--- (revision 3085)
+++ (working copy)
@@ -1,1536 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
-# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
-# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Test driver for the Dart project used by continuous build and developers."""
-import imp
-import optparse
-import os
-import Queue
-import re
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import urllib
-import testing
-from testing import test_runner
-import utils
-ARCH_GUESS = utils.GuessArchitecture()
-OS_GUESS = utils.GuessOS()
-BUILT_IN_TESTS = ['dartc', 'vm', 'standalone', 'corelib', 'language', 'co19',
- 'samples', 'isolate', 'stub-generator', 'client']
-# Patterns for matching test options in .dart files.
-VM_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'// VMOptions=(.*)')
-DART_OPTIONS_PATTERN = re.compile(r'// DartOptions=(.*)')
-ISOLATE_STUB_PATTERN = re.compile(r'// IsolateStubs=(.*)')
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# --- P r o g r e s s I n d i c a t o r s ---
-# ---------------------------------------------
-class Error(Exception):
- pass
-class ProgressIndicator(object):
- """Base class for displaying the progress of the test run."""
- def __init__(self, cases, context, start_time):
- self.abort = False
- self.terminate = False
- self.cases = cases
- self.start_time = start_time
- self.queue = Queue.Queue(len(cases))
- self.batch_queues = {}
- self.context = context
- # Extract batchable cases.
- found_cmds = {}
- for case in cases:
- cmd =[0]
- if not utils.IsWindows():
- # Diagnostic check for executable (if an absolute pathname)
- if not cmd in found_cmds:
- if os.path.isabs(cmd) and not os.path.isfile(cmd):
- msg = "Can't find command %s\n" % cmd
- msg += '(Did you build first? '
- msg += 'Are you running in the correct directory?)'
- raise Exception(msg)
- else:
- found_cmds[cmd] = 1
- if
- if not cmd in self.batch_queues:
- self.batch_queues[cmd] = Queue.Queue(len(cases))
- self.batch_queues[cmd].put(case)
- else:
- self.queue.put_nowait(case)
- self.succeeded = 0
- self.remaining = len(cases)
- = len(cases)
- self.failed = []
- self.crashed = 0
- self.lock = threading.Lock()
- def PrintFailureHeader(self, test):
- if test.IsNegative():
- negative_marker = '[negative] '
- else:
- negative_marker = ''
- print '=== %(label)s %(negative)s===' % {
- 'label': test.GetLabel(),
- 'negative': negative_marker
- }
- print 'Path: %s' % '/'.join(test.path)
- def Run(self, tasks):
- """Starts tests and keeps running until queues are drained."""
- self.Starting()
- # Scale the number of tasks to the nubmer of CPUs on the machine
- if tasks == testing.USE_DEFAULT_CPUS:
- tasks = testing.HOST_CPUS
- # TODO(zundel): Refactor BatchSingle method and TestRunner to
- # share code and simplify this method.
- # Start the non-batchable items first - there are some long running
- # jobs we don't want to wait on at the end.
- threads = []
- # Spawn N-1 threads and then use this thread as the last one.
- # That way -j1 avoids threading altogether which is a nice fallback
- # in case of threading problems.
- for unused_i in xrange(tasks - 1):
- thread = threading.Thread(target=self.RunSingle, args=[])
- threads.append(thread)
- thread.start()
- # Next, crank up the batchable tasks. Note that this will start
- # 'tasks' more threads, but the assumption is that if batching is
- # enabled that almost all tests are batchable.
- for (cmd, queue) in self.batch_queues.items():
- if not queue.empty():
- batch_tester = None
- try:
- batch_tester = test_runner.BatchRunner(queue, tasks, self,
- [cmd, '-batch'])
- except:
- print 'Aborting batch test for ' + cmd + '. Problem on startup.'
- if batch_tester: batch_tester.Shutdown()
- raise
- try:
- batch_tester.WaitForCompletion()
- except:
- print 'Aborting batch cmd ' + cmd + 'while waiting for completion.'
- if batch_tester: batch_tester.Shutdown()
- raise
- try:
- self.RunSingle()
- if self.abort:
- raise Error('Aborted')
- # Wait for the remaining non-batched threads.
- for thread in threads:
- # Use a timeout so that signals (ctrl-c) will be processed.
- thread.join(timeout=10000000)
- if self.abort:
- raise Error('Aborted')
- except:
- # If there's an exception we schedule an interruption for any
- # remaining threads.
- self.terminate = True
- # ...and then reraise the exception to bail out
- raise
- self.Done()
- return not self.failed
- def RunSingle(self):
- while not self.terminate:
- try:
- test = self.queue.get_nowait()
- except Queue.Empty:
- return
- case =
- with self.lock:
- self.AboutToRun(case)
- try:
- start = time.time()
- output = case.Run()
- case.duration = (time.time() - start)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- self.abort = True
- self.terminate = True
- raise
- except IOError:
- self.abort = True
- self.terminate = True
- raise
- if self.terminate:
- return
- with self.lock:
- if output.UnexpectedOutput():
- self.failed.append(output)
- if output.HasCrashed():
- self.crashed += 1
- else:
- self.succeeded += 1
- self.remaining -= 1
- self.HasRun(output)
-def EscapeCommand(command):
- parts = []
- for part in command:
- if ' ' in part:
- # Escape spaces. We may need to escape more characters for this
- # to work properly.
- parts.append('"%s"' % part)
- else:
- parts.append(part)
- return ' '.join(parts)
-class SimpleProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator):
- """Base class for printing output of each test separately."""
- def Starting(self):
- """Called at the beginning before any tests are run."""
- print 'Running %i tests' % len(self.cases)
- def Done(self):
- """Called when all tests are complete."""
- print
- for failed in self.failed:
- self.PrintFailureHeader(failed.test)
- if failed.output.stderr:
- print '--- stderr ---'
- print failed.output.stderr.strip()
- if failed.output.stdout:
- print '--- stdout ---'
- print failed.output.stdout.strip()
- print 'Command: %s' % EscapeCommand(failed.command)
- if failed.HasCrashed():
- print '--- CRASHED ---'
- if failed.HasTimedOut():
- print '--- TIMEOUT ---'
- if not self.failed:
- print '==='
- print '=== All tests succeeded'
- print '==='
- else:
- print
- print '==='
- if len(self.failed) == 1:
- print '=== 1 test failed'
- else:
- print '=== %i tests failed' % len(self.failed)
- if self.crashed > 0:
- if self.crashed == 1:
- print '=== 1 test CRASHED'
- else:
- print '=== %i tests CRASHED' % self.crashed
- print '==='
-class VerboseProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator):
- """Print verbose information about each test that is run."""
- def AboutToRun(self, case):
- """Called before each test case is run."""
- print 'Starting %s...' % case.GetLabel()
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def HasRun(self, output):
- """Called after each test case is run."""
- if output.UnexpectedOutput():
- if output.HasCrashed():
- outcome = 'CRASH'
- else:
- outcome = 'FAIL'
- else:
- outcome = 'PASS'
- print 'Done running %s: %s' % (output.test.GetLabel(), outcome)
-class OneLineProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator):
- """Results of each test is printed like a report, on a line by itself."""
- def AboutToRun(self, case):
- """Called before each test case is run."""
- pass
- def HasRun(self, output):
- """Called after each test case is run."""
- if output.UnexpectedOutput():
- if output.HasCrashed():
- outcome = 'CRASH'
- else:
- outcome = 'FAIL'
- else:
- outcome = 'pass'
- print 'Done %s: %s' % (output.test.GetLabel(), outcome)
-class StatusFileProgressIndicator(SimpleProgressIndicator):
- def AboutToRun(self, case):
- """Called before each test case is run."""
- pass
- def HasRun(self, output):
- """Called after each test case is run."""
- actual_outcome = output.GetOutcome()
- expected_outcomes = set(output.test.outcomes)
- if not actual_outcome in expected_outcomes:
- expected_outcomes.discard(testing.PASS)
- if expected_outcomes:
- print 'Incorrect status for %s: %s' % (output.test.GetLabel(),
- ', '.join(expected_outcomes))
- else:
- print 'Update status for %s: %s' % (output.test.GetLabel(),
- actual_outcome)
-class OneLineProgressIndicatorForBuildBot(OneLineProgressIndicator):
- def HasRun(self, output):
- """Called after each test case is run."""
- super(OneLineProgressIndicatorForBuildBot, self).HasRun(output)
- percent = ((( - self.remaining) * 100) //
- print '@@@STEP_CLEAR@@@'
- print '@@@STEP_TEXT@ %3d%% +%d -%d @@@' % (
- percent, self.succeeded, len(self.failed))
-class CompactProgressIndicator(ProgressIndicator):
- """Continuously updates a single line w/ a summary of progress of the run."""
- def __init__(self, cases, context, start_time, templates):
- super(CompactProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases, context, start_time)
- self.templates = templates
- self.last_status_length = 0
- def Starting(self):
- """Called at the beginning before any tests are run."""
- pass
- def Done(self):
- """Called when all tests are complete."""
- self._PrintProgress('Done')
- def AboutToRun(self, case):
- """Called before each test case is run."""
- self._PrintProgress(case.GetLabel())
- def HasRun(self, output):
- """Called after each test case is run."""
- if output.UnexpectedOutput():
- self.ClearLine(self.last_status_length)
- self.PrintFailureHeader(output.test)
- stdout = output.output.stdout.strip()
- if stdout:
- print self.templates['stdout'] % stdout
- stderr = output.output.stderr.strip()
- if stderr:
- print self.templates['stderr'] % stderr
- print 'Command: %s' % EscapeCommand(output.command)
- if output.HasCrashed():
- print '--- CRASHED ---'
- if output.HasTimedOut():
- print '--- TIMEOUT ---'
- def _Truncate(self, buf, length):
- """Truncate a line if it exceeds length, substituting an ellipsis..."""
- if length and (len(buf) > (length - 3)):
- return buf[:(length-3)] + '...'
- else:
- return buf
- def _PrintProgress(self, name):
- """Refresh the display."""
- self.ClearLine(self.last_status_length)
- elapsed = time.time() - self.start_time
- status = self.templates['status_line'] % {
- 'passed': self.succeeded,
- 'percent': ((( - self.remaining) * 100) //,
- 'failed': len(self.failed),
- 'test': name,
- 'mins': int(elapsed) / 60,
- 'secs': int(elapsed) % 60
- }
- status = self._Truncate(status, 78)
- self.last_status_length = len(status)
- print status,
- sys.stdout.flush()
- def ClearLine(self, last_line_length):
- """Erase the current line w/ a linefeed and overwriting with spaces."""
- print ('\r' + (' ' * last_line_length) + '\r'),
-class MonochromeProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator):
- """A CompactProgressIndicator with no color."""
- def __init__(self, cases, context, start_time):
- templates = {
- 'status_line': '[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|%%%(percent) '
- '4d|+%(passed) 4d|-%(failed) 4d]: %(test)s',
- 'stdout': '%s',
- 'stderr': '%s',
- 'clear': lambda last_line_len: self.ClearLine(last_line_len),
- 'max_length': 78
- }
- super(MonochromeProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases,
- context,
- start_time,
- templates)
-class ColorProgressIndicator(CompactProgressIndicator):
- """A CompactProgressIndicator with pretty colors."""
- def __init__(self, cases, context, start_time):
- templates = {
- 'status_line': ('[%(mins)02i:%(secs)02i|%%%(percent) 4d|'
- '\033[32m+%(passed) 4d'
- '\033[0m|\033[31m-%(failed) 4d\033[0m]: %(test)s'),
- 'stdout': '%s',
- 'stderr': '%s',
- 'clear': lambda last_line_len: self.ClearLine(last_line_len),
- 'max_length': 78
- }
- super(ColorProgressIndicator, self).__init__(cases,
- context,
- start_time,
- templates)
- 'verbose': VerboseProgressIndicator,
- 'mono': MonochromeProgressIndicator,
- 'color': ColorProgressIndicator,
- 'line': OneLineProgressIndicator,
- 'buildbot': OneLineProgressIndicatorForBuildBot,
- 'status': StatusFileProgressIndicator,
-# -------------------------
-# --- F r a m e w o r k ---
-# -------------------------
-class TestCase(object):
- """A single test case, like running 'dart' on a single .dart file."""
- def __init__(self, context, path):
- self.path = path
- self.context = context
- self.duration = None
- self.arch = []
- self.component = []
- def IsBatchable(self):
- if self.context.use_batch:
- if self.component and 'dartc' in self.component:
- return True
- return False
- def IsNegative(self):
- return False
- def CompareTime(self, other):
- return cmp(other.duration, self.duration)
- def DidFail(self, output):
- if output.failed is None:
- output.failed = self.IsFailureOutput(output)
- return output.failed
- def IsFailureOutput(self, output):
- return output.exit_code != 0
- def RunCommand(self, command, cwd=None, cleanup=True):
- full_command = self.context.processor(command)
- try:
- output = test_runner.Execute(full_command, self.context,
- self.context.timeout, cwd)
- except OSError as e:
- raise utils.ToolError('%s: %s' % (full_command[0], e.strerror))
- test_output = test_runner.TestOutput(self, full_command, output)
- if cleanup: self.Cleanup()
- return test_output
- def BeforeRun(self):
- pass
- def AfterRun(self):
- pass
- def Run(self):
- self.BeforeRun()
- cmd = self.GetCommand()
- try:
- result = self.RunCommand(cmd)
- finally:
- self.AfterRun()
- return result
- def Cleanup(self):
- return
-class TestConfiguration(object):
- """Test configurations give the list of tests, e.g. listing a dir."""
- def __init__(self, context, root, flags=[]):
- self.context = context
- self.root = root
- self.flags = flags
- def Contains(self, path, filename):
- """Returns True if the given path regexp matches the passed filename."""
- if len(path) > len(filename):
- return False
- for i in xrange(len(path)):
- try:
- if not path[i].match(filename[i]):
- return False
- except:
- print 'Invalid regexp %s in .status file. ' % '/'.join(path)
- print 'Try escaping special characters with \\'
- raise
- return True
- def GetTestStatus(self, sections, defs):
- pass
-class TestSuite(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- def GetName(self):
- return
-class TestRepository(TestSuite):
- """A collection of test configurations."""
- def __init__(self, path):
- normalized_path = os.path.abspath(path)
- super(TestRepository, self).__init__(os.path.basename(normalized_path))
- self.path = normalized_path
- self.is_loaded = False
- self.config = None
- def GetConfiguration(self, context):
- """Retrieve a TestConfiguration subclass for this set of tests."""
- if self.is_loaded:
- return self.config
- self.is_loaded = True
- filename = None
- try:
- (filename, pathname, description) = imp.find_module(
- 'testcfg', [self.path])
- module = imp.load_module('testcfg', filename, pathname, description)
- self.config = module.GetConfiguration(context, self.path)
- finally:
- if filename:
- filename.close()
- return self.config
- def ListTests(self, current_path, path, context, mode, arch, component):
- return self.GetConfiguration(context).ListTests(current_path,
- path,
- mode,
- arch,
- component)
- def GetTestStatus(self, context, sections, defs):
- self.GetConfiguration(context).GetTestStatus(sections, defs)
-class LiteralTestSuite(TestSuite):
- """Represents one set of tests."""
- def __init__(self, tests):
- super(LiteralTestSuite, self).__init__('root')
- self.tests = tests
- def ListTests(self, current_path, path, context, mode, arch, component):
- name = path[0]
- result = []
- for test in self.tests:
- test_name = test.GetName()
- if name.match(test_name):
- full_path = current_path + [test_name]
- result += test.ListTests(full_path, path, context, mode, arch, component)
- return result
- def GetTestStatus(self, context, sections, defs):
- for test in self.tests:
- test.GetTestStatus(context, sections, defs)
-class Context(object):
- """A way to send global context for the test run to each test case."""
- def __init__(self, workspace, verbose, os_name, timeout,
- processor, suppress_dialogs, executable, flags,
- keep_temporary_files, use_batch, checked):
- self.workspace = workspace
- self.verbose = verbose
- self.os = os_name
- self.timeout = timeout
- self.processor = processor
- self.suppress_dialogs = suppress_dialogs
- self.executable = executable
- self.flags = flags
- self.keep_temporary_files = keep_temporary_files
- self.use_batch = use_batch == 'true'
- self.checked = checked
- def GetBuildRoot(self, mode, arch):
- """The top level directory containing compiler, runtime, tools..."""
- result = utils.GetBuildRoot(self.os, mode, arch)
- return result
- def GetBuildConf(self, mode, arch):
- result = utils.GetBuildConf(mode, arch)
- return result
- def GetExecutable(self, mode, arch, path):
- """Returns the name of the executable used to run the test."""
- if self.executable is not None:
- return self.executable
- if utils.IsWindows() and not path.endswith('.exe'):
- return path + '.exe'
- else:
- return path
- def GetD8(self, mode, arch):
- d8 = os.path.join(self.GetBuildRoot(mode, arch), 'd8')
- return self.GetExecutable(mode, arch, d8)
- def GetDart(self, mode, arch, component):
- dart = utils.GetDartRunner(mode, arch, component)
- return [self.GetExecutable(mode, arch, dart)]
- def GetDartC(self, mode, arch):
- """Returns the path to the Dart --> JS compiler."""
- dartc = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
- self.GetBuildRoot(mode, arch), 'compiler', 'bin', 'dartc'))
- if utils.IsWindows(): dartc += '.exe'
- command = [dartc]
- # Add the flags from the context to the command line.
- command += self.flags
- return command
- def GetRunTests(self, mode, arch):
- path = os.path.join(self.GetBuildRoot(mode, arch), 'run_vm_tests')
- return [self.GetExecutable(mode, arch, path)]
-def RunTestCases(cases_to_run, progress, tasks, context, start_time):
- """Chooses a progress indicator and then starts the tests."""
- progress = PROGRESS_INDICATORS[progress](cases_to_run, context, start_time)
- return progress.Run(tasks)
-# -------------------------------------------
-# --- T e s t C o n f i g u r a t i o n ---
-# -------------------------------------------
-class Expression(object):
- pass
-class Constant(Expression):
- def __init__(self, value):
- super(Constant, self).__init__()
- self.value = value
- def Evaluate(self, unused_env, unused_defs):
- return self.value
-class Variable(Expression):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(Variable, self).__init__()
- = name
- def GetOutcomes(self, env, unused_defs):
- if in env:
- return ListSet([env[]])
- else: return Nothing()
- def Evaluate(self, env, defs):
- return env[]
-class Outcome(Expression):
- def __init__(self, name):
- super(Outcome, self).__init__()
- = name
- def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs):
- if in defs:
- return defs[].GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- else:
- return ListSet([])
-class Set(object):
- """An abstract set class used to hold Rules."""
- pass
-class ListSet(Set):
- """A set that uses lists for storage."""
- def __init__(self, elms):
- super(ListSet, self).__init__()
- self.elms = elms
- def __str__(self):
- return 'ListSet%s' % str(self.elms)
- def Intersect(self, that):
- if not isinstance(that, ListSet):
- return that.Intersect(self)
- return ListSet([x for x in self.elms if x in that.elms])
- def Union(self, that):
- if not isinstance(that, ListSet):
- return that.Union(self)
- return ListSet(self.elms +
- [x for x in that.elms if x not in self.elms])
- def IsEmpty(self):
- return not self.elms
-class Everything(Set):
- """A set that represents all possible values."""
- def Intersect(self, that):
- return that
- def Union(self, unused_that):
- return self
- def IsEmpty(self):
- return False
-class Nothing(Set):
- def Intersect(self, unused_that):
- return self
- def Union(self, that):
- return that
- def IsEmpty(self):
- return True
-class Operation(Expression):
- """A conditional expression. e.g. ($arch == ia32)."""
- def __init__(self, left, op, right):
- super(Operation, self).__init__()
- self.left = left
- self.op = op
- self.right = right
- def Evaluate(self, env, defs):
- """Evaluates expression in the .status file. e.g. ($arch == ia32)."""
- if self.op == '||' or self.op == ',':
- return self.left.Evaluate(env, defs) or self.right.Evaluate(env, defs)
- elif self.op == 'if':
- return False
- elif self.op == '==':
- outcomes = self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- inter = outcomes.Intersect(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs))
- return not inter.IsEmpty()
- else:
- assert self.op == '&&'
- return self.left.Evaluate(env, defs) and self.right.Evaluate(env, defs)
- def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs):
- if self.op == '||' or self.op == ',':
- outcomes = self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- return outcomes.Union(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs))
- elif self.op == 'if':
- if self.right.Evaluate(env, defs):
- return self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- else: return Nothing()
- else:
- assert self.op == '&&'
- outcomes = self.left.GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- return outcomes.Intersect(self.right.GetOutcomes(env, defs))
-def IsAlpha(buf):
- """Returns True if the entire string is alphanumeric."""
- for char in buf:
- if not (char.isalpha() or char.isdigit() or char == '_'):
- return False
- return True
-class Tokenizer(object):
- """Tokenizer that chops expressions into variables, parens and operators."""
- def __init__(self, expr):
- self.index = 0
- self.expr = expr
- self.length = len(expr)
- self.tokens = None
- def Current(self, length=1):
- if not self.HasMore(length): return ''
- return self.expr[self.index:self.index+length]
- def HasMore(self, length=1):
- return self.index < self.length + (length - 1)
- def Advance(self, count=1):
- self.index += count
- def AddToken(self, token):
- self.tokens.append(token)
- def SkipSpaces(self):
- while self.HasMore() and self.Current().isspace():
- self.Advance()
- def Tokenize(self):
- """Lexical analysis of an expression in a .status file.
- Example:
- [ $mode == debug && ($component == chromium || $component == dartc) ]
- Args:
- None.
- Returns:
- A list of tokens on success, None on failure.
- """
- self.tokens = []
- while self.HasMore():
- self.SkipSpaces()
- if not self.HasMore():
- return None
- if self.Current() == '(':
- self.AddToken('(')
- self.Advance()
- elif self.Current() == ')':
- self.AddToken(')')
- self.Advance()
- elif self.Current() == '$':
- self.AddToken('$')
- self.Advance()
- elif self.Current() == ',':
- self.AddToken(',')
- self.Advance()
- elif IsAlpha(self.Current()):
- buf = ''
- while self.HasMore() and IsAlpha(self.Current()):
- buf += self.Current()
- self.Advance()
- self.AddToken(buf)
- elif self.Current(2) == '&&':
- self.AddToken('&&')
- self.Advance(2)
- elif self.Current(2) == '||':
- self.AddToken('||')
- self.Advance(2)
- elif self.Current(2) == '==':
- self.AddToken('==')
- self.Advance(2)
- else:
- return None
- return self.tokens
-class Scanner(object):
- """A simple scanner that can serve out tokens from a given list."""
- def __init__(self, tokens):
- self.tokens = tokens
- self.length = len(tokens)
- self.index = 0
- def HasMore(self):
- return self.index < self.length
- def Current(self):
- return self.tokens[self.index]
- def Advance(self):
- self.index += 1
-def ParseAtomicExpression(scan):
- """Parse an single (non recursive) expression in a .status file."""
- if scan.Current() == 'true':
- scan.Advance()
- return Constant(True)
- elif scan.Current() == 'false':
- scan.Advance()
- return Constant(False)
- elif IsAlpha(scan.Current()):
- name = scan.Current()
- scan.Advance()
- return Outcome(name.lower())
- elif scan.Current() == '$':
- scan.Advance()
- if not IsAlpha(scan.Current()):
- return None
- name = scan.Current()
- scan.Advance()
- return Variable(name.lower())
- elif scan.Current() == '(':
- scan.Advance()
- result = ParseLogicalExpression(scan)
- if (not result) or (scan.Current() != ')'):
- return None
- scan.Advance()
- return result
- else:
- return None
-def ParseOperatorExpression(scan):
- """Parse an expression that has operators."""
- left = ParseAtomicExpression(scan)
- if not left: return None
- while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() in ['==']):
- op = scan.Current()
- scan.Advance()
- right = ParseOperatorExpression(scan)
- if not right:
- return None
- left = Operation(left, op, right)
- return left
-def ParseConditionalExpression(scan):
- left = ParseOperatorExpression(scan)
- if not left: return None
- while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() == 'if'):
- scan.Advance()
- right = ParseOperatorExpression(scan)
- if not right:
- return None
- left = Operation(left, 'if', right)
- return left
-def ParseLogicalExpression(scan):
- """Parse a binary expression separated by boolean operators."""
- left = ParseConditionalExpression(scan)
- if not left: return None
- while scan.HasMore() and (scan.Current() in ['&&', '||', ',']):
- op = scan.Current()
- scan.Advance()
- right = ParseConditionalExpression(scan)
- if not right:
- return None
- left = Operation(left, op, right)
- return left
-def ParseCondition(expr):
- """Parses a boolean expression into an Expression object."""
- tokens = Tokenizer(expr).Tokenize()
- if not tokens:
- print 'Malformed expression: "%s"' % expr
- return None
- scan = Scanner(tokens)
- ast = ParseLogicalExpression(scan)
- if not ast:
- print 'Malformed expression: "%s"' % expr
- return None
- if scan.HasMore():
- print 'Malformed expression: "%s"' % expr
- return None
- return ast
-class ClassifiedTest(object):
- def __init__(self, case, outcomes):
- = case
- self.outcomes = outcomes
-class Configuration(object):
- """The parsed contents of a configuration file."""
- def __init__(self, sections, defs):
- self.sections = sections
- self.defs = defs
- def ClassifyTests(self, cases, env):
- """Matches a test case with the test prefixes requested on the cmdline.
- This 'wraps' each TestCase object with some meta information
- about the test.
- Args:
- cases: list of TestCase objects to classify.
- env: dictionary containing values for 'mode',
- 'system', 'component', 'arch' and 'checked'.
- Returns:
- A triplet of (result, rules, expected_outcomes).
- """
- sections = [s for s in self.sections
- if s.condition.Evaluate(env, self.defs)]
- all_rules = reduce(list.__add__, [s.rules for s in sections], [])
- unused_rules = set(all_rules)
- result = []
- all_outcomes = set([])
- for case in cases:
- matches = [r for r in all_rules if r.Contains(case.path)]
- outcomes = set([])
- for rule in matches:
- outcomes = outcomes.union(rule.GetOutcomes(env, self.defs))
- unused_rules.discard(rule)
- if not outcomes:
- outcomes = [testing.PASS]
- case.outcomes = outcomes
- all_outcomes = all_outcomes.union(outcomes)
- result.append(ClassifiedTest(case, outcomes))
- return (result, list(unused_rules), all_outcomes)
-class Section(object):
- """A section of the configuration file.
- Sections are enabled or disabled prior to running the tests,
- based on their conditions.
- """
- def __init__(self, condition):
- self.condition = condition
- self.rules = []
- def AddRule(self, rule):
- self.rules.append(rule)
-class Rule(object):
- """A single rule that specifies the expected outcome for a single test."""
- def __init__(self, raw_path, path, value):
- self.raw_path = raw_path
- self.path = path
- self.value = value
- def GetOutcomes(self, env, defs):
- outcomes = self.value.GetOutcomes(env, defs)
- assert isinstance(outcomes, ListSet)
- return outcomes.elms
- def Contains(self, path):
- """Returns True if the specified path matches this rule (regexp)."""
- if len(self.path) > len(path):
- return False
- for i in xrange(len(self.path)):
- try:
- if not self.path[i].match(path[i]):
- return False
- except:
- print 'Invalid regexp %s in .status file. ' % '/'.join(path)
- print 'Try escaping special characters with \\'
- raise
- return True
-HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\[([^]]+)\]')
-RULE_PATTERN = re.compile(r'\s*([^: ]*)\s*:(.*)')
-DEF_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^def\s*(\w+)\s*=(.*)$')
-PREFIX_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^\s*prefix\s+([\w\_\.\-\/]+)$')
-def ReadConfigurationInto(path, sections, defs):
- """Parses a .status file into specified sections and defs arguments."""
- current_section = Section(Constant(True))
- sections.append(current_section)
- prefix = []
- for line in utils.ReadLinesFrom(path):
- header_match = HEADER_PATTERN.match(line)
- if header_match:
- condition_str =
- condition = ParseCondition(condition_str)
- new_section = Section(condition)
- sections.append(new_section)
- current_section = new_section
- continue
- rule_match = RULE_PATTERN.match(line)
- if rule_match:
- path = prefix + _SplitPath(
- value_str =
- value = ParseCondition(value_str)
- if not value:
- return False
- current_section.AddRule(Rule(, path, value))
- continue
- def_match = DEF_PATTERN.match(line)
- if def_match:
- name =
- value = ParseCondition(
- if not value:
- return False
- defs[name] = value
- continue
- prefix_match = PREFIX_PATTERN.match(line)
- if prefix_match:
- prefix = _SplitPath(
- continue
- print 'Malformed line: "%s".' % line
- return False
- return True
-# ---------------
-# --- M a i n ---
-# ---------------
-def BuildOptions():
- """Configures the Python optparse library with the cmdline for"""
- result = optparse.OptionParser()
- result.add_option(
- '-m', '--mode',
- help='The test modes in which to run (comma-separated)',
- metavar='[all,debug,release]',
- default='debug')
- result.add_option(
- '-v', '--verbose',
- help='Verbose output',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '-p', '--progress',
- help='The style of progress indicator (verbose, line, color, mono)',
- choices=PROGRESS_INDICATORS.keys(),
- default=None)
- result.add_option(
- '--report',
- help='Print a summary of the tests to be run',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '--list',
- help='List all the tests, but don\'t run them',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '-s', '--suite',
- help='A test suite',
- default=[],
- action='append')
- result.add_option(
- '-t', '--timeout',
- help='Timeout in seconds',
- default=None,
- type='int')
- result.add_option(
- '--checked',
- help='Run tests in checked mode',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '--flag',
- help='Pass this additional flag to the VM or the program running the test',
- default=[],
- action='append')
- result.add_option(
- '--arch',
- help='The architecture to run tests for',
- metavar='[all,ia32,x64,simarm,arm]',
- default=ARCH_GUESS)
- result.add_option(
- '--os',
- help='The OS to run tests on',
- default=OS_GUESS)
- result.add_option(
- '--valgrind',
- help='Run tests through valgrind',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '-j', '--tasks',
- help='The number of parallel tasks to run',
- metavar=testing.HOST_CPUS,
- default=testing.USE_DEFAULT_CPUS,
- type='int')
- result.add_option(
- '--time',
- help='Print timing information after running',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '--executable',
- help='The executable with which to run the tests',
- default=None)
- result.add_option(
- '--keep_temporary_files',
- help='Do not delete temporary files after running the tests',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '--batch',
- help='Run multiple tests for dartc component in a single vm',
- choices=['true', 'false'],
- default='true',
- type='choice')
- result.add_option(
- '--optimize',
- help='Invoke dart compiler with --optimize flag',
- default=False,
- action='store_true')
- result.add_option(
- '-c', '--component',
- help='The component to test against '
- '(most, vm, dartc, frog, frogsh, leg, chromium, dartium, webdriver)',
- metavar='[most,vm,dartc,chromium,dartium]',
- default='vm')
- return result
-def ProcessOptions(options):
- """Process command line options."""
- if options.arch == 'all':
- options.arch = 'ia32,x64,simarm'
- if options.mode == 'all':
- options.mode = 'debug,release'
- if options.component == 'most':
- options.component = 'vm,dartc'
- # By default we run with a higher timeout setting in when running on
- # a simulated architecture and in debug mode.
- if not options.timeout:
- options.timeout = TIMEOUT_SECS
- if 'dartc' in options.component:
- options.timeout *= 4
- elif 'chromium' in options.component:
- options.timeout *= 4
- elif 'dartium' in options.component:
- options.timeout *= 4
- elif 'debug' in options.mode:
- options.timeout *= 2
- options.mode = options.mode.split(',')
- options.arch = options.arch.split(',')
- options.component = options.component.split(',')
- for mode in options.mode:
- if not mode in ['debug', 'release']:
- print 'Unknown mode %s' % mode
- return False
- for arch in options.arch:
- if not arch in ['ia32', 'x64', 'simarm', 'arm']:
- print 'Unknown arch %s' % arch
- return False
- for component in options.component:
- if not component in ['vm', 'dartc', 'frog', 'frogsh', 'leg',
- 'chromium', 'dartium', 'frogium', 'webdriver']:
- print 'Unknown component %s' % component
- return False
- options.flags = []
- options.flags.append('--ignore-unrecognized-flags')
- if options.checked:
- options.flags.append('--enable_asserts')
- options.flags.append('--enable_type_checks')
- if options.optimize:
- options.flags.append('--optimize')
- for flag in options.flag:
- options.flags.append(flag)
- if options.verbose:
- print 'Flags on the command line:'
- for x in options.flags:
- print x
- # If the user hasn't specified the progress indicator, we pick
- # a good one depending on the setting of the verbose option.
- if not options.progress:
- if options.verbose: options.progress = 'verbose'
- else: options.progress = 'mono'
- # Options for future use. Such as Windows runner support.
- options.suppress_dialogs = True
- options.special_command = None
- return True
-Total: %(total)i tests
- * %(skipped)4d tests will be skipped
- * %(nocrash)4d tests are expected to be flaky but not crash
- * %(pass)4d tests are expected to pass
- * %(fail_ok)4d tests are expected to fail that we won't fix
- * %(fail)4d tests are expected to fail that we should fix
- * %(crash)4d tests are expected to crash that we should fix
- * %(batched)4d tests are running in batch mode\
-def PrintReport(cases):
- """Print a breakdown of which tests are marked pass/skip/fail."""
- def IsFlaky(o):
- return ((testing.PASS in o) and (testing.FAIL in o)
- and (not testing.CRASH in o) and (not testing.OKAY in o))
- def IsFailOk(o):
- return (len(o) == 2) and (testing.FAIL in o) and (testing.OKAY in o)
- unskipped = [c for c in cases if not testing.SKIP in c.outcomes]
- 'total': len(cases),
- 'skipped': len(cases) - len(unskipped),
- 'nocrash': len([t for t in unskipped if IsFlaky(t.outcomes)]),
- 'pass': len([t for t in unskipped
- if list(t.outcomes) == [testing.PASS]]),
- 'fail_ok': len([t for t in unskipped
- if IsFailOk(t.outcomes)]),
- 'fail': len([t for t in unskipped
- if list(t.outcomes) == [testing.FAIL]]),
- 'crash': len([t for t in unskipped
- if list(t.outcomes) == [testing.CRASH]]),
- 'batched': len([t for t in unskipped if])
- }
-def PrintTests(cases):
- """Print a table of the tests to be run (--list cmdline option)."""
- has_errors = False
- for case in cases:
- try:
- except:
- # Python can throw an exception while parsing the .dart file.
- # We don't want to end the program.
- # TODO(zundel): something better... its a bit of a hack.
- sys.stderr.write( + '\n')
- has_errors = True
- if has_errors:
- raise Exception('Errors in above files')
- for case in [c for c in cases if not testing.SKIP in c.outcomes]:
- print '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' %('/'.join(,
- ','.join(case.outcomes),
- '\t'.join([1:]))
-class Pattern(object):
- """Convenience class to hold a compiled re pattern."""
- def __init__(self, pattern):
- self.pattern = pattern
- self.compiled = None
- def match(self, buf):
- if not self.compiled:
- pattern = '^%s$' % self.pattern.replace('*', '.*')
- self.compiled = re.compile(pattern)
- return self.compiled.match(buf)
- def __str__(self):
- return self.pattern
-def _SplitPath(s):
- """Split a path into directories - opposite of os.path.join()?"""
- stripped = [c.strip() for c in s.split('/')]
- return [Pattern(s) for s in stripped if s]
-def GetSpecialCommandProcessor(value):
- if (not value) or (value.find('@') == -1):
- def ExpandCommand(args):
- return args
- return ExpandCommand
- else:
- pos = value.find('@')
- prefix = urllib.unquote(value[:pos]).split()
- suffix = urllib.unquote(value[pos+1:]).split()
- def ExpandCommand(args):
- return prefix + args + suffix
- return ExpandCommand
-def GetSuites(test_root):
- def IsSuite(path):
- return os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.exists(
- os.path.join(path, ''))
- return [f for f in os.listdir(test_root) if IsSuite(
- os.path.join(test_root, f))]
-def FormatTime(d):
- millis = round(d * 1000) % 1000
- return time.strftime('%M:%S.', time.gmtime(d)) + ('%03i' % millis)
-def Main():
- """Main loop."""
- script_start_time = time.time();
- utils.ConfigureJava()
- parser = BuildOptions()
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not ProcessOptions(options):
- parser.print_help()
- return 1
- client = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), '..'))
- repositories = []
- for component in os.listdir(client) + ['.']:
- test_path = os.path.join(client, component, 'tests')
- if os.path.exists(test_path) and os.path.isdir(test_path):
- suites = GetSuites(test_path)
- repositories += [TestRepository(os.path.join(test_path, name))
- for name in suites]
- repositories += [TestRepository(a) for a in options.suite]
- root = LiteralTestSuite(repositories)
- if args:
- paths = []
- for arg in args:
- path = _SplitPath(arg)
- paths.append(path)
- else:
- paths = [_SplitPath(t) for t in BUILT_IN_TESTS]
- # Check for --valgrind option. If enabled, we overwrite the special
- # command flag with a command that uses the tools/ script.
- if options.valgrind:
- run_valgrind = os.path.join(client, 'runtime', 'tools', '')
- options.special_command = 'python -u ' + run_valgrind + ' @'
- context = Context(client,
- options.verbose,
- options.os,
- options.timeout,
- GetSpecialCommandProcessor(options.special_command),
- options.suppress_dialogs,
- options.executable,
- options.flags,
- options.keep_temporary_files,
- options.batch,
- options.checked)
- # Get status for tests
- sections = []
- defs = {}
- root.GetTestStatus(context, sections, defs)
- config = Configuration(sections, defs)
- # List the tests
- all_cases = []
- all_unused = []
- globally_unused_rules = None
- for path in paths:
- for mode in options.mode:
- for arch in options.arch:
- for component in options.component:
- env = {
- 'mode': mode,
- 'system': utils.GuessOS(),
- 'arch': arch,
- 'component': component,
- 'checked': options.checked,
- 'unchecked': not options.checked,
- }
- test_list = root.ListTests([], path, context, mode, arch, component)
- (cases, unused_rules, unused_outcomes) = config.ClassifyTests(
- test_list, env)
- if globally_unused_rules is None:
- globally_unused_rules = set(unused_rules)
- else:
- globally_unused_rules = (
- globally_unused_rules.intersection(unused_rules))
- all_cases += cases
- all_unused.append(unused_rules)
- if
- PrintReport(all_cases)
- if options.list:
- PrintTests(all_cases)
- return 0
- result = None
- def DoSkip(case):
- return testing.SKIP in case.outcomes or testing.SLOW in case.outcomes
- cases_to_run = [c for c in all_cases if not DoSkip(c)]
- # Creating test cases may generate temporary files. Make sure
- # Skipped tests clean up these files.
- for c in all_cases:
- if DoSkip(c):
- if cases_to_run:
- try:
- start = time.time()
- if RunTestCases(cases_to_run, options.progress, options.tasks,
- context, script_start_time):
- result = 0
- else:
- result = 1
- duration = time.time() - start
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print 'Exiting on KeyboardInterrupt'
- return 1
- else:
- print 'No tests to run.'
- return 0
- if options.time:
- print
- print '--- Total time: %s ---' % FormatTime(duration)
- timed_tests = [ for t in cases_to_run if not is None]
- timed_tests.sort(lambda a, b: a.CompareTime(b))
- index = 1
- for entry in timed_tests[:20]:
- t = FormatTime(entry.duration)
- print '%4i (%s) %s' % (index, t, entry.GetLabel())
- index += 1
- return result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(Main())