(Empty) | |
| 1 <html> |
| 2 <script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script> |
| 3 <script> |
| 4 function mouseDown() { |
| 5 document.getElementById("mousedown_link").style.color = "red"; |
| 6 } |
| 7 </script> |
| 8 <a id="normal_link_id" href="http://www.chromium.org">Visit Chromium</a> |
| 9 <a id="mousedown_link_id" onmousedown="mouseDown()">Click the text!</a> |
| 10 <button id="button_id" type="button">Button</button> |
| 11 <details id="details_id"> |
| 12 <summary id="summary_id">Copyright 2015.</summary> |
| 13 <p>The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.</p> |
| 14 </details> |
| 15 <input id="input_datalist_id" list="fruits"> |
| 16 <datalist id="fruits"> |
| 17 <option value="Apple"> |
| 18 <option value="Banana"> |
| 19 </datalist> |
| 20 <input id="input_button_id" type="button" value="Click input button"> |
| 21 <input id="input_checkbox_id" type="checkbox" value="CheckBox"> I have a checkbo
x |
| 22 <input id="input_radio_id" type="radio" value="Radio"> Radio |
| 23 <input type="radio" value="Button"> Button |
| 24 <menu> |
| 25 <input id="menu_button_id" type="button" role="button" value="Click menuitem"> |
| 26 <input id="menu_checkbox_id" type="checkbox" name="vehicle" value="menuItemChe
ckbox"> I have a menuItem |
| 27 <input id="menu_radio_id" type="radio" name="gender" value="Menu"> Menu |
| 28 <input type="radio" name="gender" value="ItemRadio"> ItemRadio |
| 29 </menu> |
| 30 Birthday: <input id="input_date_id" type="date" name="bday"> |
| 31 Birthday(date and time): <input id="input_datetime_id" type="datetime" name="bda
ytime"> |
| 32 Birthday(datetime-local): <input id="input_datetime-local_id" type="datetime-loc
al" name="bdaytime"> |
| 33 Birthday (month and year): <input id="input_month_id" type="month" name="bdaymon
th"> |
| 34 Select a week: <input id="input_week_id" type="week" name="week_year"> |
| 35 Select a file: <input id="input_file_id" type="file" name="img"> |
| 36 Min-Max: <input id="input_number_id" type="number" min="1" max="5"> |
| 37 <input id="input_range_id" type="range" name="points" min="0" max="10">Color: <i
nput id="input_color_id" type="color" name="color">Select a time: <input id="inp
ut_time_id" type="time" name="time"> |
| 38 <input id="input_reset_id" type="reset"> |
| 39 <select id="select_id"> |
| 40 <option id="select_option_id" value="Pacific">Pacific</option> |
| 41 <option value="Atlantic">Atlantic</option> |
| 42 <option value="Indian">Indian</option> |
| 43 <option value="Southern">Southern</option> |
| 44 <option value="Arctic">Arctic</option> |
| 45 </select> |
| 46 <select id="select_multiple_id" multiple> |
| 47 <option id="select_multiple_option_id" value="Milk">Milk</option> |
| 48 <option value="Soda">Soda</option> |
| 49 <option value="Coffee">Coffee</option> |
| 50 <option value="Water">Water</option> |
| 51 </select> |
| 52 <textarea id="textarea_id" rows="2" cols="10"> |
| 53 TextArea |
| 54 </textarea> |
| 55 <meter id="meter_id" value="0.6">60%</meter> |
| 56 <form oninput="x.value=parseInt(a.value)+parseInt(b.value)">0 |
| 57 <input type="range" id="a" value="50">100 |
| 58 +<input type="number" id="b" value="50"> |
| 59 =<output id="output_id" name="x" for="a b"></output> |
| 60 </form> |
| 61 <form> |
| 62 <label for="blue">Blue</label> |
| 63 <input id="input_radio_id" type="radio" name="color" id="blue" value="blue"> |
| 64 <label for="red">Red</label> |
| 65 <input type="radio" name="color" id="red" value="red"> |
| 66 </form> |
| 67 <fieldset> |
| 68 <legend id="legend_id">Text Input Controls</legend> |
| 69 Text: <input id="input_text_id" type="text" name="texttest"><br> |
| 70 Password: <input id="input_password_id" type="password" name="passtest"><br> |
| 71 </fieldset> |
| 72 <p id="description"></p> |
| 73 <div id="console"></div> |
| 74 <script> |
| 75 description("This test make sure that focusable elements are mapped implicitly t
o AX roles."); |
| 76 |
| 77 if (window.testRunner && window.accessibilityController) { |
| 78 window.testRunner.dumpAsText(); |
| 79 |
| 80 function hasRole(id, expectedRole) { |
| 81 debug(id); |
| 82 window.elem = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById(id); |
| 83 shouldBe("elem.role", "\"" + expectedRole + "\""); |
| 84 } |
| 85 |
| 86 function hasSingleSelectRole(select_id, option_id) { |
| 87 debug(select_id); |
| 88 window.elem = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById(select_id); |
| 89 shouldBe("elem.role", "\"AXRole: AXPopUpButton\""); |
| 90 |
| 91 window.axMenuListPopup = elem.childAtIndex(0); |
| 92 shouldBe("axMenuListPopup.role", "\"AXRole: AXMenuListPopup\""); |
| 93 |
| 94 debug(option_id); |
| 95 window.axMenuListOption = axMenuListPopup.childAtIndex(0); |
| 96 shouldBe("axMenuListOption.role", "\"AXRole: AXMenuListOption\""); |
| 97 } |
| 98 |
| 99 hasRole("normal_link_id", "AXRole: AXLink"); |
| 100 hasRole("mousedown_link_id", "AXRole: AXLink"); |
| 101 |
| 102 hasRole("button_id", "AXRole: AXButton"); |
| 103 hasRole("details_id", "AXRole: AXDetails"); |
| 104 hasRole("summary_id", "AXRole: AXDisclosureTriangle"); |
| 105 |
| 106 hasRole("input_datalist_id", "AXRole: AXComboBox"); |
| 107 hasRole("input_button_id", "AXRole: AXButton"); |
| 108 hasRole("input_checkbox_id", "AXRole: AXCheckBox"); |
| 109 hasRole("input_radio_id", "AXRole: AXRadioButton"); |
| 110 |
| 111 hasRole("menu_button_id", "AXRole: AXButton"); |
| 112 hasRole("menu_checkbox_id", "AXRole: AXMenuItemCheckBox"); |
| 113 hasRole("menu_radio_id", "AXRole: AXMenuItemRadio"); |
| 114 |
| 115 hasRole("input_date_id", "AXRole: AXDateField"); |
| 116 hasRole("input_datetime_id", "AXRole: AXTextField"); |
| 117 hasRole("input_datetime-local_id", "AXRole: AXDateTimeField"); |
| 118 hasRole("input_month_id", "AXRole: AXDateTimeField"); |
| 119 hasRole("input_week_id", "AXRole: AXDateTimeField"); |
| 120 |
| 121 hasRole("input_file_id", "AXRole: AXButton"); |
| 122 hasRole("input_number_id", "AXRole: AXSpinButton"); |
| 123 hasRole("input_range_id", "AXRole: AXSlider"); |
| 124 hasRole("input_color_id", "AXRole: AXColorWell"); |
| 125 hasRole("input_time_id", "AXRole: AXTime"); |
| 126 hasRole("input_reset_id", "AXRole: AXButton"); |
| 127 |
| 128 hasSingleSelectRole("select_id", "select_option_id"); |
| 129 hasRole("select_multiple_id", "AXRole: AXListBox"); |
| 130 hasRole("select_multiple_option_id", "AXRole: AXListBoxOption"); |
| 131 |
| 132 hasRole("textarea_id", "AXRole: AXTextField"); |
| 133 |
| 134 hasRole("meter_id", "AXRole: AXMeter"); |
| 135 hasRole("output_id", "AXRole: AXStatus"); |
| 136 hasRole("input_radio_id", "AXRole: AXRadioButton"); |
| 137 hasRole("legend_id", "AXRole: AXLegend"); |
| 138 hasRole("input_text_id", "AXRole: AXTextField"); |
| 139 hasRole("input_password_id", "AXRole: AXTextField"); |
| 140 } |
| 141 </script> |
| 142 </html> |