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Side by Side Diff: chrome/browser/ui/views/aura/launcher/

Issue 9570044: Rename chrome/browser/ui/views/{aura => ash}/ (Closed) Base URL: svn://
Patch Set: Rebase Created 8 years, 9 months ago
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1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/aura/launcher/launcher_updater.h"
7 #include <map>
8 #include <string>
10 #include "ash/launcher/launcher_model.h"
11 #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
12 #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents_wrapper.h"
13 #include "chrome/browser/ui/views/aura/launcher/chrome_launcher_delegate.h"
14 #include "chrome/browser/tabs/tab_strip_model.h"
15 #include "chrome/browser/tabs/test_tab_strip_model_delegate.h"
16 #include "chrome/test/base/chrome_render_view_host_test_harness.h"
17 #include "chrome/test/base/testing_profile.h"
18 #include "content/browser/tab_contents/test_tab_contents.h"
19 #include "content/test/test_browser_thread.h"
20 #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
21 #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
22 #include "ui/aura/window.h"
24 namespace {
26 // Test implementation of AppIconLoader.
27 class AppIconLoaderImpl : public ChromeLauncherDelegate::AppIconLoader {
28 public:
29 AppIconLoaderImpl() : fetch_count_(0) {}
30 virtual ~AppIconLoaderImpl() {}
32 // Sets the id for the specified tab. The id is removed if Remove() is
33 // invoked.
34 void SetAppID(TabContentsWrapper* tab, const std::string& id) {
35 tab_id_map_[tab] = id;
36 }
38 // Returns true if there is an id registered for |tab|.
39 bool HasAppID(TabContentsWrapper* tab) const {
40 return tab_id_map_.find(tab) != tab_id_map_.end();
41 }
43 // Returns the number of times FetchImage() has been invoked and resets the
44 // count to 0.
45 int GetAndClearFetchCount() {
46 int value = fetch_count_;
47 fetch_count_ = 0;
48 return value;
49 }
51 // AppIconLoader implementation:
52 virtual std::string GetAppID(TabContentsWrapper* tab) OVERRIDE {
53 return tab_id_map_.find(tab) != tab_id_map_.end() ? tab_id_map_[tab] :
54 std::string();
55 }
57 virtual bool IsValidID(const std::string& id) OVERRIDE {
58 for (TabToStringMap::const_iterator i = tab_id_map_.begin();
59 i != tab_id_map_.end(); ++i) {
60 if (i->second == id)
61 return true;
62 }
63 return false;
64 }
66 virtual void FetchImage(const std::string& id) OVERRIDE {
67 fetch_count_++;
68 }
70 private:
71 typedef std::map<TabContentsWrapper*, std::string> TabToStringMap;
73 TabToStringMap tab_id_map_;
75 int fetch_count_;
78 };
80 // Contains all the objects needed to create a LauncherUpdater.
81 struct State {
82 State(Profile* profile,
83 ChromeLauncherDelegate* launcher_delegate,
84 const std::string& app_id,
85 LauncherUpdater::Type launcher_type)
86 : window(NULL),
87 tab_strip(&tab_strip_delegate, profile),
88 updater(&window, &tab_strip, launcher_delegate, launcher_type,
89 app_id) {
90 updater.Init();
91 }
93 aura::Window window;
94 TestTabStripModelDelegate tab_strip_delegate;
95 TabStripModel tab_strip;
96 LauncherUpdater updater;
98 private:
100 };
102 } // namespace
104 class LauncherUpdaterTest : public ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness {
105 public:
106 LauncherUpdaterTest()
107 : browser_thread_(content::BrowserThread::UI, &message_loop_) {
108 }
110 virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
111 ChromeRenderViewHostTestHarness::SetUp();
112 launcher_model_.reset(new ash::LauncherModel);
113 launcher_delegate_.reset(
114 new ChromeLauncherDelegate(profile(), launcher_model_.get()));
115 app_icon_loader_ = new AppIconLoaderImpl;
116 launcher_delegate_->SetAppIconLoaderForTest(app_icon_loader_);
117 launcher_delegate_->Init();
118 }
120 protected:
121 LauncherUpdater* GetUpdaterByID(ash::LauncherID id) const {
122 return launcher_delegate_->id_to_item_map_[id].updater;
123 }
125 const std::string& GetAppID(ash::LauncherID id) const {
126 return launcher_delegate_->id_to_item_map_[id].app_id;
127 }
129 void ResetAppIconLoader() {
130 launcher_delegate_->SetAppIconLoaderForTest(app_icon_loader_);
131 }
133 void UnpinAppsWithID(const std::string& app_id) {
134 launcher_delegate_->UnpinAppsWithID(app_id);
135 }
137 scoped_ptr<ash::LauncherModel> launcher_model_;
138 scoped_ptr<ChromeLauncherDelegate> launcher_delegate_;
140 // Owned by LauncherUpdater.
141 AppIconLoaderImpl* app_icon_loader_;
143 private:
144 content::TestBrowserThread browser_thread_;
146 DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(LauncherUpdaterTest);
147 };
149 // Verifies a new launcher item is added for TYPE_TABBED.
150 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, TabbedSetup) {
151 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
152 {
153 TabContentsWrapper wrapper(CreateTestTabContents());
154 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
155 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
156 // Since the type is tabbed and there is nothing in the tabstrip an item
157 // should not have been added.
158 EXPECT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
160 // Add a tab.
161 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &wrapper, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
163 // There should be one more item.
164 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
165 // New item should be added at the end.
166 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
167 }
168 // Deleting the LauncherUpdater should have removed the item.
169 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
171 // Do the same, but this time add the tab first.
172 {
173 TabContentsWrapper wrapper(CreateTestTabContents());
175 TestTabStripModelDelegate tab_strip_delegate;
176 TabStripModel tab_strip(&tab_strip_delegate, profile());
177 tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &wrapper, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
178 LauncherUpdater updater(NULL, &tab_strip, launcher_delegate_.get(),
179 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED, std::string());
180 updater.Init();
182 // There should be one more item.
183 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
184 // New item should be added at the end.
185 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
186 }
187 }
189 // Verifies a new launcher item is added for TYPE_APP.
190 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, AppSetup) {
191 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
192 {
193 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
194 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_APP);
195 // There should be one more item.
196 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
197 // New item should be added at the end.
198 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
199 }
200 // Deleting the LauncherUpdater should have removed the item.
201 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
202 }
204 // Various assertions when adding/removing a tab that has an app associated with
205 // it.
206 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, TabbedWithApp) {
207 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
208 {
209 TabContentsWrapper initial_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
210 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
211 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
212 // Add a tab.
213 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &initial_tab,
214 TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
216 // There should be one more item.
217 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
218 // New item should be added at the end.
219 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
220 ash::LauncherID tabbed_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
222 // Add another tab, configure it so that the launcher thinks it's an app.
223 TabContentsWrapper app_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
224 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&app_tab, "1");
225 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(1, &app_tab, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
227 // There should be one more item.
228 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
229 // New item should be added at the end.
230 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
232 // Remove the first tab, this should trigger removing the tabbed item.
233 state.tab_strip.DetachTabContentsAt(0);
234 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
235 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
236 EXPECT_EQ(-1, launcher_model_->ItemIndexByID(tabbed_id));
238 // Add back the tab, which triggers creating the tabbed item.
239 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &initial_tab,
240 TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
241 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
243 launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
245 }
246 // Deleting the LauncherUpdater should have removed the item.
247 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
248 }
250 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, TabbedWithAppOnCreate) {
251 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
252 aura::Window window(NULL);
253 TestTabStripModelDelegate tab_strip_delegate;
254 TabStripModel tab_strip(&tab_strip_delegate, profile());
255 TabContentsWrapper app_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
256 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&app_tab, "1");
257 tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &app_tab, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
258 LauncherUpdater updater(&window, &tab_strip, launcher_delegate_.get(),
259 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED, std::string());
260 updater.Init();
261 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
262 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
263 }
265 // Verifies transitioning from a normal tab to app tab and back works.
266 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, ChangeToApp) {
267 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
268 {
269 TabContentsWrapper initial_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
270 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
271 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
272 // Add a tab.
273 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &initial_tab,
274 TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
276 // There should be one more item.
277 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
278 // New item should be added at the end.
279 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
280 ash::LauncherID tabbed_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
282 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&initial_tab, "1");
283 // Triggers LauncherUpdater seeing the tab changed to an app.
284 state.updater.TabChangedAt(&initial_tab, 0, TabStripModelObserver::ALL);
285 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
286 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
287 EXPECT_EQ(tabbed_id, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id);
289 // Change back to a non-app and make sure the tabbed item is added back.
290 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&initial_tab, std::string());
291 state.updater.TabChangedAt(&initial_tab, 0, TabStripModelObserver::ALL);
292 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
293 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
294 EXPECT_EQ(tabbed_id, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id);
295 }
296 // Deleting the LauncherUpdater should have removed the item.
297 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
298 }
300 // Verifies AppIconLoader is queried appropriately.
301 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, QueryAppIconLoader) {
302 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
303 {
304 TabContentsWrapper initial_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
305 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
306 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
307 // Configure the tab as an app.
308 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&initial_tab, "1");
309 // Add a tab.
310 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &initial_tab,
311 TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
312 // AppIconLoader should have been queried.
313 EXPECT_GT(app_icon_loader_->GetAndClearFetchCount(), 0);
314 // Remove the tab.
315 state.tab_strip.DetachTabContentsAt(0);
316 }
317 // Deleting the LauncherUpdater should have removed the item.
318 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
319 }
321 // Verifies SetAppImage works.
322 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, SetAppImage) {
323 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
324 TabContentsWrapper initial_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
325 State state(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
326 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
327 // Configure the tab as an app.
328 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&initial_tab, "1");
329 // Add a tab.
330 state.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &initial_tab,
331 TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
332 SkBitmap image;
333 image.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, 2, 3);
334 image.allocPixels();
335 launcher_delegate_->SetAppImage("1", &image);
336 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
337 EXPECT_EQ(2, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].image.width());
338 EXPECT_EQ(3, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].image.height());
339 }
341 // Verifies app tabs are added right after the existing tabbed item.
342 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, AddAppAfterTabbed) {
343 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
344 TabContentsWrapper tab1(CreateTestTabContents());
345 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
346 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
347 // Add a tab.
348 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
349 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
350 ash::LauncherID tabbed_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
352 // Create another LauncherUpdater.
353 State state2(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
354 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_APP);
356 // Should be two extra items.
357 EXPECT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
359 // Add an app tab to state1, it should go after the item for state1 but
360 // before the item for state2.
361 int next_id = launcher_model_->next_id();
362 TabContentsWrapper app_tab(CreateTestTabContents());
363 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&app_tab, "1");
364 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(1, &app_tab, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
366 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 3, launcher_model_->items().size());
367 EXPECT_EQ(next_id, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id);
368 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
370 // Remove the non-app tab.
371 state1.tab_strip.DetachTabContentsAt(0);
372 // Should have removed one item.
373 EXPECT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
374 EXPECT_EQ(-1, launcher_model_->ItemIndexByID(tabbed_id));
375 next_id = launcher_model_->next_id();
376 // Add the non-app tab back. It should go to the original position (but get a
377 // new id).
378 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
379 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 3, launcher_model_->items().size());
380 EXPECT_EQ(next_id, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id);
381 }
383 // Verifies GetWindowAndTabByID works.
384 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, GetUpdaterByID) {
385 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
386 TabContentsWrapper tab1(CreateTestTabContents());
387 TabContentsWrapper tab2(CreateTestTabContents());
388 TabContentsWrapper tab3(CreateTestTabContents());
390 // Create 3 states:
391 // . tabbed with an app tab and normal tab.
392 // . tabbed with a normal tab.
393 // . app.
394 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
395 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
396 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
397 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab2, "1");
398 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab2, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
399 State state2(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
400 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
401 state2.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab3, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
402 State state3(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
403 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_APP);
404 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 4, launcher_model_->items().size());
406 // Tabbed item from first state.
407 ash::LauncherID id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
408 LauncherUpdater* updater = GetUpdaterByID(id);
409 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), updater);
410 ASSERT_TRUE(updater);
411 EXPECT_TRUE(updater->GetTab(id) == NULL);
413 // App item from first state.
414 id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id;
415 updater = GetUpdaterByID(id);
416 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), updater);
417 ASSERT_TRUE(updater);
418 EXPECT_TRUE(updater->GetTab(id) == &tab2);
420 // Tabbed item from second state.
421 id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 2].id;
422 updater = GetUpdaterByID(id);
423 EXPECT_EQ(&(state2.updater), updater);
424 ASSERT_TRUE(updater);
425 EXPECT_TRUE(updater->GetTab(id) == NULL);
427 // App item.
428 id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 3].id;
429 updater = GetUpdaterByID(id);
430 EXPECT_EQ(&(state3.updater), updater);
431 ASSERT_TRUE(updater);
432 EXPECT_TRUE(updater->GetTab(id) == NULL);
433 }
435 // Various assertions around pinning. In particular verifies destroying a
436 // LauncherUpdater doesn't remove the entry for a pinned app.
437 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, Pin) {
438 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
439 TabContentsWrapper tab1(CreateTestTabContents());
440 TabContentsWrapper tab2(CreateTestTabContents());
441 TabContentsWrapper tab3(CreateTestTabContents());
443 ash::LauncherID id;
444 {
445 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
446 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
447 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab1, "1");
448 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
449 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
450 id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
451 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
452 // Shouldn't be pinned.
453 EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
454 launcher_delegate_->Pin(id);
455 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
456 }
458 // Should still have the item.
459 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
460 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
461 EXPECT_TRUE(GetUpdaterByID(id) == NULL);
463 // Create another app tab, it shouldn't get the same id.
464 {
465 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
466 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
467 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab2, "2");
468 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab2, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
469 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
470 ash::LauncherID new_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id;
471 EXPECT_NE(id, new_id);
472 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
473 // Shouldn't be pinned.
474 EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(new_id));
475 // But existing one should still be pinned.
476 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
477 }
479 // Add it back and make sure we don't get another entry.
480 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
481 {
482 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
483 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
484 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab1, "1");
485 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
486 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
487 ash::LauncherID new_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
488 EXPECT_EQ(id, new_id);
489 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
490 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
491 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), GetUpdaterByID(id));
493 // Add another tab.
494 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab3, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
495 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
496 new_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
497 EXPECT_NE(id, new_id);
498 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_TABBED, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
499 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), GetUpdaterByID(new_id));
500 }
502 // Add it back and make sure we don't get another entry.
503 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
504 {
505 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
506 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
507 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab3, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
508 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
509 ash::LauncherID new_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id;
510 EXPECT_NE(id, new_id);
512 launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
513 EXPECT_TRUE(GetUpdaterByID(id) == NULL);
514 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), GetUpdaterByID(new_id));
516 // Add the app tab.
517 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
518 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
519 new_id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
520 EXPECT_EQ(id, new_id);
521 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
522 EXPECT_EQ(&(state1.updater), GetUpdaterByID(new_id));
523 }
524 }
526 // Verifies pinned apps are persisted and restored.
527 TEST_F(LauncherUpdaterTest, PersistPinned) {
528 size_t initial_size = launcher_model_->items().size();
529 TabContentsWrapper tab1(CreateTestTabContents());
531 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab1, "1");
532 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(NULL, "2");
533 {
534 State state1(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), std::string(),
535 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_TABBED);
536 state1.tab_strip.InsertTabContentsAt(0, &tab1, TabStripModel::ADD_NONE);
537 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
538 ash::LauncherID id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
539 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
540 // Shouldn't be pinned.
541 EXPECT_FALSE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
542 launcher_delegate_->Pin(id);
543 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
545 // Create an app window.
546 State state2(profile(), launcher_delegate_.get(), "2",
547 LauncherUpdater::TYPE_APP);
548 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
549 ash::LauncherID id2 = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id;
550 EXPECT_NE(id, id2);
551 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
552 launcher_delegate_->Pin(id2);
553 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id2));
554 }
556 launcher_delegate_.reset(NULL);
557 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size, launcher_model_->items().size());
559 launcher_delegate_.reset(
560 new ChromeLauncherDelegate(profile(), launcher_model_.get()));
561 app_icon_loader_ = new AppIconLoaderImpl;
562 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(&tab1, "1");
563 app_icon_loader_->SetAppID(NULL, "2");
564 ResetAppIconLoader();
565 launcher_delegate_->Init();
566 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 2, launcher_model_->items().size());
567 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].type);
568 ash::LauncherID id = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
569 EXPECT_EQ("1", GetAppID(id));
570 EXPECT_EQ(ChromeLauncherDelegate::APP_TYPE_TAB,
571 launcher_delegate_->GetAppType(id));
572 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id));
573 EXPECT_EQ(ash::TYPE_APP, launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].type);
574 ash::LauncherID id2 = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size + 1].id;
575 EXPECT_EQ("2", GetAppID(id2));
576 EXPECT_EQ(ChromeLauncherDelegate::APP_TYPE_WINDOW,
577 launcher_delegate_->GetAppType(id2));
578 EXPECT_TRUE(launcher_delegate_->IsPinned(id2));
580 UnpinAppsWithID("1");
581 ASSERT_EQ(initial_size + 1, launcher_model_->items().size());
582 ash::LauncherID id3 = launcher_model_->items()[initial_size].id;
583 EXPECT_EQ(id2, id3);
584 }

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