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Unified Diff: Source/bindings/scripts/

Issue 105693002: Generate a bit less code to handle failed arity checks. (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: Rebase Created 7 years ago
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Index: Source/bindings/scripts/
diff --git a/Source/bindings/scripts/ b/Source/bindings/scripts/
index 887270c6c15dffdcf4da1a65b3bc5d937d07d5ad..e1764b9361910e0e2868a4ae86dc8407d7d9908e 100644
--- a/Source/bindings/scripts/
+++ b/Source/bindings/scripts/
@@ -2254,12 +2254,15 @@ sub GenerateOverloadedFunction
my $conditionalString = GenerateConditionalString($function);
my $leastNumMandatoryParams = 255;
- my $code = "";
- $code .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
- $code .= <<END;
+ my $hasExceptionState = 0;
+ my $header = "";
+ $header .= "#if ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
+ $header .= <<END;
static void ${name}Method${forMainWorldSuffix}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
+ my $code = "";
$code .= GenerateFeatureObservation($function->extendedAttributes->{"MeasureAs"});
$code .= GenerateDeprecationNotification($function->extendedAttributes->{"DeprecateAs"});
@@ -2273,17 +2276,32 @@ END
$code .= " }\n";
if ($leastNumMandatoryParams >= 1) {
+ if (!$hasExceptionState) {
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionMessages.h");
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionState.h");
+ $header .= " ExceptionState exceptionState(ExceptionState::ExecutionContext, \"${name}\", \"${interfaceName}\", info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ $hasExceptionState = 1;
+ }
$code .= " if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < $leastNumMandatoryParams)) {\n";
- $code .= " throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(\"$name\", \"$interfaceName\", ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($leastNumMandatoryParams, info.Length())), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ $code .= " exceptionState.throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($leastNumMandatoryParams, info.Length()));\n";
+ $code .= " exceptionState.throwIfNeeded();\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
- $code .= <<END;
- throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(\"$name\", \"$interfaceName\", \"No function was found that matched the signature provided.\"), info.GetIsolate());
+ if ($hasExceptionState) {
+ $code .= <<END;
+ exceptionState.throwTypeError(\"No function was found that matched the signature provided.\");
+ exceptionState.throwIfNeeded();
+ } else {
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionMessages.h");
+ $code .=<<END;
+ throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(\"${name}\", \"${interfaceName}\", \"No function was found that matched the signature provided.\"), info.GetIsolate());
+ }
$code .= "}\n\n";
$code .= "#endif // ${conditionalString}\n\n" if $conditionalString;
- $implementation{nameSpaceInternal}->add($code);
+ $implementation{nameSpaceInternal}->add($header . $code);
sub GenerateFunctionCallback
@@ -2362,9 +2380,11 @@ sub GenerateFunction
my ($svgPropertyType, $svgListPropertyType, $svgNativeType) = GetSVGPropertyTypes($interfaceName);
my $isNonListSVGType = $svgNativeType && !($interfaceName =~ /List$/);
+ my $hasExceptionState = 0;
if ($raisesExceptions || $isEventListener || $isSecurityCheckNecessary || $isNonListSVGType) {
$code .= " ExceptionState exceptionState(ExceptionState::ExecutionContext, \"${unoverloadedName}\", \"${interfaceName}\", info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ $hasExceptionState = 1;
if ($isEventListener) {
@@ -2400,7 +2420,7 @@ END
- $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
+ $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface, $hasExceptionState);
if ($svgNativeType) {
my $nativeClassName = GetNativeType($interfaceName);
@@ -2500,6 +2520,7 @@ sub GenerateArgumentsCountCheck
my $function = shift;
my $interface = shift;
+ my $hasExceptionState = shift;
my $functionName = $function->name;
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
@@ -2519,7 +2540,12 @@ sub GenerateArgumentsCountCheck
my $argumentsCountCheckString = "";
if ($numMandatoryParams >= 1) {
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < $numMandatoryParams)) {\n";
- $argumentsCountCheckString .= " throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(\"$functionName\", \"$interfaceName\", ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($numMandatoryParams, info.Length())), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ if ($hasExceptionState) {
+ $argumentsCountCheckString .= " exceptionState.throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($numMandatoryParams, info.Length()));\n";
+ $argumentsCountCheckString .= " exceptionState.throwIfNeeded();\n";
+ } else {
+ $argumentsCountCheckString .= " throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToExecute(\"$functionName\", \"$interfaceName\", ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($numMandatoryParams, info.Length())), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ }
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " return;\n";
$argumentsCountCheckString .= " }\n";
@@ -2688,11 +2714,13 @@ sub GenerateOverloadedConstructorCallback
my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
my $implClassName = GetImplName($interface);
- my $code = "";
- $code .= <<END;
+ my $hasExceptionState = 0;
+ my $header = "";
+ $header .= <<END;
static void constructor(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info)
+ my $code = "";
my $leastNumMandatoryParams = 255;
foreach my $constructor (@{$interface->constructors}) {
my $name = "constructor" . $constructor->overloadedIndex;
@@ -2704,18 +2732,31 @@ END
$code .= " }\n";
if ($leastNumMandatoryParams >= 1) {
+ if (!$hasExceptionState) {
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionMessages.h");
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionState.h");
+ $header .= " ExceptionState exceptionState(ExceptionState::ConstructionContext, \"${interfaceName}\", info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ $hasExceptionState = 1;
+ }
$code .= " if (UNLIKELY(info.Length() < $leastNumMandatoryParams)) {\n";
- $code .= " throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(\"$interfaceName\", ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($leastNumMandatoryParams, info.Length())), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ $code .= " exceptionState.throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::notEnoughArguments($leastNumMandatoryParams, info.Length()));\n";
+ $code .= " exceptionState.throwIfNeeded();\n";
$code .= " return;\n";
$code .= " }\n";
- $code .= <<END;
- throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(\"$interfaceName\", \"No matching constructor signature.\"), info.GetIsolate());
- return;
+ if ($hasExceptionState) {
+ $code .= <<END;
+ exceptionState.throwTypeError(\"No matching constructor signature.\");
+ exceptionState.throwIfNeeded();
+ } else {
+ AddToImplIncludes("bindings/v8/ExceptionMessages.h");
+ $code .= <<END;
+ throwTypeError(ExceptionMessages::failedToConstruct(\"${interfaceName}\", \"No matching constructor signature.\"), info.GetIsolate());
+ }
$code .= "}\n\n";
- $implementation{nameSpaceInternal}->add($code);
+ $implementation{nameSpaceInternal}->add($header . $code);
sub GenerateSingleConstructorCallback
@@ -2742,7 +2783,8 @@ static void constructor${overloadedIndexString}(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v
if ($function->overloadedIndex == 0) {
- $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
+ my $hasExceptionState = 0;
+ $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface, $hasExceptionState);
if ($raisesExceptions) {
@@ -3082,13 +3124,15 @@ END
- $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface);
if ($raisesExceptions) {
- $code .= " ExceptionState exceptionState(info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ my $interfaceName = $interface->name;
+ $code .= " ExceptionState exceptionState(ExceptionState::ConstructionContext, \"${interfaceName}\", info.Holder(), info.GetIsolate());\n";
+ my $hasExceptionState = $raisesExceptions;
+ $code .= GenerateArgumentsCountCheck($function, $interface, $hasExceptionState);
my ($parameterCheckString, $paramIndex, %replacements) = GenerateParametersCheck($function, $interface);
$code .= $parameterCheckString;

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