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Unified Diff: tools/json_schema_compiler/

Issue 9114036: Code generation for extensions api (Closed) Base URL:
Patch Set: windows path fix Created 8 years, 11 months ago
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Index: tools/json_schema_compiler/
diff --git a/tools/json_schema_compiler/ b/tools/json_schema_compiler/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a60b6e5cb381491d845fedbc392d0171e81eff60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/json_schema_compiler/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+# found in the LICENSE file.
+from code import Code
+from model import PropertyType
+import cpp_util
+class CppTypeGenerator(object):
+ """Manages the types of properties and provides utilities for getting the
+ C++ type out of a model.Property
+ """
+ def __init__(self, root_namespace, namespace, cpp_namespace):
+ """Creates a cpp_type_generator. The given root_namespace should be of the
+ format extensions::api::sub. The generator will generate code suitable for
+ use in the given namespace.
+ """
+ self._type_namespaces = {}
+ self._namespace = namespace
+ self._root_namespace = root_namespace.split('::')
+ self._cpp_namespaces = {}
+ self.AddNamespace(namespace, cpp_namespace)
+ def AddNamespace(self, namespace, cpp_namespace):
+ """Maps a model.Namespace to its C++ namespace name. All mappings are
+ beneath the root namespace.
+ """
+ for type_ in namespace.types:
+ self._type_namespaces[type_] = namespace
+ self._cpp_namespaces[namespace] = cpp_namespace
+ def GetCppNamespaceName(self, namespace):
+ """Gets the mapped C++ namespace name for the given namespace relative to
+ the root namespace.
+ """
+ return self._cpp_namespaces[namespace]
+ def GetCppNamespaceStart(self):
+ """Get opening namespace declarations.
+ """
+ c = Code()
+ for n in self._root_namespace:
+ c.Append('namespace %s {' % n)
+ c.Append('namespace %s {' % self.GetCppNamespaceName(self._namespace))
+ return c
+ def GetCppNamespaceEnd(self):
+ """Get closing namespace declarations.
+ """
+ c = Code()
+ c.Append('} // %s' % self.GetCppNamespaceName(self._namespace))
+ for n in reversed(self._root_namespace):
+ c.Append('} // %s' % n)
+ return c
+ # TODO(calamity): Handle ANY
+ def GetType(self, prop, pad_for_generics=False):
+ """Translates a model.Property into its C++ type.
+ If REF types from different namespaces are referenced, will resolve
+ using self._type_namespaces.
+ Use pad_for_generics when using as a generic to avoid operator ambiguity.
+ """
+ cpp_type = None
+ if prop.type_ == PropertyType.REF:
+ dependency_namespace = self._type_namespaces.get(prop.ref_type)
+ if not dependency_namespace:
+ raise KeyError('Cannot find referenced type: %s' % prop.ref_type)
+ if self._namespace != dependency_namespace:
+ cpp_type = '%s::%s' % (self._cpp_namespaces[dependency_namespace],
+ prop.ref_type)
+ else:
+ cpp_type = '%s' % prop.ref_type
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.BOOLEAN:
+ cpp_type = 'bool'
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.INTEGER:
+ cpp_type = 'int'
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.DOUBLE:
+ cpp_type = 'double'
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.STRING:
+ cpp_type = 'std::string'
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.ARRAY:
+ cpp_type = 'std::vector<%s>' % self.GetType(
+ prop.item_type, pad_for_generics=True)
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.OBJECT:
+ cpp_type = cpp_util.CppName(
+ # TODO(calamity): choices
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # Add a space to prevent operator ambiguity
+ if pad_for_generics and cpp_type[-1] == '>':
+ return '%s ' % cpp_type
+ return '%s' % cpp_type
+ def GenerateCppIncludes(self):
+ """Returns the #include lines for self._namespace using the other
+ namespaces in self._model.
+ """
+ dependencies = set()
+ for function in self._namespace.functions.values():
+ for param in function.params:
+ dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(param)
+ dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(function.callback.param)
+ for type_ in self._namespace.types.values():
+ for prop in
+ dependencies |= self._TypeDependencies(prop)
+ dependency_namespaces = set()
+ for dependency in dependencies:
+ dependency_namespace = self._type_namespaces[dependency]
+ if dependency_namespace != self._namespace:
+ dependency_namespaces.add(dependency_namespace)
+ includes = Code()
+ for dependency_namespace in sorted(dependency_namespaces):
+ includes.Append('#include "%s/%s.h"' % (
+ dependency_namespace.source_file_dir,
+ self._cpp_namespaces[dependency_namespace]))
+ return includes
+ def _TypeDependencies(self, prop):
+ """Recursively gets all the type dependencies of a property.
+ """
+ deps = set()
+ if prop:
+ if prop.type_ == PropertyType.REF:
+ deps.add(prop.ref_type)
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.ARRAY:
+ deps = self._TypeDependencies(prop.item_type)
+ elif prop.type_ == PropertyType.OBJECT:
+ for p in
+ deps |= self._TypeDependencies(p)
+ return deps
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