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Unified Diff: gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format_autogen.h

Issue 10106015: Allow textures to be moved from one GL context group to another. (Closed) Base URL: svn://chrome-svn/chrome/trunk/src/
Patch Set: Created 8 years, 8 months ago
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Index: gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format_autogen.h
--- gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format_autogen.h (revision 134729)
+++ gpu/command_buffer/common/gles2_cmd_format_autogen.h (working copy)
@@ -9713,6 +9713,220 @@
COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(VertexAttribDivisorANGLE, divisor) == 8,
+struct GenMailboxCHROMIUM {
+ typedef GenMailboxCHROMIUM ValueType;
+ static const CommandId kCmdId = kGenMailboxCHROMIUM;
+ static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kFixed;
+ typedef SizedResult<GLint> Result;
+ static uint32 ComputeSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(sizeof(ValueType)); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void SetHeader() {
+ header.SetCmd<ValueType>();
+ }
+ void Init(GLuint _bucket_id) {
+ SetHeader();
+ bucket_id = _bucket_id;
+ }
+ void* Set(void* cmd, GLuint _bucket_id) {
+ static_cast<ValueType*>(cmd)->Init(_bucket_id);
+ return NextCmdAddress<ValueType>(cmd);
+ }
+ gpu::CommandHeader header;
+ uint32 bucket_id;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(GenMailboxCHROMIUM) == 8,
+ Sizeof_GenMailboxCHROMIUM_is_not_8);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(GenMailboxCHROMIUM, header) == 0,
+ OffsetOf_GenMailboxCHROMIUM_header_not_0);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(GenMailboxCHROMIUM, bucket_id) == 4,
+ OffsetOf_GenMailboxCHROMIUM_bucket_id_not_4);
+struct ProduceTextureCHROMIUM {
+ typedef ProduceTextureCHROMIUM ValueType;
+ static const CommandId kCmdId = kProduceTextureCHROMIUM;
+ static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kFixed;
+ static uint32 ComputeSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(sizeof(ValueType)); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void SetHeader() {
+ header.SetCmd<ValueType>();
+ }
+ void Init(
+ GLenum _target, uint32 _mailbox_shm_id, uint32 _mailbox_shm_offset) {
+ SetHeader();
+ target = _target;
+ mailbox_shm_id = _mailbox_shm_id;
+ mailbox_shm_offset = _mailbox_shm_offset;
+ }
+ void* Set(
+ void* cmd, GLenum _target, uint32 _mailbox_shm_id,
+ uint32 _mailbox_shm_offset) {
+ static_cast<ValueType*>(
+ cmd)->Init(_target, _mailbox_shm_id, _mailbox_shm_offset);
+ return NextCmdAddress<ValueType>(cmd);
+ }
+ gpu::CommandHeader header;
+ uint32 target;
+ uint32 mailbox_shm_id;
+ uint32 mailbox_shm_offset;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUM) == 16,
+ Sizeof_ProduceTextureCHROMIUM_is_not_16);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUM, header) == 0,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUM_header_not_0);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUM, target) == 4,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUM_target_not_4);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUM, mailbox_shm_id) == 8,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUM_mailbox_shm_id_not_8);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUM, mailbox_shm_offset) == 12,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUM_mailbox_shm_offset_not_12);
+struct ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate {
+ typedef ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate ValueType;
+ static const CommandId kCmdId = kProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate;
+ static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kAtLeastN;
+ static uint32 ComputeDataSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(
+ sizeof(GLbyte) * 64); // NOLINT
+ }
+ static uint32 ComputeSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(
+ sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize()); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void SetHeader() {
+ header.SetCmdByTotalSize<ValueType>(ComputeSize());
+ }
+ void Init(GLenum _target, const GLbyte* _mailbox) {
+ SetHeader();
+ target = _target;
+ memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),
+ _mailbox, ComputeDataSize());
+ }
+ void* Set(void* cmd, GLenum _target, const GLbyte* _mailbox) {
+ static_cast<ValueType*>(cmd)->Init(_target, _mailbox);
+ const uint32 size = ComputeSize();
+ return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize<ValueType>(cmd, size);
+ }
+ gpu::CommandHeader header;
+ uint32 target;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate) == 8,
+ Sizeof_ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_is_not_8);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate, header) == 0,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_header_not_0);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate, target) == 4,
+ OffsetOf_ProduceTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_target_not_4);
+struct ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM {
+ typedef ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM ValueType;
+ static const CommandId kCmdId = kConsumeTextureCHROMIUM;
+ static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kFixed;
+ static uint32 ComputeSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(sizeof(ValueType)); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void SetHeader() {
+ header.SetCmd<ValueType>();
+ }
+ void Init(
+ GLenum _target, uint32 _mailbox_shm_id, uint32 _mailbox_shm_offset) {
+ SetHeader();
+ target = _target;
+ mailbox_shm_id = _mailbox_shm_id;
+ mailbox_shm_offset = _mailbox_shm_offset;
+ }
+ void* Set(
+ void* cmd, GLenum _target, uint32 _mailbox_shm_id,
+ uint32 _mailbox_shm_offset) {
+ static_cast<ValueType*>(
+ cmd)->Init(_target, _mailbox_shm_id, _mailbox_shm_offset);
+ return NextCmdAddress<ValueType>(cmd);
+ }
+ gpu::CommandHeader header;
+ uint32 target;
+ uint32 mailbox_shm_id;
+ uint32 mailbox_shm_offset;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM) == 16,
+ Sizeof_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM_is_not_16);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM, header) == 0,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM_header_not_0);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM, target) == 4,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM_target_not_4);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM, mailbox_shm_id) == 8,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM_mailbox_shm_id_not_8);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM, mailbox_shm_offset) == 12,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUM_mailbox_shm_offset_not_12);
+struct ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate {
+ typedef ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate ValueType;
+ static const CommandId kCmdId = kConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate;
+ static const cmd::ArgFlags kArgFlags = cmd::kAtLeastN;
+ static uint32 ComputeDataSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(
+ sizeof(GLbyte) * 64); // NOLINT
+ }
+ static uint32 ComputeSize() {
+ return static_cast<uint32>(
+ sizeof(ValueType) + ComputeDataSize()); // NOLINT
+ }
+ void SetHeader() {
+ header.SetCmdByTotalSize<ValueType>(ComputeSize());
+ }
+ void Init(GLenum _target, const GLbyte* _mailbox) {
+ SetHeader();
+ target = _target;
+ memcpy(ImmediateDataAddress(this),
+ _mailbox, ComputeDataSize());
+ }
+ void* Set(void* cmd, GLenum _target, const GLbyte* _mailbox) {
+ static_cast<ValueType*>(cmd)->Init(_target, _mailbox);
+ const uint32 size = ComputeSize();
+ return NextImmediateCmdAddressTotalSize<ValueType>(cmd, size);
+ }
+ gpu::CommandHeader header;
+ uint32 target;
+COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate) == 8,
+ Sizeof_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_is_not_8);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate, header) == 0,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_header_not_0);
+COMPILE_ASSERT(offsetof(ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate, target) == 4,
+ OffsetOf_ConsumeTextureCHROMIUMImmediate_target_not_4);
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