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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/test/filter/filter_spec.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/test/filter/filter_spec.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/filter/filter_spec.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/test/filter/filter_spec.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index df438e7a7e990b9661951a00ca43da85f273c62d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/filter/filter_spec.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-library filter_spec;
-import '../_specs.dart';
-// Helper to simulate some real objects. Purposefully doesn't implement Map.
-class DynamicObject {
- final Map<Symbol, dynamic> _map = {};
- DynamicObject([Map init]) {
- init.forEach((key, value) => _map[new Symbol(key)] = value);
- }
- toString() => "$_map";
- operator ==(DynamicObject other) {
- return (_map.length == other._map.length &&
- _map.keys.toSet().difference(other._map.keys.toSet()).length == 0 &&
- _map.keys.every((key) => _map[key] == other._map[key]));
- }
- int get hashCode => 0;
- noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
- Symbol name = invocation.memberName;
- if (invocation.isGetter) {
- return _map[name];
- } else if (invocation.isSetter) {
- return _map[name] = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
- } else if (invocation.isMethod) {
- return Function.apply(_map[name],
- invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
- } else {
- throw "DynamicObject: Unexpected invocation.";
- }
- }
-main() {
- D([Map init]) => new DynamicObject(init);
- describe('filter filter', () {
- var filter;
- beforeEach(() => inject((Injector injector, FilterMap filterMap) {
- filter = injector.get(filterMap[new NgFilter(name: 'filter')]);
- }));
- it('should filter by string', () {
- List items = ['MIsKO',
- {'name': 'shyam'},
- ['adam'],
- [],
- 1234,
- D({'name': 'shyam'})];
- expect(, null).length).toBe(6);
- expect(, '').length).toBe(4);
- expect(, 'iSk').length).toBe(1);
- expect(, 'isk')[0]).toBe('MIsKO');
- expect(, 'yam').length).toBe(1);
- expect(, 'yam')[0]).toEqual(items[1]);
- expect(, 'da').length).toBe(1);
- expect(, 'da')[0]).toEqual(items[2]);
- expect(, 34).length).toBe(0);
- expect(, 1234)).toEqual([1234]);
- expect(, '34').length).toBe(1);
- expect(, '34')[0]).toBe(1234);
- expect(, "I don't exist").length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should filter bool items', () {
- List items = ['truefalse', true, false, null];
- // true
- expect(, true)).toEqual([true]);
- expect(, 'true')).toEqual(['truefalse', true]);
- expect(, 'TrUe')).toEqual(['truefalse', true]);
- expect(, 'yes')).toEqual([true]);
- expect(, 'on')).toEqual([true]);
- // false
- expect(, false)).toEqual([false]);
- expect(, 'FaLSe')).toEqual(['truefalse', false]);
- expect(, 'no')).toEqual([false]);
- expect(, 'off')).toEqual([false]);
- });
- it(r'should not read $ properties', () {
- List items = [{r'$name': 'misko'}];
- expect(filter(items, 'misko').length).toBe(0);
- });
- it('should filter on specific property', () {
- List items = [{'name': 'a', 'ignore': 'a'},
- {'name': 'abc', 'ignore': 'a'},
- D({'name': 'abd'})];
- expect(filter(items, {}).length).toBe(3);
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'a'}).length).toBe(3);
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'ab'}).length).toBe(2);
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'ab'})[0]['name']).toBe('abc');
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'ab'})[1].name).toBe('abd');
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'c'}).length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, {'name': 'c'})[0]['name']).toBe('abc');
- });
- it('should take function as predicate', () {
- List items = [{'name': 'a'},
- {'name': 'abc', 'done': true},
- D({'name': 'abc', 'done': true})];
- fn(i) => (i is Map) ? i['done']: i.done;
- expect(filter(items, fn).length).toBe(2);
- });
- it('should take object as predicate', () {
- List items = [{'first': 'misko', 'last': 'hevery'},
- D({'first': 'adam', 'last': 'abrons'})];
- expect(filter(items, {'first':'', 'last':''}).length).toBe(2);
- expect(filter(items, {'first':'', 'last':'hevery'}).length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, {'first':'adam', 'last':'hevery'}).length).toBe(0);
- expect(filter(items, {'first':'misko', 'last':'hevery'}).length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, {'first':'misko', 'last':'hevery'})[0]).toEqual(items[0]);
- });
- it('should support boolean properties', () {
- List items = [{'name': 'tom', 'current': true},
- D({'name': 'demi', 'current': false}),
- {'name': 'sofia'}];
- expect(filter(items, {'current':true}).length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, {'current':true})[0]['name']).toBe('tom');
- expect(filter(items, {'current':false}).length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, {'current':false})[0].name).toBe('demi');
- });
- it('should support negation operator', () {
- List items = ['misko', 'adam'];
- expect(filter(items, '!isk').length).toBe(1);
- expect(filter(items, '!isk')[0]).toEqual(items[1]);
- });
- describe('should support comparator', () {
- it('as equality when true', () {
- List items = ['misko', 'adam', 'adamson'];
- var expr = 'adam';
- expect(filter(items, expr, true)).toEqual([items[1]]);
- expect(filter(items, expr, false)).toEqual([items[1], items[2]]);
- items = [{'key': 'value1', 'nonkey': 1},
- {'key': 'value2', 'nonkey': 2},
- {'key': 'value12', 'nonkey': 3},
- D({'key': 'value1', 'nonkey': 4}),
- D({'key': 'Value1', 'nonkey': 5})];
- expr = {'key': 'value1'};
- expect(filter(items, expr, true)).toEqual([items[0], items[3]]);
- items = [{'key': 1, 'nonkey': 1},
- {'key': 2, 'nonkey': 2},
- {'key': 12, 'nonkey': 3},
- {'key': 1, 'nonkey': 4}];
- expr = {'key': 1};
- expect(filter(items, expr, true)).toEqual([items[0], items[3]]);
- expr = 12;
- expect(filter(items, expr, true)).toEqual([items[2]]);
- });
- it('and use the function given to compare values', () {
- List items = [{'key': 1, 'nonkey': 1},
- {'key': 2, 'nonkey': 2},
- D({'key': 12, 'nonkey': 3}),
- {'key': 1, 'nonkey': 14},
- {'key': 13, 'nonkey': 14}];
- var expr = {'key': 10};
- var comparator = (obj, value) => obj is num && obj > value;
- expect(filter(items, expr, comparator)).toEqual([items[2], items[4]]);
- expr = 10;
- // DynamicObject doesn't match!
- expect(filter(items, expr, comparator)).toEqual([items[3], items[4]]);
- });
- });
- });
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