DescriptionAdd minimal Gerrit support to 'git cl config' and 'git cl upload'
This is the bare beginnings of Gerrit support for (non-repo) depot_tools,
based on Roland's work.
Differnt from
it read codereview.settings and if it has GERRTI_HOST and GERRIT_PORT,
then "git cl config" configured it for gerrit.
installs hooks/commit-msg
git config $GERRIT_HOST
git config gerrit.port $GERRIT_PORT
if it has config, "git cl upload" will upload a change
to gerrit as
"git push --receive-pack=... origin master"
it scans description and extract reviewers from R= line.
Patch Set 1 #
Total comments: 9
Patch Set 2 : '' #Patch Set 3 : '' #Patch Set 4 : '' #
Total comments: 8
Patch Set 5 : '' #
Total comments: 7
Patch Set 6 : '' #Messages
Total messages: 11 (0 generated)