();
- _fieldReadGetter();
- _mapRead();
- _methodInvoke0();
- _methodInvoke1();
- _function2();
- new _CollectionCheck().report();
-class _CollectionCheck extends BenchmarkBase {
- List<int> list = new List.generate(1000, (i) => i);
- var detector = new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache);
- _CollectionCheck(): super('change-detect List[1000]') {
- detector
-, null, 'handler')
- ..collectChanges(); // intialize
- }
- run() {
- detector.collectChanges();
- }
-_fieldRead() {
- var watchGrp = new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache), new _Obj())
-'a'), _reactionFn)
-'b'), _reactionFn)
-'c'), _reactionFn)
-'d'), _reactionFn)
-'e'), _reactionFn)
-'f'), _reactionFn)
-'g'), _reactionFn)
-'h'), _reactionFn)
-'i'), _reactionFn)
-'j'), _reactionFn)
-'k'), _reactionFn)
-'l'), _reactionFn)
-'m'), _reactionFn)
-'n'), _reactionFn)
-'o'), _reactionFn)
-'p'), _reactionFn)
-'q'), _reactionFn)
-'r'), _reactionFn)
-'s'), _reactionFn)
-'t'), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('fieldRead', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-_fieldReadGetter() {
- var getterCache = new GetterCache({
- "a": (o) => o.a, "b": (o) => o.b, "c": (o) => o.c, "d": (o) => o.d, "e": (o) => o.e,
- "f": (o) => o.f, "g": (o) => o.g, "h": (o) => o.h, "i": (o) => o.i, "j": (o) => o.j,
- "k": (o) => o.k, "l": (o) => o.l, "m": (o) => o.m, "n": (o) => o.n, "o": (o) => o.o,
- "p": (o) => o.p, "q": (o) => o.q, "r": (o) => o.r, "s": (o) => o.s, "t": (o) => o.t,
- });
- var watchGrp= new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(getterCache), new _Obj())
-'a'), _reactionFn)
-'b'), _reactionFn)
-'c'), _reactionFn)
-'d'), _reactionFn)
-'e'), _reactionFn)
-'f'), _reactionFn)
-'g'), _reactionFn)
-'h'), _reactionFn)
-'i'), _reactionFn)
-'j'), _reactionFn)
-'k'), _reactionFn)
-'l'), _reactionFn)
-'m'), _reactionFn)
-'n'), _reactionFn)
-'o'), _reactionFn)
-'p'), _reactionFn)
-'q'), _reactionFn)
-'r'), _reactionFn)
-'s'), _reactionFn)
-'t'), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('fieldReadGetter', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-_mapRead() {
- var map = {
- 'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2, 'd': 3, 'e': 4,
- 'f': 0, 'g': 1, 'h': 2, 'i': 3, 'j': 4,
- 'k': 0, 'l': 1, 'm': 2, 'n': 3, 'o': 4,
- 'p': 0, 'q': 1, 'r': 2, 's': 3, 't': 4};
- var watchGrp = new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache), map)
-'a'), _reactionFn)
-'b'), _reactionFn)
-'c'), _reactionFn)
-'d'), _reactionFn)
-'e'), _reactionFn)
-'f'), _reactionFn)
-'g'), _reactionFn)
-'h'), _reactionFn)
-'i'), _reactionFn)
-'j'), _reactionFn)
-'k'), _reactionFn)
-'l'), _reactionFn)
-'m'), _reactionFn)
-'n'), _reactionFn)
-'o'), _reactionFn)
-'p'), _reactionFn)
-'q'), _reactionFn)
-'r'), _reactionFn)
-'s'), _reactionFn)
-'t'), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('mapRead', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-_methodInvoke0() {
- var context = new _Obj();
- context.a = new _Obj();
- var watchGrp = new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache), context)
-'a', 'methodA'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodB'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodC'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodD'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodE'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodF'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodG'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodH'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodI'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodJ'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodK'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodL'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodM'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodN'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodO'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodP'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodQ'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodR'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodS'), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodT'), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('obj.method?()', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-_methodInvoke1() {
- var context = new _Obj();
- context.a = new _Obj();
- var watchGrp = new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache), context)
-'a', 'methodA1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodB1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodC1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodD1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodE1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodF1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodG1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodH1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodI1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodJ1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodK1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodL1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodM1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodN1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodO1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodP1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodQ1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodR1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodS1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn)
-'a', 'methodT1', [_parse('a')]), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('obj.method?(obj)', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-_function2() {
- var context = new _Obj();
- var watchGrp = new RootWatchGroup(
- new DirtyCheckingChangeDetector(_getterCache), context)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn)
-, _parse('a'), _parse('a')), _reactionFn);
- print('Watch: ${watchGrp.fieldCost}; eval: ${watchGrp.evalCost}');
- time('add?(a, a)', () => watchGrp.detectChanges());
-AST _add(id, lhs, rhs) =>
- new PureFunctionAST('add$id', (a, b) => a + b, [lhs, rhs]);
-AST _method(lhs, methodName, [args]) {
- if (args == null) args = [];
- return new MethodAST(_parse(lhs), methodName, args);
-AST _parse(String expression) {
- var currentAST = new ContextReferenceAST();
- expression.split('.').forEach((name) {
- currentAST = new FieldReadAST(currentAST, name);
- });
- return currentAST;
-class _Obj {
- var a = 1;
- var b = 2;
- var c = 3;
- var d = 4;
- var e = 5;
- var f = 6;
- var g = 7;
- var h = 8;
- var i = 9;
- var j = 10;
- var k = 11;
- var l = 12;
- var m = 13;
- var n = 14;
- var o = 15;
- var p = 16;
- var q = 17;
- var r = 18;
- var s = 19;
- var t = 20;
- methodA1(arg0) => a;
- methodB1(arg0) => b;
- methodC1(arg0) => c;
- methodD1(arg0) => d;
- methodE1(arg0) => e;
- methodF1(arg0) => f;
- methodG1(arg0) => g;
- methodH1(arg0) => h;
- methodI1(arg0) => i;
- methodJ1(arg0) => j;
- methodK1(arg0) => k;
- methodL1(arg0) => l;
- methodM1(arg0) => m;
- methodN1(arg0) => n;
- methodO1(arg0) => o;
- methodP1(arg0) => p;
- methodQ1(arg0) => q;
- methodR1(arg0) => r;
- methodS1(arg0) => s;
- methodT1(arg0) => t;
- methodA() => a;
- methodB() => b;
- methodC() => c;
- methodD() => d;
- methodE() => e;
- methodF() => f;
- methodG() => g;
- methodH() => h;
- methodI() => i;
- methodJ() => j;
- methodK() => k;
- methodL() => l;
- methodM() => m;
- methodN() => n;
- methodO() => o;
- methodP() => p;
- methodQ() => q;
- methodR() => r;
- methodS() => s;
- methodT() => t;
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