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Unified Diff: third_party/psutil/psutil/arch/mswindows/process_handles.c

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Index: third_party/psutil/psutil/arch/mswindows/process_handles.c
diff --git a/third_party/psutil/psutil/arch/mswindows/process_handles.c b/third_party/psutil/psutil/arch/mswindows/process_handles.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc4a3f3f7301807b8fbba23da08df353c584a8d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/third_party/psutil/psutil/arch/mswindows/process_handles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: process_handles.c 1142 2011-10-05 18:45:49Z g.rodola $
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2009, Jay Loden, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- *
- */
-#ifndef UNICODE
-#define UNICODE
-#include <Python.h>
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "process_handles.h"
-#ifndef NT_SUCCESS
- #define NT_SUCCESS(x) ((x) >= 0)
-#define SystemHandleInformation 16
-#define ObjectBasicInformation 0
-#define ObjectNameInformation 1
-#define ObjectTypeInformation 2
-typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING {
- USHORT Length;
- USHORT MaximumLength;
- PWSTR Buffer;
-typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *_NtQuerySystemInformation)(
- ULONG SystemInformationClass,
- PVOID SystemInformation,
- ULONG SystemInformationLength,
- PULONG ReturnLength
- );
-typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *_NtDuplicateObject)(
- HANDLE SourceProcessHandle,
- HANDLE SourceHandle,
- HANDLE TargetProcessHandle,
- PHANDLE TargetHandle,
- ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess,
- ULONG Attributes,
- ULONG Options
- );
-typedef NTSTATUS (NTAPI *_NtQueryObject)(
- HANDLE ObjectHandle,
- ULONG ObjectInformationClass,
- PVOID ObjectInformation,
- ULONG ObjectInformationLength,
- PULONG ReturnLength
- );
-typedef struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE
- ULONG ProcessId;
- BYTE ObjectTypeNumber;
- BYTE Flags;
- USHORT Handle;
- PVOID Object;
- ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess;
- ULONG HandleCount;
- SYSTEM_HANDLE Handles[1];
-typedef enum _POOL_TYPE
- NonPagedPool,
- PagedPool,
- NonPagedPoolMustSucceed,
- DontUseThisType,
- NonPagedPoolCacheAligned,
- PagedPoolCacheAligned,
- NonPagedPoolCacheAlignedMustS
- ULONG TotalNumberOfObjects;
- ULONG TotalNumberOfHandles;
- ULONG TotalPagedPoolUsage;
- ULONG TotalNonPagedPoolUsage;
- ULONG TotalNamePoolUsage;
- ULONG TotalHandleTableUsage;
- ULONG HighWaterNumberOfObjects;
- ULONG HighWaterNumberOfHandles;
- ULONG HighWaterPagedPoolUsage;
- ULONG HighWaterNonPagedPoolUsage;
- ULONG HighWaterNamePoolUsage;
- ULONG HighWaterHandleTableUsage;
- ULONG InvalidAttributes;
- GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping;
- ULONG ValidAccess;
- BOOLEAN SecurityRequired;
- BOOLEAN MaintainHandleCount;
- USHORT MaintainTypeList;
- POOL_TYPE PoolType;
- ULONG PagedPoolUsage;
- ULONG NonPagedPoolUsage;
-PVOID GetLibraryProcAddress(PSTR LibraryName, PSTR ProcName)
- return GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA(LibraryName), ProcName);
-get_open_files(long pid, HANDLE processHandle)
- _NtQuerySystemInformation NtQuerySystemInformation =
- GetLibraryProcAddress("ntdll.dll", "NtQuerySystemInformation");
- _NtDuplicateObject NtDuplicateObject =
- GetLibraryProcAddress("ntdll.dll", "NtDuplicateObject");
- _NtQueryObject NtQueryObject =
- GetLibraryProcAddress("ntdll.dll", "NtQueryObject");
- NTSTATUS status;
- ULONG handleInfoSize = 0x10000;
- ULONG i;
- ULONG fileNameLength;
- PyObject *filesList = Py_BuildValue("[]");
- PyObject *arg = NULL;
- PyObject *fileFromWchar = NULL;
- handleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)malloc(handleInfoSize);
- /* NtQuerySystemInformation won't give us the correct buffer size,
- so we guess by doubling the buffer size. */
- while ((status = NtQuerySystemInformation(
- SystemHandleInformation,
- handleInfo,
- handleInfoSize,
- handleInfo = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION)realloc(handleInfo, handleInfoSize *= 2);
- /* NtQuerySystemInformation stopped giving us STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH. */
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
- //printf("NtQuerySystemInformation failed!\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < handleInfo->HandleCount; i++)
- {
- SYSTEM_HANDLE handle = handleInfo->Handles[i];
- HANDLE dupHandle = NULL;
- PVOID objectNameInfo;
- UNICODE_STRING objectName;
- ULONG returnLength;
- /* Check if this handle belongs to the PID the user specified. */
- if (handle.ProcessId != pid)
- continue;
- /* Skip handles with the following access codes as the next call
- to NtDuplicateObject() or NtQueryObject() might hang forever. */
- if((handle.GrantedAccess == 0x0012019f)
- || (handle.GrantedAccess == 0x001a019f)
- || (handle.GrantedAccess == 0x00120189)
- || (handle.GrantedAccess == 0x00100000)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* Duplicate the handle so we can query it. */
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtDuplicateObject(
- processHandle,
- handle.Handle,
- GetCurrentProcess(),
- &dupHandle,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0
- )))
- {
- //printf("[%#x] Error!\n", handle.Handle);
- continue;
- }
- /* Query the object type. */
- objectTypeInfo = (POBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION)malloc(0x1000);
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryObject(
- dupHandle,
- ObjectTypeInformation,
- objectTypeInfo,
- 0x1000,
- )))
- {
- //printf("[%#x] Error!\n", handle.Handle);
- CloseHandle(dupHandle);
- continue;
- }
- objectNameInfo = malloc(0x1000);
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryObject(
- dupHandle,
- ObjectNameInformation,
- objectNameInfo,
- 0x1000,
- &returnLength
- )))
- {
- /* Reallocate the buffer and try again. */
- objectNameInfo = realloc(objectNameInfo, returnLength);
- if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtQueryObject(
- dupHandle,
- ObjectNameInformation,
- objectNameInfo,
- returnLength,
- )))
- {
- /* We have the type name, so just display that.*/
- /*
- printf(
- "[%#x] %.*S: (could not get name)\n",
- handle.Handle,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Length / 2,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer
- );
- */
- free(objectTypeInfo);
- free(objectNameInfo);
- CloseHandle(dupHandle);
- continue;
- }
- }
- /* Cast our buffer into an UNICODE_STRING. */
- objectName = *(PUNICODE_STRING)objectNameInfo;
- /* Print the information! */
- if (objectName.Length)
- {
- /* The object has a name. Make sure it is a file otherwise
- ignore it */
- fileNameLength = objectName.Length / 2;
- if (wcscmp(objectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer, L"File") == 0) {
- //printf("%.*S\n", objectName.Length / 2, objectName.Buffer);
- fileFromWchar = PyUnicode_FromWideChar(objectName.Buffer,
- fileNameLength);
- arg = Py_BuildValue("N", PyUnicode_AsUTF8String(fileFromWchar));
- #else
- arg = Py_BuildValue("N", PyUnicode_FromObject(fileFromWchar));
- #endif
- Py_XDECREF(fileFromWchar);
- PyList_Append(filesList, arg);
- Py_XDECREF(arg);
- }
- /*
- printf(
- "[%#x] %.*S: %.*S\n",
- handle.Handle,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Length / 2,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer,
- objectName.Length / 2,
- objectName.Buffer
- );
- */
- }
- else
- {
- /* Print something else. */
- /*
- printf(
- "[%#x] %.*S: (unnamed)\n",
- handle.Handle,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Length / 2,
- objectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer
- );
- */
- ;;
- }
- free(objectTypeInfo);
- free(objectNameInfo);
- CloseHandle(dupHandle);
- }
- free(handleInfo);
- CloseHandle(processHandle);
- return filesList;
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