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Unified Diff: Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp

Issue 1049673002: Simplify range mapping computation in SVGTextQuery/SVGInlineTextBox (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Created 5 years, 9 months ago
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Index: Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp
diff --git a/Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp b/Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp
index 2fa358df026b86ceada57817e3276995fbf90361..64cf0d361060b24451b5d067f1c0c94e322bd45f 100644
--- a/Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp
+++ b/Source/core/layout/svg/SVGTextQuery.cpp
@@ -134,64 +134,50 @@ bool SVGTextQuery::executeQuery(Data* queryData, ProcessTextFragmentCallback fra
bool SVGTextQuery::mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(Data* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment, int& startPosition, int& endPosition) const
- // Reuse the same logic used for text selection & painting, to map our query start/length into start/endPositions of the current text fragment.
+ // Make <startPosition, endPosition> offsets relative to the current text box.
startPosition -= queryData->processedCharacters;
endPosition -= queryData->processedCharacters;
- // <startPosition, endPosition> is now a tuple of offsets relative to the current text box.
- // Compute the offsets of the fragment in the same offset space.
- int fragmentStartInBox = fragment.characterOffset - queryData->textBox->start();
- int fragmentEndInBox = fragmentStartInBox + fragment.length;
- // Check if the ranges intersect.
- startPosition = std::max(startPosition, fragmentStartInBox);
- endPosition = std::min(endPosition, fragmentEndInBox);
- if (startPosition >= endPosition)
- return false;
- modifyStartEndPositionsRespectingLigatures(queryData, fragment, startPosition, endPosition);
+ // Reuse the same logic used for text selection & painting, to map our
+ // query start/length into start/endPositions of the current text fragment.
if (!queryData->textBox->mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(fragment, startPosition, endPosition))
return false;
+ modifyStartEndPositionsRespectingLigatures(queryData, fragment, startPosition, endPosition);
ASSERT(startPosition < endPosition);
return true;
void SVGTextQuery::modifyStartEndPositionsRespectingLigatures(Data* queryData, const SVGTextFragment& fragment, int& startPosition, int& endPosition) const
- SVGTextLayoutAttributes* layoutAttributes = queryData->textLayoutObject->layoutAttributes();
- Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& textMetricsValues = layoutAttributes->textMetricsValues();
+ const Vector<SVGTextMetrics>& textMetricsValues = queryData->textLayoutObject->layoutAttributes()->textMetricsValues();
unsigned textMetricsOffset = fragment.metricsListOffset;
- // Compute the offset of the fragment within the box, since that's the
- // space <startPosition, endPosition> is in (and that's what we need).
- int fragmentOffsetInBox = fragment.characterOffset - queryData->textBox->start();
- int fragmentEndInBox = fragmentOffsetInBox + fragment.length;
+ int fragmentOffset = 0;
+ int fragmentEnd = static_cast<int>(fragment.length);
// Find the text metrics cell that start at or contain the character startPosition.
- while (fragmentOffsetInBox < fragmentEndInBox) {
- SVGTextMetrics& metrics = textMetricsValues[textMetricsOffset];
- int glyphEnd = fragmentOffsetInBox + metrics.length();
+ while (fragmentOffset < fragmentEnd) {
+ const SVGTextMetrics& metrics = textMetricsValues[textMetricsOffset];
+ int glyphEnd = fragmentOffset + metrics.length();
if (startPosition < glyphEnd)
- fragmentOffsetInBox = glyphEnd;
+ fragmentOffset = glyphEnd;
- startPosition = fragmentOffsetInBox;
+ startPosition = fragmentOffset;
// Find the text metrics cell that contain or ends at the character endPosition.
- while (fragmentOffsetInBox < fragmentEndInBox) {
- SVGTextMetrics& metrics = textMetricsValues[textMetricsOffset];
- fragmentOffsetInBox += metrics.length();
- if (fragmentOffsetInBox >= endPosition)
+ while (fragmentOffset < fragmentEnd) {
+ const SVGTextMetrics& metrics = textMetricsValues[textMetricsOffset];
+ fragmentOffset += metrics.length();
+ if (fragmentOffset >= endPosition)
- endPosition = fragmentOffsetInBox;
+ endPosition = fragmentOffset;
// numberOfCharacters() implementation
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