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Unified Diff: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core_dom/cookies_spec.dart

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Index: third_party/pkg/angular/test/core_dom/cookies_spec.dart
diff --git a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core_dom/cookies_spec.dart b/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core_dom/cookies_spec.dart
deleted file mode 100644
index c4c2d2aa5e953cd9aca5025280de7a77eb6603e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/pkg/angular/test/core_dom/cookies_spec.dart
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-library cookies_spec;
-import '../_specs.dart';
-import 'package:angular/core_dom/module.dart';
-main() => describe('cookies', () {
- deleteAllCookies() {
- var cookies = document.cookie.split(";");
- var path = window.location.pathname;
- for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
- var cookie = cookies[i];
- var eqPos = cookie.indexOf("=");
- var name = eqPos > -1 ? cookie.substring(0, eqPos) : '';
- var parts = path.split('/');
- while (!parts.isEmpty) {
- var joinedParts = parts.join('/');
- document.cookie = name + "=;path=" + (joinedParts.isEmpty ? '/': joinedParts) +
- ";expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT";
- parts.removeLast();
- }
- }
- }
- afterEach(() {
- deleteAllCookies();
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('');
- });
- describe('browser cookies', () {
- var cookies;
- beforeEach(module((Module module) {
- module.type(ExceptionHandler, implementedBy: LoggingExceptionHandler);
- }));
- beforeEach(inject((BrowserCookies iCookies) {
- iCookies.cookiePath = '/';
- deleteAllCookies();
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('');
- iCookies.cookiePath = '/';
- cookies = iCookies;
- }));
- describe('remove via cookies(cookieName, null)', () {
- it('should remove a cookie when it is present', () {
- document.cookie = 'foo=bar;path=/';
- cookies['foo'] = null;
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('');
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({});
- });
- it('should do nothing when an nonexisting cookie is being removed', () {
- cookies['doesntexist'] = null;
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('');
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({});
- });
- });
- describe('put via cookies(cookieName, string)', () {
- it('should create and store a cookie', () {
- cookies['cookieName'] = 'cookie=Value';
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('cookieName=cookie%3DValue');
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({'cookieName':'cookie=Value'});
- });
- it('should overwrite an existing unsynced cookie', () {
- document.cookie = "cookie=new;path=/";
- var oldVal = cookies['cookie'] = 'newer';
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('cookie=newer');
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({'cookie':'newer'});
- expect(oldVal).not.toBe(null);
- });
- it('should escape both name and value', () {
- cookies['cookie1='] = 'val;ue';
- cookies['cookie2=bar;baz'] = 'val=ue';
- var rawCookies = document.cookie.split("; "); //order is not guaranteed, so we need to parse
- expect(rawCookies.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(rawCookies).toContain('cookie1%3D=val%3Bue');
- expect(rawCookies).toContain('cookie2%3Dbar%3Bbaz=val%3Due');
- });
- it('should log warnings when 4kb per cookie storage limit is reached',
- inject((ExceptionHandler exceptionHandler) {
- var i, longVal = '', cookieStr;
- for (i=0; i<4083; i++) {
- longVal += 'r'; // Can't do + due to
- }
- cookieStr = document.cookie;
- cookies['x'] = longVal; //total size 4093-4096, so it should go through
- expect(document.cookie).not.toEqual(cookieStr);
- expect(cookies['x']).toEqual(longVal);
- //expect(logs.warn).toEqual([]);
- var overflow = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
- cookies['x'] = longVal + overflow; //total size 4097-4099, a warning should be logged
- //expect(logs.warn).toEqual(
- // [[ "Cookie 'x' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (4097 > 4096 " +
- // "bytes)!" ]]);
- expect(document.cookie).not.toContain(overflow);
- //force browser to dropped a cookie and make sure that the cache is not out of sync
- cookies['x'] = 'shortVal';
- expect(cookies['x']).toEqual('shortVal'); //needed to prime the cache
- cookieStr = document.cookie;
- cookies['x'] = longVal + longVal + longVal; //should be too long for all browsers
- if (document.cookie != cookieStr) {
- throw "browser didn't drop long cookie when it was expected. make the " +
- "cookie in this test longer";
- }
- expect(cookies['x']).toEqual('shortVal');
- var errors = (exceptionHandler as LoggingExceptionHandler).errors;
- expect(errors.length).toEqual(2);
- expect(errors[0].error).
- toEqual("Cookie 'x' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (4113 > 4096 bytes)!");
- expect(errors[1].error).
- toEqual("Cookie 'x' possibly not set or overflowed because it was too large (12259 > 4096 bytes)!");
- errors.clear();
- }));
- });
- xdescribe('put via cookies(cookieName, string), if no <base href> ', () {
- beforeEach(() {
- //fakeDocument.basePath = null;
- });
- it('should default path in cookie to "" (empty string)', () {
- cookies['cookie'] = 'bender';
- // This only fails in Safari and IE when cookiePath returns null
- // Where it now succeeds since baseHref return '' instead of null
- expect(document.cookie).toEqual('cookie=bender');
- });
- });
- describe('get via cookies[cookieName]', () {
- it('should return null for nonexistent cookie', () {
- expect(cookies['nonexistent']).toBe(null);
- });
- it ('should return a value for an existing cookie', () {
- document.cookie = "foo=bar=baz;path=/";
- expect(cookies['foo']).toEqual('bar=baz');
- });
- it('should return the the first value provided for a cookie', () {
- // For a cookie that has different values that differ by path, the
- // value for the most specific path appears first. cookies()
- // should provide that value for the cookie.
- document.cookie = 'foo="first"; foo="second"';
- expect(cookies['foo']).toEqual('"first"');
- });
- it ('should unescape cookie values that were escaped by puts', () {
- document.cookie = "cookie2%3Dbar%3Bbaz=val%3Due;path=/";
- expect(cookies['cookie2=bar;baz']).toEqual('val=ue');
- });
- it('should preserve leading & trailing spaces in names and values', () {
- cookies[' cookie name '] = ' cookie value ';
- expect(cookies[' cookie name ']).toEqual(' cookie value ');
- expect(cookies['cookie name']).toBe(null);
- });
- });
- describe('getAll via cookies(', () {
- it('should return cookies as hash', () {
- document.cookie = "foo1=bar1;path=/";
- document.cookie = "foo2=bar2;path=/";
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({'foo1':'bar1', 'foo2':'bar2'});
- });
- it('should return empty hash if no cookies exist', () {
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({});
- });
- });
- it('should pick up external changes made to browser cookies', () {
- cookies['oatmealCookie'] = 'drool';
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({'oatmealCookie':'drool'});
- document.cookie = 'oatmealCookie=changed;path=/';
- expect(cookies['oatmealCookie']).toEqual('changed');
- });
- it('should initialize cookie cache with existing cookies', () {
- document.cookie = "existingCookie=existingValue;path=/";
- expect(cookies.all).toEqual({'existingCookie':'existingValue'});
- });
- });
- describe('cookies service', () {
- var cookiesService;
- beforeEach(inject((Cookies iCookies) {
- cookiesService = iCookies;
- document.cookie = 'oatmealCookie=fresh;path=/';
- }));
- it('should read cookie', () {
- expect(cookiesService["oatmealCookie"]).toEqual("fresh");
- });
- describe("set cookie", () {
- it('should set new key value pair', () {
- cookiesService["oven"] = "hot";
- expect(document.cookie).toContain("oven=hot");
- });
- it('should override existing value', () {
- cookiesService["oatmealCookie"] = "stale";
- expect(document.cookie).toContain("oatmealCookie=stale");
- });
- });
- it('should remove cookie', () {
- cookiesService.remove("oatmealCookie");
- expect(document.cookie).not.toContain("oatmealCookie");
- });
- });
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