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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/http.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/http.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/http.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/http.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 15f44dbc88efa9847197f1954357c456c82020a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/lib/core_dom/http.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-part of angular.core.dom;
-class UrlRewriter {
- String call(url) => url;
- * HTTP backend used by the [Http] service that delegates to dart:html's
- * [HttpRequest] and deals with Dart bugs.
- *
- * Never use this service directly, instead use the higher-level [Http].
- *
- * During testing this implementation is swapped with [MockHttpBackend] which
- * can be trained with responses.
- */
-class HttpBackend {
- /**
- * Wrapper around dart:html's [HttpRequest.request]
- */
- async.Future request(String url,
- {String method, bool withCredentials, String responseType,
- String mimeType, Map<String, String> requestHeaders, sendData,
- void onProgress(dom.ProgressEvent e)}) =>
- dom.HttpRequest.request(url, method: method,
- withCredentials: withCredentials, responseType: responseType,
- mimeType: mimeType, requestHeaders: requestHeaders,
- sendData: sendData, onProgress: onProgress);
-class LocationWrapper {
- get location => dom.window.location;
-typedef RequestInterceptor(HttpResponseConfig);
-typedef RequestErrorInterceptor(dynamic);
-typedef Response(HttpResponse);
-typedef ResponseError(dynamic);
-* HttpInterceptors are used to modify the Http request. They can be added to
-* [HttpInterceptors] or passed into [].
-class HttpInterceptor {
- RequestInterceptor request;
- Response response;
- RequestErrorInterceptor requestError;
- ResponseError responseError;
- /**
- * All parameters are optional.
- */
- HttpInterceptor({this.request, this.response, this.requestError,
- this.responseError});
-* The default transform data interceptor.abstract
-* For requests, this interceptor will
-* automatically stringify any non-string non-file objects.
-* For responses, this interceptor will unwrap JSON objects and
-* parse them into [Map]s.
-class DefaultTransformDataHttpInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {
- Function request = (HttpResponseConfig config) {
- if ( != null && is! String &&
- is! dom.File) {
- = JSON.encode(;
- }
- return config;
- };
- static var _JSON_START = new RegExp(r'^\s*(\[|\{[^\{])');
- static var _JSON_END = new RegExp(r'[\}\]]\s*$');
- static var _PROTECTION_PREFIX = new RegExp('^\\)\\]\\}\',?\\n');
- Function response = (HttpResponse r) {
- if ( is String) {
- var d =, '');
- if (d.contains(_JSON_START) && d.contains(_JSON_END)) {
- d = JSON.decode(d);
- }
- return new HttpResponse.copy(r, data: d);
- }
- return r;
- };
- Function requestError, responseError;
- * A list of [HttpInterceptor]s.
- */
-class HttpInterceptors {
- List<HttpInterceptor> _interceptors =
- [new DefaultTransformDataHttpInterceptor()];
- add(HttpInterceptor x) => _interceptors.add(x);
- addAll(List<HttpInterceptor> x) => _interceptors.addAll(x);
- /**
- * Called from [Http] to construct a [Future] chain.
- */
- constructChain(List chain) {
- _interceptors.reversed.forEach((HttpInterceptor i) {
- // AngularJS has an optimization of not including null interceptors.
- chain
- ..insert(0, [
- i.request == null ? (x) => x : i.request,
- i.requestError])
- ..add([
- i.response == null ? (x) => x : i.response,
- i.responseError]);
- });
- }
- /**
- * Default constructor.
- */
- HttpInterceptors() {
- _interceptors = [new DefaultTransformDataHttpInterceptor()];
- }
- /**
- * Creates a [HttpInterceptors] from a [List]. Does not include the default
- * interceptors.
- */
- HttpInterceptors.of([List interceptors]) {
- _interceptors = interceptors;
- }
- * The request configuration of the request associated with this response.
- */
-class HttpResponseConfig {
- /**
- * The request's URL
- */
- String url;
- /**
- * The request params as a Map
- */
- Map params;
- /**
- * The header map without mangled keys
- */
- Map headers;
- var data;
- var _headersObj;
- /**
- * Header accessor. Given a string, it will return the matching header,
- * case-insentivitively. Without a string, returns a header object with
- * lower-case keys.
- */
- header([String name]) {
- if (_headersObj == null) {
- _headersObj = {};
- headers.forEach((k,v) => _headersObj[k.toLowerCase()] = v);
- }
- return name != null ? _headersObj[name.toLowerCase()] : _headersObj;
- }
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- HttpResponseConfig({this.url, this.params, this.headers,});
- * The response for an HTTP request. Returned from the [Http] service.
- */
-class HttpResponse {
- /**
- * The HTTP status code.
- */
- int status;
- /**
- */
- var responseText;
- Map _headers;
- /**
- * The [HttpResponseConfig] object which contains the requested URL
- */
- HttpResponseConfig config;
- /**
- * Constructor
- */
- HttpResponse([this.status, this.responseText, this._headers, this.config]);
- /**
- * Copy constructor. Creates a clone of the response, optionally with new
- * data.
- */
- HttpResponse.copy(HttpResponse r, {data}) {
- status = r.status;
- responseText = data == null ? r.responseText : data;
- _headers = r._headers == null ? null : new Map.from(r._headers);
- config = r.config;
- }
- /**
- * The response's data. Either a string or a transformed object.
- */
- get data => responseText;
- /**
- * The response's headers. Without parameters, this method will return the
- * [Map] of headers. With [key] parameter, this method will return the
- * specific header.
- */
- headers([String key]) => key == null ? _headers : _headers[key];
- /**
- * Useful for debugging.
- */
- toString() => 'HTTP $status: $data';
- * Default header configuration.
- */
-class HttpDefaultHeaders {
- static var _defaultContentType = 'application/json;charset=utf-8';
- var _headers = {
- 'COMMON': {'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'},
- 'POST' : {'Content-Type': _defaultContentType},
- 'PUT' : {'Content-Type': _defaultContentType },
- 'PATCH' : {'Content-Type': _defaultContentType}
- };
- _applyHeaders(method, ucHeaders, headers) {
- if (!_headers.containsKey(method)) return;
- _headers[method].forEach((k, v) {
- if (!ucHeaders.contains(k.toUpperCase())) {
- headers[k] = v;
- }
- });
- }
- /**
- * Called from [Http], this method sets default headers on [headers]
- */
- setHeaders(Map<String, String> headers, String method) {
- assert(headers != null);
- var ucHeaders = => x.toUpperCase()).toSet();
- _applyHeaders('COMMON', ucHeaders, headers);
- _applyHeaders(method.toUpperCase(), ucHeaders, headers);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the default header [Map] for a method. You can then modify
- * the map.
- *
- * Passing 'common' as [method] will return a Map that contains headers
- * common to all operations.
- */
- operator[](method) => _headers[method.toUpperCase()];
-* Injected into the [Http] service. This class contains application-wide
-* HTTP defaults.
-* The default implementation provides headers which the
-* Angular team believes to be useful.
-class HttpDefaults {
- /**
- * The [HttpDefaultHeaders] object used by [Http] to add default headers
- * to requests.
- */
- HttpDefaultHeaders headers;
- /**
- * The default cache. To enable caching application-wide, instantiate with a
- * [Cache] object.
- */
- var cache;
- /**
- * The default XSRF cookie name. May not be null.
- */
- String xsrfCookieName = 'XSRF-TOKEN';
- /**
- * The default XSRF header name sent with the request. May not be null.
- */
- String xsrfHeaderName = 'X-XSRF-TOKEN';
- /**
- * Constructor intended for DI.
- */
- HttpDefaults(this.headers);
- * The [Http] service facilitates communication with the remote HTTP servers.
- * It uses dart:html's [HttpRequest] and provides a number of features on top
- * of the core Dart library.
- *
- * For unit testing, applications should use the [MockHttpBackend] service.
- *
- * # General usage
- * The [call] method takes a number of named parameters and returns a
- * [Future<HttpResponse>].
- *
- * http(method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl')
- * .then((HttpResponse response) { .. },
- * onError: (HttpRequest request) { .. });
- *
- * A response status code between 200 and 299 is considered a success status and
- * will result in the 'then' being called. Note that if the response is a
- * redirect, Dart's [HttpRequest] will transparently follow it, meaning that the
- * error callback will not be called for such responses.
- *
- * # Shortcut methods
- *
- * The Http service also defines a number of shortcuts:
- *
- * http.get('/someUrl') is the same as http(method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl')
- *
- * See the method definitions below.
- *
- * # Setting HTTP Headers
- *
- * The [Http] service will add certain HTTP headers to requests. These defaults
- * can be configured using the [HttpDefaultHeaders] object. The defaults are:
- *
- * - For all requests: `Accept: application/json, text/plain, * / *`
- * - For POST, PUT, PATCH requests: `Content-Type: application/json`
- *
- * # Caching
- *
- * To enable caching, pass a [Cache] object into the [call] method. The [Http]
- * service will store responses in the cache and return the response for
- * any matching requests.
- *
- * Note that data is returned through a [Future], regardless of whether it
- * came from the [Cache] or the server.
- *
- * If there are multiple GET requests for the same not-yet-in-cache URL
- * while a cache is in use, only one request to the server will be made.
- *
- * # Interceptors
- *
- * Http uses the interceptors from [HttpInterceptors]. You can also include
- * interceptors in the [call] method.
- *
- * # Security Considerations
- *
- * NOTE: < not yet documented >
- */
-class Http {
- var _pendingRequests = <String, async.Future<HttpResponse>>{};
- BrowserCookies _cookies;
- LocationWrapper _location;
- UrlRewriter _rewriter;
- HttpBackend _backend;
- HttpInterceptors _interceptors;
- /**
- * The defaults for [Http]
- */
- HttpDefaults defaults;
- /**
- * Constructor, useful for DI.
- */
- Http(this._cookies, this._location, this._rewriter, this._backend,
- this.defaults, this._interceptors);
- /**
- */
- async.Future<String> getString(String url, {bool withCredentials,
- void onProgress(dom.ProgressEvent e), Cache cache}) =>
- request(url,
- withCredentials: withCredentials,
- onProgress: onProgress,
- cache: cache).then((HttpResponse xhr) => xhr.responseText);
- /**
- * Parse a [requestUrl] and determine whether this is a same-origin request as
- * the application document.
- */
- bool _urlIsSameOrigin(String requestUrl) {
- Uri originUrl = Uri.parse(_location.location.toString());
- Uri parsed = originUrl.resolve(requestUrl);
- return (parsed.scheme == originUrl.scheme && ==;
- }
- * Returns a [Future<HttpResponse>] when the request is fulfilled.
- *
- * Named Parameters:
- * - method: HTTP method (e.g. 'GET', 'POST', etc)
- * - url: Absolute or relative URL of the resource being requested.
- * - data: Data to be sent as the request message data.
- * - params: Map of strings or objects which will be turned to
- * `?key1=value1&key2=value2` after the url. If the values are
- * not strings, they will be JSONified.
- * - headers: Map of strings or functions which return strings representing
- * HTTP headers to send to the server. If the return value of a function
- * is null, the header will not be sent.
- * - xsrfHeaderName: TBI
- * - xsrfCookieName: TBI
- * - interceptors: Either a [HttpInterceptor] or a [HttpInterceptors]
- * - cache: Boolean or [Cache]. If true, the default cache will be used.
- * - timeout: deprecated
- async.Future<HttpResponse> call({
- String url,
- String method,
- data,
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) {
- if (timeout != null) {
- throw ['timeout not implemented'];
- }
- method = method.toUpperCase();
- if (headers == null) headers = {};
- defaults.headers.setHeaders(headers, method);
- var xsrfValue = _urlIsSameOrigin(url) ?
- _cookies[xsrfCookieName != null ? xsrfCookieName : defaults.xsrfCookieName] :
- null;
- if (xsrfValue != null) {
- headers[xsrfHeaderName != null ? xsrfHeaderName : defaults.xsrfHeaderName]
- = xsrfValue;
- }
- // Check for functions in headers
- headers.forEach((k, v) {
- if (v is Function) headers[k] = v();
- });
- var serverRequest = (HttpResponseConfig config) {
- assert( == null || is String ||
- is dom.File);
- // Strip content-type if data is undefined
- if ( == null) {
- new List.from(headers.keys)
- .where((h) => h.toUpperCase() == 'CONTENT-TYPE')
- .forEach((h) => headers.remove(h));
- }
- return request(null,
- config: config,
- method: method,
- sendData:,
- requestHeaders: config.headers,
- cache: cache);
- };
- var chain = [[serverRequest, null]];
- var future = new async.Future.value(new HttpResponseConfig(
- url: url,
- params: params,
- headers: headers,
- data: data));
- _interceptors.constructChain(chain);
- if (interceptors != null) {
- if (interceptors is HttpInterceptor) {
- interceptors = new HttpInterceptors.of([interceptors]);
- }
- assert(interceptors is HttpInterceptors);
- interceptors.constructChain(chain);
- }
- chain.forEach((chainFns) {
- future = future.then(chainFns[0], onError: chainFns[1]);
- });
- return future;
- }
- /**
- * Shortcut method for GET requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> get(String url, {
- String data,
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'GET', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Shortcut method for DELETE requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> delete(String url, {
- String data,
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'DELETE', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Shortcut method for HEAD requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> head(String url, {
- String data,
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'HEAD', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Shortcut method for PUT requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> put(String url, String data, {
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'PUT', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Shortcut method for POST requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> post(String url, String data, {
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'POST', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Shortcut method for JSONP requests. See [call] for a complete description
- * of parameters.
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> jsonp(String url, {
- String data,
- Map<String, dynamic> params,
- Map<String, String> headers,
- xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName,
- interceptors,
- cache,
- timeout
- }) => call(method: 'JSONP', url: url, data: data, params: params,
- headers: headers, xsrfHeaderName: xsrfHeaderName,
- xsrfCookieName: xsrfCookieName, interceptors: interceptors,
- cache: cache, timeout: timeout);
- /**
- * Parse raw headers into key-value object
- */
- static Map<String, String> parseHeaders(dom.HttpRequest value) {
- var headers = value.getAllResponseHeaders();
- var parsed = {};
- if (headers == null) return parsed;
- headers.split('\n').forEach((line) {
- var i = line.indexOf(':');
- if (i == -1) return;
- var key = line.substring(0, i).trim().toLowerCase();
- if (key.isNotEmpty) {
- var val = line.substring(i + 1).trim();
- parsed[key] = parsed.containsKey(key) ? "${parsed[key]}, $val" : val;
- }
- });
- return parsed;
- }
- /**
- * Returns an [Iterable] of [Future] [HttpResponse]s for the requests
- * that the [Http] service is currently waiting for.
- */
- Iterable<async.Future<HttpResponse> > get pendingRequests =>
- _pendingRequests.values;
- /**
- */
- async.Future<HttpResponse> request(String rawUrl,
- { HttpResponseConfig config,
- String method: 'GET',
- bool withCredentials: false,
- String responseType,
- String mimeType,
- Map<String, String> requestHeaders,
- sendData,
- void onProgress(dom.ProgressEvent e),
- /*Cache<String, HttpResponse> or false*/ cache }) {
- String url;
- if (config == null) {
- url = _rewriter(rawUrl);
- config = new HttpResponseConfig(url: url);
- } else {
- url = _buildUrl(config.url, config.params);
- }
- if (cache == false) {
- cache = null;
- } else if (cache == null) {
- cache = defaults.cache;
- }
- // We return a pending request only if caching is enabled.
- if (cache != null && _pendingRequests.containsKey(url)) {
- return _pendingRequests[url];
- }
- var cachedResponse = (cache != null && method == 'GET')
- ? cache.get(url)
- : null;
- if (cachedResponse != null) {
- return new async.Future.value(new HttpResponse.copy(cachedResponse));
- }
- var result = _backend.request(url,
- method: method,
- withCredentials: withCredentials,
- responseType: responseType,
- mimeType: mimeType,
- requestHeaders: requestHeaders,
- sendData: sendData,
- onProgress: onProgress).then((dom.HttpRequest value) {
- // TODO: Uncomment after apps migrate off of this class.
- // assert(value.status >= 200 && value.status < 300);
- var response = new HttpResponse(value.status, value.responseText,
- parseHeaders(value), config);
- if (cache != null) cache.put(url, response);
- _pendingRequests.remove(url);
- return response;
- }, onError: (error) {
- if (error is! dom.ProgressEvent) throw error;
- dom.ProgressEvent event = error;
- _pendingRequests.remove(url);
- dom.HttpRequest request = event.currentTarget;
- return new async.Future.error(
- new HttpResponse(request.status, request.response,
- parseHeaders(request), config));
- });
- return _pendingRequests[url] = result;
- }
- _buildUrl(String url, Map<String, dynamic> params) {
- if (params == null) return url;
- var parts = [];
- new List.from(params.keys)..sort()..forEach((String key) {
- var value = params[key];
- if (value == null) return;
- if (value is! List) value = [value];
- value.forEach((v) {
- if (v is Map) v = JSON.encode(v);
- parts.add(_encodeUriQuery(key) + '=' + _encodeUriQuery("$v"));
- });
- });
- return url + ((url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&') + parts.join('&');
- }
- _encodeUriQuery(val, {bool pctEncodeSpaces: false}) =>
- Uri.encodeComponent(val)
- .replaceAll('%40', '@')
- .replaceAll('%3A', ':')
- .replaceAll('%24', r'$')
- .replaceAll('%2C', ',')
- .replaceAll('%20', pctEncodeSpaces ? '%20' : '+');
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