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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart

Issue 1058283006: Update pubspecs and dependencies to get pkgbuild tests working. (Closed) Base URL:
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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db4a5b3fc5977aac042de390b8843bea5b6dbfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core/parser/parser_spec.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1044 +0,0 @@
-library parser_spec;
-import '../../_specs.dart';
-import 'package:angular/utils.dart' show RESERVED_WORDS;
-// Used to test getter / setter logic.
-class TestData {
- String _str = "testString";
- get str => _str;
- set str(x) => _str = x;
- method() => "testMethod";
-class Ident {
- id(x) => x;
- doubleId(x,y) => [x,y];
-class Mixin {}
-class MixedTestData extends TestData with Mixin {
-class MapData implements Map {
- operator[](x) => "mapped-$x";
- containsKey(x) => true;
- noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
-class MixedMapData extends MapData with Mixin {
- noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
-class InheritedMapData extends MapData {
- noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
-class WithPrivateField {
- int publicField = 4;
- int _privateField = 5;
-toBool(x) => (x is num) ? x != 0 : x == true;
-main() {
- describe('parse', () {
- Map<String, dynamic> context;
- Parser<Expression> parser;
- FilterMap filters;
- beforeEach(module((Module module) {
- module.type(IncrementFilter);
- module.type(SubstringFilter);
- }));
- beforeEach(inject((Parser injectedParser, FilterMap injectedFilters) {
- parser = injectedParser;
- filters = injectedFilters;
- }));
- eval(String text, [FilterMap f])
- => parser(text).eval(context, f == null ? filters : f);
- expectEval(String expr) => expect(() => eval(expr));
- beforeEach((){ context = {}; });
- describe('expressions', () {
- it('should parse numerical expressions', () {
- expect(eval("1")).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should parse unary - expressions', () {
- expect(eval("-1")).toEqual(-1);
- expect(eval("+1")).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should parse unary ! expressions', () {
- expect(eval("!true")).toEqual(!true);
- });
- it('should parse multiplicative expressions', () {
- expect(eval("3*4/2%5")).toEqual(3*4/2%5);
- expect(eval("3*4~/2%5")).toEqual(3*4~/2%5);
- });
- it('should parse additive expressions', () {
- expect(eval("3+6-2")).toEqual(3+6-2);
- });
- it('should parse relational expressions', () {
- expect(eval("2<3")).toEqual(2<3);
- expect(eval("2>3")).toEqual(2>3);
- expect(eval("2<=2")).toEqual(2<=2);
- expect(eval("2>=2")).toEqual(2>=2);
- });
- it('should parse equality expressions', () {
- expect(eval("2==3")).toEqual(2==3);
- expect(eval("2!=3")).toEqual(2!=3);
- });
- it('should parse logicalAND expressions', () {
- expect(eval("true&&true")).toEqual(true&&true);
- expect(eval("true&&false")).toEqual(true&&false);
- });
- it('should parse logicalOR expressions', () {
- expect(eval("true||true")).toEqual(true||true);
- expect(eval("true||false")).toEqual(true||false);
- expect(eval("false||false")).toEqual(false||false);
- });
- it('should parse ternary/conditional expressions', () {
- var a, b, c;
- expect(eval("7==3+4?10:20")).toEqual(true?10:20);
- expect(eval("false?10:20")).toEqual(false?10:20);
- expect(eval("5?10:20")).toEqual(toBool(5)?10:20);
- expect(eval("null?10:20")).toEqual(toBool(null)?10:20);
- expect(eval("true||false?10:20")).toEqual(true||false?10:20);
- expect(eval("true&&false?10:20")).toEqual(true&&false?10:20);
- expect(eval("true?a=10:a=20")).toEqual(true?a=10:a=20);
- expect([context['a'], a]).toEqual([10, 10]);
- context['a'] = a = null;
- expect(eval("b=true?a=false?11:c=12:a=13")).toEqual(
- b=true?a=false?11:c=12:a=13);
- expect([context['a'], context['b'], context['c']]).toEqual([a, b, c]);
- expect([a, b, c]).toEqual([12, 12, 12]);
- });
- it('should auto convert ints to strings', () {
- expect(eval("'str ' + 4")).toEqual("str 4");
- expect(eval("4 + ' str'")).toEqual("4 str");
- expect(eval("4 + 4")).toEqual(8);
- expect(eval("4 + 4 + ' str'")).toEqual("8 str");
- expect(eval("'str ' + 4 + 4")).toEqual("str 44");
- });
- it('should allow keyed access on non-maps', () {
- context['nonmap'] = new BracketButNotMap();
- expect(eval("nonmap['hello']")).toEqual('hello');
- expect(eval("nonmap['hello']=3")).toEqual(3);
- });
- });
- describe('error handling', () {
- Parser<Expression> parser;
- beforeEach(inject((Parser p) {
- parser = p;
- }));
- // We only care about the error strings in the DynamicParser.
- var errStr = (x) {
- if (parser is DynamicParser) { return x; }
- return null;
- };
- it('should throw a reasonable error for unconsumed tokens', () {
- expectEval(")").toThrow('Parser Error: Unconsumed token ) at column 1 in [)]');
- });
- it('should throw on missing expected token', () {
- expectEval("a(b").toThrow('Parser Error: Missing expected ) the end of the expression [a(b]');
- });
- it('should throw on bad assignment', () {
- expectEval("5=4").toThrow('Parser Error: Expression 5 is not assignable at column 2 in [5=4]');
- expectEval("array[5=4]").toThrow('Parser Error: Expression 5 is not assignable at column 8 in [array[5=4]]');
- });
- it('should throw on incorrect ternary operator syntax', () {
- expectEval("true?1").toThrow('Parser Error: Conditional expression true?1 requires all 3 expressions');
- });
- it('should throw on non-function function calls', () {
- expectEval("4()").toThrow('4 is not a function');
- });
- it('should fail gracefully when invoking non-function', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('a[0]()').eval({'a': [4]});
- }).toThrow('a[0] is not a function');
- expect(() {
- parser('a[x()]()').eval({'a': [4], 'x': () => 0});
- }).toThrow('a[x()] is not a function');
- expect(() {
- parser('{}()').eval({});
- }).toThrow('{} is not a function');
- });
- it('should throw on undefined functions (relaxed message)', () {
- expectEval("notAFn()").toThrow('notAFn');
- });
- it('should fail gracefully when missing a function (relaxed message)', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist()').eval({});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('exists(doesNotExist())').eval({'exists': () => true});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExists(exists())').eval({'exists': () => true});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist(1)').eval({});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist(1, 2)').eval({});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist()').eval(new TestData());
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist(1)').eval(new TestData());
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('doesNotExist(1, 2)').eval(new TestData());
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist()').eval({'a': {}});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist(1)').eval({'a': {}});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist(1, 2)').eval({'a': {}});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist()').eval({'a': new TestData()});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist(1)').eval({'a': new TestData()});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- expect(() {
- parser('a.doesNotExist(1, 2)').eval({'a': new TestData()});
- }).toThrow('doesNotExist');
- });
- it('should let null be null', () {
- context['map'] = {};
- expect(eval('null')).toBe(null);
- expect(eval('map.null')).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should behave gracefully with a null scope', () {
- expect(parser('null').eval(null)).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should pass exceptions through getters', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('boo').eval(new ScopeWithErrors());
- }).toThrow('boo to you');
- });
- it('should pass noSuchMethExceptions through getters', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('getNoSuchMethod').eval(new ScopeWithErrors());
- }).toThrow("iDontExist");
- });
- it('should pass exceptions through methods', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('foo()').eval(new ScopeWithErrors());
- }).toThrow('foo to you');
- });
- it('should fail if reflected object has no property', () {
- expect(() {
- parser('notAProperty').eval(new TestData());
- }).toThrow("notAProperty");
- });
- it('should fail on private field access', () {
- expect(parser('publicField').eval(new WithPrivateField())).toEqual(4);
- // On Dartium, this fails with "NoSuchMethod: no instance getter"
- // On dart2js with generated functions: NoSuchMethod: method not found
- // On dart2js with reflection: ArgumentError: private identifier"
- expect(() {
- parser('_privateField').eval(new WithPrivateField());
- }).toThrow();
- });
- });
- describe('setters', () {
- it('should set a field in a map', () {
- context['map'] = {};
- eval('map["square"] = 6');
- eval(' = 7');
- expect(context['map']['square']).toEqual(6);
- expect(context['map']['dot']).toEqual(7);
- });
- it('should set a field in a list', () {
- context['list'] = [];
- eval('list[3] = 2');
- expect(context['list'].length).toEqual(4);
- expect(context['list'][3]).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('should set a field on an object', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- eval('obj.field = 1');
- expect(context['obj'].field).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should set a setter on an object', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- eval('obj.setter = 2');
- expect(context['obj'].setterValue).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('should set a []= on an object', () {
- context['obj'] = new OverloadObject();
- eval('obj.overload = 7');
- expect(context['obj'].overloadValue).toEqual(7);
- });
- it('should set a field in a nested map on an object', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- eval(' = 3');
- expect(context['obj'].map['mapKey']).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should set a field in a nested object on an object', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- eval('obj.nested.field = 1');
- expect(context['obj'].nested.field).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should create a map for dotted acces', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- eval('obj.field.key = 4');
- expect(context['obj'].field['key']).toEqual(4);
- });
- xit('should throw a nice error for type mismatch', () {
- context['obj'] = new SetterObject();
- expect(() {
- eval('obj.integer = "hello"');
- }).toThrow("Eval Error: Caught type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'int' of 'value'. while evaling [obj.integer = \"hello\"]");
- });
- });
- describe('reserved words', () {
- it('should support reserved words in member get access', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- expect(parser("o.$reserved").eval({ 'o': new Object() })).toEqual(null);
- expect(parser("o.$reserved").eval({ 'o': { reserved: reserved }})).toEqual(reserved);
- }
- });
- it('should support reserved words in member set access', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- expect(parser("o.$reserved = 42").eval({ 'o': new Object() })).toEqual(42);
- var map = { reserved: 0 };
- expect(parser("o.$reserved = 42").eval({ 'o': map })).toEqual(42);
- expect(map[reserved]).toEqual(42);
- }
- });
- it('should support reserved words in member calls', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- expect(() {
- parser("o.$reserved()").eval({ 'o': new Object() });
- }).toThrow('Undefined function $reserved');
- expect(parser("o.$reserved()").eval({ 'o': { reserved: () => reserved }})).toEqual(reserved);
- }
- });
- it('should support reserved words in scope get access', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
- expect(parser("$reserved").eval(new Object())).toEqual(null);
- expect(parser("$reserved").eval({ reserved: reserved })).toEqual(reserved);
- }
- });
- it('should support reserved words in scope set access', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
- expect(parser("$reserved = 42").eval(new Object())).toEqual(42);
- var map = { reserved: 0 };
- expect(parser("$reserved = 42").eval(map)).toEqual(42);
- expect(map[reserved]).toEqual(42);
- }
- });
- it('should support reserved words in scope calls', () {
- for (String reserved in RESERVED_WORDS) {
- if ([ "true", "false", "null"].contains(reserved)) continue;
- expect(() {
- parser("$reserved()").eval(new Object());
- }).toThrow('Undefined function $reserved');
- expect(parser("$reserved()").eval({ reserved: () => reserved })).toEqual(reserved);
- }
- });
- });
- describe('test cases imported from AngularJS', () {
- //// ==== IMPORTED ITs
- it('should parse expressions', () {
- expect(eval("-1")).toEqual(-1);
- expect(eval("1 + 2.5")).toEqual(3.5);
- expect(eval("1 + -2.5")).toEqual(-1.5);
- expect(eval("1+2*3/4")).toEqual(1+2*3/4);
- expect(eval("0--1+1.5")).toEqual(0- -1 + 1.5);
- expect(eval("-0--1++2*-3/-4")).toEqual(-0- -1+ 2*-3/-4);
- expect(eval("1/2*3")).toEqual(1/2*3);
- });
- it('should parse comparison', () {
- expect(eval("false")).toBeFalsy();
- expect(eval("!true")).toBeFalsy();
- expect(eval("1==1")).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval("1!=2")).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval("1<2")).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval("1<=1")).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval("1>2")).toEqual(1>2);
- expect(eval("2>=1")).toEqual(2>=1);
- expect(eval("true==2<3")).toEqual(true == 2<3);
- });
- it('should parse logical', () {
- expect(eval("0&&2")).toEqual((0!=0)&&(2!=0));
- expect(eval("0||2")).toEqual(0!=0||2!=0);
- expect(eval("0||1&&2")).toEqual(0!=0||1!=0&&2!=0);
- });
- it('should parse ternary', () {
- var returnTrue = context['returnTrue'] = () => true;
- var returnFalse = context['returnFalse'] = () => false;
- var returnString = context['returnString'] = () => 'asd';
- var returnInt = context['returnInt'] = () => 123;
- var identity = context['identity'] = (x) => x;
- var B = toBool;
- // Simple.
- expect(eval('0?0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?0:2);
- expect(eval('1?0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?0:2);
- // Nested on the left.
- expect(eval('0?0?0:0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)?0:0:2);
- expect(eval('1?0?0:0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(0)?0:0:2);
- expect(eval('0?1?0:0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(1)?0:0:2);
- expect(eval('0?0?1:0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)?1:0:2);
- expect(eval('0?0?0:2:3')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)?0:2:3);
- expect(eval('1?1?0:0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(1)?0:0:2);
- expect(eval('1?1?1:0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(1)?1:0:2);
- expect(eval('1?1?1:2:3')).toEqual(B(1)?B(1)?1:2:3);
- expect(eval('1?1?1:2:3')).toEqual(B(1)?B(1)?1:2:3);
- // Nested on the right.
- expect(eval('0?0:0?0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?0:B(0)?0:2);
- expect(eval('1?0:0?0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?0:B(0)?0:2);
- expect(eval('0?1:0?0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?1:B(0)?0:2);
- expect(eval('0?0:1?0:2')).toEqual(B(0)?0:B(1)?0:2);
- expect(eval('0?0:0?2:3')).toEqual(B(0)?0:B(0)?2:3);
- expect(eval('1?1:0?0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(0)?0:2);
- expect(eval('1?1:1?0:2')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(1)?0:2);
- expect(eval('1?1:1?2:3')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(1)?2:3);
- expect(eval('1?1:1?2:3')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(1)?2:3);
- // Precedence with respect to logical operators.
- expect(eval('0&&1?0:1')).toEqual(B(0)&&B(1)?0:1);
- expect(eval('1||0?0:0')).toEqual(B(1)||B(0)?0:0);
- expect(eval('0?0&&1:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)&&B(1):2);
- expect(eval('0?1&&1:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(1)&&B(1):2);
- expect(eval('0?0||0:1')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)||B(0):1);
- expect(eval('0?0||1:2')).toEqual(B(0)?B(0)||B(1):2);
- expect(eval('1?0&&1:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(0)&&B(1):2);
- expect(eval('1?1&&1:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(1)&&B(1):2);
- expect(eval('1?0||0:1')).toEqual(B(1)?B(0)||B(0):1);
- expect(eval('1?0||1:2')).toEqual(B(1)?B(0)||B(1):2);
- expect(eval('0?1:0&&1')).toEqual(B(0)?1:B(0)&&B(1));
- expect(eval('0?2:1&&1')).toEqual(B(0)?2:B(1)&&B(1));
- expect(eval('0?1:0||0')).toEqual(B(0)?1:B(0)||B(0));
- expect(eval('0?2:0||1')).toEqual(B(0)?2:B(0)||B(1));
- expect(eval('1?1:0&&1')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(0)&&B(1));
- expect(eval('1?2:1&&1')).toEqual(B(1)?2:B(1)&&B(1));
- expect(eval('1?1:0||0')).toEqual(B(1)?1:B(0)||B(0));
- expect(eval('1?2:0||1')).toEqual(B(1)?2:B(0)||B(1));
- // Function calls.
- expect(eval('returnTrue() ? returnString() : returnInt()')).toEqual(
- returnTrue() ? returnString() : returnInt());
- expect(eval('returnFalse() ? returnString() : returnInt()')).toEqual(
- returnFalse() ? returnString() : returnInt());
- expect(eval('returnTrue() ? returnString() : returnInt()')).toEqual(
- returnTrue() ? returnString() : returnInt());
- expect(eval('identity(returnFalse() ? returnString() : returnInt())')).toEqual(
- identity(returnFalse() ? returnString() : returnInt()));
- });
- it('should parse string', () {
- expect(eval("'a' + 'b c'")).toEqual("ab c");
- });
- it('should access scope', () {
- context['a'] = 123;
- context['b'] = {'c': 456};
- expect(eval("a")).toEqual(123);
- expect(eval("b.c")).toEqual(456);
- expect(eval("x.y.z")).toEqual(null);
- });
- it('should access classes on scope', () {
- context['ident'] = new Ident();
- expect(eval('')).toEqual(6);
- expect(eval('ident.doubleId(4,5)')).toEqual([4, 5]);
- });
- it('should resolve deeply nested paths (important for CSP mode)', () {
- context['a'] = {'b': {'c': {'d': {'e': {'f': {'g': {'h': {'i': {'j': {'k': {'l': {'m': {'n': 'nooo!'}}}}}}}}}}}}};
- expect(eval("a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.i.j.k.l.m.n")).toBe('nooo!');
- });
- it('should be forgiving', () {
- context = {'a': {'b': 23}};
- expect(eval('b')).toBeNull();
- expect(eval('a.x')).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should catch NoSuchMethod', () {
- context = {'a': {'b': 23}};
- expect(() => eval('a.b.c.d')).toThrow('NoSuchMethod');
- });
- it('should evaluate grouped expressions', () {
- expect(eval("(1+2)*3")).toEqual((1+2)*3);
- });
- it('should evaluate assignments', () {
- context = {'g': 4, 'arr': [3,4]};
- expect(eval("a=12")).toEqual(12);
- expect(context["a"]).toEqual(12);
- expect(eval("arr[c=1]")).toEqual(4);
- expect(context["c"]).toEqual(1);
- expect(eval("x.y.z=123;")).toEqual(123);
- expect(context["x"]["y"]["z"]).toEqual(123);
- expect(eval("a=123; b=234")).toEqual(234);
- expect(context["a"]).toEqual(123);
- expect(context["b"]).toEqual(234);
- });
- // TODO: assignment to an arr[c]
- // TODO: failed assignment
- // TODO: null statements in multiple statements
- it('should evaluate function call without arguments', () {
- context['constN'] = () => 123;
- expect(eval("constN()")).toEqual(123);
- });
- it('should access a protected keyword on scope', () {
- context['const'] = 3;
- expect(eval('const')).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should evaluate function call with arguments', () {
- context["add"] = (a,b) {
- return a+b;
- };
- expect(eval("add(1,2)")).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should evaluate function call from a return value', () {
- context["val"] = 33;
- context["getter"] = () { return () { return context["val"]; };};
- expect(eval("getter()()")).toBe(33);
- });
- it('should evaluate methods on object', () {
- context['obj'] = ['ABC'];
- var fn = parser("obj.elementAt(0)").eval;
- expect(fn(context)).toEqual('ABC');
- });
- it('should only check locals on first dereference', () {
- context['a'] = {'b': 1};
- context['this'] = context;
- var locals = {'b': 2};
- var fn = parser("this['a'].b").bind(context, ScopeLocals.wrapper);
- expect(fn(locals)).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should evaluate multiplication and division', () {
- context["taxRate"] = 8;
- context["subTotal"] = 100;
- expect(eval("taxRate / 100 * subTotal")).toEqual(8);
- expect(eval("taxRate ~/ 100 * subTotal")).toEqual(0);
- expect(eval("subTotal * taxRate / 100")).toEqual(8);
- });
- it('should evaluate array', () {
- expect(eval("[]").length).toEqual(0);
- expect(eval("[1, 2]").length).toEqual(2);
- expect(eval("[1, 2]")[0]).toEqual(1);
- expect(eval("[1, 2]")[1]).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('should evaluate array access', () {
- expect(eval("[1][0]")).toEqual(1);
- expect(eval("[[1]][0][0]")).toEqual(1);
- expect(eval("[]")).toEqual([]);
- expect(eval("[].length")).toEqual(0);
- expect(eval("[1, 2].length")).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('should evaluate object', () {
- expect(eval("{}")).toEqual({});
- expect(eval("{a:'b'}")).toEqual({"a":"b"});
- expect(eval("{'a':'b'}")).toEqual({"a":"b"});
- expect(eval("{\"a\":'b'}")).toEqual({"a":"b"});
- });
- it('should evaluate object access', () {
- expect(eval("{false:'WC', true:'CC'}[false]")).toEqual("WC");
- });
- it('should evaluate JSON', () {
- expect(eval("[{}]")).toEqual([{}]);
- expect(eval("[{a:[]}, {b:1}]")).toEqual([{"a":[]},{"b":1}]);
- });
- it('should evaluate multiple statements', () {
- expect(eval("a=1;b=3;a+b")).toEqual(4);
- expect(eval(";;1;;")).toEqual(1);
- });
- // skipping should evaluate object methods in correct context (this)
- // skipping should evaluate methods in correct context (this) in argument
- it('should evaluate objects on scope context', () {
- context["a"] = "abc";
- expect(eval("{a:a}")["a"]).toEqual("abc");
- });
- it('should evaluate field access on function call result', () {
- context["a"] = () {
- return {'name':'misko'};
- };
- expect(eval("a().name")).toEqual("misko");
- });
- it('should evaluate field access after array access', () {
- context["items"] = [{}, {'name':'misko'}];
- expect(eval('items[1].name')).toEqual("misko");
- });
- it('should evaluate array assignment', () {
- context["items"] = [];
- expect(eval('items[1] = "abc"')).toEqual("abc");
- expect(eval('items[1]')).toEqual("abc");
- // Dont know how to make this work....
- // expect(eval('books[1] = "moby"')).toEqual("moby");
- // expect(eval('books[1]')).toEqual("moby");
- });
- it('should evaluate remainder', () {
- expect(eval('1%2')).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should evaluate sum with undefined', () {
- expect(eval('1+undefined')).toEqual(1);
- expect(eval('undefined+1')).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should throw exception on non-closed bracket', () {
- expect(() {
- eval('[].count(');
- }).toThrow('Unexpected end of expression: [].count(');
- });
- it('should evaluate double negation', () {
- expect(eval('true')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval('!true')).toBeFalsy();
- expect(eval('!!true')).toBeTruthy();
- expect(eval('{true:"a", false:"b"}[!!true]')).toEqual('a');
- });
- it('should evaluate negation', () {
- expect(eval("!false || true")).toEqual(!false || true);
- expect(eval("!(11 == 10)")).toEqual(!(11 == 10));
- expect(eval("12/6/2")).toEqual(12/6/2);
- });
- it('should evaluate exclamation mark', () {
- expect(eval('suffix = "!"')).toEqual('!');
- });
- it('should evaluate minus', () {
- expect(eval("{a:'-'}")).toEqual({'a': "-"});
- });
- it('should evaluate undefined', () {
- expect(eval("undefined")).toBeNull();
- expect(eval("a=undefined")).toBeNull();
- expect(context["a"]).toBeNull();
- });
- it('should allow assignment after array dereference', () {
- context["obj"] = [{}];
- eval('obj[0].name=1');
- // can not be expressed in Dart expect(scope["obj"]["name"]).toBeNull();
- expect(context["obj"][0]["name"]).toEqual(1);
- });
- it('should short-circuit AND operator', () {
- context["run"] = () {
- };
- expect(eval('false && run()')).toBe(false);
- });
- it('should short-circuit OR operator', () {
- context["run"] = () {
- };
- expect(eval('true || run()')).toBe(true);
- });
- it('should support method calls on primitive types', () {
- context["empty"] = '';
- context["zero"] = 0;
- context["bool"] = false;
- // DOES NOT WORK. String.substring is not reflected. Or toString
- // expect(eval('empty.substring(0)')).toEqual('');
- // expect(eval('zero.toString()')).toEqual('0');
- // DOES NOT WORK. bool.toString is not reflected
- // expect(eval('bool.toString()')).toEqual('false');
- });
- it('should support map getters', () {
- expect(parser('a').eval({'a': 4})).toEqual(4);
- });
- it('should support member getters', () {
- expect(parser('str').eval(new TestData())).toEqual('testString');
- });
- it('should support returning member functions', () {
- expect(parser('method').eval(new TestData())()).toEqual('testMethod');
- });
- it('should support calling member functions', () {
- expect(parser('method()').eval(new TestData())).toEqual('testMethod');
- });
- it('should support array setters', () {
- var data = {'a': [1,3]};
- expect(parser('a[1]=2').eval(data)).toEqual(2);
- expect(data['a'][1]).toEqual(2);
- });
- it('should support member field setters', () {
- TestData data = new TestData();
- expect(parser('str="bob"').eval(data)).toEqual('bob');
- expect(data.str).toEqual("bob");
- });
- it('should support member field getters from mixins', () {
- MixedTestData data = new MixedTestData();
- data.str = 'dole';
- expect(parser('str').eval(data)).toEqual('dole');
- });
- it('should support map getters from superclass', () {
- InheritedMapData mapData = new InheritedMapData();
- expect(parser('notmixed').eval(mapData)).toEqual('mapped-notmixed');
- });
- it('should support map getters from mixins', () {
- MixedMapData data = new MixedMapData();
- expect(parser('str').eval(data)).toEqual('mapped-str');
- });
- it('should parse functions for object indices', () {
- expect(parser('a[x()]()').eval({'a': [()=>6], 'x': () => 0})).toEqual(6);
- });
- });
- describe('assignable', () {
- it('should expose assignment function', () {
- var fn = parser('a');
- expect(fn.assign).toBeNotNull();
- var scope = {};
- fn.assign(scope, 123);
- expect(scope).toEqual({'a':123});
- });
- });
- describe('locals', () {
- it('should expose local variables', () {
- expect(parser('a').bind({'a': 6}, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': 1})).toEqual(1);
- expect(parser('add(a,b)').
- bind({'b': 1, 'add': (a, b) { return a + b; }}, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': 2})).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should expose traverse locals', () {
- expect(parser('a.b').bind({'a': {'b': 6}}, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': {'b':1}})).toEqual(1);
- expect(parser('a.b').bind({'a': null}, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': {'b':1}})).toEqual(1);
- expect(parser('a.b').bind({'a': {'b': 5}}, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': null})).toEqual(null);
- });
- it('should work with scopes', inject((Scope scope) {
- scope.context['a'] = {'b': 6};
- expect(parser('a.b').bind(scope.context, ScopeLocals.wrapper)({'a': {'b':1}})).toEqual(1);
- }));
- it('should expose assignment function', () {
- var fn = parser('a.b');
- expect(fn.assign).toBeNotNull();
- var scope = {};
- var locals = {"a": {}};
- fn.bind(scope, ScopeLocals.wrapper).assign(123, locals);
- expect(scope).toEqual({});
- expect(locals["a"]).toEqual({'b':123});
- });
- });
- describe('filters', () {
- it('should call a filter', () {
- expect(eval("'Foo'|uppercase", filters)).toEqual("FOO");
- expect(eval("'fOo'|uppercase|lowercase", filters)).toEqual("foo");
- });
- it('should call a filter with arguments', () {
- expect(eval("1|increment:2", filters)).toEqual(3);
- });
- it('should parse filters', () {
- expect(() {
- eval("1|nonexistent");
- }).toThrow('No NgFilter: nonexistent found!');
- expect(() {
- eval("1|nonexistent", filters);
- }).toThrow('No NgFilter: nonexistent found!');
- context['offset'] = 3;
- expect(eval("'abcd'|substring:1:offset")).toEqual("bc");
- expect(eval("'abcd'|substring:1:3|uppercase")).toEqual("BC");
- });
- it('should only use filters that are passed as an argument', inject((Injector injector) {
- var expression = parser("'World'|hello");
- expect(() {
- expression.eval({}, filters);
- }).toThrow('No NgFilter: hello found!');
- var module = new Module()
- ..type(HelloFilter);
- var childInjector = injector.createChild([module],
- forceNewInstances: [FilterMap]);
- var newFilters = childInjector.get(FilterMap);
- expect(expression.eval({}, newFilters)).toEqual('Hello, World!');
- }));
- it('should not allow filters in a chain', () {
- expect(() {
- parser("1;'World'|hello");
- }).toThrow('cannot have a filter in a chain the end of the expression [1;\'World\'|hello]');
- expect(() {
- parser("'World'|hello;1");
- }).toThrow('cannot have a filter in a chain at column 15 in [\'World\'|hello;1]');
- });
- });
- });
-class SetterObject {
- var field;
- int integer;
- var map = {};
- var nest;
- SetterObject get nested => nest != null ? nest : (nest = new SetterObject());
- var setterValue;
- void set setter(x) { setterValue = x; }
-class OverloadObject implements Map {
- var overloadValue;
- operator []=(String name, var value) {
- overloadValue = value;
- }
- noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) => super.noSuchMethod(invocation);
-class BracketButNotMap {
- operator[](String name) => name;
- operator[]=(String name, value) {}
-class ScopeWithErrors {
- String get boo { throw "boo to you"; }
- String foo() { throw "foo to you"; }
- get getNoSuchMethod => null.iDontExist();
-class IncrementFilter {
- call(a, b) => a + b;
-class SubstringFilter {
- call(String str, startIndex, [endIndex]) {
- return str.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
- }
-class HelloFilter {
- call(String str) {
- return 'Hello, $str!';
- }

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