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Unified Diff: ui/strings/ui_strings.grd

Issue 1049513002: Use the ICU syntax message for plural formatting (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: ios whitelist update Created 5 years, 8 months ago
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Index: ui/strings/ui_strings.grd
diff --git a/ui/strings/ui_strings.grd b/ui/strings/ui_strings.grd
index 9fa99f9f21a7fc9fdffae882742e99f18827aa0d..21157ce36086d6aa11eb786911ea815abbe78a32 100644
--- a/ui/strings/ui_strings.grd
+++ b/ui/strings/ui_strings.grd
@@ -213,1563 +213,119 @@ need to be translated for each locale.-->
<messages fallback_to_english="true">
<!-- time format -->
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> secs
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS"
+ desc="Use an abbreviated word for second(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec} other {# secs}}
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> sec
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS"
+ desc="Use an unabbreviated word for second(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second} other {# seconds}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> secs
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> secs
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_SECS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> secs
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_SECS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_SECS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> secs
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_SECS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> second
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_DEFAULT"
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format. This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format where yy (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> second
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2NDS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format where yy (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format where yy (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format where yy (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="Second part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format where yy (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> seconds
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> mins
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> min
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> mins
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> mins
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_MINS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> mins
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_MINS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> mins
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_MINS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> minute
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_DEFAULT"
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there). This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> minutes '''
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> minute '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> minutes '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> minutes '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> minutes '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="First part of 'xx minutes yy seconds' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> minutes '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_DEFAULT"
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format. This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format where yy (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> minute
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format where yy (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format where yy (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format where yy (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="Second part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format where yy (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> minutes
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_SINGULAR"
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> hour
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_DEFAULT"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there). This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> hours '''
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_SINGULAR"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> hour '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> hours '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> hours '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> hours '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="First part of 'xx hours yy minutes' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> hours '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_DEFAULT"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format. This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_SINGULAR"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format where yy (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> hour
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format where yy (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format where yy (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format where yy (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format where yy (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> hours
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_DEFAULT"
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> days
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_SINGULAR"
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> day
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> days
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> days
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> days
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> days
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_DEFAULT"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there). This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> days '''
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_SINGULAR"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ONE) is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> day '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_ZERO) is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> days '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_TWO) is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> days '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_FEW) is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> days '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="First part of 'xx days yy hours' time format (including the space between first and second part, if the language requires a space there) where xx (NUMBER_MANY) is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> days '''
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> secs left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> sec left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> secs left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> secs left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> secs left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> secs left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> seconds left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> second left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> seconds left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> seconds left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_SECS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> seconds left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_SECS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> seconds left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_SECS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> mins left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> min left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> mins left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> mins left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> mins left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> mins left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> minutes left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> minute left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> minutes left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> minutes left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_MINS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> minutes left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_MINS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> minutes left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_LONG_MINS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> hours left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> hour left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> hours left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> hours left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> hours left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> hours left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> days left
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> day left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> days left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> days left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> days left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> days left
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> secs ago
- </message>
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> sec ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_SECS_2ND"
+ desc="Second part of 'xx minutes and yy seconds' time format. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second} other {# seconds}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> secs ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_MINS"
+ desc="Use an abbreviated word for minute(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min} other {# mins}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> secs ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS"
+ desc="Use an unabbreviated word for minute(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute} other {# minutes}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> secs ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_1ST"
+ desc="First part of 'xx minutes and yy seconds' time format (including 'and' and the space between first and second part, if the language requires a connecting word like 'and' and a space there). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute and } other {# minutes and }}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> secs ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_LONG_MINS_2ND"
+ desc="Second part of 'xx hours and yy minutes' time format. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute} other {# minutes}}
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> mins ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS"
+ desc="[ICU Syntax]">
+ {HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour} other {# hours}}
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> min ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> mins ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_1ST"
+ desc="First part of 'xx hours and yy minutes' time format (including 'and' and the space between first and second part, if the language requires a connecting word like 'and' and a space there). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour and } other {# hours and }}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> mins ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_HOURS_2ND"
+ desc="Second part of 'xx days yy hours' time format. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour} other {# hours}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> mins ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> mins ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS"
+ desc="[ICU Syntax]">
+ {DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day} other {# days}}
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> hours ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_DAYS_1ST"
+ desc="First part of 'xx days and yy hours' time format (including 'and' and the space between first and second part, if the language requires a connecting word like 'and' and a space there). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day and } other {# days and }}
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> hour ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_SECS"
+ desc="Seconds remaining for a job completion. Use an abbreviated word for second(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec left} other {# secs left}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> hours ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ desc="Seconds remaining for a job completion. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 second left} other {# seconds left}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> hours ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_MINS"
+ desc="Minutes remaining for a job completion. Use an abbreviated word for minute(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min left} other {# mins left}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> hours ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
+ desc="Minutes remaining for a job completion. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 minute left} other {# minutes left}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> hours ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_HOURS"
+ desc="Hours remaining for a job completition. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour left} other {# hours left}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- desc="This is necessary for every language. It is the default for all the numbers NOT covered by special cases (singular, dual/two, few, many) some languages need. For CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada, this is the only string necessary. For languages with singular-plural distinction, this is the generic plural. For Lithuanian, NUMBER_DEFAULT is 11..19.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_DEFAULT"><ex>37</ex>#</ph> days ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_REMAINING_DAYS"
+ desc="Days remaining for a job completion. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day left} other {# days left}}
- <if expr="lang not in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- desc="NUMBER_ONE is a one or one-like number: 1 (many European and most Indian languages), 1 and 0 (French, Brazilian Portuguese and Hindi), 1, 21, 31, ... (Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, Serbian, Latvian, Lithuanian), or 1, 101, 201, ... (Slovenian). Do NOT translate this for CJK, Vietnamese, Turkish and Kannada.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ONE"><ex>1</ex>#</ph> day ago
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_SECS"
+ desc="Use an abbreviated word for second(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {SECONDS, plural, =1 {1 sec ago} other {# secs ago}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ko', 'ja', 'vi', 'tr', 'kn']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_SINGULAR"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_ZERO"
- desc="NUMBER_ZERO is 0 (Arabic, Latvian) or 0, 2..19, 101..119, ... (Romanian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_ZERO"><ex>0</ex>#</ph> days ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ar', 'ro', 'lv']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_ZERO"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_MINS"
+ desc="Use an abbreviated word for minute(s). [ICU Syntax]">
+ {MINUTES, plural, =1 {1 min ago} other {# mins ago}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_TWO"
- desc="NUMBER_TWO is a two or two-like/dual number: 2 (Arabic and Irish) or 2, 102, 202 ... (Slovenian). For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_TWO"><ex>2</ex>#</ph> days ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ga', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_TWO"
- desc="">
- NA
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_FEW"
- desc="NUMBER_FEW is a few or few-like number in Arabic, Russian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Ukrainian, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian. For other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_FEW"><ex>3</ex>#</ph> days ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang not in ['ru', 'lt', 'hr', 'uk', 'cs', 'sk', 'pl', 'sl', 'ar']">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_FEW"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_HOURS"
+ desc="Relative time in browsing history or file list. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {HOURS, plural, =1 {1 hour ago} other {# hours ago}}
- </if>
- <if expr="lang == 'ar'">
- <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_MANY"
- desc="NUMBER_MANY is 11 through 99 in Arabic. For all other languages, do NOT translate.">
- <ph name="NUMBER_MANY"><ex>23</ex>#</ph> days ago
- </message>
- </if>
- <if expr="lang != 'ar'">
- <message translateable="false" name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS_MANY"
- desc="">
- NA
+ <message name="IDS_TIME_ELAPSED_DAYS"
+ desc="Relative time in browsing history or file list. [ICU Syntax]">
+ {DAYS, plural, =1 {1 day ago} other {# days ago}}
- </if>
<message name="IDS_PAST_TIME_TODAY" desc="Relative day today">
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